The 5G Standard

3GPP Outreach event by TSDSI

Sep 07,2023

TSDSI Outreach Workshop at 3GPP TSG #101

September 15 @ 4:30 pm - 6:00 pm

TSDSI is hosting the 3GPP TSG#101 (RAN, SA and CT) meetings in Bengaluru from 11 to 15 September 2023 with support from 5GIF and DoT. The meetings are open for participation to 3GPP members.

TSDSI is organising a “post TSG” interaction between 3GPP experts and the Indian community on 15 September 2023, immediately after all formal activities of the TSGs have been concluded, to disseminate information on 3GPP work plans and discuss potential areas of contribution to 3GPP.

This will enable participants to appreciate avenues of contributing to 3GPP. Along with 3GPP members, the workshop aims to include participants from non 3GPP member organizations, to discover areas of common interest and thus promote their engagement with the 3GPP project. The interactions are expected to also assist international 3GPP community gain insights into the Indian ecosystem and requirements.

The workshop will be held in hybrid mode and is open to all by prior registration

Schedule: 15 September 2023, 16:30-18:00 IST followed by a networking reception.

Draft Agenda:

1630-1635          Opening Remarks, TSDSI

1635-1655          3GPP Roadmap, 3GPP TSG leaders

1655-1700          Overview of B6GA, N G Subramaniam, Chair B6GA and Chair TSDSI

1700-1755          Keynote Address & Panel Discussion “3GPP Engagement - India Context”, Moderated by Prof Brejesh Lall, IIT Delhi

1755-1800          Concluding Remarks       TSDSI

Venue: Hybrid, Sheraton Grand Bengaluru Whitefield Hotel, and online over AIRMEET tool.

Participation: Open to ALL. Please click the link here to register for online participation.

Networking Reception: Register at link here, if you would like to join (after the workshop).

Workshop Contacts: