ETSI logo / ftp / Email_Discussions / RAN2 / [RAN2#119bis-e] / [POST119bis][304][NES] TP on cell selection/reselection and SSB/SIB-less (Huawei)

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icon on cell (re)selection and SSB and SIB-less -v9_CATT.docx 2022/10/27 12:30 153,2 KB
icon on cell (re)selection and SSB and SIB-less -v13-rapp-summary of open issue list.docx 2022/10/29 1:38 138,6 KB
icon R2-2211428 Report of [POST119bis][304][NES] TP on cell selection/reselection and SSB/SIB-less (Huawei).docx 2022/11/02 8:58 136,5 KB
icon on cell (re)selection and SSB and SIB-less -v12-Samsung.docx 2022/10/28 9:42 130,2 KB
icon on cell (re)selection and SSB and SIB-less -v11-OPPO.docx 2022/10/28 9:22 130,1 KB
icon on cell (re)selection and SSB and SIB-less -v8_nokia.docx 2022/10/27 5:22 123,7 KB
icon on cell (re)selection and SSB and SIB-less -v7_Interdigital.docx 2022/10/26 21:43 122,1 KB
icon on cell (re)selection and SSB and SIB-less -v6-Intel.docx 2022/10/26 20:25 121,2 KB
icon on cell (re)selection and SSB and SIB-less -v5-Apple.docx 2022/10/26 14:49 119,5 KB
icon TR 38.864 on cell selection/reselection and SSB/SIB-less -v1-Rapp.doc 2022/10/28 7:33 118,5 KB
icon on cell (re)selection and SSB and SIB-less -v4-Qualcomm.docx 2022/10/25 20:31 116,2 KB
icon TR 38.864 on cell selection/reselection and SSB/SIB-less -v0-Rapp.doc 2022/10/20 9:26 116 KB
icon on cell (re)selection and SSB and SIB-less -v10-rapp.docx 2022/10/28 7:34 115,9 KB
icon R2-2211427 TP on cell selection/reselection and SSB/SIB-less.doc 2022/11/02 8:58 112,5 KB
icon on cell (re)selection and SSB and SIB-less -v3-Vodafone.docx 2022/10/25 9:12 107,6 KB
icon on cell (re)selection and SSB and SIB-less -v2-ericsson.docx 2022/10/24 8:20 96,2 KB
icon on cell (re)selection and SSB and SIB-less -v1-vivo.docx 2022/10/21 3:36 90,8 KB
icon on cell (re)selection and SSB and SIB-less -v0-Rapp.docx 2022/10/20 9:26 89,9 KB

18 items.