The 5G Standard

CT#91-e Elections / 18 to 24 March 2021


<<UPDATED 2021-01-22>> CT#91-e voting list

Elections for the position of a Chairman and 3 Vice Chairmen of TSG CT (Core Network and Terminals) will be held during CT#91-e meeting from 18 to 24 March 2021 via the new 3GPP voting application tool..

Please find below the list of candidatures received:


Name Company / Partner
Mr. Lionel Morand Orange / ETSI 

Vice Chairmanship

Name Company / Partner
Mr. ChenHo Chin OPPO / ETSI 
Mr. Biao Long China Telecommunications / ETSI
Mr. Atle Monrad InterDigital Communications / ATIS
Mr. Ming Ai CATT / CCSA

Click here for election results.

NOTE: The inclusion of the name of the Organizational Partner to which the Individual Member belongs does not necessarily imply that the OP endorses the candidature.