ETSI logo / ftp / Email_Discussions / RAN2 / [RAN2#110-e] / [Post110-e][037][TEI16] Secondary DRX (Ericsson)

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icon draft R2-200xxxx Introduction of secondary DRX group CR 38.306.docx 2020/06/15 15:18 34,1 KB
icon draft R2-200xxxx Introduction of secondary DRX group CR 38.321 v2.docx 2020/06/16 14:33 40,8 KB
icon draft R2-200xxxx Introduction of secondary DRX group CR 38.321 v3.docx 2020/06/17 8:25 40,5 KB
icon draft R2-200xxxx Introduction of secondary DRX group CR 38.321 v4.docx 2020/06/17 11:42 40,7 KB
icon draft R2-200xxxx Introduction of secondary DRX group CR 38.321 v5.docx 2020/06/18 12:29 40,9 KB
icon draft R2-200xxxx Introduction of secondary DRX group CR 38.321 v6.docx 2020/06/18 15:15 41 KB
icon draft R2-200xxxx Introduction of secondary DRX group CR 38.321 v7.docx 2020/06/18 18:06 41,2 KB
icon draft R2-200xxxx Introduction of secondary DRX group CR 38.321 v8.docx 2020/06/19 5:07 41,2 KB
icon draft R2-200xxxx Introduction of secondary DRX group CR 38.321.docx 2020/06/15 15:18 40,5 KB
icon draft R2-200xxxx Introduction of secondary DRX group CR 38.331 v2.docx 2020/06/17 11:42 60,1 KB
icon draft R2-200xxxx Introduction of secondary DRX group CR 38.331.docx 2020/06/15 15:18 56,2 KB
icon R2-2004857 Introduction of secondary DRX group CR 38.306.docx 2020/06/19 3:04 34 KB
icon R2-2006332 Introduction of secondary DRX group CR 38.321 v2.docx 2020/06/19 6:25 46,4 KB
icon R2-2006332 Introduction of secondary DRX group CR 38.321.docx 2020/06/19 3:03 46,9 KB
icon R2-2006333 Introduction of secondary DRX group CR 38.331.docx 2020/06/19 3:03 65,4 KB

15 items.