Four Generations of Mobile Standards

3GPP TDocs (written contributions) at meeting

Meeting: RP-77 - 2017-09-11 to 2017-09-14, Sapporo

meeting id: RP-77 (click id for more info on this meeting)

Click on the Tdoc to open its file.

TDoc Title Source Remarks
RP‑171515 Agenda for RAN #77 held in Sapporo, Japan, 11.09.-14.09.2017 RAN chairman (Nokia) imported from 3GU
RP‑171516 Draft report of RAN #76 held in West Palm Beach, USA, 05.06.-08.06.2017 ETSI MCC imported from 3GU
RP‑171517 Status Report RAN WG1 RAN1 chairman (NTT DOCOMO) imported from 3GU
RP‑171518 List of CRs from RAN WG1 ETSI MCC imported from 3GU
RP‑171519 Status Report RAN WG2 RAN2 chairman (Intel) imported from 3GU
RP‑171520 List of CRs from RAN WG2 ETSI MCC imported from 3GU
RP‑171521 Status Report RAN WG3 RAN3 chairman (Ericsson) imported from 3GU
RP‑171522 List of CRs from RAN WG3 ETSI MCC imported from 3GU
RP‑171523 Status Report RAN WG4 RAN4 chairman (Samsung) imported from 3GU
RP‑171524 List of CRs from RAN WG4 ETSI MCC imported from 3GU
RP‑171525 Status Report RAN WG5 RAN5 chairman (Motorola Mobility) imported from 3GU
RP‑171526 List of CRs from RAN WG5 ETSI MCC imported from 3GU
RP‑171527 Status Report MCC TF160 (for approval) ETSI MCC TF160 Leader imported from 3GU
RP‑171528 Status Report RAN WG6 RAN6 chairman (Nokia) imported from 3GU
RP‑171529 List of CRs from RAN WG6 ETSI MCC imported from 3GU
RP‑171530 TSG SA Report to TSG RAN - Questions for Advice and Requests SA chairman (Samsung) imported from 3GU
RP‑171531 3GPP Support Team Report ETSI MCC imported from 3GU
RP‑171532 Status Report ITU-R Ad hoc ITU-R Ad hoc Contact (Telecom Italia) imported from 3GU
RP‑171533 3GPP Work Plan review at Plenary #77 ETSI MCC imported from 3GU
RP‑171534 Reply LS to LS NGP(17)000038r2 = RP-170891 on requesting support for defining next generation protocols (SP-170579; to: ETSI ISG NGP; cc: CT, RAN, IETF; contact: Huawei) SA imported from 3GU
RP‑171535 Reply LS to S2-173686 = RP-170897 on EPC QoS aspects for TSG RAN’s lower latency features (SP-170584; to: SA2, RAN; cc: SA1, CT; contact: Qualcomm) SA imported from 3GU
RP‑171536 Reply LS to IEEE 802.11-16/1574r3 = RP-170886 Requesting Status and Information on WLAN integration in 3GPP NextGen System (SP-170585; to: IEEE 802.11; cc: RAN, SA1, SA2, SA3; contact: Broadcom) SA imported from 3GU
RP‑171537 Reply LS to LS ETSI TC EE(16)050035r2 = SP-170285 and LS ITU-T SG5_COM5_LS194-E = RP-161972 on Energy Efficiency (SP-170597; to: ETSI TC EE, ITU-T SG5; cc: ETSI TC ATTM, ITU-T SG15, RAN, CT, SA5; contact: Orange) SA imported from 3GU
RP‑171538 Reply LS to R2-1706153 on Supported features by 5GC for E-UTRA connected to 5G CN (S2-175192; to: RAN2; cc: CT1, SA5, RAN3, SA1, RAN, SA; contact: Nokia) SA2 imported from 3GU
RP‑171539 Reply LS to SP-170584 = RP-171535 and RP-171473 on EPC QoS aspects for TSG RAN’s lower latency features (S2-175276; to: RAN, SA, RAN1, RAN2, RAN3; cc: SA1, CT1; contact: Ericsson) SA2 imported from 3GU
RP‑171540 LS on Status Icons related to 5G (S2-175303; to: GSMA FNW, NGMN; cc: SA, SA1, RAN, CT, CT1, RAN2; contact: Mediatek) SA2 imported from 3GU
RP‑171541 LS to GCS proponents and transposing organizations on the provision of transposition references and certification C for Draft Revision 3 of Recommendation ITU-R M.2012 (ITU-R WP5D/TEMP/336; to: RAN, SA, ARIB, ATIS, CCSA, ETSI, TSDSI, TTA, TTC; cc: -; ITU-R WP5D imported from 3GU
RP‑171542 LS on characteristics of IMT-2020 system for coexistince study in the frequency band 4800-4990 MHz (ITU-R WP5D/TEMP/345r1; to: RAN4, RAN1; cc: RAN; contact: Counsellor ITU-R SG5) ITU-R WP5D imported from 3GU
RP‑171543 Reply LS to RP-170021 on unwanted emissions of IMT-2020 (ITU-R WP5D/TEMP/321r1; to: RAN4; cc: RAN, RAN1; contact: Counsellor ITU-R SG 5) ITU-R WP5D imported from 3GU
RP‑171544 LS on Availability of Addendum 3 to Circular Letter 5/LCCE/59 related to proposals for candidate radio interface technologies for the terrestrial components of the radio interface(s) for IMT-2020 and their subsequent evaluation (ITU-R WP5D/TEMP/349r1 ITU-R WP5D imported from 3GU
RP‑171545 Reply LS to PCG#38(17)10 on Report ITU-R SM.2351 (Smart grid utility management systems) (ITU-R WP1A/TEMP/74; to: RAN, SA; cc: -; contact: Counsellor ITU-R SG1) ITU-R WP1A imported from 3GU
RP‑171546 LS on Initiation of work to support IMT-2020/5G in the Transport Network (ITU-T SG15-LS40; to: RAN; cc: -; contact: ZTE) ITU-T SG15 imported from 3GU
RP‑171547 LS on Evolution of IMSI format and E.212 Recommendation (ITU-T SG2-LS27; to: RAN, CT, SA, SA2, SA5, GSMA, WBA; cc: - ; contact: Orange) ITU-T SG2 imported from 3GU
RP‑171548 LS on the first meeting of ITU-T Focus Group on Data Processing and Management to support IoT and Smart Cities & Communities (FG-DPM) (ITU-T FG-DPM-LS4; to: RAN, SA, IEC SyC Smart Cities WG1, ETSI ISG CIM, CERN, EUROCITIES, Augmented Reality (AR) Sta ITU-T FG-DPM imported from 3GU
RP‑171549 reserved ETSI MCC imported from 3GU
RP‑171550 reserved ETSI MCC imported from 3GU
RP‑171551 reserved ETSI MCC imported from 3GU
RP‑171552 reserved ETSI MCC imported from 3GU
RP‑171553 reserved ETSI MCC imported from 3GU
RP‑171554 reserved ETSI MCC imported from 3GU
RP‑171555 reserved ETSI MCC imported from 3GU
RP‑171556 reserved ETSI MCC imported from 3GU
RP‑171557 reserved ETSI MCC imported from 3GU
RP‑171558 reserved ETSI MCC imported from 3GU
RP‑171559 reserved ETSI MCC imported from 3GU
RP‑171560 reserved ETSI MCC imported from 3GU
RP‑171561 reserved ETSI MCC imported from 3GU
RP‑171562 reserved ETSI MCC imported from 3GU
RP‑171563 reserved ETSI MCC imported from 3GU
RP‑171564 reserved ETSI MCC imported from 3GU
RP‑171565 reserved ETSI imported from 3GU
RP‑171566 Status report of WI Quality of Experience (QoE) Measurement Collection for streaming services in E-UTRAN China Unicom imported from 3GU
RP‑171567 Draft LS (to: RAN1, RAN2, RAN3, RAN4, RAN5; cc: SA, CT, RAN6) on IMT-2020 submission schedule NEC imported from 3GU
RP‑171568 Status Report - UE Conformance Test Aspects - Enhanced LAA for LTE Intel Corporation (UK) Ltd imported from 3GU
RP‑171569 Status Report of WI 450 MHz Band for LTE in Region 3 China Unicom imported from 3GU
RP‑171570 New Work Item Proposal: UE Conformance Test Aspects - US 600 MHz Band for LTE (Band 71) Dish Network imported from 3GU
RP‑171571 Status Report for WI: UE Conformance Test Aspects - Addition of 1.4 and 3 MHz Channel Bandwidth to E-UTRA operating band 65 for CGC (Complementary Ground Component) operations in Region 1; rapporteur: Dish Network RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑171572 Addition of Bands for Cat M1, M2, NB1, and NB2 applicability AT&T GNS Belgium SPRL imported from 3GU
RP‑171573 Status Report: LTE Advanced inter-band CA Rel-15 for 5DL/1UL Nokia imported from 3GU
RP‑171574 Revised WI: LTE Advanced inter-band CA Rel-15 for 5DL/1UL Nokia imported from 3GU
RP‑171575 New WI: Extended-Band12 new E-UTRA Band T-Mobile USA imported from 3GU
RP‑171576 Summary of email discussion [76-06] Target peak data rates for NR NTT DOCOMO, INC. (Email discussion rapporteur) imported from 3GU
RP‑171577 Revised WID: UE Conformance Test Aspects – Enhanced LAA for LTE Intel Corporation (UK) Ltd imported from 3GU
RP‑171578 Propagation delay and Doppler in Non-Terrestrial Networks THALES imported from 3GU
RP‑171579 Non-Terrestrial Networks: Considerations on NR impacts THALES imported from 3GU
RP‑171580 proposed corrections to TR38.811 THALES imported from 3GU
RP‑171581 Study on Solutions for NR to support Non-Terrestrial Networks THALES imported from 3GU
RP‑171582 Status report of WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - RAT Independent Further Indoor Positioning Enhancements for LTE; rapporteur: NextNav RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑171583 UE Conformance Test Aspects - LTE UE TRP and TRS and UTRA Hand Phantom; rapporteur: ZTE RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑171584 Summary of email discussion [76-05] IMT2020 submission TELECOM ITALIA S.p.A. imported from 3GU
RP‑171585 Status Report of WI: Core part: LTE UE TRP and TRS and UTRA Hand Phantom related UE TRP and TRS Requirements TELECOM ITALIA S.p.A. imported from 3GU
RP‑171586 SR for WI on UE requirements for network-based CRS interference mitigation for LTE Ericsson LM imported from 3GU
RP‑171587 3GPP Radio Interface Name for IMT-2020 Submission AT&T GNS Belgium SPRL imported from 3GU
RP‑171588 Considerations on extending 12 (B12+) Dish Network imported from 3GU
RP‑171589 Status report of WI Ultra Reliable Low Latency Communication for LTE; rapporteur: Ericsson Ericsson LM imported from 3GU
RP‑171590 RAN6 agreed CRs for REL-14 WI: Small Technical Enhancements and Improvements for REL-14 UMTS (TEI14) TSG RAN WG6 imported from 3GU
RP‑171591 RAN6 agreed CR for REL-14 WI: DL interference mitigation for UMTS (UTRA_DL_IM-Core) TSG RAN WG6 imported from 3GU
RP‑171592 RAN6 agreed CRs for REL-15 WI: Simplified HS-SCCH for UMTS (UTRA_simple_HSSCCH-Core) TSG RAN WG6 imported from 3GU
RP‑171593 RAN6 agreed CRs for REL-14 WI: Small Technical Enhancements and Improvements for REL-14 GERAN (TEI14) TSG RAN WG6 imported from 3GU
RP‑171594 RAN6 agreed CRs for REL-14 WI: Positioning Enhancements for GERAN (ePOS_GERAN) TSG RAN WG6 imported from 3GU
RP‑171595 RAN6 agreed CRs for REL-14 WI: Radio Interface Enhancements for Extended Coverage GSM for support of Cellular Internet of Things (CIoT_EC_GSM_radio_enh) TSG RAN WG6 imported from 3GU
RP‑171596 RAN6 agreed CR for REL-15 WI: Small Technical Enhancements and Improvements for REL-15 (TEI15) TSG RAN WG6 imported from 3GU
RP‑171597 RAN6 agreed CRs (including mirror CRs) for REL-12 WI: Small Technical Enhancements and Improvements for REL-12 (TEI12) on Removal of references to TS 44.118 and TS 44.160 (Iu mode) TSG RAN WG6 imported from 3GU
RP‑171598 RAN6 agreed CRs (including mirror CR) for REL-13 WI Core Part: Extended DRX (eDRX) for GSM (eDRX_GSM-Core) TSG RAN WG6 imported from 3GU
RP‑171599 Introduction of a new DL category Qualcomm Incorporated imported from 3GU
RP‑171600 Status report for SI Study on NR-based access to unlicensed spectrum Qualcomm Incorporated imported from 3GU
RP‑171601 Revision of SI NR-based Access to Unlicensed Spectrum Qualcomm Incorporated imported from 3GU
RP‑171602 Motivation for WID on dedicated 5G MBMS for LTE Qualcomm Incorporated imported from 3GU
RP‑171603 New WID on dedicated 5G MBMS for LTE Qualcomm Incorporated imported from 3GU
RP‑171604 NR downscoping Qualcomm Incorporated imported from 3GU
RP‑171605 Views on UL sharing Qualcomm Incorporated imported from 3GU
RP‑171606 Views on single Tx switched UL Qualcomm Incorporated imported from 3GU
RP‑171607 NR FDD gap analysis Qualcomm Incorporated imported from 3GU
RP‑171608 Revised WID: LTE Advanced inter-band CA Rel-15 for xDL/2UL with x=3,4,5 LG Electronics imported from 3GU
RP‑171609 Status report on xDL2UL CA basket WI; Rapporteur: LG Electronics RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑171610 Status report on V2X new band combinations; Rapporteur: LG Electronics RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑171611 TR 36.747 v2.0.0 Enhanced CRS and 4Rx SU-MIMO Interference Mitigation Performance Requirements for LTE Huawei imported from 3GU
RP‑171612 Status Report of WI: UE Conformance Test Aspects – Radiated Performance of Multiple-antenna Receivers in the LTE UE; rapporteur: Intel Corporation Intel Corporation (UK) Ltd imported from 3GU
RP‑171613 Status Report of WI: UE Conformance Test Aspects – Interference Mitigation for Downlink Control Channels of LTE; rapporteur: Intel Corporation Intel Corporation (UK) Ltd imported from 3GU
RP‑171614 Status Report of WI: UE Conformance Test Aspects – Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) – 3GPP Radio Level Integration and Interworking Enhancements (Rel-13); rapporteur: Intel Corporation Intel Corporation (UK) Ltd imported from 3GU
RP‑171615 Revised WID: UE Conformance Test Aspects – Radiated Performance of Multiple-antenna Receivers in the UE Intel Corporation (UK) Ltd imported from 3GU
RP‑171616 Revised WID: UE Conformance Test Aspects – Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) – 3GPP Radio Level Integration and Interworking Enhancements (Rel-13) Intel Corporation (UK) Ltd imported from 3GU
RP‑171617 Status report of WI on V2X performance part; rapporteur: LG Electronics RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑171618 Status report of SI: Study on evaluation methodology of new V2X use cases for LTE and NR; rapporteur: LG Electronics LG Electronics Inc. imported from 3GU
RP‑171619 Summary of email discussion on regulation study for ITS operation in frequency band above 6 GHz LG Electronics Inc. imported from 3GU
RP‑171620 Status report of WI Shortened TTI and processing time for LTE; rapporteur Mårten Sundberg RAN1 imported from 3GU
RP‑171621 Standardization of narrowband V2X ^^in Rel-15 LG Electronics Inc. imported from 3GU
RP‑171622 Status report for WI: Enhancements to LTE operation in unlicensed spectrum; rapporteur: Nokia Nokia imported from 3GU
RP‑171623 Status report of WI LTE_CA_R15_intra; rapporteur: Ericsson RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑171624 Status report of WI LTE_CA_R15_4DL1UL; rapporteur: Ericsson RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑171625 Revised WID: Rel-15 Basket WI for LTE Advanced Intra-band CA including contiguous and non-contiguous spectrum Ericsson imported from 3GU
RP‑171626 Revised WID: Rel-15 Basket WI for LTE Advanced Inter-band CA Rel-15 for 4DL/1UL Ericsson imported from 3GU
RP‑171627 Status report of WI Ultra Reliable Low Latency Communication for LTE; rapporteur: Ericsson RAN1 imported from 3GU
RP‑171628 WI summary for WI eMBMS enhancements for LTE Ericsson GmbH, Eurolab imported from 3GU
RP‑171629 New WID on MBMS support for non-standalone NR LG Electronics Polska imported from 3GU
RP‑171630 Motivation for New WI on MBMS support for non-standalone NR LG Electronics Polska imported from 3GU
RP‑171631 TR 36.755 V1.0.0 on US 600 MHz Band for LTE Ericsson imported from 3GU
RP‑171632 Status Report on WI US 600 MHz Band for LTE; rapporteur: Ericsson Ericsson imported from 3GU
RP‑171633 Revised WID on LAA/eLAA for the CBRS 3.5GHz band in the United States AT&T, Ericsson imported from 3GU
RP‑171634 Status report for UE Conformance Test Aspects - IMS for Converged IP Communications; rapporteur: ROHDE & SCHWARZ RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑171635 Revised WID: UE Conformance Test Aspects - IMS for Converged IP Communications ROHDE & SCHWARZ imported from 3GU
RP‑171636 Maintenance of Rel-14 Uplink Capacity Enhancements for LTE RAN1 imported from 3GU
RP‑171637 Maintenance of Rel-13 LTE carrier aggregation enhancement beyond 5 carriers RAN1 imported from 3GU
RP‑171638 Maintenance of Rel-14 eFD-MIMO RAN1 imported from 3GU
RP‑171639 Maintenance of Rel-13 Further LTE Physical Layer Enhancements for MTC RAN1 imported from 3GU
RP‑171640 Maintenance of Rel-13 NB-IoT feature RAN1 imported from 3GU
RP‑171641 CR on 36.214 for UE carrier phase measurements RAN1 imported from 3GU
RP‑171642 Maintenance of Rel-14 Enhanced LAA RAN1 imported from 3GU
RP‑171643 Maintenance to TR36.873 - Study on 3D channel model for LTE RAN1 imported from 3GU
RP‑171644 Maintenance of Rel-14 V2X RAN1 imported from 3GU
RP‑171645 Maintenance of Rel-14 FeMTC RAN1 imported from 3GU
RP‑171646 Maintenance of Rel-14 NB-IoT enhancements for LTE RAN1 imported from 3GU
RP‑171647 Maintenance of Rel-14 Downlink Multiuser Superposition Transmission for LTE RAN1 imported from 3GU
RP‑171648 Maintenance to TR38.802/TR38.901 related to New Radio (NR) Access Technology RAN1 imported from 3GU
RP‑171649 Maintenance of Rel-13 Elevation Beamforming/Full-Dimension (FD) MIMO for LTE RAN1 imported from 3GU
RP‑171650 Maintenance of Rel-11 LTE Carrier Aggregation Enhancements RAN1 imported from 3GU
RP‑171651 Maintenance of Rel-13 LAA RAN1 imported from 3GU
RP‑171652 On 5G IOT evolution Qualcomm imported from 3GU
RP‑171653 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) WI UE Conformance Test Aspects – IMS for Converged IP Communications ^^(IMS_CONV_IP_COM-UEConTest) TSG WG RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑171654 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - Dual connectivity for LTE (LTE_SC_enh_dualC-UEConTest) TSG WG RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑171655 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - Further Enhancements to LTE TDD for DL-UL Interference Management and Traffic Adaptation (LTE_TDD_eIMTA-UEConTest) TSG WG RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑171656 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) WI UE Conformance Test Aspects: Increasing the minimum number of carriers for UE monitoring in UTRA and E-UTRA (LTE_UTRA_IncMon-UEConTest) TSG WG RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑171657 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - Rel-13 LTE CA configurations (LTE_CA_Rel13-UEConTest) TSG WG RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑171658 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - LTE DL 4 Rx antenna ports (LTE_4Rx_AP_DL-UEConTest) TSG WG RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑171659 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - Licensed-Assisted Access using LTE (LTE_LAA-UEConTest) TSG WG RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑171660 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - Further LTE Physical Layer Enhancements for MTC (LTE_MTCe2_L1-UEConTest) (Batch 1) TSG WG RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑171661 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - Further LTE Physical Layer Enhancements for MTC (LTE_MTCe2_L1-UEConTest) (Batch 2) TSG WG RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑171662 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - WLAN/3GPP Radio Level Integration and Interworking Enhancement Interworking (LTE_WLAN_radio-UEConTest) TSG WG RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑171663 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - Narrowband Internet of Things (NB-IOT) (NB_IOT-UEConTest) (Batch 1) TSG WG RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑171664 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - Narrowband Internet of Things (NB-IOT) (NB_IOT-UEConTest) (Batch 2) TSG WG RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑171665 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - Narrowband Internet of Things (NB-IOT) (NB_IOT-UEConTest) (Batch 3) TSG WG RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑171666 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) WI MS Conformance Test Aspects -LTE Carrier Aggregation Enhancement Beyond 5 Carriers: PUCCH on Scell (LTE_CA_enh_b5C_PUCCH-UEConTest) TSG WG RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑171667 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) WI MS Conformance Test Aspects - Support for Mission Critical Push To Talk over LTE (MCPTT) (MCPTT-ConTest) TSG WG RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑171668 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) WI MS Conformance Test Aspects -Interference Mitigation for Downlink Control Channels of LTE (LTE_IM_DLCCH-UEConTest) TSG WG RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑171669 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) WI MS Conformance Test Aspects - x^^(LTE_MIMO_OTA-UEConTest) TSG WG RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑171670 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - Rel-14 CA configurations^^(LTE_CA_R14-UEConTest) TSG WG RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑171671 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) WI MS Conformance Test Aspects - Support for V2V services based on LTE sidelink (LTE_SL_V2V-UEConTest) TSG WG RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑171672 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) under WI UE Conformance Test Aspects – LTE 2.6 GHz FDD SDL band (2570-2620 MHz) and LTE Carrier Aggregation (2DL/1UL) with Band 3 for Region 1 (Band 69)^^ (LTE_FDD_2600_CA_B3-UEConTest) TSG WG RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑171673 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) WI UE Conformance Test Aspects – RAT Independent Further Indoor Positioning Enhancements for LTE^^(LTE_iPos_enh2_RI-UEConTest) TSG WG RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑171674 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) WI UE Conformance Test Aspects – Quality of Experience (QoE) Measurement Collection for streaming services in UTRAN^^(UMTS_QMC_Streaming-UEConTest) TSG WG RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑171675 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) WI UE Conformance Test Aspects – Performance enhancements for high speed scenario in LTE^^(LTE_high_speed-UEConTest) TSG WG RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑171676 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) WI UE Conformance Test Aspects – New band support for Rel-14 NB-IoT^^(NB_IOT_R14_bands-UEConTest) TSG WG RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑171677 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) WI UE Conformance Test Aspects – 4 Rx antenna ports with CA for LTE DL^^(LTE_4Rx_AP_DL_CA-UEConTest) TSG WG RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑171678 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) under WI UE Conformance Test Aspects – Addition of 1.4 and 3 MHz Channel Bandwidth to E-UTRA operating band 65 for CGC operations in Region 1 (LTE_1980_2170_REG1_addBWs-UEConTest) TSG WG RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑171679 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) under WI UE Conformance Test Aspects – Evolution to and Interworking with eCall in IMS (EIEI-UEConTest) TSG WG RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑171680 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) under WI UE Conformance Test Aspects – Requirements for a new UE category 1bis with single receiver based on category 1 for LTE (LTE_UE_cat_1RX-UEConTest) TSG WG RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑171681 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) WI MS Conformance Test Aspects - Support for LTE-based V2X Services^^(LTE_V2X-UEConTest) TSG WG RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑171682 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) under WI UE Conformance Test Aspects – Enhancements of Dedicated Core Networks for UTRA and LTE (eDECOR-UTRA_LTE-UEConTest) TSG WG RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑171683 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) under WI UE Conformance Test Aspects – Voice and Video Enhancement for LTE (LTE_VoLTE_ViLTE_enh-UEConTest) TSG WG RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑171684 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) under WI Small Technical Enhancements and Improvements for Rel-14 Conformance Testing (TEI14_Test) TSG WG RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑171685 CR to 36.523-3: Add new verified and e-mail agreed TTCN test cases in the TC lists in 36.523-3 (prose), Annex A TSG WG RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑171686 CR to 36.523-3: Add new verified and e-mail agreed TTCN test cases in the TC lists in 36.523-3 (TTCN), Annex A TSG WG RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑171687 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) under WI Small Technical Enhancements and Improvements for Rel 99 Conformance Testing(TEI_Test) TSG WG RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑171688 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) under WI Small Technical Enhancements and Improvements for Rel-7 Conformance Testing(TEI7_Test) TSG WG RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑171689 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) under WI Small Technical Enhancements and Improvements for Rel-8 Conformance Testing(TEI8_Test) TSG WG RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑171690 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) under WI Small Technical Enhancements and Improvements for Rel-9 Conformance Testing(TEI9_Test) TSG WG RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑171691 CR to 34.229-3: Add new verified and e-mail agreed TTCN test cases in the TC lists in 34.229-3 (prose), Annex A TSG WG RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑171692 CR to 34.229-3: Add new verified and e-mail agreed TTCN test cases in the TC lists in 34.229-3 (TTCN), Annex A TSG WG RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑171693 CR to 34.123-3: Add new verified and e-mail agreed TTCN test cases in the TC lists in 34.123-3 (prose), Annex A TSG WG RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑171694 CR to 34.123-3: Add new verified and e-mail agreed TTCN test cases in the TC lists in 34.123-3 (TTCN), Annex A TSG WG RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑171695 CR to 37.751-4: Add new verified and e-mail agreed TTCN test cases in the TC lists in 37.571-4 (prose), Annex A TSG WG RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑171696 CR to 37.571-4: Add new verified and e-mail agreed TTCN test cases in the TC lists in 37.571-4 (TTCN), Annex A TSG WG RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑171697 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) under WI Small Technical Enhancements and Improvements for Rel-10 Conformance Testing (TEI10_Test) TSG WG RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑171698 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) under WI Small Technical Enhancements and Improvements for Rel-11 Conformance Testing (TEI11_Test) TSG WG RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑171699 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) under WI Small Technical Enhancements and Improvements for Rel-12 Conformance Testing (TEI12_Test) TSG WG RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑171700 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) under WI Small Technical Enhancements and Improvements for Rel-13 Conformance Testing (TEI13_Test) TSG WG RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑171701 Supporting 2Tx UE and single UL transmission in NR AT&T GNS Belgium SPRL imported from 3GU
RP‑171702 SR Uplink Capacity Enhancements for LTE Ericsson, CMCC imported from 3GU
RP‑171703 Considerations on Non-Terrestrial network channel models THALES imported from 3GU
RP‑171704 Earlier spec implementation of V2X combination 20A_47A VODAFONE Group Plc imported from 3GU
RP‑171705 TRP/TRS OTA UE radiated requirements - next steps VODAFONE Group Plc imported from 3GU
RP‑171706 LTE-NR uplink carrier sharing at the UE VODAFONE Group Plc imported from 3GU
RP‑171707 Status_Report LTE_B41_CAPC2 RAN_77; Rapporteur: Sprint SPRINT Corporation imported from 3GU
RP‑171708 CR for adding missing table for TDD 4 DL CQI CA tests in Rel-14 ETSI MCC imported from 3GU
RP‑171709 TR 36.748 v2.0.0 for 450MHz E-UTRA FDD Band for LTE PPDR and PMR/PAMR in Europe Airbus DS SLC imported from 3GU
RP‑171710 Status report of WI 450MHz E-UTRA FDD Band for LTE PPDR and PMR/PAMR in Europe; rapporteur: Airbus DS SLC Airbus DS SLC imported from 3GU
RP‑171711 Status report of WI Core part: E-UTRA 700MHz in Europe for Broadband-PPDR; rapporteur: Airbus DS SLC Airbus DS SLC imported from 3GU
RP‑171712 Status report of WI Core part: E-UTRA 700MHz in Europe for Broadband-PPDR; rapporteur: Airbus DS SLC Airbus DS SLC imported from 3GU
RP‑171713 New WID on UE Conformance Test Aspects for 450MHz E-UTRA FDD Band for LTE PPDR and PMR/PAMR in Europe (Band 72) French MoI, Airbus DS SLC imported from 3GU
RP‑171714 New WID on UE Conformance Test Aspects for E-UTRA 700MHz in Europe for Broadband-PPDR French MoI, Airbus DS SLC imported from 3GU
RP‑171715 Updated work plan of RAN2/3 NR NTT DOCOMO, INC. imported from 3GU
RP‑171716 Status report of Study on CU-DU lower layer split for New Radio; rapporteur: NTT DOCOMO, INC. RAN3 imported from 3GU
RP‑171717 Revised SID on Study on CU-DU lower layer split for New Radio NTT DOCOMO, INC. imported from 3GU
RP‑171718 Comments regarding UL data compression (UDC) KDDI Corporation imported from 3GU
RP‑171719 Consideration of working procedure and orgnanization of NR WID ZTE Corporation imported from 3GU
RP‑171720 Discussion on working scope of NR WID ZTE Corporation imported from 3GU
RP‑171721 New WID on LTE Advanced Inter-band Carrier Aggregation (4DL/4UL) of Band 41 and Band 42 KDDI Corporation imported from 3GU
RP‑171722 Way forward on NR SIDs ZTE Corporation imported from 3GU
RP‑171723 Possible measures to ensure the NSA completion KDDI Corporation imported from 3GU
RP‑171724 Status Report of Study on 5G Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access ; rapporteur:ZTE ZTE Corporation imported from 3GU
RP‑171725 Consideration on IMT-2020 submission ZTE Corporation imported from 3GU
RP‑171726 Discussion on the scope of Rel-15 TDD NB-IoT ZTE Corporation imported from 3GU
RP‑171727 New WID on multi-node testing for License-Assisted Access (LAA) BROADCOM CORPORATION imported from 3GU
RP‑171728 New WID on multi-node testing for License-Assisted Access (LAA) BROADCOM CORPORATION imported from 3GU
RP‑171729 Status Report for WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - LTE 2.6 GHz FDD SDL band (2570-2620 MHz) and LTE Carrier Aggregation (2DL/1UL) with Band 3 for Region 1 (Band 69); rapporteur: Bureau Veritas, Orange RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑171730 NR Stage 2 Rapporteur (Nokia) imported from 3GU
RP‑171731 OTDOA for TDD NB-IoT SoftBank Corp. imported from 3GU
RP‑171732 Acceleration of NR WI SoftBank Corp. imported from 3GU
RP‑171733 TS 38.321 Samsung (Rapporteur) imported from 3GU
RP‑171734 Status report of WI UE Positioning Accuracy Enhancements for LTE; rapporteur: Nokia RAN2 imported from 3GU
RP‑171735 Status report for WI Perf. part: Enhancements of NB-IoT; rapporteur: Huawei RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑171736 Status report for WI: Further NB-IoT enhancements; rapporteur: Huawei RAN1 imported from 3GU
RP‑171737 Status report for WI: Enhancements for high capacity stationary wireless link and introduction of 1024 QAM for LTE DL; rapporteur: Huawei RAN1 imported from 3GU
RP‑171738 Revision of WID: Enhancements for high capacity stationary wireless link and introduction of 1024 QAM for LTE DL Huawei, Qualcomm imported from 3GU
RP‑171739 Status report for WI: V2X phase 2 based on LTE; rapporteur: Huawei RAN1 imported from 3GU
RP‑171740 Revision of WID:V2X phase 2 based on LTE Huawei, HiSilicon imported from 3GU
RP‑171741 Status report for WI: Signalling reduction to enable light connection for LTE, rapporteur: Huawei RAN2 imported from 3GU
RP‑171742 Status report for SI: Further Enhancements LTE Device to Device, UE to Network Relays for IoT and Wearables; rapporteur: Huawei RAN2 imported from 3GU
RP‑171743 Status report for WI: LTE connectivity to 5G-CN; rapporteur: Huawei RAN2 imported from 3GU
RP‑171744 Status report for WI: Enhancements of Base Station (BS) RF and EMC requirements for Active Antenna System (AAS), rapporteur: Huawei RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑171745 Revision of WID: Enhancements of Base Station (BS) RF and EMC requirements for Active Antenna System (AAS) Huawei, HiSilicon imported from 3GU
RP‑171746 Status report for WI: TDD operating band in the L-band for LTE; rapporteur: Huawei RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑171747 Status report for WI: Introduction of new band support for 4Rx antenna ports for LTE for Rel-15; rapporteur: Huawei RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑171748 Status report for WI: LTE Advanced inter-band CA Rel-15 for 3DL/1UL; rapporteur: Huawei RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑171749 Revised WID: LTE Advanced inter-band CA Rel-15 for 3DL/1UL Huawei, HiSilicon imported from 3GU
RP‑171750 Status report for WI: LTE Advanced inter-band CA Rel-15 for 2DL/2UL; rapporteur: Huawei RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑171751 Revised WID: LTE Advanced inter-band CA Rel-15 for 2DL/2UL Huawei, HiSilicon imported from 3GU
RP‑171752 Status report for SI: Study on LTE DL 8Rx antenna ports; rapporteur: Huawei RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑171753 Revised SID: Study on LTE DL 8Rx antenna ports; Huawei, HiSilicon imported from 3GU
RP‑171754 Status report for WI: LTE Advanced high power TDD UE (power class 2) for Rel-15; rapporteur: Huawei RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑171755 Revised WID: LTE Advanced high power TDD UE (power class 2) for Rel-15 Huawei, HiSilicon imported from 3GU
RP‑171756 Status report for WI: Addition of Power Class 1 UE to bands B3/B20/B28 for LTE; rapporteur: Huawei RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑171757 Revised WID: Addition of Power Class 1 UE to bands B3/B20/B28 for LTE Huawei, HiSilicon imported from 3GU
RP‑171758 Status report for WI: New LTE band for 3.3-3.4 GHz for Africa; rapporteur: Huawei RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑171759 Revised WID: New LTE band for 3.3-3.4 GHz for Africa Huawei, HiSilicon imported from 3GU
RP‑171760 Status report for WI: Addition of band 28 and 40 to LTE MTC Cat.0; rapporteur: Huawei RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑171761 Status report for WI: UE Conformance Test Aspects -Support for LTE-based V2X Services; rapporteur: Huawei RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑171762 Status report for WI: UE Conformance Test Aspects - Support for V2V services based on LTE sidelink; rapporteur: Huawei RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑171763 Status report for WI: UE Conformance Test Aspects - LTE Carrier Aggregation Enhancement Beyond 5 Carriers - PUCCH on Scell; rapporteur: Huawei RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑171764 Revised WID: UE Conformance Test Aspects - LTE Carrier Aggregation Enhancement Beyond 5 Carriers PUCCH on Scell Huawei, HiSilicon imported from 3GU
RP‑171765 Status report for WI: UE Conformance Test Aspects - SRS (sounding reference signal) switching between LTE component carriers; rapporteur: Huawei RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑171766 Status report for WI: UE Conformance Test Aspects - Quality of Experience (QoE) Measurement Collection for streaming services in UTRAN; rapporteur: Huawei RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑171767 Status report for SI: Study on Self-Evaluation towards IMT-2020 submission; rapporteur: Huawei RAN imported from 3GU
RP‑171768 Summary of ITU-R evaluation criteria and consideration for self evaluation Huawei, HiSilicon imported from 3GU
RP‑171769 Updated workplan for the study on self-evaluation towards IMT-2020 submission Huawei, Ericsson, Telecom Italia imported from 3GU
RP‑171770 New WI proposal: SRS Enhancements for LTE Huawei, HiSilicon imported from 3GU
RP‑171771 Motivation for new WI on SRS Enhancements for LTE Huawei, HiSilicon imported from 3GU
RP‑171772 New WI proposal: Further Enhancements LTE Device to Device, UE to Network Relays for IoT and Wearables Huawei, Huawei Device, Intel, LG Electronics, Sony imported from 3GU
RP‑171773 Motivation for new WI on Further Enhancements LTE Device to Device, UE to Network Relays for IoT and Wearables Huawei, Huawei Device imported from 3GU
RP‑171774 New WI proposal: Network Assistance for Network Synchronization in LTE Huawei, HiSilicon imported from 3GU
RP‑171775 Motivation for new WI on Network Assistance for Network Synchronization in LTE Huawei, HiSilicon imported from 3GU
RP‑171776 Details of specification handling of 3GPP-based access to unlicensed spectrum Huawei, HiSilicon imported from 3GU
RP‑171777 OTDOA enhancements for Rel-15 eMTC Huawei, HiSilicon imported from 3GU
RP‑171778 Rel-15 NB-IoT work management Huawei, HiSilicon imported from 3GU
RP‑171779 Prioritization of NR work in Rel-15 Huawei, HiSilicon imported from 3GU
RP‑171780 Revision of WI: New Radio Access Technology Huawei, HiSilicon imported from 3GU
RP‑171781 New WID proposal: UE Conformance Test Aspects – Enhancements of NB-IoT Huawei, CATT, CMCC imported from 3GU
RP‑171782 TR 36.746 v2.0.0 on Study on further enhancements to LTE Device to Device (D2D), User Equipment (UE) to network relays for Internet of Things (IoT) and wearables; for information LG Electronics France imported from 3GU
RP‑171783 Status Report of WI on New Radio Access Technology NTT DOCOMO, INC. imported from 3GU
RP‑171784 Revision of WI: New Radio Access Technology NTT DOCOMO, INC. imported from 3GU
RP‑171785 Updated work plan of RAN1 NR NTT DOCOMO, INC. imported from 3GU
RP‑171786 Status report for WI: Performance requirements of interference cancellation receiver for LTE BS, rapporteur: China Telecom RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑171787 New Work Item Proposal: Lower Complexity Higher Order MIMO for LTE Qualcomm Incorporated imported from 3GU
RP‑171788 Status report for WI: Perf. part: Enhancement on Full-Dimension (FD) MIMO for LTE; rapporteur:Samsung Samsung imported from 3GU
RP‑171789 Motivation for New Work Item on Low Complexity Higher Order MIMO for LTE Qualcomm Incorporated imported from 3GU
RP‑171790 Revised WID on LTE Advanced inter-band CA Rel-14 for 2DL/1UL Qualcomm Incorporated imported from 3GU
RP‑171791 On Automation of TPs and CRs for Basket CA WIs Qualcomm Incorporated imported from 3GU
RP‑171792 Enabling eMBMS for Non Standalone NR deployments Reliance Jio imported from 3GU
RP‑171793 Status Report of SI Study on Enhanced LTE Support for Aerial NTT DOCOMO, INC. imported from 3GU
RP‑171794 Enabling eMBMS for Non Stand Alone NR Reliance Jio imported from 3GU
RP‑171795 Calibration work for self-evaluation SI ZTE Corporation imported from 3GU
RP‑171796 Motivation for new SI on enhanced duplexing for NR China Telecom, Huawei, HiSilicon imported from 3GU
RP‑171797 Way Forward on accelerating NB-IoT Veolia Environnement S.A. imported from 3GU
RP‑171798 New Study Item proposal: Enhanced duplexing for NR China Telecom, Huawei, HiSilicon imported from 3GU
RP‑171799 Way Forward on power consumption savings for NB-IoT Veolia Environnement S.A. imported from 3GU
RP‑171800 NB-IOT enhancements Reliance Jio imported from 3GU
RP‑171801 Motivation for new WI on further mobility enhancement for EUTRAN China Telecom, Huawei imported from 3GU
RP‑171802 New WI: Further mobility enhancement for EUTRAN China Telecom, Huawei imported from 3GU
RP‑171803 New SID on Study on vehicle UE for NR LG Electronics imported from 3GU
RP‑171804 Motivation for study on vehicle UE for NR LG Electronics imported from 3GU
RP‑171805 Considerations on the schedule for NR Phase-1 completion Samsung imported from 3GU
RP‑171806 Views on RIT/SRIT and evaluation configurations for self-evaluation towards IMT-2020 submission China Telecomunication Corp. imported from 3GU
RP‑171807 New SID Proposal: Study on MBMS for NR Samsung imported from 3GU
RP‑171808 Motivation for new SI: MBMS for NR Samsung imported from 3GU
RP‑171809 New WID Proposal: Enhancements on MIMO for NR Samsung imported from 3GU
RP‑171810 Motivation for new WI: Enhancements on MIMO for NR Samsung imported from 3GU
RP‑171811 SR for WI on eMBMS enhancements for LTE Ericsson LM imported from 3GU
RP‑171812 New WID: Enhancements to MIMO operation for NR Intel Corporation imported from 3GU
RP‑171813 Motivation for WI on Enhancements to MIMO operation for NR Intel Corporation imported from 3GU
RP‑171814 New SID: Study on NR positioning support Intel Corporation, CATT, Qualcomm Inc. imported from 3GU
RP‑171815 Motivation for SI on NR positioning support Intel Corporation imported from 3GU
RP‑171816 Motivation for WI on Sidelink enhancements in LTE for wearable and IoT use cases Intel Corporation imported from 3GU
RP‑171817 Status report of WI: Further enhancements to Coordinated Multi-Point (CoMP) Operation for LTE; rapporteur: Intel Corporation RAN1 imported from 3GU
RP‑171818 Quantitative Comparison on APDC and Deflate Processing Complexity Qualcomm Incorporated imported from 3GU
RP‑171819 Motivation for WI on UL data compression in LTE Qualcomm Incorporated imported from 3GU
RP‑171820 New WI proposal on UL data compression in LTE Qualcomm Incorporated imported from 3GU
RP‑171821 Discussion on FeD2D architecture Qualcomm Incorporated imported from 3GU
RP‑171822 Introduction of DL 2Gbps Category Qualcomm Incorporated imported from 3GU
RP‑171823 Introduction of DL 2Gbps Category Qualcomm Incorporated imported from 3GU
RP‑171824 Status report for SI on integrated access and backhaul for NR; rapporteur: Qualcomm Incorporated RAN2 imported from 3GU
RP‑171825 Motivation for Study on UE Power Saving in NR vivo imported from 3GU
RP‑171826 Summary for WI: Radiated performance requirements for the verification of multi-antenna reception of UEs in LTE Intel Corporation imported from 3GU
RP‑171827 Status report of SI: Study on test methods for New Radio RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑171828 Revision of SI: Study on test methods for New Radio Intel Corporation imported from 3GU
RP‑171829 On low complexity MIMO receiver Intel Corporation imported from 3GU
RP‑171830 Status report of WI: Enhanced CRS and SU-MIMO Interference Mitigation Performance Requirements for LTE; rapporteurs: Intel Corporation, Huawei, LGE RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑171831 Revised WID: LTE CRS Interference Mitigation Performance Requirements for Single RX Chain UEs Intel Corporation imported from 3GU
RP‑171832 Status report of WI: LTE CRS Interference Mitigation Performance Requirements for Single RX Chain UEs; rapporteur: Intel Corporation RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑171833 New SI proposal: Study on Advanced Receivers for LTE V2X Intel Corporation imported from 3GU
RP‑171834 Status report of WI Core part: Radiated performance requirements for the verification of multi-antenna reception of UEs in LTE RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑171835 Motivation for SI: Study on Advanced Receivers LTE V2X Intel Corporation imported from 3GU
RP‑171836 TR 36.751 V2.0.0 on FDD operating band in the L-band for LTE NTT DOCOMO, INC. imported from 3GU
RP‑171837 Status Report of WI: FDD operating band in the L-band for LTE; rapporteur: NTT DOCOMO, INC. RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑171838 NR UE Categories Qualcomm Japan Inc imported from 3GU
RP‑171839 Status report of WI: Further video enhancements for LTE; rapporteur: CMCC, Huawei, Intel RAN2 imported from 3GU
RP‑171840 Status report of WI: UE Conformance Test Aspects - NB-IOT RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑171841 Status report of WI: UE Conformance Test Aspects - eHST RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑171842 Motivation for new SI on NR SON CMCC imported from 3GU
RP‑171843 New Study Item proposal Self-Organising Networks in New Radio CMCC imported from 3GU
RP‑171844 Discussion on RAN-centric BigData collection and Utilization CMCC imported from 3GU
RP‑171845 Some more scenarios and objectives to be considered in the SID proposal CMCC imported from 3GU
RP‑171846 Discussion on definition of NR UE Category CMCC imported from 3GU
RP‑171847 Status Report for WI: UE Conformance Test Aspects - Further Enhancements to LTE TDD for DL-UL Interference Management and Traffic Adaptation RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑171848 Status Report for WI: UE Conformance Test Aspects - Voice and Video Enhancement for LTE RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑171849 Status Report for SI: Study on UL data compression in LTE CATT imported from 3GU
RP‑171850 Current Status of UDC SI CATT imported from 3GU
RP‑171851 New WID on UL data compression in LTE CATT imported from 3GU
RP‑171852 Motivation for Study on Enhancement for High Layer CU/DU Split CATT imported from 3GU
RP‑171853 New SID on Enhancement for High Layer CU /DU split CATT imported from 3GU
RP‑171854 Clarification on feasibility and gain of short TTI in PC5 CATT imported from 3GU
RP‑171855 Considerations on NR eMBB UE features in Phase-1 OPPO imported from 3GU
RP‑171856 Status report for LTE_eLAA-Perf Ericsson imported from 3GU
RP‑171857 Motivation for Further LTE Mobility Enhancements OPPO imported from 3GU
RP‑171858 Single UL transmission support for NR NSA mode UEs Apple imported from 3GU
RP‑171859 Status report for WI: Enhancing LTE CA utilization; rapporteur: Nokia Nokia (rapporteur) imported from 3GU
RP‑171860 Motivation for new Study Item on NR UE Positioning CATT imported from 3GU
RP‑171861 New SID: Study on NR V2X CATT imported from 3GU
RP‑171862 New SID: Study on UE Power Saving and Wakeup Mechanism in NR CATT, CMCC, vivo, CATR imported from 3GU
RP‑171863 SR for SI on Architecture Evolution for E-UTRAN China Unicom imported from 3GU
RP‑171864 TR 36.756 v1.0.0 Study on architecture evolution for E-UTRAN China Unicom imported from 3GU
RP‑171865 Revision of New SID on Architecture Evolution for E-UTRA Access NodeB China Unicom imported from 3GU
RP‑171866 Revised WID: UE Conformance Test Aspects - Quality of Experience (QoE) Measurement Collection for streaming services in UTRAN RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑171867 Preliminary overview of new features for NR in Rel-16 Huawei, HiSilicon imported from 3GU
RP‑171868 High priority scenarios for Rel-15 NR Huawei, HiSilicon imported from 3GU
RP‑171869 NR support of full utilization of resources for DL in unpaired spectrum Huawei, Etisalat imported from 3GU
RP‑171870 Capability handling for single uplink in NR Huawei, HiSilicon imported from 3GU
RP‑171871 Focusing Release 15 NR Work Nokia imported from 3GU
RP‑171872 Multi-connectivity Stage 2 Rapporteur (ZTE) imported from 3GU
RP‑171873 Status Report of WI: Perf. part 4 receiver (RX) antenna ports with Carrier Aggregation (CA) for LTE downlink (DL); rapporteur: Ericsson RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑171874 TR 36.753 V1.0.0: TDD operating band in the L-band for LTE Huawei, HiSilicon imported from 3GU
RP‑171875 Overview of extreme long range coverage in low density areas ORANGE imported from 3GU
RP‑171876 On support of dual UL and single UL transmission ORANGE imported from 3GU
RP‑171877 TR 36.783 v1.0.0 Introduction of 1024QAM in LTE downlink Qualcomm Incorporated imported from 3GU
RP‑171878 Single Tx UE in LTE-NR UL Dual Connectivity Nokia imported from 3GU
RP‑171879 Performance comparision between Deflate and APDC Ericsson imported from 3GU
RP‑171880 Updated SID on integrated access and backhaul for NR; rapporteur: Qualcomm Incorporated Qualcomm Incorporated imported from 3GU
RP‑171881 Motivation for Study on UE Power Saving and Wakeup Mechanism in NR CATT imported from 3GU
RP‑171882 Multi hop relay for IoT & MTC for utilities use cases for LTE Veolia Environnement S.A. imported from 3GU
RP‑171883 NR; Radio Link Control (RLC) protocol specification MediaTek Inc. imported from 3GU
RP‑171884 New WID on: UE Conformance Test Aspects – Elevation Beamforming/Full-Dimension MIMO for LTE Ericsson imported from 3GU
RP‑171885 New WID on: UE Conformance Test Aspects – Further enhanced MTC for LTE Ericsson imported from 3GU
RP‑171886 New WID on: UE Conformance Test Aspects – Rel-15 CA configurations Ericsson imported from 3GU
RP‑171887 Status report for WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - Dual connectivity for LTE; rapporteur: Ericsson RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑171888 Status report for WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - Increasing the minimum number of carriers for UE monitoring in UTRA and E-UTRA; rapporteur: Ericsson RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑171889 Revised WID: UE Conformance Test Aspects - Increasing the minimum number of carriers for UE monitoring in UTRA and E-UTRA Ericsson imported from 3GU
RP‑171890 Status report for WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - Rel-13 CA configurations; rapporteur: Ericsson RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑171891 Status report for WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - LTE DL 4 Rx antenna ports; rapporteur: Ericsson RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑171892 Status report for WI UE Conformance Test Aspects – Further LTE Physical Layer Enhancements for MTC; rapporteur: Ericsson RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑171893 Status report for WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - Rel-14 CA configurations; rapporteur: Ericsson RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑171894 Status report for WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - New band support for Rel-14 NB-IoT; rapporteur: Ericsson RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑171895 Status report for WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - 4 Rx antenna ports with CA for LTE DL; rapporteur: Ericsson RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑171896 Status report for WI UE Conformance Test Aspects – 5G system with NR and LTE; rapporteur: Ericsson RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑171897 Revised WID: UE Conformance Test Aspects – 5G system with NR and LTE Ericsson imported from 3GU
RP‑171898 Status report for WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - Enhancements of Dedicated Core Networks for UTRA and LTE; rapporteur: Ericsson RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑171899 Revised WID: UE Conformance Test Aspects - Enhancements of Dedicated Core Networks for UTRA and LTE Ericsson imported from 3GU
RP‑171900 Motivation for Multi hop relay for IoT & MTC for utilities use cases for LTE Veolia Environnement S.A. imported from 3GU
RP‑171901 NR UE Category Considerations MediaTek Inc. imported from 3GU
RP‑171902 NR Prioritization MediaTek Inc. imported from 3GU
RP‑171903 Status report of WI Simplified HS-SCCH for UMTS; rapporteur: Ericsson RAN6 imported from 3GU
RP‑171904 Status report of SI on separation of CP and UP for split option 2 of NR; rapporteur: Ericsson RAN3 imported from 3GU
RP‑171905 Revision of SI on separation of CP and UP for split option 2 of NR Ericsson imported from 3GU
RP‑171906 New WI: Enhanced primary carrier switch for UMTS Ericsson imported from 3GU
RP‑171907 Motivation for WI Enhanced primary carrier switch for UMTS Ericsson imported from 3GU
RP‑171908 New Band for PS-LTE in Korea Korea Testing Laboratory imported from 3GU
RP‑171909 Motivation for WID of New band for PS-LTE in Korea Korea Testing Laboratory imported from 3GU
RP‑171910 RAN2 CRs to eMBMS enhancements for LTE RAN2 imported from 3GU
RP‑171911 RAN2 CRs to Small Technical Enhancements and Improvements for REL-14 RAN2 imported from 3GU
RP‑171912 RAN2 CRs to Study on uplink data compression in LTE RAN2 imported from 3GU
RP‑171913 RAN2 CRs to Closed REL-14 LTE and LTE & UMTS related Wis, part 1 RAN2 imported from 3GU
RP‑171914 RAN2 CRs to Closed REL-14 LTE and LTE & UMTS related Wis, part 2 RAN2 imported from 3GU
RP‑171915 RAN2 CRs to Closed REL-14 LTE and LTE & UMTS related Wis, part 3 RAN2 imported from 3GU
RP‑171916 RAN2 CRs to Approval of CRs to TEI10 RAN2 imported from 3GU
RP‑171917 RAN2 CRs to Approval of CRs to closed Rel-11 Wis RAN2 imported from 3GU
RP‑171918 RAN2 CRs to Approval of CRs to closed Rel-12 Wis RAN2 imported from 3GU
RP‑171919 RAN2 CRs to Approval of CRs to closed Rel-13 Wis, part 1 RAN2 imported from 3GU
RP‑171920 RAN2 CRs to Approval of CRs to closed Rel-13 Wis, part 2 RAN2 imported from 3GU
RP‑171921 KT's view on the Release-15 NR WI and Proposal for Enhancement KT Corp. imported from 3GU
RP‑171922 Way forward on LTE Uplink Data Compression MediaTek Inc. imported from 3GU
RP‑171923 On Short TTI in V2X phase 2 Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell imported from 3GU
RP‑171924 Non-Terrestrial Networks: Adding uRLCC related use cases THALES imported from 3GU
RP‑171925 Status report of WI: UE Conformance Test Aspects - Licensed-Assisted Access using LTE; rapporteur: Qualcomm RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑171926 Status report of WI:UE Conformance Test Aspects – EIEI (Evolution to and Interworking with eCall in IMS) RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑171927 Status report of WI: UE Conformance Test Aspects – Requirements for a new UE category 1bis with single receiver based on category 1 for LTE RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑171928 Considerations on 3GPP submission to IMT-2020 Qualcomm Incorporated imported from 3GU
RP‑171929 Status report of WI Even further enhanced MTC for LTE; rapporteur: Ericsson RAN1 imported from 3GU
RP‑171930 Status report of WI Further enhanced MTC for LTE; rapporteur: Ericsson RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑171931 RAN4 CRs to Core part: Radiated perf. requirements for the verification of multi-antenna reception of UEs in LTE RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑171932 RAN4 CRs to eMBMS enhancements for LTE RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑171933 RAN4 CRs to Perf. part: Enhanced LAA for LTE RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑171934 RAN4 CRs to Perf. part: Uplink Capacity Enhancements for LTE RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑171935 RAN4 CRs to Perf. part: LTE-based V2X Services RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑171936 RAN4 CRs to Perf. part: Further enhanced MTC for LTE RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑171937 RAN4 CRs to Perf. part: Enhancements of NB-IoT RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑171938 RAN4 CRs to Perf. part: 4 receiver (RX) antenna ports with Carrier Aggregation (CA) for LTE downlink (DL) RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑171939 RAN4 CRs to Perf. part: Enh. CRS and SU-MIMO Interf. Mitigation Perf. Requirements for LTE RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑171940 RAN4 CRs to Small Technical Enhancements and Improvements for REL-14 RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑171941 RAN4 CRs to Closed REL-14 LTE and LTE & UMTS related Wis; Part 1 RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑171942 RAN4 CRs to Closed REL-14 LTE and LTE & UMTS related Wis; Part 2 RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑171943 RAN4 CRs to Closed REL-14 LTE and LTE & UMTS related Wis; Part 3 RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑171944 RAN4 CRs to Closed REL-14 LTE and LTE & UMTS related Sis RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑171945 RAN4 CRs to Perf. part: Perf. requirements of interf. cancellation receiver for LTE BS RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑171946 RAN4 CRs to 450MHz E-UTRA FDD Band for LTE PPDR and PMR/PAMR in Europe RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑171947 RAN4 CRs to Core part: E-UTRA 700MHz in Europe for Broadband-PPDR-Core RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑171948 RAN4 CRs to FDD operating band in the L-band for LTE RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑171949 RAN4 CRs to TDD operating band in the L-band for LTE RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑171950 RAN4 CRs to LTE Extended 1.5 GHz SDL band (1427 - 1518 MHz) and LTE CA (2DL/1UL) with Band 20 RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑171951 RAN4 CRs to Core part: Addition of Power Class 1 UE to bands B3/B20/B28 for LTE RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑171952 RAN4 CRs to US 600 MHz Band for LTE RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑171953 RAN4 CRs to Core part: V2X new band combinations for LTE RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑171954 RAN4 CRs to LAA/eLAA for the CBRS 3.5GHz band in the United States RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑171955 RAN4 CRs to LTE Adv intra-band CA Rel-15 for xDL/yUL including contiguous and non-contiguous spectrum RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑171956 RAN4 CRs to LTE Adv inter-band CA Rel-15 for 2DL/1UL RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑171957 RAN4 CRs to LTE Adv inter-band CA Rel-15 for 3DL/1UL RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑171958 RAN4 CRs to LTE Adv inter-band CA Rel-15 for 4DL/1UL RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑171959 RAN4 CRs to LTE Adv inter-band CA Rel-15 for 5DL/1UL RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑171960 RAN4 CRs to LTE Adv inter-band CA Rel-15 for 2DL/2UL RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑171961 RAN4 CRs to LTE Adv inter-band CA Rel-15 for xDL/2UL RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑171962 RAN4 CRs to Introduction of new band support for 4Rx antenna ports for LTE for REL-15 RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑171963 RAN4 CRs to Core part: Addition of band 28 and 40 to LTE MTC cat.0 RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑171964 RAN4 CRs to closed Rel-8 WIs and WIs of previous releases RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑171965 RAN4 CRs to closed Rel-10 Wis (incl. TEI10) RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑171966 RAN4 CRs to closed Rel-11 Wis (incl. TEI11) RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑171967 RAN4 CRs to closed Rel-12 Wis (incl. TEI12) RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑171968 RAN4 CRs to closed Rel-13 WIs (incl. TEI13); Part 1 RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑171969 RAN4 CRs to closed Rel-13 WIs (incl. TEI13); Part 2 RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑171970 RAN4 CRs to closed Rel-13 WIs (incl. TEI13); Part 3 RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑171971 RAN4 CRs to closed Rel-13 WIs (incl. TEI13); Part 4 RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑171972 RAN4 CRs to closed Rel-13 WIs (incl. TEI13); Part 5 RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑171973 RAN4 CRs to closed Rel-13 WIs (incl. TEI13); Part 6 RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑171974 RAN3 CRs to Small Technical Enhancements and Improvements for REL-14 RAN3 imported from 3GU
RP‑171975 RAN3 CRs to Closed REL-14 LTE and LTE & UMTS related WIs RAN3 imported from 3GU
RP‑171976 RAN3 CRs to 450MHz E-UTRA FDD Band for LTE PPDR and PMR/PAMR in Europe RAN3 imported from 3GU
RP‑171977 RAN3 CRs to FDD operating band in the L-band for LTE RAN3 imported from 3GU
RP‑171978 RAN3 CRs to TDD operating band in the L-band for LTE RAN3 imported from 3GU
RP‑171979 RAN3 CRs to LTE Extended 1.5 GHz SDL band (1427 - 1518 MHz) and LTE Carrier Aggregation (2DL/1UL) with Band 20 RAN3 imported from 3GU
RP‑171980 RAN3 CRs to US 600 MHz Band for LTE RAN3 imported from 3GU
RP‑171981 RAN3 CRs to closed Rel-12 WIs RAN3 imported from 3GU
RP‑171982 RAN3 CRs to closed Rel-13 Wis RAN3 imported from 3GU
RP‑171983 Band 49 Transmission Power Requirements CableLabs, Comcast, Federated Wireless, Brocade imported from 3GU
RP‑171984 Status report for WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - Support for Mission Critical Push To Talk over LTE (MCPTT); rapporteur: US Department of Commerce RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑171985 TS 37.324 v1.0.0 on E-UTRA and NR; Service Data Adaptation Protocol (SDAP) specification; for information Huawei imported from 3GU
RP‑171986 Motivation for Study Item on Positioning Support for NR Qualcomm imported from 3GU
RP‑171987 TR 36.746 v2.0.1 on Study on further enhancements to LTE Device to Device (D2D), User Equipment (UE) to network relays for Internet of Things (IoT) and wearables; for approval LG Electronics France imported from 3GU
RP‑171988 Status report for SI Study on NR to support non-terrestrial networks; rapporteur: Thales RAN imported from 3GU
RP‑171989 Status report for WI LTE Extended 1.5 GHz SDL band (1427 – 1518 MHz) and LTE Carrier Aggregation (2DL/1UL) with Band 20; rapporteur: Qualcomm RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑171990 WI status report for WI LTE Advanced inter-band Carrier Aggregation Rel-15 for 2DL/1UL; rapporteur: Qualcomm RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑171991 TS 38.212 v1.0.0 on NR; Multiplexing and channel coding; for information Huawei imported from 3GU
RP‑171992 Consideration on the progress of Phase-1 NR CMCC imported from 3GU
RP‑171993 TS 38.323 v1.0.0 on NR; Packet Data Convergence Protocol (PDCP) specification; for information LG Electronics (rapporteur) imported from 3GU
RP‑171994 TR 38.211 v1.0.0 on NR; Physical channels and modulation; for information Ericsson imported from 3GU
RP‑171995 TS 38.213 v1.0.0 on NR; Physical layer procedures for control; for information Samsung (rapporteur) imported from 3GU
RP‑171996 Status report for WI LAA/eLAA for the CBRS 3.5GHz band in the United States; rapporteur: AT&T RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑171997 Summary of workshops on NOMA ZTE imported from 3GU
RP‑171998 TS 38.201 v1.0.0 on NR; Physical layer; General description; for information NTT DOCOMO imported from 3GU
RP‑171999 TS 38.215 v1.0.0 on NR; Physical layer measurements; for information Intel imported from 3GU
RP‑172000 On NR down-scoping Ericsson imported from 3GU
RP‑172001 TS 38.214 v1.0.0 on NR; Physical layer procedures for data; for information Nokia imported from 3GU
RP‑172002 Summary of email discussion [76-06] Target peak data rates for NR NTT DOCOMO, INC. (Email discussion rapporteur) imported from 3GU
RP‑172003 Clarification on feasibility and gain of short TTI in PC5 CATT, Huawei imported from 3GU
RP‑172004 Status report for WI: Further NB-IoT enhancements; rapporteur: Huawei RAN1 imported from 3GU
RP‑172005 Status report for WI: LTE connectivity to 5G-CN; rapporteur: Huawei RAN2 imported from 3GU
RP‑172006 TS 38.202 v1.0.0 on NR; Physical layer services provided by the physical layer; for information Qualcomm imported from 3GU
RP‑172007 Proposal for NR down-scoping - RAN2 aspects LG Electronics imported from 3GU
RP‑172008 NR workload management – key aspects RAN chairman (Nokia) imported from 3GU
RP‑172009 New Band for public safety PS-LTE in Korea Korea Testing Laboratory imported from 3GU
RP‑172010 Motivation for WID of New band for public safety PS-LTE in Korea Korea Testing Laboratory imported from 3GU
RP‑172011 Applicability updates for 4Rx test cases RAN5 imported from 3GU
RP‑172012 Critical items for NR Phase-1 completion by Dec 2017 AT&T imported from 3GU
RP‑172013 Status Report RAN WG5 RAN5 chairman (Motorola Mobility) imported from 3GU
RP‑172014 Updated work plan of RAN2/3 NR NTT DOCOMO, INC. imported from 3GU
RP‑172015 New WI: Additional LTE bands for UE category M1 and/or NB1 in Rel-15 AT&T, T-Mobile USA imported from 3GU
RP‑172016 New WI: Additional LTE bands for UE category M2 and/or NB2 in Rel-15 T-Mobile USA, AT&T imported from 3GU
RP‑172017 LTE-NR uplink carrier sharing at the UE VODAFONE Group Plc imported from 3GU
RP‑172018 Way forward on scenarios prioritization for NR in Rel-15 Huawei, HiSilicon, Orange, Apple, MediaTek, CATT, CATR, China Unicom, China Telecom, III, Coolpad, ASTRI imported from 3GU
RP‑172019 Considerations on extending 12 (B12+) Dish Network imported from 3GU
RP‑172020 Supporting 2Tx UE and single UL transmission in NR AT&T GNS Belgium SPRL imported from 3GU
RP‑172021 Revision of SI Study on NR-based Access to Unlicensed Spectrum Qualcomm Incorporated imported from 3GU
RP‑172022 NR FDD gap analysis Qualcomm Incorporated imported from 3GU
RP‑172023 New WID on UL data compression in LTE CATT imported from 3GU
RP‑172024 New WI proposal: Further Enhancements LTE Device to Device, UE to Network Relays for IoT and Wearables Huawei, Huawei Device, Intel, LG Electronics, Sony imported from 3GU
RP‑172025 NR workload management – key aspects RAN chairman (Nokia) imported from 3GU
RP‑172026 Updated work plan of RAN 1 and RAN4 NR NTT DOCOMO, INC. imported from 3GU
RP‑172027 Updated work plan of RAN2 NR RAN2 chairman (Intel) imported from 3GU
RP‑172028 Status report for WI Perf. part: Enhancements of NB-IoT; rapporteur: Huawei RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑172029 Way forward on Single UL transmission and 2Tx in NR Qiualcomm imported from 3GU
RP‑172030 New WID on LTE Advanced Inter-band Carrier Aggregation (4DL/4UL) of Band 41 and Band 42 KDDI Corporation imported from 3GU
RP‑172031 Latency reduction for C-V2X and relevance of short TTI Qualcomm imported from 3GU
RP‑172032 Way forward on single UL transmission in NR NSA mode Apple, OPPO, vivo, Xiaomi, MEIZU, Coolpad, ZTE, Sanechips, HiSilicon, Huawei Device, Spreadtrum, Intel imported from 3GU
RP‑172033 Way forward on LTE Uplink Data Compression MediaTek Inc., Acer, ASTRI, AsusTek, Broadcom, CATT, CATR, China Mobile, China Unicom, CHTTL, CoolPad, HTC, Huawei, HiSilicon, H3C, III, Intel, ITRI, Potevio, Qihoo 360, Samsung, SK Telecom, Spreadtrum, Verizon, Xiaomi imported from 3GU
RP‑172034 Status Report of WI: Core part: LTE UE TRP and TRS and UTRA Hand Phantom related UE TRP and TRS Requirements; rapporteur: Telecom Italia RAN4 imported from 3GU
RP‑172035 Revised WID: Core part: LTE UE TRP and TRS and UTRA Hand Phantom related UE TRP and TRS Requirements Telecom Italia imported from 3GU
RP‑172036 TS 37.340 v1.0.1 on NR; Multi-connectivity; Overall description; Stage-2; for information ZTE (Rapporteur) imported from 3GU
RP‑172037 New WID on UE Conformance Test Aspects - 450MHz E-UTRA FDD Band for LTE PPDR and PMR/PAMR in Europe (Band 72) Airbus DS SLC, French MoI imported from 3GU
RP‑172038 New WID on UE Conformance Test Aspects - E-UTRA 700MHz in Europe for Broadband-PPDR Airbus DS SLC, French MoI imported from 3GU
RP‑172039 Draft LS on NR UE category (to: RAN1; cc: RAN2, RAN4; contact: Mediatek) Meditatek imported from 3GU
RP‑172040 Proposed way forward on IMT-2020 submission Telecom Italia imported from 3GU
RP‑172041 Summary of email discussion on regulation study for ITS operation in frequency band above 6 GHz LG Electronics Inc. imported from 3GU
RP‑172042 Wy forward for RAN4 early consideration items RAN4 chairman (Samsung) imported from 3GU
RP‑172043 Report of RAN #76 held in West Palm Beach, USA, 05.06.-08.06.2017 ETSI MCC imported from 3GU
RP‑172044 CR to 36.307: Additional LTE bands for UE category M1 and/or NB1 in Rel-15 Nokia imported from 3GU
RP‑172045 CR to 36.307: Additional LTE bands for UE category M1 and/or NB1 in Rel-15 Nokia imported from 3GU
RP‑172046 CR to 36.307: Additional LTE bands for UE category M1 and/or NB1 in Rel-15 Nokia imported from 3GU
RP‑172047 CR to 36.101: Additional LTE bands for UE category M1 and/or NB1 in Rel-15 Nokia imported from 3GU
RP‑172048 CR to 36.104: Support of NB-IoT for Bands 4, 14 and 71 Nokia imported from 3GU
RP‑172049 CR to 36.141: Support of NB-IoT for Bands 4, 14 and 71 Nokia imported from 3GU
RP‑172050 CR to 37.104: Support of NB-IoT for Bands 4, 14 and 71 Nokia imported from 3GU
RP‑172051 CR to 37.141: Support of NB-IoT for Bands 4, 14 and 71 Nokia imported from 3GU
RP‑172052 CR to 36.307: Additional LTE bands for UE category M2 and/or NB2 in Rel-15 Nokia imported from 3GU
RP‑172053 CR to 36.307: Additional LTE bands for UE category M2 and/or NB2 in Rel-15 Nokia imported from 3GU
RP‑172054 Additional LTE bands for UE category M2 and/or NB2 in Rel-15 Nokia imported from 3GU
RP‑172055 Status report for SI Study on NR-based access to unlicensed spectrum; rapporteur: Qualcomm RAN1 imported from 3GU
RP‑172056 New WID on dedicated 5G MBMS for LTE Qualcomm Incorporated imported from 3GU
RP‑172057 Draft LS on IMT-2020 submission schedule (to: SA, RAN1, RAN2, RAN3, RAN4, RAN5; cc: CT, RAN6; contact: NEC) NEC imported from 3GU
RP‑172058 Reply LS ITU-R WP5D/TEMP/345r1 = RP-171542 on Characteristics of IMT-2020 system for coexistence study in the frequency band 4800 - 4990MHz (to: ITU-R WP5D; cc: -; contact: CATT) RAN imported from 3GU
RP‑172059 DRAFT LTI in reply to ITU-R WP5D/TEMP/255(Rev.1) = RP-170046 on LS on the schedule for updating recommendation ITU-R M.1457 to revision 14 (to: SA; cc: -; contact: Telecom Italia) RAN imported from 3GU
RP‑172060 Draft LTI in reply to ITU-R WP5A/TEMP/141(Rev.1) = RP-170905 on LS to external organizations on the revision of Recommendation ITU-R M.2084-0 (to: SA; cc: -; contact: LG Electronics) RAN imported from 3GU
RP‑172061 Draft LTI to ITU-R WP4B on the integration of satellite solutions into IMT-2020 networks (to: SA; cc: -; contact: Thales) Thales imported from 3GU
RP‑172062 New WI: Extended-Band12 new E-UTRA Band T-Mobile USA imported from 3GU
RP‑172063 Revised WID: Further NB-IoT enhancements Huawei imported from 3GU
RP‑172064 Way forward on Single UL transmission and 2Tx in NR Qiualcomm imported from 3GU
RP‑172065 Way forward on NR prioritization principle Vodafone, AT&T, Bell Mobility, BT, China Telecom, China Unicom, Deutsche Telekom, NTT Docomo, Orange, Sprint, Telecom Italia, Telefónica, Telus, T-Mobile USA imported from 3GU
RP‑172066 Draft Reply LS to ITU-T SG15-LS40 = RP-171546 on Initiation of work to support IMT-2020/5G in the Transport Network (to: ITU-T SG15; cc: -; contact: ZTE) ZTE imported from 3GU
RP‑172067 Draft LTI to ITU-R WP4B on the integration of satellite solutions into IMT-2020 networks (to: SA; cc: -; contact: Thales) RAN imported from 3GU
RP‑172068 Updated work plan of RAN2 NR RAN2 chairman (Intel) imported from 3GU
RP‑172069 Way forward on Work plan of Self Evaluation SI Huawei, Ericsson, Telecom Italia imported from 3GU
RP‑172070 Way forward on Rel-15 NR Study Items ZTE, Sanechips, Qualcomm, Thales imported from 3GU
RP‑172071 Revision of WI: New Radio Access Technology NTT DOCOMO, INC. imported from 3GU
RP‑172072 Reply LS to ITU-T SG15-LS49 = R4-177042 on Status of Synchronization Requirements for 5G (to: ITU-T SG15; cc: -; contact: Ericsson) RAN imported from 3GU
RP‑172073 Draft LTI to ITU-R WP4B on the integration of satellite solutions into IMT-2020 networks (to: SA; cc: -; contact: Thales) RAN imported from 3GU
RP‑172074 TR 38.811 v0.2.0 covering RAN #77 agreements Thales imported from 3GU
RP‑172075 Non-Terrestrial Networks: Adding uRLCC related use cases THALES imported from 3GU
RP‑172076 New WID on UL data compression in LTE CATT imported from 3GU
RP‑172077 New WI: Additional LTE bands for UE category M1 and/or NB1 in Rel-15 AT&T, T-Mobile USA imported from 3GU
RP‑172078 New WI: Additional LTE bands for UE category M2 and/or NB2 in Rel-15 T-Mobile USA, AT&T imported from 3GU
RP‑172079 Way forward on LTE Uplink Data Compression MediaTek Inc., Acer, ASTRI, AsusTek, Broadcom, CATT, CATR, China Mobile, China Unicom, CHTTL, CoolPad, HTC, Huawei, HiSilicon, H3C, III, Intel, ITRI, Potevio, Qihoo 360, Samsung, SK Telecom, Spreadtrum, Verizon, Xiaomi imported from 3GU
RP‑172080 New WI proposal: Further Enhancements LTE Device to Device, UE to Network Relays for IoT and Wearables Huawei, Huawei Device, Intel, LG Electronics, Sony imported from 3GU
RP‑172081 Draft LS on Single UL transmission and 2Tx in NR (to: RAN4, RAN2; cc: -; contact: Qualcomm) Qualcomm imported from 3GU
RP‑172082 Signalling aspects for single vs. dual transmit RAN2 chair (Intel) imported from 3GU
RP‑172083 Way forward on UL sharing aspects Huawei imported from 3GU
RP‑172084 UL Sharing Qualcomm imported from 3GU
RP‑172085 Signalling aspects for single vs. dual transmit RAN2 chair (Intel) imported from 3GU
RP‑172086 Updated work plan of RAN 1 and RAN4 NR NTT DOCOMO, INC. imported from 3GU
RP‑172087 Updated work plan of RAN2 NR RAN2 chairman (Intel) imported from 3GU
RP‑172088 Status report of WI Shortened TTI and processing time for LTE; rapporteur: Ericsson RAN1 imported from 3GU
RP‑172089 Status report for WI: Further NB-IoT enhancements; rapporteur: Huawei RAN1 imported from 3GU
RP‑172090 Revision of SID on Study on Architecture Evolution for E-UTRA Access NodeB China Unicom imported from 3GU
RP‑172091 Status report for SI: Further Enhancements LTE Device to Device, UE to Network Relays for IoT and Wearables; rapporteur: Huawei RAN2 imported from 3GU
RP‑172092 Earlier spec implementation of V2X combination 20A_47A VODAFONE Group Plc imported from 3GU
RP‑172093 Updated work plan of RAN 1 and RAN4 NR NTT DOCOMO, INC. imported from 3GU
RP‑172094 New WID: Enhancements to MIMO operation for NR Intel Corporation imported from 3GU
RP‑172095 Way forward on UL sharing aspects Huawei imported from 3GU
RP‑172096 Status Report of Study on 5G Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access ; rapporteur:ZTE RAN1 imported from 3GU
RP‑172097 Reply LS to ITU-T SG15-LS40 = RP-171546 on Initiation of work to support IMT-2020/5G in the Transport Network (to: ITU-T SG15; cc: -; contact: ZTE) RAN imported from 3GU
RP‑172098 Proposed way forward on IMT-2020 submission Telecom Italia imported from 3GU
RP‑172099 LS on IMT-2020 submission (to: SA, RAN1, RAN2, RAN3, RAN4, RAN5; cc: CT, RAN6; contact: NEC) RAN imported from 3GU
RP‑172100 LS on single Tx switched Upllink (to: RAN4, RAN2; cc: RAN1, RAN3; contact: Qualcomm) RAN imported from 3GU
RP‑172101 Way forward on Work plan of Self Evaluation SI Huawei, Ericsson, Telecom Italia imported from 3GU
RP‑172102 Status report for SI on integrated access and backhaul for NR; rapporteur: Qualcomm Incorporated RAN2 imported from 3GU
RP‑172103 Status of time budgets for RAN1/2/3/4/6 REL-14 & beyond WIs/SIs after RAN #77 RAN1/RAN2/RAN3/RAN4/RAN6 chairmen imported from 3GU
RP‑172104 Way forward on UL sharing aspects Huawei imported from 3GU
RP‑172105 Status Report of Study on 5G Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access ; rapporteur:ZTE RAN1 imported from 3GU
RP‑172106 New WI: Extended-Band12 new E-UTRA Band T-Mobile USA imported from 3GU
RP‑172107 TR 21.914 v0.8.0 on REL-14 description ETSI MCC imported from 3GU
RP‑172108 Updated work plan of RAN 1 and RAN4 NR NTT DOCOMO, INC. imported from 3GU
RP‑172109 Revision of WI: New Radio Access Technology NTT DOCOMO, INC. imported from 3GU
RP‑172110 RAN4 workplan for Q4 2017 RAN4 chairman (Samsung) imported from 3GU
RP‑172111 New WI: Extended-Band12 new E-UTRA Band T-Mobile USA imported from 3GU
RP‑172112 Draft LS on NR UE category (to: RAN1; cc: RAN2, RAN4; contact: Mediatek) Meditatek imported from 3GU
RP‑172113 LS on NR UE category (to: RAN1; cc: RAN2, RAN4; contact: Mediatek) RAN imported from 3GU
RP‑172114 NR workload management – key aspects RAN chairman (Nokia) imported from 3GU
RP‑172115 Revision of WI: New Radio Access Technology NTT DOCOMO, INC. imported from 3GU
RP‑172116 Status of time budgets for RAN1/2/3/4/6 REL-14 & beyond WIs/SIs after RAN #77 RAN1/RAN2/RAN3/RAN4/RAN6 chairmen -

page generated from database: 2024-07-20 12:15:34

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