ETSI logo / ftp / Email_Discussions / RAN2 / [RAN2#115-e] / [Post115-e][610][Relay] Control plane procedures (InterDigital) / Phase2

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icon R2-210xxxx - summary of [610]_phase2_v1_OPPO.docx 2021/10/19 2:46 168,9 KB
icon R2-210xxxx - summary of [610]_phase2_v0_Rapp.docx 2021/10/16 2:00 177,1 KB
icon R2-210xxxx - summary of [610]_phase2_v1_Rapp.docx 2021/10/19 2:52 177,2 KB
icon R2-210xxxx - summary of [610]_phase2_v3_Rapp.docx 2021/10/21 15:52 178,3 KB
icon R2-210xxxx - summary of [610]_phase2_v2_Rapp.docx 2021/10/20 16:46 181,3 KB

5 items.