Four Generations of Mobile Standards

RAN#99 Elections - 20 to 23 March 2023


<<UPDATED 2023-03-15>> RAN#99 voting list

Elections for the position of a Chair and 3 Vice Chairs of TSG RAN (Radio Access Networks) will be held during RAN#99 in Rotterdam, NL from 20 to 23 March 2023.

Please find below the list of candidatures received:


Name Company / Partner
Dr. Wanshi Chen Qualcomm Incorporated / ATIS



Name Company / Partner
Mr. Axel Klatt Deutsche Telekom AG / ETSI
Mr. Ron Borsato AT&T / ATIS
Dr. Nan Hu CMCC / CCSA

 Click here for election results.

NOTE: The inclusion of the name of the Organizational Partner to which the Individual Member belongs does not necessarily imply that the OP endorses the candidature.