ETSI logo / ftp / Email_Discussions / RAN2 / [RAN2#109bis-e] / [Post109bis-e][033][DCCA] UE capabilities CRs (Huawei)

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icon Draft_v2.1 R2-2003704 Introduction of UE capabilities for eDCCA in 38.306.docx 2020/05/25 10:23 55,3 KB
icon Draft_v2.1 R2-2003703 Introduction of UE capabilities for eDCCA in 36.306.docx 2020/05/25 10:23 49,3 KB
icon Draft_v2 R2-2003705 Introduction of UE capabilities for eDCCA in 36.331.docx 2020/05/24 22:07 143,3 KB
icon Draft_v2 R2-2003706 Introduction of UE capabilities for eDCCA in 38.331.docx 2020/05/24 22:07 134,4 KB
icon Draft_v2 R2-2003703 Introduction of UE capabilities for eDCCA in 36.306.docx 2020/05/24 22:07 49,4 KB
icon Draft_v2 R2-2003704 Introduction of UE capabilities for eDCCA in 38.306.docx 2020/05/24 22:07 58,5 KB
icon Draft R2-2003705 Introduction of UE capabilities for eDCCA in 36.331_QC.docx 2020/05/10 3:35 165,7 KB
icon Draft R2-2003703 Introduction of UE capabilities for eDCCA in 36.306_QC.docx 2020/05/10 3:34 56,9 KB
icon Draft R2-2003705 Introduction of UE capabilities for eDCCA in 36.331.docx 2020/05/08 13:39 142,6 KB
icon Draft R2-2003706 Introduction of UE capabilities for eDCCA in 38.331.docx 2020/05/08 13:39 134,2 KB
icon Draft R2-2003704 Introduction of UE capabilities for eDCCA in 38.306.docx 2020/05/08 13:39 54,7 KB
icon Draft R2-2003703 Introduction of UE capabilities for eDCCA in 36.306.docx 2020/05/08 13:39 46,7 KB

12 items.