/ [Post 102-e][206] Maintenance_R16_NR_RRM_Part_3
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draft R4-2207143_Big CR to TS 38.133 Rel-16 WIs RRM maintenance Part 3 (Rel-16) v00.docx
2022/03/07 11:37
702,4 KB
draft R4-2207143_Big CR to TS 38.133 Rel-16 WIs RRM maintenance Part 3 (Rel-16) v01.docx
2022/03/07 12:09
697 KB
draft R4-2207143_Big CR to TS 38.133 Rel-16 WIs RRM maintenance Part 3 (Rel-16) v02.docx
2022/03/08 8:32
686,4 KB
draft R4-2207143_Big CR to TS 38.133 Rel-16 WIs RRM maintenance Part 3 (Rel-16) v03.docx
2022/03/09 1:54
686,4 KB
draft R4-2207143_Big CR to TS 38.133 Rel-16 WIs RRM maintenance Part 3 (Rel-16) v04.docx
2022/03/09 3:08
679 KB
draft R4-2207143_Big CR to TS 38.133 Rel-16 WIs RRM maintenance Part 3 (Rel-16) v05.docx
2022/03/09 7:14
681,9 KB
draft R4-2207143_Big CR to TS 38.133 Rel-16 WIs RRM maintenance Part 3 (Rel-16) v06.docx
2022/03/09 11:01
684 KB
draft R4-2207538_Big CR to TS 38.133 Rel-16 WIs RRM maintenance Part 3 (Rel-17) v04.docx
2022/03/09 3:08
685 KB
draft R4-2207538_Big CR to TS 38.133 Rel-16 WIs RRM maintenance Part 3 (Rel-17) v05.docx
2022/03/09 7:14
689,2 KB
draft R4-2207538_Big CR to TS 38.133 Rel-16 WIs RRM maintenance Part 3 (Rel-17) v06.docx
2022/03/09 11:01
690,1 KB
draft R4-220xxxx_Big CR to TS 38.133 Rel-16 WIs RRM maintenance Part 3 (Rel-17) v01.docx
2022/03/07 12:09
710,8 KB
draft R4-220xxxx_Big CR to TS 38.133 Rel-16 WIs RRM maintenance Part 3 (Rel-17) v02.docx
2022/03/08 8:32
692,1 KB
draft R4-220xxxx_Big CR to TS 38.133 Rel-16 WIs RRM maintenance Part 3 (Rel-17) v03.docx
2022/03/09 1:54
692,7 KB
13 items.