Four Generations of Mobile Standards

3GPP TDocs (written contributions) at meeting

Meeting: C1-55b - 2008-10-06 to 2008-10-10, Phoenix

meeting id: C1-55b (click id for more info on this meeting)

Click on the Tdoc to open its file.

TDoc Title Source Remarks
C1‑083639 agenda CT1 Chairman noted
C1‑083640 SIP message flow fix LM Ericsson agreed
C1‑083641 CAT forking model: CAT media LM Ericsson agreed
C1‑083642 CAT forking model: AS handling of preconditions LM Ericsson revised
C1‑083643 CAT forking model: AS handling of reliable provisional responses LM Ericsson revised
C1‑083644 CAT forking model: AS insertion of Record-Route LM Ericsson revised
C1‑083645 CAT forking model: AS handling of P-Early-Media LM Ericsson revised
C1‑083646 CAT forking model: AS handling of unreliable provisional responses LM Ericsson revised
C1‑083647 CAT forking model: AS handling of 4xx, 5xx and 6xx responses LM Ericsson revised
C1‑083648 CAT: signalling flows structure LM Ericsson revised
C1‑083649 CAT forking model signalling flow: UE#1 and UE#2 have resources available LM Ericsson agreed
C1‑083650 CAT forking model signalling flow: UE#1 does not have resources available LM Ericsson agreed
C1‑083651 CAT forking model signalling flow: UE#2 does not have resources available LM Ericsson agreed
C1‑083652 CAT forking model signalling flow: CAT provided to originating CS system LM Ericsson agreed
C1‑083653 CAT signalling flow: CAT provided by terminating CS system LM Ericsson agreed
C1‑083654 Usage of 199 (Early Dialog Terminated) for anouncements LM Ericsson agreed
C1‑083655 Alternative connection model for MSRP LM Ericsson postponed
C1‑083656 Annex A fixes regarding draft-ietf-sip-199 LM Ericsson revised
C1‑083657 Annex A fixes regarding draft-holmberg-sip-keep LM Ericsson revised
C1‑083658 Discussion about Call Attempt Restriction in PS domain NTT DOCOMO noted
C1‑083659 Pseudo- CR on Call Attempt Restriction in LTE NTT DOCOMO [notaddressed]
C1‑083660 CR on Call Attempt Restriction in UMTS NTT DOCOMO [notaddressed]
C1‑083661 CR on 24.008 -CSFB timer NTT DOCOMO withdrawn
C1‑083662 CS Fallback Service Reject in MME NTT DOCOMO noted
C1‑083663 CR on description of PPAC NTT DOCOMO revised
C1‑083664 P-CR for service request after redirection from UTRAN to E-UTRAN NTT DOCOMO withdrawn
C1‑083665 P-CR for Attach procedure when UE does not have the EPS bearer NTT DOCOMO [notaddressed]
C1‑083666 Reply LS to RAN5 on SAE test cases NTT DOCOMO revised
C1‑083667 Pseudo-CR on ESM-SM coordination NEC/Caroline revised
C1‑083668 Discussion on multiple EPS bearer contexts activation NEC/Caroline withdrawn
C1‑083669 Pseudo-CR on multiple EPS bearer contexts activation NEC/Caroline [notaddressed]
C1‑083670 Pseudo-CR on default bearer recovery for E-UTRAN NEC/Caroline revised
C1‑083671 Pseudo-CR on registered MME to lower layers for load balancing NEC/Caroline [notaddressed]
C1‑083672 Pseudo-CR on Descriptions of EMM for optimized handover between E-UTRAN and cdma2000® HRPD VIA Technologies Inc withdrawn
C1‑083673 Pseudo-CR on Reject causes in EMM procedures for EPS services VIA Technologies Inc withdrawn
C1‑083674 Pseudo-CR on The network does not receive the ATTACH COMPLETE message in attach procedure VIA Technologies Inc revised
C1‑083675 Pseudo-CR on Abnormal case in default EPS bearer context activation procedure as part of the attach procedure VIA Technologies Inc withdrawn
C1‑083676 PDN disconnect procedure EPS bearer identity Sierra Wireless revised
C1‑083677 Ciphered PCO transfer flag Nortel Networks, LGE [notaddressed]
C1‑083678 Linked EPS bearer ID Nortel Networks, LGE revised
C1‑083679 QoS procedures Nortel Networks [notaddressed]
C1‑083680 SDF QoS format Nortel Networks revised
C1‑083681 Initial message ciphering Nortel Networks revised
C1‑083682 APN for Default EPS bearer Nortel Networks revised
C1‑083683 Handover Attach Type Nortel Networks, CATT revised
C1‑083684 PDP Context Request Type 24.008 Nortel Networks revised
C1‑083685 Paging for HRPD signaling Nortel Networks postponed
C1‑083686 PCO for IP Address Allocation Nortel Networks, LGE [notaddressed]
C1‑083687 APN-AMBR in NAS messages Nortel Networks [notaddressed]
C1‑083688 Dedicated EPS Bearer NAS Signalling Nortel Networks [notaddressed]
C1‑083689 General on QoS procedures Nortel Networks [notaddressed]
C1‑083690 Procedures based on IETF LS reply on SDP offer/answer LM Ericsson postponed
C1‑083691 Procedures based on IETF LS reply on SDP offer/answer LM Ericsson postponed
C1‑083692 Procedures based on IETF LS reply on SDP offer/answer LM Ericsson postponed
C1‑083693 Procedures based on IETF LS reply on SDP offer/answer LM Ericsson revised
C1‑083694 Correction on setting P-Served-User LM Ericsson agreed
C1‑083695 Update description of P-Charging-Vector LM Ericsson agreed
C1‑083696 LS on TS 29.311 on messaging interworking CT3 noted
C1‑083697 LS on I1 interface TSG CT noted
C1‑083698 Response LS on documentation of TISPAN Rel-2 in 3GPP TSG CT noted
C1‑083699 Terminology alignment for Home Node B and Home eNode B TSG CT repliedto
C1‑083700 LS on Definition of Terms ISIM and ISIM application in TS 33.203. TR 21.905, TS 24.229, TS 22.101 and TS 23.228 TSG CT noted
C1‑083701 LS: SG 11 work on CRBT and CRT ITU-T Q.2, Q.3/11 noted
C1‑083702 LS on Development of SAE Test Cases in RAN5 RAN5 repliedto
C1‑083703 LS on Response to SDP Enhancements to support resource allocation CT3 noted
C1‑083704 LS response to “LS on IMS initiated and controlled PSS and MBMS User Service; Architecture” SA4 noted
C1‑083705 LS on SAE Bearer/ E-RAB definition for E-UTRAN specification RAN3 noted
C1‑083706 LS on Protocol Decision on GTP User Plane CT4 noted
C1‑083707 LS on Definition of Globally Unique Temporary UE Identity CT4 noted
C1‑083708 Reply LS on SAE interworking with Pre-REL8 system CT4 noted
C1‑083709 LS on CT Impacts for eCALL Data CT4 noted
C1‑083710 LS on Modification of PDN Address Allocation IE CT4 noted
C1‑083711 Answer LS on coding of Home (e)NodeB identifier RAN2 noted
C1‑083712 Reply LS on Paging UE Identity for CS Fallback RAN2 noted
C1‑083713 LS on Wait time and barring time handling RAN2 noted
C1‑083714 Reply LS on “CLI issue” with CS Fallback SA2 noted
C1‑083715 LS on add/remove media RAN5 noted
C1‑083716 LS on UE behaviour of NAS message transmission during UTRAN to E-UTRAN handover RAN2 repliedto
C1‑083717 LS on E-UTRA capability indication GERAN2 noted
C1‑083718 LS on ETWS TSG GERAN repliedto
C1‑083719 Reply LS on Rel-8 UICC parameters CT6 repliedto
C1‑083720 Definition of terms ISIM and ISIM application in TS 33.203, TS 24.229 and TS 23.228 CT6 noted
C1‑083721 Reply LS on Status of Emergency IMPU removal SA2 noted
C1‑083722 Reply LS on the requirement for interworking of IMS CAT and CS CAT SA2 noted
C1‑083723 Reply LS on “Gateway model” for IMS CAT SA2 noted
C1‑083724 LS on handling of de-registration request with unknown contact address SA2 repliedto
C1‑083725 Reply LS on Enhancements for SRNS Relocation RAN3 noted
C1‑083726 Reply LS on Paging UE Identity for CS Fallback SA2 noted
C1‑083727 Response LS on Connection recovery by NAS SA2 repliedto
C1‑083728 Reply LS on AMBR Enforcement SA2 noted
C1‑083729 Response LS on “LS on Combination of SMC and Attach or TAU” SA2 noted
C1‑083730 Reply LS on Resource-Identifier for UE initiated resource requests SA2 noted
C1‑083731 LS on UE Initiated Service Request in Connected Mode SA2 noted
C1‑083732 Reply LS on Definition of Globally Unique Temporary UE Identity SA2 noted
C1‑083733 Response LS on Development of SAE Test Cases in RAN WG5 SA2 noted
C1‑083734 LS on ANDSF functionality SA2 noted
C1‑083735 LS on the Missing Default EPS Bearer during Handover from GERAN/UTRAN to E-UTRAN SA2 noted
C1‑083736 Clarification on ICSI and IARI LM Ericsson revised
C1‑083737 Replacement of Emergency IMPU LM Ericsson postponed
C1‑083738 Replacement of Emergency IMPU LM Ericsson postponed
C1‑083739 Correction to originating session set up over Gm LM Ericsson revised
C1‑083740 Correction to originating session set up over Gm LM Ericsson revised
C1‑083741 Session modification initiated from originating ICS UE LM Ericsson revised
C1‑083742 Session modification initiated from originating ICS UE LM Ericsson revised
C1‑083743 Clarification on EPS architecture and ETWS Instruction to terminal NTT DOCOMO revised
C1‑083744 [draft] LS on SABP update NTT DOCOMO revised
C1‑083745 Service Request Procedure for the SGs Interface InterDigital LLC revised
C1‑083746 Service Request Message format for the SGs interface InterDigital LLC revised
C1‑083747 Tunneling of the NAS messages on the SGs Interface InterDigital LLC revised
C1‑083748 Message format for UL/DL-Unitdata InterDigital LLC revised
C1‑083749 Security Mode Control InterDigital LLC revised
C1‑083750 Pseudo-CR on UE requested bearer resource modification procedure NEC/Caroline [notaddressed]
C1‑083751 Definition of IEIs values NEC/Caroline revised
C1‑083752 Pseudo-CR on ciphering of downlink NAS messages NEC/Caroline withdrawn
C1‑083753 UE behaviour on NAS UL COUNT wrap around NEC/Caroline [notaddressed]
C1‑083754 Conditions to stop T3416 timer NEC/Caroline [notaddressed]
C1‑083755 Multimedia CAT in the CS domain Alcatel-Lucent / B. Landais revised
C1‑083756 In-band DTMF transmission during multimedia call Alcatel-Lucent / B. Landais revised
C1‑083757 DSMIPv6 back home Ericsson, Qualcomm Europe revised
C1‑083758 Binding Error Message Introduction Ericsson revised
C1‑083759 NAT Keep Alive Clarification Ericsson, Qualcomm Europe revised
C1‑083760 Route Optimization Clarification Ericsson revised
C1‑083761 DNS A/AAAA record ordering Ericsson withdrawn
C1‑083762 Pseudo-CR on reversed DNS lookup Ericsson, Orange revised
C1‑083763 Emergency URI parameter Alcatel-Lucent/Milo Orsic withdrawn
C1‑083764 Emergency URI parameter Alcatel-Lucent/Milo Orsic withdrawn
C1‑083765 P-CSCF adding emergency URI parameter Alcatel-Lucent/Milo Orsic revised
C1‑083766 P-CSCF adding emergency URI parameter Alcatel-Lucent/Milo Orsic revised
C1‑083767 Reauthentication Alcatel-Lucent/Milo Orsic revised
C1‑083768 Interface identifier Alcatel-Lucent/Milo Orsic revised
C1‑083769 UE subscription to reg-evet Alcatel-Lucent/Milo Orsic revised
C1‑083770 GRUU's bindig to multiple contacts Alcatel-Lucent/Milo Orsic postponed
C1‑083771 Discussion on usage of SDP for PSTN phone number transport in ICS LM Ericsson noted
C1‑083772 Pseudo-CR on The UE does not accept ACTIVATE DEFAULT EPS BEARER CONTEXT REQUEST in attach procedure VIA Technologies Inc [notaddressed]
C1‑083773 Pseudo-CR on Collision of UE requested PDN disconnect procedure and EPS bearer context deactivation VIA Technologies Inc [notaddressed]
C1‑083774 Pseudo-CR on PTI mismatch in ESM procedures VIA Technologies Inc revised
C1‑083775 PCO timer, PTI/EBID encoding, and abnormal cases Sierra Wireless revised
C1‑083776 Pseudo-CR on the Access Network Identity Nokia Siemens Networks revised
C1‑083777 Pseudo-CR to include support for EAP-AKA’ Nokia Siemens Networks, Nortel revised
C1‑083778 LS: ITU-T SG11 work on CRBT ITU-T Study Group 11, Working Party 1/11 repliedto
C1‑083779 LS on offer/answer procedures IETF SIPPING noted
C1‑083780 UE - multiple contacts registration Alcatel-Lucent/ Milo Orsic revised
C1‑083781 UE - multiple contacts authentication and deregistration Alcatel-Lucent/ Milo Orsic revised
C1‑083782 UE using multiple contacts Alcatel-Lucent/ Milo Orsic revised
C1‑083783 PS-PS Access transfer with full media transfer Alcatel-Lucent/ Milo Orsic agreed
C1‑083784 Roaming restrictions issues with cause #13 or #15 Alcatel-Lucent / B. Landais revised
C1‑083785 CR 23.012 - TMSI re-allocation in case of Location Updating Reject with cause #13 or #15 Alcatel-Lucent / B. Landais noted
C1‑083786 Pseudo-CR on PDN disconnection reject including cause #49 NEC/Caroline [notaddressed]
C1‑083787 Pseudo-CR on ESM message transmission failure from lower layers NEC/Caroline revised
C1‑083788 Pseudo-CR on removal of ENs about security NEC, Ericsson agreed
C1‑083789 EPS mobile identity in ATTACH REQUEST and DETACH REQUEST NEC/Yannick agreed
C1‑083790 T3440 and TAU initiated in EMM-CONNECTED mode NEC/Yannick [notaddressed]
C1‑083791 Attach and tracking area update attempt counters NEC/Yannick revised
C1‑083792 Reference version TS 29.118, v0.2.1 NEC/Yannick noted
C1‑083793 Open issues for TS 29.118 NEC/Yannick noted
C1‑083794 HSS failure procedure over the SGs interface NEC/Tamura revised
C1‑083795 MME failure procedure over the SGs interface NEC/Tamura revised
C1‑083796 VLR failure procedure over the SGs interface NEC/Tamura revised
C1‑083797 SGs association states at the MME NEC/Yannick revised
C1‑083798 Location update for non-EPS services at the VLR NEC/Yannick revised
C1‑083799 Update for location update messages NEC/Yannick revised
C1‑083800 Timers and retry counters for SGs NEC/Yannick revised
C1‑083801 Message types and Information Elements in subclause 9 NEC/Yannick revised
C1‑083802 Update for messages related to combined EMM procedures NEC/Yannick revised
C1‑083803 Paging response for CS Fallback NEC/Yannick revised
C1‑083804 Correction of white-on-white text in 23.009 MCC agreed
C1‑083805 Correction of white-on-white text in 23.009 MCC agreed
C1‑083806 Correction of white-on-white text in 23.009 MCC agreed
C1‑083807 NAS CS paging message for CS fallback Huawei revised
C1‑083808 Discussion on the impact of suspension on the UE Huawei postponed
C1‑083809 Discussion on the impact of suspension on the network Huawei postponed
C1‑083810 Discussion on Paging on SGs for access control Huawei postponed
C1‑083811 Paging procedure in the MME Huawei revised
C1‑083812 remove the TMSI in the paging message Huawei revised
C1‑083813 Allowed CSG List handling Huawei [notaddressed]
C1‑083814 Addition of parameter APN in the Attach Request Huawei withdrawn
C1‑083815 Clarification on EPS bearer context modification procedure Huawei [notaddressed]
C1‑083816 Discussion on IP allocation via IKEv2 Huawei postponed
C1‑083817 Discussion on the impact of SRVCC Huawei noted
C1‑083818 APN AMBR in the UE Huawei withdrawn
C1‑083819 TI used in the EPC Huawei revised
C1‑083820 Remove the FFS in the EMM information Huawei revised
C1‑083821 Editorial clarification of the term “association” NEC/Gottfried agreed
C1‑083822 Implicit IMSI detach NEC/Gottfried agreed
C1‑083823 Explicit IMSI Detach from non-EPS services NEC/Gottfried revised
C1‑083824 Explicit IMSI Detach from EPS services NEC/Gottfried agreed
C1‑083825 Non-EPS Alert NEC/Gottfried revised
C1‑083826 Paging with IMSI Motorola/ Ban revised
C1‑083827 Corrections and removing text not related to NAS Motorola/ Ban revised
C1‑083828 EMM Cause Values Motorola/ Ban postponed
C1‑083829 Piggybacked ESM Ies Motorola/ Ban withdrawn
C1‑083830 Handling of Attach Failure due to failure of default bearer activation Motorola/ Ban postponed
C1‑083831 Clarifications to TAU procedure Motorola/ Ban revised
C1‑083832 Clarifications to Service Request procedure Motorola/ Ban [notaddressed]
C1‑083833 Definition of Cause Code and Uplink TFT in BEARER RESOURCE RELEASE REQ Motorola/ Jose withdrawn
C1‑083834 P-CR on 24.301: Provision of RRC establishment cause values by EPS NAS Samsung/Chen postponed
C1‑083835 Discussion of non-3GPP core network selection Samsung/Chen noted
C1‑083836 P-CR on 24.302 for non-3GPP NW selection Samsung/Chen revised
C1‑083837 P-CR on 24.302: UE – 3GPP AAA server procs for untrusted access Samsung/Chen revised
C1‑083838 Pseudo-CR on Access Network Identity for WiMAX Samsung, Motorola, Intel, Sprint withdrawn
C1‑083839 IMS Corp Network Interconnect workshop minutes Workshop Chairmen noted
C1‑083840 EPS bearer context management based on lower layer indication Qualcomm Europe/Osok revised
C1‑083841 Update on EPS bearer release procedure Qualcomm Europe, Nortel Networks revised
C1‑083842 APN AMBR in default bearer setup Qualcomm Europe/Osok withdrawn
C1‑083843 Timer expiry for UE requested bearer resource release procedure Qualcomm Europe/Osok withdrawn
C1‑083844 Downlink TFT in the bearer activation request messages to the UE Qualcomm Europe/Osok revised
C1‑083845 Description of SDF IE in the procedure text Qualcomm Europe/Osok withdrawn
C1‑083846 MTU signalling over NAS Qualcomm Europe/Osok [notaddressed]
C1‑083847 PCO for DSMIPv6 Qualcomm Europe/Gerardo [notaddressed]
C1‑083848 On service request with different service types Qualcomm Europe/Osok withdrawn
C1‑083849 On service request with different service types Qualcomm Europe/Osok withdrawn
C1‑083850 Attach procedure in ePDG : APN and IP addresses requested by UE Qualcomm Europe/Gerardo postponed
C1‑083851 HA assignment via IKEv2 Qualcomm Europe/Patrick agreed
C1‑083852 Procedure to use ANDSF MO Qualcomm Europe/Patrick revised
C1‑083853 EAP AKA usage in IKEv2 exchange Qualcomm Europe/Patrick withdrawn
C1‑083854 Stateless DHCPv6 within DSMIPv6 tunnel Qualcomm Europe/Patrick revised
C1‑083855 Usage NAI decoration in IKEv2 Qualcomm Europe/Gerardo revised
C1‑083856 HA routing loop Qualcomm Europe/Gerardo noted
C1‑083857 Home link detection revision Qualcomm Europe/Patrick revised
C1‑083858 HA assignment via DHCPv6 Qualcomm Europe, Ericsson agreed
C1‑083859 24.303 v1.2.0 Qualcomm Europe/Gerardo noted
C1‑083860 Updates for the detach procedure Qualcomm Europe/Patrick revised
C1‑083861 Clarifications on IPv4 HoA assignment Qualcomm Europe, Ericsson agreed
C1‑083862 Text update on paging for CSFB Qualcomm Europe/Osok [notaddressed]
C1‑083863 OMA DM management object for CSG white list provisioning Qualcomm Europe/Osok revised
C1‑083864 V0.0.0 : CSG White List MO Qualcomm Europe/Osok revised
C1‑083865 Update to HNB WI Qualcomm Europe/Osok agreed
C1‑083866 CSG access control for HNB – defining new cause value and UE behavior Qualcomm Europe/Osok [notaddressed]
C1‑083867 CSG access control for HeNB – defining new cause value and UE behavior Qualcomm Europe/Osok withdrawn
C1‑083868 Enhancements to support IMS LBO Qualcomm Europe/Subra revised
C1‑083869 IMS LBO support for EPS Qualcomm Europe/Subra revised
C1‑083870 UE procedures when multiple P-CSCF discovery mechanisms are supported Qualcomm Europe/Subra revised
C1‑083871 Introduction of IMC in support of common IMS Qualcomm Europe/Subra revised
C1‑083872 Make common IMS specification codec neutral Qualcomm Europe/Roozbeh revised
C1‑083873 Update to common IMS for 3GPP2 WID Qualcomm Europe/Roozbeh agreed
C1‑083874 Ciphering support Qualcomm Europe/Gerardo revised
C1‑083875 Mandatory DNS support for DSMIPv6 HA discovery Qualcomm Europe/Orange revised
C1‑083876 MSC authorization Qualcomm Europe/Roozbeh [notaddressed]
C1‑083877 3GPP2 alignment Qualcomm Europe/Roozbeh revised
C1‑083878 Reference correction Qualcomm Europe/Roozbeh agreed
C1‑083879 Network capabilities and URI assignments for IMS SC Qualcomm Europe/Subra revised
C1‑083880 Procedures for call origination Qualcomm Europe/Subra revised
C1‑083881 Procedures for call termination Qualcomm Europe/Subra revised
C1‑083882 Procedures for PS-CS session transfer Qualcomm Europe/Subra revised
C1‑083883 Procedures for PS-PS session transfer in conjunction with PS-CS session transfer Qualcomm Europe/Subra revised
C1‑083884 Procedures for adding/removing media Qualcomm Europe/Subra revised
C1‑083885 Call flow for PS-PS partial media transfer Qualcomm Europe/Subra revised
C1‑083886 Full transfer using Target-Dialog header Qualcomm Europe/Subra revised
C1‑083887 Connecting to both CS and PS versus connecting to the highest priority available PLMN Qualcomm Europe/Subra noted
C1‑083888 T3412 clean up Sierra Wireless revised
C1‑083889 Pseudo CR on Linkage between EMM and ESM protocols Alcatel-Lucent / Frank Alfano revised
C1‑083890 Psuedo CR on use of GUTI and IMSI Alcatel-Lucent / Frank Alfano [notaddressed]
C1‑083891 On Multiple PDN support in non-3GPP accesses Marvell /Ameya revised
C1‑083892 On attach type indication in untrusted non-3GPP access Marvell /Ameya revised
C1‑083893 Interaction with service level interworking Huawei revised
C1‑083894 CAT provided by the terminating CS domain using early session model Huawei revised
C1‑083895 CAT provided to the originating CS domain with the CAT early-session model Huawei agreed
C1‑083896 Interaction with supplementary services Huawei revised
C1‑083897 Multiple Services Indication Huawei withdrawn
C1‑083898 Deregistration procedures using multiple registrations Huawei revised
C1‑083899 Choosing of the multiple contact Huawei noted
C1‑083900 Signalling Flows for Multiple Registrations Huawei revised
C1‑083901 Signalling flow for PS-CS session continuity Huawei revised
C1‑083902 Signalling flow for PS-PS session continuity in conjunction with PS- CS session continuity Huawei revised
C1‑083903 Editorial Cleanup Huawei agreed
C1‑083904 Pseudo-CR on EMM cause IE addition to ATTACH ACCEPT and TRACKING AREA UPDATE ACCEPT ETRI withdrawn
C1‑083905 Pseudo-CR on Editorial Modifications to ESM and EMM ETRI revised
C1‑083906 Pseudo-CR on the PTI mismatch case addition to abnormal cases for ESM procedure ETRI withdrawn
C1‑083907 Pseudo-CR on Network-initiated Detach Procedure for Non-EPS Services ETRI revised
C1‑083908 Implementation of default PDP context Ericsson revised
C1‑083909 Tunnel loop between PDN GWs Panasonic noted
C1‑083910 Detecting tunnel loop between PDN GWs Panasonic revised
C1‑083911 Clarification on update of Allowed CSG List Panasonic [notaddressed]
C1‑083912 Discussion on EPS bearer context deactivation further to a radio bearer release indication from lower layers NEC/Caroline withdrawn
C1‑083913 Introduction of “Gateway Model” for IMS CAT NTT agreed
C1‑083914 CAT Gateway model signalling flow: UE#1 and UE#2 have resources available NTT agreed
C1‑083915 Discussion on conveying the original request-URI to the called party NTT noted
C1‑083916 Discussion on indicating “priority” for Emergency communications in IMS NTT noted
C1‑083917 Discussion: NAS Service Recovery Panasonic noted
C1‑083918 P-CR to 24.301: NAS Service Recovery Panasonic [notaddressed]
C1‑083919 CR to 24.008: NAS Service Recovery Panasonic [notaddressed]
C1‑083920 Discussion: Impacts of ISR on ESM-EMM interaction Panasonic [notaddressed]
C1‑083921 Pseudo-CR on TSMI Update status aspects of ISR Panasonic [notaddressed]
C1‑083922 Cr addition to section 4 Hewlett Packard revised
C1‑083923 Netann, mediactrl text improvements Hewlett Packard revised
C1‑083924 Media control for charging Hewlett Packard agreed
C1‑083925 Media control for floor control Hewlett Packard revised
C1‑083926 Media control for messaging Hewlett Packard revised
C1‑083927 Media control delegation with SCXML Hewlett Packard [notaddressed]
C1‑083928 Media control for conferencing Hewlett Packard agreed
C1‑083929 Media control for messaging Hewlett Packard agreed
C1‑083930 Pseudo-CR on Attach Type in IKEv2 ZTE [notaddressed]
C1‑083931 The interworking between DSMIPv6 and PMIPv6 ZTE [notaddressed]
C1‑083932 Pseudo-CR on the interworking between DSMIPv6 and PMIPv6 ZTE [notaddressed]
C1‑083933 Discussion on the Possible Registration Issue when using I2 ZTE noted
C1‑083934 CAT early-session model: AS handling of preconditions ZTE, China mobile, Huawei revised
C1‑083935 CAT early-session model signalling flow: UE#1 does not have resources available ZTE, China mobile, Huawei revised
C1‑083936 CAT early-session model signalling flow: UE#1 and UE#2 have resources available ZTE, China mobile, Huawei revised
C1‑083937 Correction of ECT procedure ZTE revised
C1‑083938 Clarification of signalling flow for call termination ZTE revised
C1‑083939 Clarification of signalling flow for call origination ZTE revised
C1‑083940 SIP message modification for Max-Forwards header ZTE agreed
C1‑083941 Requirements on allowing P-Asserted Identity from an UE LM Ericsson noted
C1‑083942 Pseudo-CR on trusted/untrusted access network detection in section 6.2.4 Panasonic revised
C1‑083943 Pseudo-CR on additional AT_IPMS_IND attribute values in section Panasonic revised
C1‑083944 Pseudo-CR on DSMIPv6 interactions with the network-based mobility Panasonic withdrawn
C1‑083945 Pseudo-CR on DSMIPv6 BU registration and de-registration race condition Panasonic revised
C1‑083946 SDP Enhancements to support resource allocation CableLabs revised
C1‑083947 Reference version of TS 24.301, v 1.0.0 Nokia Siemens Networks noted
C1‑083948 Correction of UE security capability IE Nokia Siemens Networks agreed
C1‑083949 Correction of reference to CT3 specification Nokia Siemens Networks agreed
C1‑083950 Introduction of the term "ordinary NAS message" Nokia Siemens Networks revised
C1‑083951 Introduction of the term "ordinary NAS message" Nokia Siemens Networks withdrawn
C1‑083952 Support of EPS NAS protocols Nokia Siemens Networks revised
C1‑083953 Removal of editor’s notes related to EPS bearer identity and procedure transaction identifier Nokia Siemens Networks agreed
C1‑083954 Unsuccessful cases for pre-registration Nokia Siemens Networks [notaddressed]
C1‑083955 Lists of forbidden tracking areas Nokia Siemens Networks revised
C1‑083956 PPAC – comparison of the requirements in stage 1, 2 and 3 Nokia Siemens Networks noted
C1‑083957 Indication of mobile station's E-UTRAN capability Nokia Siemens Networks, Nokia Corporation agreed
C1‑083958 Enhanced SRNS relocation Nokia Siemens Networks revised
C1‑083959 Overview on Overlap signalling an the resuming changes Deutsche Telekom, T-Mobile noted
C1‑083960 ANNEX N for Overlap Signalling Deutsche Telekom, T-Mobile revised
C1‑083961 ANNEX N3 for Overlap Signalling Interworking Deutsche Telekom, T-Mobile revised
C1‑083962 CR on 24.504 CDIV XML correction Deutsche Telekom, T-Mobile revised
C1‑083963 CR on 24.604 CDIV XML correction Deutsche Telekom, T-Mobile revised
C1‑083964 Identification of users at the VGW Deutsche Telekom, T-Mobile withdrawn
C1‑083965 CSG Id introduction in EMM procedures Telecom Italia [notaddressed]
C1‑083966 EMM reject cause for CSG and Allowed CSG list update procedures Telecom Italia, Huawei revised
C1‑083967 Clarification on TAI list update Telecom Italia postponed
C1‑083968 ANDSF: inter-system mobility policy coding Telecom Italia noted
C1‑083969 Discussion on Operator Policy for Service Continuity Telecom Italia noted
C1‑083970 IMS SC Operator Policy coding Telecom Italia postponed
C1‑083971 Abnormal handling of ESM procedures Motorola [notaddressed]
C1‑083972 Abnormal handling of ESM procedures; Duplicate PTI Motorola [notaddressed]
C1‑083973 Handling in UE and Network when no EPS bearers are active Motorola [notaddressed]
C1‑083974 Handling of unknown, unforeseen, and erroneous protocol data Motorola revised
C1‑083975 UE – 3GPP EPC protocol aspects for WiMAX access Motorola revised
C1‑083976 UE identities for HRPD access Motorola agreed
C1‑083977 HRPD access network identity Motorola revised
C1‑083978 HRPD access network discovery and selection Motorola revised
C1‑083979 IPMS indication from 3GPP AAA server to UE Motorola revised
C1‑083980 Reference version TS 24.304 v1.0.0 Motorola noted
C1‑083981 Mobility management based on FACoA Motorola agreed
C1‑083982 Editorial Clean-up of TS 24.302 Motorola agreed
C1‑083983 Trademark CDMA terminology Motorola agreed
C1‑083984 Discussion document on evolving application/3gpp-ims+xml media type Research in Motion noted
C1‑083985 Aligning XML Schema with draft-saklikar-communication-diversion-notification Research in Motion revised
C1‑083986 Aligning XML Schema with draft-saklikar-communication-diversion-notification Research in Motion revised
C1‑083987 Aligning initial INVITE request usage of Accept header field and profile tables Research in Motion revised
C1‑083988 Aligning initial INVITE request usage of Accept header field and profile tables Research in Motion revised
C1‑083989 Aligning initial INVITE request’s Accept header field with TS 24.229 Research in Motion revised
C1‑083990 Aligning initial INVITE request’s Accept header field with TS 24.229 Research in Motion revised
C1‑083991 Indication of using CS bearer Research in Motion -Adrian revised
C1‑083992 Selecting the contact to route to with ICS and multiple registrations Research in Motion -Adrian revised
C1‑083993 Inclusion timer in SCC AS Research in Motion -Adrian revised
C1‑083994 Mobility Management for CSG cells Huawei postponed
C1‑083995 MME’s action in the case of detach procedure regarding CSG access control Huawei [notaddressed]
C1‑083996 CT1 Home eNodeB evaluation Huawei noted
C1‑083997 LS on CSG Identity in a white list Huawei revised
C1‑083998 Discussion on how to send PSI DN ZTE noted
C1‑083999 Proposal of Rel-8 EMM parameters NTT DOCOMO revised
C1‑084000 [DRAFT] LS on Rel-8 UICC parameters NTT DOCOMO revised
C1‑084001 Introduction of Extended Service Request Nokia/Marko revised
C1‑084002 Security mode control collision with other procedures Nokia/Marko agreed
C1‑084003 EMM message to contain no more than one ESM message Nokia/Marko revised
C1‑084004 Coordination between EMM and GMM Nokia/Marko [notaddressed]
C1‑084005 Multi system PLMN selection Nokia/Marko revised
C1‑084006 Pseudo-CR on reception of an ESM STATUS message ETRI postponed
C1‑084007 TAU for MME load balancing Panasonic [notaddressed]
C1‑084008 Active flag for TAU in connected mode Panasonic [notaddressed]
C1‑084009 TAU handling in the case of no valid default bearer Panasonic revised
C1‑084010 Paging type 2 for CS fallback Panasonic withdrawn
C1‑084011 UE behavior upon receipt of the PDN DISCONNECT REJECT message Panasonic revised
C1‑084012 Correction on Attach attempt counter Panasonic agreed
C1‑084013 Abnormal case in Dedicated bearer context activation Panasonic [notaddressed]
C1‑084014 Discussion about NAS timer for CSFB NTT DOCOMO noted
C1‑084015 LS on ISIM, ISIM application and IMC 3GPP TSG SA noted
C1‑084016 LS on aligning work on Advice of Charge (AOC) SA5 repliedto
C1‑084017 Removal of I1 interface from Release 8 Ericsson agreed
C1‑084018 Cleanup of Editor's Notes and other cleanup Ericsson agreed
C1‑084019 Text for Overview and Functional entities clauses Ericsson revised
C1‑084020 Clarification of security-verify for TLS Ericsson revised
C1‑084021 Setting of the Phone-contex paramater when IP-CAN is Ethernet Orange revised
C1‑084022 Wildcarded PUI, UE loose route and Ethernet access Orange agreed
C1‑084023 Call release by the P-CSCF upon ressource reservation faillure Orange revised
C1‑084024 P-CSCF call release upon reception of indication that no ressource is available. Orange agreed
C1‑084025 Removing of the cpc parameter by the terminating S-CSCF removes CPC Orange revised
C1‑084026 NAT traversal for media Orange revised
C1‑084027 P-TMSI signature handling due to S1 mode to Iu or A/Gb mode intersystem change Vodafone postponed
C1‑084028 ISR indication encoding in RAU Accept message Vodafone withdrawn
C1‑084029 ISR indication encoding in TAU Accept message Vodafone revised
C1‑084030 Indication of SRVCC capability Vodafone revised
C1‑084031 Second Timer for TAU with ISR Vodafone revised
C1‑084032 Service request procedure update Vodafone revised
C1‑084033 Editorial: Update states for EPS bearer context handling Vodafone withdrawn
C1‑084034 Update the key to interpret signalling flows Vodafone withdrawn
C1‑084035 PN-Configuration flow update Vodafone revised
C1‑084036 TS 24.259 clean-up Vodafone agreed
C1‑084037 Reference version of TS 24.327, v1.0.0 Orange noted
C1‑084038 Discovery of the HA address Orange, Ericsson revised
C1‑084039 Clarifications on Attach procedure Orange, Ericsson revised
C1‑084040 Clarifications on Handover procedure Orange, Ericsson revised
C1‑084041 Clarification of abnormal case for deregistration LM Ericsson revised
C1‑084042 MM Information procedure NEC/Gottfried revised
C1‑084043 UE Information procedure NEC/Gottfried [notaddressed]
C1‑084044 Implicit detach timer NEC/Gottfried [notaddressed]
C1‑084045 Handling of access reject in NAS NEC, NTT DOCOMO revised
C1‑084046 MM authentication rejected by the network and impacts on EMM NEC/Yannick agreed
C1‑084047 Coordination between EMM and MM for CS Fallback NEC/Yannick revised
C1‑084048 Handling of Authorization header in P-CSCF Nokia Siemens Networks agreed
C1‑084049 Registration Procedure for ICS Nokia Siemens Networks revised
C1‑084050 Authorization header in MSC server Nokia Siemens Networks agreed
C1‑084051 Reregistration Cleanup Nokia Siemens Networks agreed
C1‑084052 The Form of the instance ID Nokia Siemens Networks rejected
C1‑084053 Different Service Configuration Requests Nokia Siemens Networks revised
C1‑084054 PS to CS Transfer Nokia Siemens Networks withdrawn
C1‑084055 SMSIP related changes for the profile tables Nokia Siemens Networks revised
C1‑084056 SMSIP related changes for the profile tables Nokia Siemens Networks revised
C1‑084057 IETF SIMPLE reference updates Nokia Siemens Networks agreed
C1‑084058 IETF SIMPLE reference updates Nokia Siemens Networks agreed
C1‑084059 IETF SIMPLE reference updates Nokia Siemens Networks agreed
C1‑084060 Adding roles defined for service level interworking for messaging to the profile table Nokia Siemens Networks revised
C1‑084061 Discussion on Update the S-CSCF address stored in P-CSCF ZTE postponed
C1‑084062 Summary of current IETF documents on SIPPING Alcatel-Lucent / Keith Drage noted
C1‑084063 Summary of current IETF documents on SIP Alcatel-Lucent / Keith Drage noted
C1‑084064 Summary of current IETF documents on MMUSIC Alcatel-Lucent / Keith Drage noted
C1‑084065 Summary of current IETF documents on SIMPLE Alcatel-Lucent / Keith Drage noted
C1‑084066 Summary of current IETF documents on XCON Alcatel-Lucent / Keith Drage noted
C1‑084067 Summary of current IETF documents on GEOPRIV Alcatel-Lucent / Keith Drage noted
C1‑084068 Summary of current IETF documents on ECRIT Alcatel-Lucent / Keith Drage noted
C1‑084069 Summary of current IETF documents on MEDIACTRL Alcatel-Lucent / Keith Drage noted
C1‑084070 Summary of current IETF documents on BLISS Alcatel-Lucent / Keith Drage noted
C1‑084071 Issues with guaranteed support of closed user group supplementary service (24.454 release 8, 24.654 release 8) Alcatel-Lucent / Keith Drage noted
C1‑084072 Holding or resuming all media streams Alcatel-Lucent / Keith Drage agreed
C1‑084073 Contents of SDP offer in HOLD Alcatel-Lucent / Keith Drage revised
C1‑084074 Clarification of B2BUA and proxy roles for AS Alcatel-Lucent / Keith Drage agreed
C1‑084075 Core network handling of P-Preferred-Identity and P-Asserted-Identity header for business communication Alcatel-Lucent / Keith Drage revised
C1‑084076 NGCN site as a protocol entity Alcatel-Lucent / Keith Drage revised
C1‑084077 Additional changes for private network indication Alcatel-Lucent / Keith Drage revised
C1‑084078 Handling of NGCN site as an entity in 24.229 Alcatel-Lucent / Keith Drage noted
C1‑084079 NGCN site as a protocol entity (ALT) Alcatel-Lucent / Keith Drage withdrawn
C1‑084080 Modifications to private network indication in profile Alcatel-Lucent / Keith Drage agreed
C1‑084081 Downloading of information to the P-CSCF Alcatel-Lucent / Keith Drage noted
C1‑084082 Downloading of information to the P-CSCF Alcatel-Lucent / Keith Drage agreed
C1‑084083 Setting of private network indication Alcatel-Lucent / Keith Drage withdrawn
C1‑084084 CR on Ref, Def, Abr Deutsche Telekom revised
C1‑084085 CR on description Deutsche Telekom withdrawn
C1‑084086 CR on CC procedures / adding CCNR Deutsche Telekom revised
C1‑084087 CR on service interaction Deutsche Telekom revised
C1‑084088 CR on timers Deutsche Telekom revised
C1‑084089 CR on signalling flows Deutsche Telekom agreed
C1‑084090 CR on references Deutsche Telekom agreed
C1‑084091 CR on coding requirements Deutsche Telekom revised
C1‑084092 CR on NDUB Deutsche Telekom revised
C1‑084093 CR on CW procedures Deutsche Telekom revised
C1‑084094 CR on service interactions Deutsche Telekom revised
C1‑084095 CR on timers Deutsche Telekom revised
C1‑084096 CR on signalling flows Deutsche Telekom revised
C1‑084097 Optional Trace Parameters Vodafone/Peter agreed
C1‑084098 Device Description Framework (DDF) Definition for Trace Parameters Vodafone/Peter agreed
C1‑084099 3GPP2 Dependencies on 24.301 for INFO Alcatel-Lucent / Frank Alfano noted
C1‑084100 Cleanup and clarification of the attach procedure in 24.301 Alcatel-Lucent / Frank Alfano revised
C1‑084101 Cleanup and clarification of the authentication procedure in 24.301 Alcatel-Lucent / Frank Alfano withdrawn
C1‑084102 3GPP2 Dependencies on 24.302 for INFO Alcatel-Lucent / Frank Alfano noted
C1‑084103 Non-integrity protected NAS messages accepted by the MME Nokia Siemens Networks revised
C1‑084104 Addition of missing IE references and missing IE subclauses Nokia Siemens Networks agreed
C1‑084105 Clarification of the CSG mobility list Nokia Siemens Networks revised
C1‑084106 Discussion of the proposed paging optimization mechanisms Nokia Siemens Networks withdrawn
C1‑084107 Discussion on detecting that the UE has attempted a non UE detectable emergency call Research in Motion revised
C1‑084108 Correction of non UE detectable emergency call procedures Research in Motion revised
C1‑084109 Correct message screening Research in Motion revised
C1‑084110 Correct message screening Research in Motion revised
C1‑084111 Correct message screening Research in Motion revised
C1‑084112 Correct message screening Research in Motion revised
C1‑084113 Proposal for Instance ID Research in Motion -Adrian revised
C1‑084114 UE Assisted T-ADS Qualcomm Europe/Roozbeh revised
C1‑084115 Adding reference to Internet Draft on sos URI parameter for emergency calls Nortel Networks, Alcatel-Lucent postponed
C1‑084116 Adding reference to Internet Draft on sos URI parameter for emergency calls Nortel Networks, Alcatel-Lucent postponed
C1‑084117 Pseudo-CR on indicating CS bearers using SDP Nortel Networks, Nokia Siemens Networks, Nokia, Qualcomm Europe revised
C1‑084118 SCC AS session release procedures using Gm Nortel Networks revised
C1‑084119 Signalling flows for CW using Gm Nortel Networks revised
C1‑084120 Update reference for DAI Parameter for the "tel" URI Nortel Networks agreed
C1‑084121 Clarification of P-Visited-Network-ID usage for MSC Server Ericsson revised
C1‑084122 CR on 24.504 CDIV XML correction Deutsche Telekom, T-Mobile revised
C1‑084123 CR on 24.604 CDIV XML correction Deutsche Telekom, T-Mobile revised
C1‑084124 Reference version of 24.238 and open issues Nortel Networks noted
C1‑084125 Reference version of 24.239 and open issues Nortel Networks noted
C1‑084126 Further possible enhancements to iFC for 3rd party registration Research in Motion noted
C1‑084127 Inclusion of draft-ietf-sip-body-handling in the profile tables Research in Motion revised
C1‑084128 Removal of unused reference in TS 24.654 Research in Motion agreed
C1‑084129 Conveying PN UE information using 3rd party Registration Research in Motion revised
C1‑084130 Cleanup of PNM flows Research in Motion revised
C1‑084131 PNM Closed User Group functionality Research in Motion revised
C1‑084132 PNM Closed User Group functionality Research in Motion revised
C1‑084133 Change "MS Radio Access Capability" IE as "Optional" CATT withdrawn
C1‑084134 Principles of Updating CSG Subscription information in MME CATT [notaddressed]
C1‑084135 Procedures needed to remove a CSG Id from the Allowed CSG list while the UE is in connect mode CATT [notaddressed]
C1‑084136 Update to MS network capability handling CATT revised
C1‑084137 Pseudo-CR on initiation of service request procedure CATT withdrawn
C1‑084138 Home agent address discovery based on DNS CATT revised
C1‑084139 HA-initiated detach for the DSMIPv6 CATT withdrawn
C1‑084140 Initial message ciphering Nortel Networks [notaddressed]
C1‑084141 CSG access control for HNB – defining new cause value and UE behavior Qualcomm Europe/Osok revised
C1‑084142 Network initiated detach procedure completion Ericsson [notaddressed]
C1‑084143 Standalone security mode command Ericsson agreed
C1‑084144 Barring of cell after authentication failure Ericsson agreed
C1‑084145 Definition of attach and TAU attempt counter Ericsson withdrawn
C1‑084146 UE behaviour when receiving reject cause #19 Ericsson agreed
C1‑084147 TS 24.312, Access Network Discovery and Selection Function (ANDSF) Management Object (MO) Ericsson, Qualcomm Europe noted
C1‑084148 ANDSF - skeleton for TS 24.312 Ericsson, Qualcomm Europe agreed
C1‑084149 ANDSF - scope for TS 24.312 Ericsson, Qualcomm Europe revised
C1‑084150 ANDSF - general description of the MO Ericsson, Qualcomm Europe revised
C1‑084151 ANDSF - basic nodes for the MO Ericsson, Qualcomm Europe agreed
C1‑084152 ANDSF - policy parameters for the MO Ericsson, Qualcomm Europe revised
C1‑084153 ANDSF - access network info parameters for the MO Ericsson, Qualcomm Europe revised
C1‑084154 ANDSF - figure of management tree Ericsson, Qualcomm Europe revised
C1‑084155 Reference to new TS containing MO for ANDSF Ericsson agreed
C1‑084156 WiMAX Management Object Intel, Sprint revised
C1‑084157 Overlap interworking towards networks not supporting overlap signalling Nokia Siemens Networks noted
C1‑084158 Overlap Routeing Considerations Nokia Siemens Networks noted
C1‑084159 Deterministic Routeing for Overlap signalling Nokia Siemens Networks revised
C1‑084160 CS bearer Nokia Siemens Networks [notaddressed]
C1‑084161 Open issues on service identification CT1 Chairman noted
C1‑084162 3GPP specific URN for service identifiers Ericsson noted
C1‑084163 Corrections to +CMOLRG Ericsson, Motorola revised
C1‑084164 AT-Commands for positioning assistance Ericsson / Atle revised
C1‑084165 LCS and call independent SS indication NEC/Gottfried revised
C1‑084166 Converging ANDSF and h(e)NB WL management functionality NEC/Gottfried [notaddressed]
C1‑084167 Network procedures for Detach Orange revised
C1‑084168 Message Integration vs Ciphering Samsung-Grace(Kyungjoo Suh) withdrawn
C1‑084169 Discussion on a possible issue during a handover from 3GPP I-WLAN towards GPRS systems Orange noted
C1‑084170 ICS bearer related signalling requirements and protocol solution alternatives LM Ericsson noted
C1‑084171 Corrections to +CMOLRG Ericsson, Motorola agreed
C1‑084172 AT-Commands for positioning assistance Ericsson / Atle postponed
C1‑084173 Work plan MCC [notaddressed]
C1‑084174 LS on UE-Aggregate Maximum Bit Rate for GERAN/UTRAN GERAN2 noted
C1‑084175 LS on Storage of EPS security parameters on the USIM SA3 repliedto
C1‑084176 Reply LS on “LS NULL integrity protection algorithm” SA3 noted
C1‑084177 LS on exception handling for NAS message with failed MACs. SA3 repliedto
C1‑084178 LS on the start of security on IRAT handover from GERAN/UTRAN SA3 repliedto
C1‑084179 LS on security capabilities of SGSN capable of mobility between GERAN and E-UTRAN SA3 noted
C1‑084180 LS on ANDSF security SA3 noted
C1‑084181 LS on preventing inter-RAT HO for UE with SIM access SA3 noted
C1‑084182 Pseudo-CR on the Access Network Identity Nokia Siemens Networks revised
C1‑084183 Make common IMS specification codec neutral Qualcomm Europe/Roozbeh revised
C1‑084184 Reply LS on TS 29.311 on messaging interworking current meeting revised
C1‑084185 Reply LS on UE behaviour of NAS message transmission during UTRAN to E-UTRAN handover current meeting agreed
C1‑084186 LS on ETWS current meeting agreed
C1‑084187 Reply to: LS on handling of de-registration request with unknown contact address current meeting revised
C1‑084188 Response LS on Connection recovery by NAS ct1 revised
C1‑084189 ITU-T SG11 work on CRBT current meeting agreed
C1‑084190 LS on aligning work on Advice of Charge (AOC) CT1 agreed
C1‑084191 LS on exception handling for NAS message with failed MACs current meeting agreed
C1‑084192 LS on the start of security on IRAT handover from GERAN/UTRAN current meeting revised
C1‑084193 On attach type indication in untrusted non-3GPP access Marvell /Ameya revised
C1‑084194 CR on CSFB timer NTT DOCOMO agreed
C1‑084195 Service Request Procedure for the SGs Interface InterDigital LLC agreed
C1‑084196 Service Request Message format for the SGs interface InterDigital LLC revised
C1‑084197 Tunneling of the NAS messages on the SGs Interface InterDigital LLC withdrawn
C1‑084198 Change "MS Radio Access Capability" IE as "Optional" CATT withdrawn
C1‑084199 HSS failure procedure over the SGs interface NEC/Tamura agreed
C1‑084200 Interaction with service level interworking Huawei postponed
C1‑084201 SMSIP related changes for the profile tables Nokia Siemens Networks agreed
C1‑084202 SMSIP related changes for the profile tables Nokia Siemens Networks agreed
C1‑084203 Clarification on ICSI and IARI LM Ericsson agreed
C1‑084204 Reauthentication Alcatel-Lucent/Milo Orsic revised
C1‑084205 Aligning initial INVITE request’s Accept header field with TS 24.229 Research in Motion agreed
C1‑084206 Pseudo-CR on indicating CS bearers using SDP Nortel Networks, Nokia Siemens Networks, Nokia, Qualcomm Europe agreed
C1‑084207 Indication of using CS bearer Research in Motion -Adrian withdrawn
C1‑084208 Correction to originating session set up over Gm LM Ericsson agreed
C1‑084209 Correction to originating session set up over Gm LM Ericsson revised
C1‑084210 Selecting the contact to route to with ICS and multiple registrations Research in Motion -Adrian agreed
C1‑084211 Session modification initiated from originating ICS UE LM Ericsson agreed
C1‑084212 Session modification initiated from originating ICS UE LM Ericsson revised
C1‑084213 3GPP2 alignment Qualcomm Europe/Roozbeh postponed
C1‑084214 Clarification of abnormal case for deregistration LM Ericsson agreed
C1‑084215 Aligning initial INVITE request’s Accept header field with TS 24.229 Research in Motion agreed
C1‑084216 Inclusion timer in SCC AS Research in Motion -Adrian revised
C1‑084217 Text for Overview and Functional entities clauses Ericsson agreed
C1‑084218 Correction of ECT procedure ZTE revised
C1‑084219 Registration Procedure for ICS Nokia Siemens Networks agreed
C1‑084220 Different Service Configuration Requests Nokia Siemens Networks revised
C1‑084221 Proposal for Instance ID Research in Motion -Adrian agreed
C1‑084222 NAT traversal for media Orange revised
C1‑084223 Procedures based on IETF LS reply on SDP offer/answer LM Ericsson withdrawn
C1‑084224 Correct message screening Research in Motion postponed
C1‑084225 Correct message screening Research in Motion postponed
C1‑084226 Correct message screening Research in Motion postponed
C1‑084227 Correct message screening Research in Motion postponed
C1‑084228 P-CSCF adding emergency URI parameter Alcatel-Lucent/Milo Orsic agreed
C1‑084229 P-CSCF adding emergency URI parameter Alcatel-Lucent/Milo Orsic agreed
C1‑084230 Cr addition to section 4 Hewlett Packard agreed
C1‑084231 Media control for floor control Hewlett Packard withdrawn
C1‑084232 Media control for messaging Hewlett Packard withdrawn
C1‑084233 ANNEX N for Overlap Signalling Deutsche Telekom, T-Mobile postponed
C1‑084234 Clarification of security-verify for TLS Ericsson agreed
C1‑084235 Aligning initial INVITE request usage of Accept header field and profile tables Research in Motion agreed
C1‑084236 Aligning initial INVITE request usage of Accept header field and profile tables Research in Motion revised
C1‑084237 ANNEX N3 for Overlap Signalling Interworking Deutsche Telekom, T-Mobile postponed
C1‑084238 Deterministic Routeing for Overlap signalling Nokia Siemens Networks agreed
C1‑084239 CR on Ref, Def, Abr Deutsche Telekom agreed
C1‑084240 CR on CC procedures / adding CCNR Deutsche Telekom agreed
C1‑084241 CR on service interaction Deutsche Telekom agreed
C1‑084242 CR on timers Deutsche Telekom revised
C1‑084243 CR on coding requirements Deutsche Telekom agreed
C1‑084244 CR on NDUB Deutsche Telekom agreed
C1‑084245 CR on CW procedures Deutsche Telekom agreed
C1‑084246 CR on service interactions Deutsche Telekom agreed
C1‑084247 CR on timers Deutsche Telekom agreed
C1‑084248 CR on signalling flows Deutsche Telekom agreed
C1‑084249 CAT forking model: AS handling of preconditions LM Ericsson revised
C1‑084250 CAT forking model: AS handling of reliable provisional responses LM Ericsson agreed
C1‑084251 CAT forking model: AS insertion of Record-Route LM Ericsson agreed
C1‑084252 CAT forking model: AS handling of P-Early-Media LM Ericsson agreed
C1‑084253 CAT forking model: AS handling of unreliable provisional responses LM Ericsson revised
C1‑084254 CAT forking model: AS handling of 4xx, 5xx and 6xx responses LM Ericsson agreed
C1‑084255 CAT: signalling flows structure LM Ericsson agreed
C1‑084256 CAT provided by the terminating CS domain using early session model Huawei postponed
C1‑084257 CAT early-session model: AS handling of preconditions ZTE, China mobile, Huawei agreed
C1‑084258 CAT early-session model signalling flow: UE#1 does not have resources available ZTE, China mobile, Huawei agreed
C1‑084259 CAT early-session model signalling flow: UE#1 and UE#2 have resources available ZTE, China mobile, Huawei agreed
C1‑084260 Network capabilities and URI assignments for IMS SC Qualcomm Europe/Subra agreed
C1‑084261 Procedures for call origination Qualcomm Europe/Subra agreed
C1‑084262 Procedures for call termination Qualcomm Europe/Subra agreed
C1‑084263 Procedures for PS-CS session transfer Qualcomm Europe/Subra revised
C1‑084264 Procedures for PS-PS session transfer in conjunction with PS-CS session transfer Qualcomm Europe/Subra revised
C1‑084265 Signalling flow for PS-CS session continuity Huawei agreed
C1‑084266 Signalling flow for PS-PS session continuity in conjunction with PS- CS session continuity Huawei agreed
C1‑084267 Signalling Flows for Multiple Registrations Huawei revised
C1‑084268 Clarification of signalling flow for call termination ZTE agreed
C1‑084269 Clarification of signalling flow for call origination ZTE agreed
C1‑084270 Adding roles defined for service level interworking for messaging to the profile table Nokia Siemens Networks agreed
C1‑084271 Aligning XML Schema with draft-saklikar-communication-diversion-notification Research in Motion revised
C1‑084272 Aligning XML Schema with draft-saklikar-communication-diversion-notification Research in Motion revised
C1‑084273 CR on 24.504 CDIV XML correction Deutsche Telekom, T-Mobile postponed
C1‑084274 CR on 24.604 CDIV XML correction Deutsche Telekom, T-Mobile postponed
C1‑084275 Discussion on detecting that the UE has attempted a non UE detectable emergency call Research in Motion noted
C1‑084276 Call release by the P-CSCF upon ressource reservation faillure Orange revised
C1‑084277 Annex A fixes regarding draft-ietf-sip-199 LM Ericsson revised
C1‑084278 Annex A fixes regarding draft-holmberg-sip-keep LM Ericsson agreed
C1‑084279 Interface identifier Alcatel-Lucent/Milo Orsic agreed
C1‑084280 UE subscription to reg-evet Alcatel-Lucent/Milo Orsic revised
C1‑084281 UE - multiple contacts registration Alcatel-Lucent/ Milo Orsic revised
C1‑084282 UE - multiple contacts authentication and deregistration Alcatel-Lucent/ Milo Orsic agreed
C1‑084283 UE using multiple contacts Alcatel-Lucent/ Milo Orsic agreed
C1‑084284 Contents of SDP offer in HOLD Alcatel-Lucent / Keith Drage agreed
C1‑084285 Introduction of IMC in support of common IMS Qualcomm Europe/Subra revised
C1‑084286 Make common IMS specification codec neutral Qualcomm Europe/Roozbeh agreed
C1‑084287 Deregistration procedures using multiple registrations Huawei agreed
C1‑084288 Setting of the Phone-contex paramater when IP-CAN is Ethernet Orange agreed
C1‑084289 Core network handling of P-Preferred-Identity and P-Asserted-Identity header for business communication Alcatel-Lucent / Keith Drage revised
C1‑084290 NGCN site as a protocol entity Alcatel-Lucent / Keith Drage postponed
C1‑084291 Additional changes for private network indication Alcatel-Lucent / Keith Drage revised
C1‑084292 LS on NGN entities in IMS 3GPP CT1 -
C1‑084293 Enhancements to support IMS LBO Qualcomm Europe/Subra agreed
C1‑084294 IMS LBO support for EPS Qualcomm Europe/Subra revised
C1‑084295 UE procedures when multiple P-CSCF discovery mechanisms are supported Qualcomm Europe/Subra revised
C1‑084296 SDP Enhancements to support resource allocation CableLabs revised
C1‑084297 Removing of the cpc parameter by the terminating S-CSCF removes CPC Orange revised
C1‑084298 Correction of non UE detectable emergency call procedures Research in Motion postponed
C1‑084299 Inclusion of draft-ietf-sip-body-handling in the profile tables Research in Motion revised
C1‑084300 MME failure procedure over the SGs interface NEC/Tamura agreed
C1‑084301 Message format for UL/DL-Unitdata InterDigital LLC agreed
C1‑084302 VLR failure procedure over the SGs interface NEC/Tamura agreed
C1‑084303 SGs association states at the MME NEC/Yannick agreed
C1‑084304 Location update for non-EPS services at the VLR NEC/Yannick agreed
C1‑084305 Update for location update messages NEC/Yannick agreed
C1‑084306 Timers and retry counters for SGs NEC/Yannick agreed
C1‑084307 Message types and Information Elements in subclause 9 NEC/Yannick agreed
C1‑084308 Update for messages related to combined EMM procedures NEC, ETRI agreed
C1‑084309 Paging response for CS Fallback NEC/Yannick agreed
C1‑084310 NAS CS paging message for CS fallback Huawei agreed
C1‑084311 Paging procedure in the MME Huawei revised
C1‑084312 Explicit IMSI Detach from non-EPS services NEC/Gottfried agreed
C1‑084313 remove the TMSI in the paging message Huawei revised
C1‑084314 Non-EPS Alert NEC/Gottfried agreed
C1‑084315 Introduction of Extended Service Request Nokia/Marko revised
C1‑084316 Pseudo-CR on Network-initiated Detach Procedure for Non-EPS Services ETRI agreed
C1‑084317 Reply LS on UE-AMBR support in UTRAN RAN2 noted
C1‑084318 LS on Paging cause in TS36.331 RAN2 repliedto
C1‑084319 Reply LS on NAS message concatenation and multiple EPS bearer setup RAN2 repliedto
C1‑084320 LS on AS/NAS Split for CSG Selection RAN2 repliedto
C1‑084321 LS on Duplicate detection for ETWS RAN2 noted
C1‑084322 Response LS on Connection recovery by NAS RAN2 noted
C1‑084323 LS on maximum PDCP SDU size RAN2 repliedto
C1‑084324 Response LS on Connection recovery by NAS RAN3 noted
C1‑084325 Reply LS on access control for CSG cells RAN3 noted
C1‑084326 LS response to C1-083626 (LS on NAS message concatenation and multiple EPS bearer setup) RAN3 noted
C1‑084327 LS on CS Fallback for Active mode Ues RAN3 repliedto
C1‑084328 Proposal of Rel-8 EMM parameters NTT DOCOMO revised
C1‑084329 Pseudo-CR on ESM-SM coordination NEC/Caroline agreed
C1‑084330 Pseudo-CR on The network does not receive the ATTACH COMPLETE message in attach procedure VIA Technologies Inc [notaddressed]
C1‑084331 Pseudo-CR on PTI mismatch in ESM procedures VIA Technologies Inc rejected
C1‑084332 PDN disconnect procedure EPS bearer identity Sierra Wireless agreed
C1‑084333 PCO timer, PTI/EBID encoding, and abnormal cases Sierra Wireless agreed
C1‑084334 APN for Default EPS bearer Nortel Networks revised
C1‑084335 Linked EPS bearer ID Nortel Networks, LGE agreed
C1‑084336 SDF QoS format Nortel Networks revised
C1‑084337 Security Mode Control InterDigital LLC agreed
C1‑084338 Definition of IEIs values NEC/Caroline agreed
C1‑084339 TI used in the EPC Huawei revised
C1‑084340 Remove the FFS in the EMM information Huawei agreed
C1‑084341 Clarifications to TAU procedure Motorola/ Ban agreed
C1‑084342 Support of EPS NAS protocols Nokia Siemens Networks agreed
C1‑084343 Paging with IMSI Motorola/ Ban agreed
C1‑084344 Corrections and removing text not related to NAS Motorola/ Ban agreed
C1‑084345 Update on EPS bearer release procedure Qualcomm Europe/Osok withdrawn
C1‑084346 Downlink TFT in the bearer activation request messages to the UE Qualcomm Europe/Osok agreed
C1‑084347 Pseudo CR on Linkage between EMM and ESM protocols Alcatel-Lucent / Frank Alfano revised
C1‑084348 Cleanup and clarification of the attach procedure in 24.301 Alcatel-Lucent / Frank Alfano agreed
C1‑084349 Pseudo-CR on Editorial Modifications to ESM and EMM ETRI agreed
C1‑084350 Implementation of default PDP context Ericsson revised
C1‑084351 Pseudo-CR on default bearer recovery for E-UTRAN NEC/Caroline agreed
C1‑084352 TAU handling in the case of no valid default bearer Panasonic agreed
C1‑084353 Handover Attach Type Nortel Networks, CATT agreed
C1‑084354 PCO for DSMIPv6 Qualcomm Europe agreed
C1‑084355 Introduction of the term "ordinary NAS message" Nokia Siemens Networks agreed
C1‑084356 Multi system PLMN selection Nokia/Marko agreed
C1‑084357 Service request procedure update Vodafone agreed
C1‑084358 Second Timer for TAU with ISR Vodafone agreed
C1‑084359 Update to MS network capability handling CATT agreed
C1‑084360 ISR indication encoding in TAU Accept message Vodafone agreed
C1‑084361 ISR indication encoding in RAU Accept message Vodafone agreed
C1‑084362 T3412 clean up Sierra Wireless agreed
C1‑084363 Handling of unknown, unforeseen, and erroneous protocol data Motorola [notaddressed]
C1‑084364 EPS bearer context management based on lower layer indication Qualcomm Europe/Osok [notaddressed]
C1‑084365 Multimedia CAT in the CS domain Alcatel-Lucent / B. Landais agreed
C1‑084366 In-band DTMF transmission during multimedia call Alcatel-Lucent / B. Landais agreed
C1‑084367 Roaming restrictions issues with cause #13 or #15 Alcatel-Lucent / B. Landais revised
C1‑084368 LS on UE-EPC signalling RAN3 repliedto
C1‑084369 Alignment of description in stage1, 2 and 3 regarding PPAC current meeting revised
C1‑084370 CR on description of PPAC NTT DOCOMO revised
C1‑084371 Clarification on EPS architecture and ETWS Instruction to terminal NTT DOCOMO agreed
C1‑084372 Indication of SRVCC capability Vodafone postponed
C1‑084373 Pseudo-CR on reversed DNS lookup Ericsson, Orange postponed
C1‑084374 Ciphering support Qualcomm Europe/Gerardo agreed
C1‑084375 Mandatory DNS support for DSMIPv6 HA discovery Qualcomm Europe/Gerardo agreed
C1‑084376 Discovery of the HA address Orange, Ericsson agreed
C1‑084377 Clarifications on Attach procedure Orange, Ericsson agreed
C1‑084378 Network procedures for Detach Orange agreed
C1‑084379 Clarifications on Handover procedure Orange, Ericsson agreed
C1‑084380 Enhanced SRNS relocation Nokia Siemens Networks agreed
C1‑084381 Coordination between EMM and MM for CS Fallback NEC/Yannick agreed
C1‑084382 Reply LS to SA3 on Storage of EPS security parameters on the USIM CT1 withdrawn
C1‑084383 Pseudo-CR to include support for EAP-AKA’ Nokia Siemens Networks, Nortel agreed
C1‑084384 Route Optimization Clarification Ericsson , Qualcomm Europe, Panasonic agreed
C1‑084385 P-CR on 24.302 for non-3GPP NW selection Samsung/Chen agreed
C1‑084386 HRPD access network discovery and selection Motorola agreed
C1‑084387 P-CR on 24.302: UE – 3GPP AAA server procs for untrusted access Samsung/Chen agreed
C1‑084388 Pseudo-CR on the Access Network Identity Nokia Siemens Networks agreed
C1‑084389 Procedure to use ANDSF MO Qualcomm Europe/Patrick revised
C1‑084390 On Multiple PDN support in non-3GPP accesses Marvell /Ameya revised
C1‑084391 On attach type indication in untrusted non-3GPP access Marvell /Ameya agreed
C1‑084392 Pseudo-CR on trusted/untrusted access network detection in section 6.2.4 Panasonic postponed
C1‑084393 Pseudo-CR on additional AT_IPMS_IND attribute values in section Panasonic agreed
C1‑084394 HRPD access network identity Motorola agreed
C1‑084395 UE – 3GPP EPC protocol aspects for WiMAX access Motorola agreed
C1‑084396 IPMS indication from 3GPP AAA server to UE Motorola agreed
C1‑084397 LS on IP mobility mode selection procedures current meeting agreed
C1‑084398 ANDSF - scope for TS 24.312 Ericsson, Qualcomm Europe, Intel, Infineon revised
C1‑084399 ANDSF - general description of the MO Ericsson, Qualcomm Europe revised
C1‑084400 Full transfer using Target-Dialog header Qualcomm Europe/Subra postponed
C1‑084401 Interaction with supplementary services Huawei agreed
C1‑084402 Cleanup of PNM flows Research in Motion revised
C1‑084403 PN-Configuration flow update Vodafone agreed
C1‑084404 PNM Closed User Group functionality Research in Motion postponed
C1‑084405 PNM Closed User Group functionality Research in Motion postponed
C1‑084406 Conveying PN UE information using 3rd party Registration Research in Motion agreed
C1‑084407 UE Assisted T-ADS Qualcomm Europe/Roozbeh agreed
C1‑084408 SCC AS session release procedures using Gm Nortel Networks agreed
C1‑084409 Signalling flows for CW using Gm Nortel Networks revised
C1‑084410 Clarification of P-Visited-Network-ID usage for MSC Server Ericsson revised
C1‑084411 Procedures for adding/removing media Qualcomm Europe/Subra revised
C1‑084412 Call flow for PS-PS partial media transfer Qualcomm Europe/Subra revised
C1‑084413 Introduction of IMC in support of common IMS Qualcomm Europe/Subra revised
C1‑084414 NAT traversal for media Orange revised
C1‑084415 Call release by the P-CSCF upon ressource reservation faillure Orange revised
C1‑084416 Reauthentication Alcatel-Lucent/Milo Orsic agreed
C1‑084417 Netann, mediactrl text improvements Hewlett Packard revised
C1‑084418 Reply LS on handling of de-registration request with unknown contact address current meeting agreed
C1‑084419 Annex A fixes regarding draft-ietf-sip-199 LM Ericsson agreed
C1‑084420 UE subscription to reg-evet Alcatel-Lucent/Milo Orsic agreed
C1‑084421 Aligning XML Schema with draft-saklikar-communication-diversion-notification Research in Motion agreed
C1‑084422 Aligning XML Schema with draft-saklikar-communication-diversion-notification Research in Motion agreed
C1‑084423 IPv4 and IPv6 indication in LBO configuration data CT1 rejected
C1‑084424 IMS LBO support for EPS Qualcomm Europe/Subra revised
C1‑084425 UE procedures when multiple P-CSCF discovery mechanisms are supported Qualcomm Europe/Subra revised
C1‑084426 CAT forking model: AS handling of preconditions LM Ericsson agreed
C1‑084427 CAT forking model: AS handling of unreliable provisional responses LM Ericsson agreed
C1‑084428 Correction to originating session set up over Gm LM Ericsson agreed
C1‑084429 Session modification initiated from originating ICS UE LM Ericsson agreed
C1‑084430 Inclusion timer in SCC AS Research in Motion -Adrian rejected
C1‑084431 Correction of ECT procedure ZTE agreed
C1‑084432 Different Service Configuration Requests Nokia Siemens Networks postponed
C1‑084433 Signalling Flows for Multiple Registrations Huawei agreed
C1‑084434 Netann, mediactrl text improvements Hewlett Packard agreed
C1‑084435 Removing of the cpc parameter by the terminating S-CSCF removes CPC Orange agreed
C1‑084436 IMS LBO support for EPS Qualcomm Europe/Subra agreed
C1‑084437 UE procedures when multiple P-CSCF discovery mechanisms are supported Qualcomm Europe/Subra agreed
C1‑084438 Aligning initial INVITE request usage of Accept header field and profile tables Research in Motion agreed
C1‑084439 Introduction of IMC in support of common IMS Qualcomm Europe/Subra agreed
C1‑084440 CR on timers Deutsche Telekom agreed
C1‑084441 Additional changes for private network indication Alcatel-Lucent / Keith Drage agreed
C1‑084442 LS on IMS Centralized Services and Common IMS CT1 revised
C1‑084443 Signalling flows for CW using Gm Nortel Networks agreed
C1‑084444 Clarification of P-Visited-Network-ID usage for MSC Server Ericsson agreed
C1‑084445 Cleanup of PNM flows Research in Motion agreed
C1‑084446 Procedures for PS-CS session transfer Qualcomm Europe/Subra revised
C1‑084447 Procedures for PS-PS session transfer in conjunction with PS-CS session transfer Qualcomm Europe/Subra agreed
C1‑084448 Procedures for adding/removing media Qualcomm Europe/Subra agreed
C1‑084449 Call flow for PS-PS partial media transfer Qualcomm Europe/Subra agreed
C1‑084450 ANDSF - policy parameters for the MO Ericsson, Qualcomm Europe, Intel, Infineon revised
C1‑084451 ANDSF - access network info parameters for the MO Ericsson, Qualcomm Europe, Intel, Infineon agreed
C1‑084452 ANDSF - figure of management tree Ericsson, Qualcomm Europe, Intel, Infineon agreed
C1‑084453 WiMAX Management Object Intel, Sprint revised
C1‑084454 Stateless DHCPv6 within DSMIPv6 tunnel Qualcomm Europe/Patrick agreed
C1‑084455 Home link detection revision Qualcomm Europe/Patrick agreed
C1‑084456 Updates for the detach procedure Qualcomm Europe, CATT revised
C1‑084457 DSMIPv6 back home Ericsson, Qualcomm Europe agreed
C1‑084458 Binding Error Message Introduction Ericsson agreed
C1‑084459 NAT Keep Alive Clarification Ericsson, Qualcomm Europe revised
C1‑084460 Home agent address discovery based on DNS CATT, Ericsson agreed
C1‑084461 Usage NAI decoration in IKEv2 Qualcomm Europe/Gerardo agreed
C1‑084462 Detecting tunnel loop between PDN GWs Panasonic revised
C1‑084463 Update to WID for CT1 aspects of SRVCC to make it CT Wide LM Ericsson / CT4 revised
C1‑084464 Pseudo-CR on DSMIPv6 BU registration and de-registration race condition Panasonic revised
C1‑084465 LS on UE-EPC signalling and paging cause CT1 agreed
C1‑084466 Reply LS on NAS message concatenation and multiple EPS bearer setup current meeting withdrawn
C1‑084467 Reply LS on AS/NAS Split for CSG Selection current meeting revised
C1‑084468 Reply LS on maximum PDCP SDU size current meeting agreed
C1‑084469 LS on CS Fallback for Active mode Ues current meeting agreed
C1‑084470 LS on Rel-8 UICC parameters NTT DOCOMO revised
C1‑084471 Reply LS to RAN5 on SAE test cases NTT DOCOMO revised
C1‑084472 V0.0.0 : CSG White List MO Qualcomm Europe/Osok agreed
C1‑084473 OMA DM management object for CSG white list provisioning Qualcomm Europe/Osok postponed
C1‑084474 Allowed CSG list and Home Node B Name current meeting agreed
C1‑084475 EMM reject cause for CSG and Allowed CSG list update procedures Telecom Italia, Huawei, Qualcomm Europe agreed
C1‑084476 CSG access control for HNB – defining new cause value and UE behavior Qualcomm Europe/Osok postponed
C1‑084477 WID for definition of Overlap Signalling Deutsche Telekom noted
C1‑084478 SDF QoS format Nortel Networks agreed
C1‑084479 TI used in the EPC Huawei agreed
C1‑084480 Pseudo CR on Linkage between EMM and ESM protocols Alcatel-Lucent / Frank Alfano agreed
C1‑084481 Proposal of Rel-8 EMM parameters NTT DOCOMO [notaddressed]
C1‑084482 On Multiple PDN support in non-3GPP accesses Marvell /Ameya agreed
C1‑084483 Service Request Message format for the SGs interface InterDigital LLC agreed
C1‑084484 APN for Default EPS bearer Nortel Networks agreed
C1‑084485 Paging procedure in the MME Huawei agreed
C1‑084486 remove the TMSI in the paging message Huawei agreed
C1‑084487 LCS and call independent SS indication NEC/Gottfried agreed
C1‑084488 MM Information procedure NEC/Gottfried agreed
C1‑084489 Clarification of the CSG mobility list Nokia Siemens Networks agreed
C1‑084490 Non-integrity protected NAS messages accepted by the MME Nokia Siemens Networks agreed
C1‑084491 Attach and tracking area update attempt counters NEC/Yannick agreed
C1‑084492 EMM message to contain no more than one ESM message Nokia/Motorola agreed
C1‑084493 LS on CSG Identity in a white list Huawei revised
C1‑084494 LS on RRC and SABP update NTT DOCOMO agreed
C1‑084495 LS on draft response LS on Connection recovery by NAS CT1 agreed
C1‑084496 LS on the start of security on IRAT handover from GERAN/UTRAN CT1 agreed
C1‑084497 Alignment of description in stage1, 2 and 3 regarding PPAC CT1 agreed
C1‑084498 CR on description of PPAC NTT DOCOMO agreed
C1‑084499 Lists of forbidden tracking areas Nokia Siemens Networks agreed
C1‑084500 NGCN Entities in IMS CT1 withdrawn
C1‑084501 Inclusion of draft-ietf-sip-body-handling in the profile tables Research in Motion agreed
C1‑084502 UE - multiple contacts registration Alcatel-Lucent/ Milo Orsic agreed
C1‑084503 SDP Enhancements to support resource allocation CableLabs agreed
C1‑084504 NAT traversal for media Orange postponed
C1‑084505 Call release by the P-CSCF upon ressource reservation faillure Orange postponed
C1‑084506 Procedures for PS-CS session transfer Qualcomm Europe/Subra agreed
C1‑084507 LS on IMS Centralized Services and Common IMS CT1 agreed
C1‑084508 void - -
C1‑084509 void - -
C1‑084510 void - -
C1‑084511 void - -
C1‑084512 void - -
C1‑084513 void - -
C1‑084514 void - -
C1‑084515 void - -
C1‑084516 void - -
C1‑084517 void - -
C1‑084518 void - -
C1‑084519 void - -
C1‑084520 void - -
C1‑084521 void - -
C1‑084522 void - -
C1‑084523 void - -
C1‑084524 void - -
C1‑084525 void - -
C1‑084526 void - -
C1‑084527 void - -
C1‑084528 void - -
C1‑084529 void - -
C1‑084530 void - -
C1‑084531 void - -
C1‑084532 void - -
C1‑084533 void - -
C1‑084534 void - -
C1‑084535 void - -
C1‑084536 void - -
C1‑084537 void - -
C1‑084538 void - -
C1‑084539 void - -
C1‑084540 void - -
C1‑084541 void - -
C1‑084542 void - -
C1‑084543 void - -
C1‑084544 void - -
C1‑084545 void - -
C1‑084546 void - -
C1‑084547 void - -
C1‑084548 void - -
C1‑084549 void - -
C1‑084550 UE behavior upon receipt of the PDN DISCONNECT REJECT message Panasonic postponed
C1‑084551 Handling of access reject in NAS NEC, NTT DOCOMO agreed
C1‑084552 PDP Context Request Type 24.008 Nortel Networks agreed
C1‑084553 Detecting tunnel loop between PDN GWs Panasonic agreed
C1‑084554 Pseudo-CR on ESM message transmission failure from lower layers NEC/Caroline agreed
C1‑084555 Implementation of default PDP context Ericsson agreed
C1‑084556 Procedure to use ANDSF MO Qualcomm Europe/Patrick postponed
C1‑084557 ANDSF - general description of the MO Ericsson, Qualcomm Europe agreed
C1‑084558 ANDSF - policy parameters for the MO Ericsson, Qualcomm Europe, Intel, Infineon agreed
C1‑084559 WiMAX Management Object Intel, Sprint agreed
C1‑084560 ANDSF - scope for TS 24.312 Ericsson, Qualcomm Europe, Intel, Infineon agreed
C1‑084561 Core network handling of P-Preferred-Identity and P-Asserted-Identity header for business communication Alcatel-Lucent / Keith Drage postponed
C1‑084562 Reply LS on TS 29.311 on messaging interworking ct1 revised
C1‑084563 Updates for the detach procedure Qualcomm Europe, CATT agreed
C1‑084564 NAT Keep Alive Clarification Ericsson, Qualcomm Europe agreed
C1‑084565 Pseudo-CR on DSMIPv6 BU registration and de-registration race condition Panasonic agreed
C1‑084566 Update to WID for CT1 aspects of SRVCC to make it CT Wide LM Ericsson / CT4 revised
C1‑084567 Issues on reverse DNS reverse lookup CT1 agreed
C1‑084568 Reply LS on AS/NAS Split for CSG Selection ct1 agreed
C1‑084569 LS on Rel-8 UICC parameters NTT DOCOMO agreed
C1‑084570 Reply LS to RAN5 on SAE test cases CT1 agreed
C1‑084571 LS on CSG Identity in a white list Huawei agreed
C1‑084572 Reply LS on TS 29.311 on messaging interworking CT1 agreed
C1‑084573 Roaming restrictions issues with cause #13 or #15 Alcatel-Lucent / B. Landais agreed
C1‑084574 Update to WID for CT1 aspects of SRVCC to make it CT Wide LM Ericsson / CT4 agreed
C1‑084575 Introduction of Extended Service Request Nokia/Marko [notaddressed]
C1‑088000 Agenda WG Chairman -
C1‑088001 Report of the last SA5 meeting MCC -
C1‑088002 SA5 status report at the last SA meeting MCC -
C1‑088003 Liaison Statement Status BEFORE this meeting WG Vice Chairman -
C1‑088004 Liaison Statement Status AFTER this meeting WG Vice Chairman -
C1‑088005 SA5 Structure and Meeting Facility Requirements SA5 Chair Team -
C1‑088006 Draft TS/TR Management Process WG Vice Chair -
C1‑088007 SA5 Meeting Calendar WG Chairman -
C1‑088008 TR 30.818 Project scheduling and open issues for SA5 Release 8 MCC -
C1‑088009 R8 Deliverables due for the NEXT SA plenary MCC -
C1‑088010 OAM Time Plan OAM Chair -
C1‑088011 OAM Detailed Report from LAST Meeting OAM Chair -
C1‑088012 OAM Action Item Register (from previous meetings, LSs, Conference Calls) OAM Chair -
C1‑088013 OAM Executive Report from THIS Meeting OAM Chair -
C1‑088014 OAM Detailed Report from THIS Meeting OAM Chair -
C1‑088015 CH Agenda and Time Plan CH Chair -
C1‑088016 CH Detailed Report from LAST Meeting CH Chair -
C1‑088017 CH List of documents CH Chair -
C1‑088018 CH Executive Report from THIS Meeting CH Chair -
C1‑088019 CH Detailed Report from THIS Meeting CH Chair -
C1‑088020 CR quality check process SA5 Chair Team -
C1‑088021 RESUBMITTED_LS_in from OMA on AVPs for AoC OMA-LS_269 -
C1‑088022 Usage of 'shall' and 'should' in SA5 WG Chairman -
C1‑088023 TR 32.816-161 Study on Management of E-UTRAN and EPC MCC -
C1‑088024 R8 32260 Correction on Number Portability and Carrier Selection Nokia Siemens Networks -
C1‑088025 R8 32299 Correction on AVP codes – Alignment with TS 29.230 Nokia Siemens Networks -
C1‑088026 R8 32274 Multiple SMS destination – Alignment with TS 23.040 Nokia Siemens Networks -
C1‑088027 R8 32299 Multiple SMS destination – Alignment with TS 23.040 Nokia Siemens Networks -
C1‑088028 R7 32298 Correction on ASN.1 code for IMS Charging Nokia Siemens Networks -
C1‑088029 R8 32298 Correction on ASN.1 code for IMS Charging Nokia Siemens Networks -
C1‑088030 TS 32.275-011 MultiMedia Telephony (MMTel) charging MCC -
C1‑088031 TS 32.280-021 Charging management: Advice of Charge (AoC) service MCC -
C1‑088032 TS 32.410-007 Key Performance Indicators (KPI) for UMTS and GSM MCC -
C1‑088033 TS 32.451-011 Telecommunication management: Key Performance Indicators (KPI) for Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network (E-UTRAN): Requirements MCC -
C1‑088034 TS 32.450-011 Telecommunication management: Key Performance Indicators (KPI) for Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network (E-UTRAN): Definitions MCC -
C1‑088035 TS 32.426 Telecommunication management: Performance Management (PM): Performance measurements Evolved Packet Core (EPC) network MCC -
C1‑088036 TS 32.425 Telecommunication management: Performance Management (PM): Performance measurements Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network (E-UTRAN) MCC -
C1‑088037 TS 32.823 Study on Self-healing of SON MCC -
C1‑088038 TS 32.521 Telecommunication management: Self-Organizing Networks (SON): Self-optimization and self-healing: Concepts and requirements MCC -
C1‑088039 TR 32.821 Telecommunication management: Study of Self-Organising Networks (SON) related OAM Interfaces for Home NodeB MCC -
C1‑088040 TR 32.822 Telecommunication management: Study on System Maintenance over Itf-N MCC -
C1‑088041 New Work Item Proposal on Software Management Huawei Technologies. -
C1‑088042 Draft LS to RAN3 on removal of neighbour relations by OAM WG Chairman -
C1‑088043 New WID on Rc Reference Point Functionalities and Message Flows Huawei -
C1‑088044 MMTel charging principles Huawei -
C1‑088045 Adjustments and small refinements on MMTel Charging Nokia Siemens Networks -
C1‑088046 MMTel Offline message flows for TIP and TIR Nokia Siemens Networks -
C1‑088047 Principles on Diameter message flows for MMTel Charging Nokia Siemens Networks -
C1‑088048 MMTel Offline message flows for HOLD and CB Nokia Siemens Networks -
C1‑088049 MMTel Offline message flows for OIP and OIR Nokia Siemens Networks -
C1‑088050 blablaq bli bli -

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