ETSI logo / ftp / Email_Discussions / RAN2 / [RAN2#110-e] / [Post110-e][707][V2X] V2X UE capabilities (OPPO) / Draft CR

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icon draft0_36306_CR1777_(Rel-16)_R2-2006592 - 36.306 CR for V2X UE capability.docx 2020/08/11 4:34 30,5 KB
icon draft0_36331_CR4349_(Rel-16)_R2-2006591 - 36.331 CR for V2X UE capability.docx 2020/08/10 10:04 241,1 KB
icon draft0_38306_CRyyyy_(Rel-16)_R2-2006588 - [Draft] 38.306 CR for V2X UE capability (for RAN2 capability).docx 2020/08/10 10:04 48 KB
icon draft0_38306_CRyyyy_(Rel-16)_R2-2006590 - [Draft] 38.306 CR for V2X UE capability (for RAN1 RAN4 capability).docx 2020/08/11 4:34 51,3 KB
icon draft0_38331_CRyyyy_(Rel-16)_R2-2006587 - [Draft] 38.331 CR for V2X UE capability (for RAN2 capability).docx 2020/08/10 10:04 329,2 KB
icon draft0_38331_CRyyyy_(Rel-16)_R2-2006589 - [Draft] 38.331 CR for V2X UE capability (for RAN1 RAN4 capability).docx 2020/08/11 4:34 330,9 KB
icon draft0_R1-2006462 Updated_Rel16_RAN1_UE features NR_rm.docx 2020/08/10 10:04 292,2 KB
icon draft1_38331_CRyyyy_(Rel-16)_R2-2006587 - [Draft] 38.331 CR for V2X UE capability (for RAN2 capability).docx 2020/08/13 6:08 328,8 KB

8 items.