The 5G Standard

RAN WG1#105-e Election Results / 11 May 2021

Elections for the position of a Chair of TSG RAN WG1 was held during RAN WG1#105-e meeting from 10 to 27 May 2021 via the new 3GPP voting application tool.

Dr. Younsun Kim was elected new Chair of RAN WG1 on 11.05.2021.



Name  Company / Partner 
Dr. Younsun Kim Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd / TTA

Elections for the position of a Vice Chair of TSG RAN WG1 was held during RAN WG1#105-e meeting from 10 to 27 May 2021 via the new 3GPP voting application tool.

Dr. Xiaodong Xu was elected new Vice Chair of RAN WG1 on 14.05.2021.


Vice Chair

Name  Company / Partner 
Dr. Xiaodong Xu China Mobile Com. Corporation / CCSA