The 5G Standard

CT WG3#117-e Election results -18 to 27 August 2021


Elections for the position of a Chair of TSG CT WG3 was held during CT WG3#117-e, on 18 August 2021 via the new 3GPP voting application tool 

Elections for the position of two Vice Chairs of TSG CT WG3 were held on Tuesday 24th August and 26th August 2021

Dr. Yali Yan was elected new Chair of CT WG3 by acclamation on 18.08.2021
Mr. Narendranath Tangudu was elected new Vice Chair of CT WG3 on 24.08.2021
Mrs. Susana Fernandez elected new Vice Chair of CT WG3 on 26.08.2021


Name Company / Partner
Dr. Yali Yan HuaWei Technologies Co., Ltd / CCSA

Vice Chair

Name Company / Partner
Mr. Narendranath Durga Tangudu Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. / TTA
Mrs. Susana Fernandez Ericsson GmbH, Eurolab / ETSI