Four Generations of Mobile Standards

3GPP TDocs (written contributions) at meeting

Meeting: S5-45 - 2006-02-13 to 2006-02-17, Sophia Antipolis

meeting id: S5-45 (click id for more info on this meeting)

Click on the Tdoc to open its file.

TDoc Title Source Remarks
S5_45_Doc - - -
S5‑060001 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑060002 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑060003 Timeplan Chair -
S5‑060004 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑060005 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑060006 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑060007 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑060008 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑060009 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑060010 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑060011 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑060012 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑060013 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑060014 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑060015 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑060016 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑060017 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑060018 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑060019 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑060020 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑060021 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑060022 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑060023 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑060024 Deadline for contributions is 5 working days before the meeting starts. Consideration of later contributions cannot be guaranteed. Contributions reserved but not delivered by the deadline are also considered as late. MCC -
S5‑060025 Do NOT reserve Tdoc# from this point on BUT bring your document to the meeting MCC -
S5‑060026 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑060027 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑060028 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑060029 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑060030 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑060031 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑060100 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062002 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062005 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062006 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062007 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062008 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062009 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062010 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062011 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062012 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062013 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062014 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062015 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062016 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062017 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062018 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062019 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062020 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062021 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062022 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062023 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062024 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062025 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062026 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062027 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062028 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062029 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062030 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062031 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062032 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062033 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062034 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062035 Correct a validating error in notificationLog.xsd - imported from 3GU
S5‑062036 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062037 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062038 Correct attribute "aTMChannelTerminationPoint" - Align with 32.712 Information Service (IS) - imported from 3GU
S5‑062039 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062040 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062041 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062042 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062043 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062044 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062045 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062046 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062047 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062048 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062049 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062050 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062051 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062052 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062053 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062054 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062055 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062056 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062057 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062058 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062059 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062060 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062061 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062062 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062063 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062064 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062065 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062066 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062067 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062068 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062069 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062070 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062071 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062076 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062077 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062078 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062079 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062080 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062081 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062082 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062083 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062084 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062085 Correct relationships for External Information Object Classes (IOCs) - Align with 32.642 Information Service (IS) - imported from 3GU
S5‑062087 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062088 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062091 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062093 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062094 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062095 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062096 Correct relationships for external Information Object Classes (IOCs) - imported from 3GU
S5‑062097 Correct fileFormatVersion, namespace and link - imported from 3GU
S5‑062098 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062099 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062100 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062101 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062102 Change output parameter fileLocation of exportLogRecord operation to be invocationId - Align with 32.332 (IS) - imported from 3GU
S5‑062103 Remove duplicate attributes in XML Schema - imported from 3GU
S5‑062104 Remove duplicate attributes in the Information Service (IS) - imported from 3GU
S5‑062105 Correct the name of attribute "hearbeatperiod" - imported from 3GU
S5‑062106 Correct the name of attribute "hearbeatPeriod" - Align with 32.352 - imported from 3GU
S5‑062107 Correction of CORBA IDL compile errors - imported from 3GU
S5‑062110 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062111 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062112 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062113 Correct the use/meaning of systemDN in notification header - imported from 3GU
S5‑062114 Correct the definition of Notification in XSD - imported from 3GU
S5‑062115 Correct the use of RDN in notifyAlarmListRebuilt and correct mapping table based on template - imported from 3GU
S5‑062116 Update mapping table to use defined filter qualifier - imported from 3GU
S5‑062117 Correct case sensitive parameter name - imported from 3GU
S5‑062118 Correct ambiguity of object class and object instance usage in notification - imported from 3GU
S5‑062119 Use correct case for case sensitive parameter name - imported from 3GU
S5‑062120 Correct ambiguity of object class and object instance usage in notification - imported from 3GU
S5‑062121 Update referenced list to include specification referenced - imported from 3GU
S5‑062122 Correct semantics of notification object class and object instance in Comment - imported from 3GU
S5‑062123 Correct the misleading 'matching information' for object class and object instance in notifications - imported from 3GU
S5‑062124 Use defined filter qualifier in mapping tables - imported from 3GU
S5‑062125 Correct case sensitive parameter name - imported from 3GU
S5‑062126 Correct the vendor specific usage of additional Information field - imported from 3GU
S5‑062128 Correct the linkTpStatus definition - imported from 3GU
S5‑062129 Correct the linkTpStatus definition in CORBA SS - imported from 3GU
S5‑062130 Correct the linkTpStatus definition in XML - imported from 3GU
S5‑062132 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062133 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062134 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑062135 Add missing name containment relationship - Align with 32.652 Information Service (IS) - imported from 3GU
S5‑062136 Remove Explicit Tagging from the PM File Format Definition (FFD) - imported from 3GU
S5‑062137 Name correction of BgcfFunction - Align with 32.632 Information Service (IS) - imported from 3GU
S5‑062138 Correction to Conditional qualifiers - imported from 3GU
S5‑062139 Correction to Conditional qualifiers - imported from 3GU
S5‑062140 Add invocationId output parameter of exportLogRecords operation - imported from 3GU
S5‑064020 Alignment on Message Body occurrences in ACR - imported from 3GU
S5‑064025 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑064032 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑064056 Corrections for charging procedures description - -
S5‑064057 Correction to session termination and overload protection - -
S5‑064058 Correction to Re-authorization Request - -
S5‑064059 Align MBMS AVPs with 29.061 - -
S5‑064060 Corrections to LCS AVPs and to Diameter application - -
S5‑064061 Correction to usage of Event Charging with Unit Reservation (ECUR) - -
S5‑064062 Corrections of the usage of AVPs in CCR/CCA messages - -
S5‑064063 Corrections to online charging description - -
S5‑064064 Reply LS on clarify the requirements for handling of Inter Operator Identifier (IOI) S5 -
S5‑064065 Correction to bindings for offline charging - -
S5‑064066 Correction to bindings for online charging - -
S5‑064067 Add missing AVP codes for MMS Online charging - -
S5‑064068 Add missing AVP code definitions for PoC charging - -
S5‑064069 Correction of Acct-Application-Id AVP value - Align with IETF RFC 3588 - -
S5‑064070 Correction to Inter Operator Identifier (IOI) occurrences in S-CSCF CDR - -
S5‑064071 Correction to Inter Operator Identifier (IOI) occurrences in ACcounting Request (ACR) - -
S5‑064072 Correction to IOI occurrences in IOI field description - -
S5‑064073 Correction of ACR-CDR generation conditions - Align with IETF RFC 3515 - -
S5‑064075 Correct the use of Immediate Event Charging (IEC) as an online charging principle for MMS - Align with 32.299 - -
S5‑064076 Correction to the service data ASN.1 definition - -
S5‑064077 Correction to transfer of Charging Characteristics - -
S5‑064078 Correction to AVP code definitions for WLAN charging - -
S5‑064079 Correction of AVP type of Content-Length AVP - -
S5‑064080 Correction of AVP Code - Align with IETF RFC 3588 and RFC 4006 - -
S5‑064200 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑064201 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑064202 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑064205 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑064206 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑064207 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑064208 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑064209 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑064210 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑064211 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑064212 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑064213 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑064214 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑064215 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑064216 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑064217 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑064218 Correction on threshold reauthorisation trigger for service specific units - imported from 3GU
S5‑064219 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑064220 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑064221 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑064222 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑064223 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑064224 Corrections to LCS AVPs and to Diameter application - imported from 3GU
S5‑064225 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑064226 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑064227 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑064228 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑064229 LS on Harmonization Effort results for NGN Accounting Management S5 imported from 3GU
S5‑064230 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑064231 Correction on threshold reauthorisation trigger for service specific units - imported from 3GU
S5‑064232 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑064233 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑064234 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑064235 Alignment of MBMS AVPs with 29.061 - imported from 3GU
S5‑064236 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑064237 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑064238 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑064239 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑064240 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑064241 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑064242 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑064243 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑064244 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑064245 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑064246 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑064247 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑064248 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑064249 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑064250 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑064251 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑064252 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑064253 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑064254 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑064255 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑064256 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑064257 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑064258 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑064259 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑064260 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑064261 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑064262 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑064263 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑064264 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑064265 Correction to usage of Event Charging with Unit Reservation (ECUR) - imported from 3GU
S5‑064266 Corrections of the usage of AVPs in CCR/CCA messages - imported from 3GU
S5‑064267 Corrections to online charging description - imported from 3GU
S5‑064268 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑064270 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑064271 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑064272 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑064273 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑064274 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑064276 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑064277 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑064278 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑064279 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑064281 Consistent use of the Event-Timestamp AVP in the CCR message - imported from 3GU
S5‑064282 Consistent use of the Event-Timestamp AVP in the CCR message - imported from 3GU
S5‑064283 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑064284 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑064285 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑064287 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑064288 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑064289 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑064291 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑064292 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑064293 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑064295 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑064296 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑064297 Correction to bindings for offline charging - imported from 3GU
S5‑064298 Correction to bindings for online charging - imported from 3GU
S5‑064299 Add missing AVP codes for MMS Online charging - imported from 3GU
S5‑064300 Add missing AVP code definitions for PoC charging - imported from 3GU
S5‑064301 - - -
S5‑064302 - - -
s5‑064303 - - -
S5‑064304 - - -
S5‑064305 Alignment on credit pooling with 32.240 - -
S5‑064306 Alignment on credit pooling with 32.240 - -
S5‑064307 - - -
S5‑064308 Corrections for charging procedures description - -
S5‑064309 Correction to session termination and overload protection - -
S5‑064310 Correction to Re-authorization Request - -
S5‑064311 Correction of AVP Code - Align with IETF RFC 3588 and RFC 4006 - -
S5‑064312 Consistent use of the Cost-Information AVP in the CCA message - -
S5‑064313 Consistent use of the Cost-Information AVP in the CCA message - -
S5‑064314 Correction of AVP type of Content-Length AVP - -
S5‑064315 - - -
S5‑064316 Correction of AVP code definitions for IMS charging - Align with IETF RFC 3261 - -
S5‑064317 Correction of AVP code definitions for IMS charging - Align with IETF RFC 3261 - -
S5‑064318 Corection to Cause-Code AVP type - Align with IETF RFC 3588 - -
S5‑064319 Correction to Cause-Code AVP type - Align with IETF RFC 3588 - -
S5‑064320 Correction of timestamp data types - Align with RFC 3588 - -
S5‑064321 Correction of timestamp data types- Align with RFC 3588 - -
S5‑064322 Removal of ACID (Application Charging ID) - not relevant for Rel-6 - -
S5‑064323 Correction of User-Name AVP - Align with 32.299 - -
S5‑064324 Correction of User-Name AVP - -
S5‑064325 Correction of User-Name AVP - -
S5‑064326 Correction of Terminating Inter Operator Identifier (IOI) AVP - -
S5‑064327 Correction of Terminating Inter Operator Identifier (IOI) AVP - -
S5‑064328 Correction of Multiple Service Indicator - Align with IETF RFC 4006 - -
S5‑064329 Correction of Multiple Service Indicator - Align with IETF RFC 4006 - -
S5‑064330 Corrections of online charging (Ro) triggers - -
S5‑064331 - - -
s5‑064332 - - -
s5‑064333 Correction to List of Session Description Protocol (SDP) Media Components parameter - -
s5‑064334 Correction to List of Session Description Protocol (SDP) Media Components parameter in IMS CDRs - -
s5‑064335 Corrections to ASN.1 definitions of IMS CDRs parameters - -
s5‑064336 Correction to the definition of Record Type parameter for IMS - Align with 32.260 - -
s5‑064337 Correction of List of Session Description Protocol (SDP) Media Components parameter in IMS CDRs - -
s5‑064338 Correction to List of Session Description Protocol (SDP) Media Components parameter ASN.1 definitions of IMS CDRs - -
S5‑064339 Correction of SIP timestamps - -
S5‑064340 Correction of SIP timestamps - -
S5‑064341 - - -
S5‑064342 Correction to Calling-Party-Address - -
S5‑064343 Correction to Calling-Party-Address AVP description - -
S5‑064344 Correction to Calling-Party-Address AVP description - -
S5‑064345 Alignment on Message Body occurrences in ACR - -
S5‑064346 Correction to Inter Operator Identifier (IOI) occurrences in ACcounting Request (ACR) - -
S5‑064347 Correction to AVP code definitions for WLAN charging - -
S5‑064348 LS reply on Prepay Charging in TS 22.115 S5 -
S5‑064349 Correction of User-Name AVP - -
S5‑064350 Alignment of PS AVPs with 32.251 - -
S5‑064351 Alignment of PS AVPs with 32.251 - -
S5‑064352 Correction of G-CDR and PDP context online charging - -
S5‑064353 Correction of G-CDR - -
s5‑064354 Correction to PS-Furnish-Charging-Information (FCI) AVP at MSCC level - -
s5‑064355 Correction to PS-Furnish-Charging-Information AVP at MSCC level - -
s5‑064356 Correction to PS-Furnish-Charging-Information parameter at service level in eGCDRs - Align with 32.251 - -
s5‑064357 Align Service Identifier Type with IETF RFC 4006 - -
s5‑064358 Align Service Identifier Type with IETF RFC 4006 - -
s5‑064359 Align reporting at Service Level with 23.125 - -
s5‑064360 Correction to PS-Information AVP - -
S5‑064361 Correction on service change indication (SCUDIF) - Align with 22.115, 23.172 - -
S5‑064362 Correction on service change indication (SCUDIF) - Align with 22.115, 23.172 - -
S5‑064363 - - -
S5‑064364 - - -
S5‑064365 Correction to MBMS behaviour as a result of OCS controlled service termination - -
S5‑064366 Correction to charging on the number of participants in a PoC session - -
S5‑064367 Correction to re-authorisation on a change in the number of participants in a PoC session - -
S5‑064368 Correction to re-authorisation on a change in the number of participants in a PoC session - -
S5‑064369 Correction to PoC charging correlation between the different servers - -
S5‑064370 Correction to PoC charging correlation between the different servers - -
S5‑064371 Correction to PoC charging correlation between the different servers - -
S5‑064372 Triggering for Service Data flow reporting in FBC - -
S5‑064373 LS on OMA specific Diameter application S5 -
S5‑066000 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑066002 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑066005 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑066008 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑066009 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑066010 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑066011 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑066012 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑066013 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑066014 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑066015 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑066016 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑066017 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑066018 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑066019 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑066020 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑066021 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑066022 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑066023 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑066024 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑066025 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑066026 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑066029 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑066030 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑066031 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑066032 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑066033 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑066034 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑066035 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑066036 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑066037 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑066038 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑066039 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑066040 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑066041 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑066042 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑066043 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑066044 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑066045 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑066046 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑066047 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑066048 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑066049 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑066050 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑066051 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑066054 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑066055 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑066056 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑066057 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑066058 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑066059 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑066061 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑066063 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑066064 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑066065 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑066066 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑066067 Extention/Generalization of the IRP definition and concept - imported from 3GU
S5‑066068 Extention/Generalization of the IRP definition and concept - imported from 3GU
S5‑066069 Extention/Generalization of the IRP definition and concept - imported from 3GU
S5‑066070 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑066071 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑066072 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑066073 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068000 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068002 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068005 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068006 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068007 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068008 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068009 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068010 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068012 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068013 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068014 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068015 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068016 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068017 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068018 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068019 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068020 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068021 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068022 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068023 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068024 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068025 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068026 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068027 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068028 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068029 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068031 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068033 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068034 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068035 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068036 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068037 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068038 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068039 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068040 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068041 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068042 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068043 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068044 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068045 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068046 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068047 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068048 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068049 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068050 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068051 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068052 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068053 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068054 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068055 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068056 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068057 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068058 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068059 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068060 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068061 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068062 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068063 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068064 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068065 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068066 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068067 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068068 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068069 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068073 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068074 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068075 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068076 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068077 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068078 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068079 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068080 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068081 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068083 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068084 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068085 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068086 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068087 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068088 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068089 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068090 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068091 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068092 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068093 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068094 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068095 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068096 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068097 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068098 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068099 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068100 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068101 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068104 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068105 Liaison on service level tracing for IMS and considerations for overlapping work tasks S5 imported from 3GU
S5‑068106 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068107 Inclusion of Service Level Tracing Management - imported from 3GU
S5‑068108 Introduction of Service Level Tracing for IMS - imported from 3GU
S5‑068109 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068110 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068111 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068112 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068113 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068114 - - imported from 3GU
S5‑068115 Remove misleading text associated with the use of IRP for trace management in Rel^^6 - imported from 3GU

page generated from database: 2024-07-20 12:15:34

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