Four Generations of Mobile Standards

3GPP TDocs (written contributions) at meeting

Meeting: SP-54 - 2011-12-12 to 2011-12-14, Berlin

meeting id: SP-54 (click id for more info on this meeting)

Click on the Tdoc to open its file.

TDoc Title Source Remarks
SP‑110662 Draft agenda for TSG SA meeting #54 TSG SA Chairman Revised in SP-110762
SP‑110663 Draft Report of TSG SA meeting #53 TSG SA Secretary Revised. Alcatel-Lucent commented that their comment did not appear to be included in the report. The MCC Secretary will check this off-line. It was clarified that under the report of SP-11615, 'BBAI BBIII' should read 'SIMTC BBIII'. This was corrected an
SP‑110664 Draft Report of 3GPP-BBF Workshop TSG SA Secretary Noted. This was provided for information and was noted.
SP‑110665 Chairmen's Summary of 3GPP-BBF Workshop Workshop Convenors Noted. It was clarified that BBF review before 'final approval' referred to Release freeze. This was then noted.
SP‑110666 LS from ETSI TC ATTM: General Engineering of energy efficient base station ETSI TC ATTM Reply requested by 21 October 2011 ! Draft response from TSG RAN in SP-110847. Final Response in SP-110860
SP‑110667 LS from the Broadband Forum: BBF status report prior to BBF and 3GPP workshop Broadband Forum Noted. Can be noted, workshop already held. This LS was noted.
SP‑110668 LS from TTA: Response LS on Korean Public Alert System in LTE TTA This was reviewed and noted.
SP‑110669 LS from ITU-T Study Group 13: Request for information for the new draft Recommendation Q.1741.8 (referencing of 3GPP Release 10) ITU-T Study Group 13 Response in SP-11858. A response was provided by TSG CT in SP-110837, which was reviewed. A response was provided in SP-11858.
SP‑110670 LS from ITU-T Study Group 13: Item in ITU-T Q.3/13 Work Programme concerning Machine Oriented Communications (MOC) ITU-T Study Group 13 Noted. This LS should be reviewed by SA WG1. The TSG SA Chairman undertook to inform the LS contact of this. The LS was then noted.
SP‑110671 LS from ITU-T Study Group 13: New work item on the framework on the identifiers in Future Networks ITU-T Study Group 13 Noted. The SA WG2 Chairman commented that SA WG2 had begun to address many of the issues raise here and considered this important for development of future 'phone number' schemes. The TSG CT Chairman reported that this is also being considered in CT WGs.
SP‑110672 LS from ETSI M2M: Request to 3GPP for feedback on proposed changes to GBA specifications in support of M2M Integrity Validation ETSI M2M Noted. The SA WG3 Chairman reported that they had dealt with this and the LS was noted.
SP‑110673 LS from 3GPP2: 3GPP2 CORRESPONDENCE: Re: 3GPP2 SC.R4005-0 v1.0 cdma2000 M2M Numbering Recommendations System Requirements Document 3GPP2 Noted. The SA WG3 Chairman reported that they had dealt with this and the LS was noted.
SP‑110674 LS from CT WG1: Reply LS on the introduction of FULL-MOCN-GERAN feature CT WG1 Noted
SP‑110675 LS from CT WG1: Reply LS on Applicability of ePLMN to MDT CT WG1 Noted. This was reviewed and noted.
SP‑110676 LS from SA WG2: LS on VCSG WI Stage 2 completion SA WG2 Noted
SP‑110677 LS from SA WG3: LS on WID for GBA extensions for re-use of SIP Digest credentials SA WG3 Noted
SP‑110678 LS from SA WG5: Enhanced Reply LS to NGMN NGCOR on Project NGCOR Update SA WG5 Noted. The SA WG5 Chairman reported that according to the NGNM procedures, they cannot work with SDOs directly but need to work though the NGNM Partners. This was noted and SA WG5 were encouraged to continue the communication with NGNM.
SP‑110679 LS from SA WG5: LS on formal aspects to be considered for the 3GPP - TM Forum Joint Working Groups SA WG5 The agreements and way forward were included in a liaison to SA WG5, which was drafted off-line in SP-110863. Final response in SP-110892
SP‑110680 LS from ITU-T Study Group 11: Request for feedback on attached draft revision of Supplement 62 to ITU-T Q series Recommendations ITU-T Study Group 11 Response in SP-110859. The attached list of specifications for Emergency Telecommunications Service contains entries under 9.1 for 3GPP specifications, which should be reviewed. The TSG CT Chairman commented that the list was unclear and should be organis
SP‑110681 LS from CT WG1: LS on Use of SDP Capability Negotiation CT WG1 Noted
SP‑110682 LS from CT WG1: LS on making use of SDP Capability Negotiation optional when offering AVPF for video CT WG1 Noted
SP‑110683 LS from CT WG4: Reply LS on Service Identification for RRC Improvements in GERAN CT WG4 Noted. This was reviewed and noted.
SP‑110684 SA WG3 Status Report SA WG3 Chairman Noted. The SA WG3 Chairman was thanked for this report, which was noted.
SP‑110685 Proposed Update of SA WG3 Terms of Reference SA WG3 Revised. It was noticed that 'privacy' needs to be added in one more place. The ToR was revised accordingly in SP-110862
SP‑110686 WI proposal on GBA extensions for re-use of SIP Digest credentials SA WG3 Revised to add Intel to supporting companies in SP-110884
SP‑110687 33.838 Study on Protection against Unsolicited Communication for IMS SA WG3 Noted
SP‑110688 33.859 UTRAN key management enhancements SA WG3 Approved
SP‑110689 35.924 Specification of the 3GPP Confidentiality and Integrity Algorithms EEA3 & EIA3; Document 4: Design and Evaluation Report SA WG3 Approved
SP‑110690 Release 11 CR to 33.320 on H(e)NB security features for UE mobility scenarios (HNB_Mob_Sec) SA WG3 Approved
SP‑110691 Release 10 CRs to 33.320 Security for Local IP Access and Selected Internet IP Traffic Offload (LIPA_SIPTO) SA WG3 Approved
SP‑110692 Release 10 CR to 33.310 on Network Domain Security (NDS) enhancements to support backhaul security (TEI10) SA WG3 Approved
SP‑110693 Release 11 CRs on Security small Enhancements (Sec11) SA WG3 Revised in SP-110848
SP‑110694 Release 10 CRs on Security small Enhancements (TEI10) SA WG3 Approved
SP‑110695 Release 11 CRs on Lawful Interception (LI11) SA WG3 WITHDRAWN
SP‑110696 SA WG5 Status Report SA WG5 Chairman Noted. The SA WG5 Chairman was thanked for this report, which was noted.
SP‑110697 32.901 User Data Convergence (UDC) information model handling and provisioning: Example use cases SA WG5 Approved
SP‑110698 32.834 Study on OAM aspects of inter-RAT Energy Saving SA WG5 Approved
SP‑110699 Revised WID on System Improvements for Machine Type Communication SA WG5 Revised. It was asked not to make references to clause 7.1.5 in the WID. It was decided to work on this off-line and to merge the WID updates in SP-110751 and SP-110699 into a single WID update which was drafted in SP-110874
SP‑110700 Revised WID on Network Provided Location Information for IMS Charging SA WG5 Approved
SP‑110701 New WID proposal on Inter-RAT Energy Saving Management SA WG5 Approved
SP‑110702 New WID proposal on Telecommunication Management; OAM Aspects of Network sharing SA WG5 Revised. The Work Plan manager commented that this WID had been revised in SA WG5 in their last meeting. This was a submission error and the correct WID was provided in SP-110888
SP‑110703 Rel-7 CRs on OAM Maintenance and small Enhancements (OAM7) SA WG5 Approved
SP‑110704 Rel-8 CRs on OAM Maintenance and small Enhancements (OAM8) SA WG5 Approved
SP‑110705 Rel-9 CRs on OAM Maintenance and small Enhancements (OAM9) SA WG5 WITHDRAWN
SP‑110706 Rel-10 CRs on OAM Maintenance and small Enhancements (OAM10) SA WG5 Approved
SP‑110707 Rel-11 CRs on OAM Maintenance and small Enhancements (OAM11) SA WG5 Approved
SP‑110708 Rel-8 CRs on Charging Management (CH8) SA WG5 Approved
SP‑110709 Rel-9 CRs on Charging Management (CH9) SA WG5 Approved
SP‑110710 Rel-10 CRs on Charging Management (CH10) SA WG5 Approved
SP‑110711 Rel-11 CRs on Charging Management small Enhancements (CH11) SA WG5 Approved
SP‑110712 Rel-11 CRs on Transit Inter Operator Identifier for IMS Interconnection Charging in multi operator environment (IOI-IMS-CH) SA WG5 Approved
SP‑110713 Rel-11 CRs on CN performance measurements enhancement (OAM-ePM-CN) SA WG5 Approved
SP‑110714 Rel-11 CRs on IMS Performance Measurement enhancements (OAM-ePM-IMS) SA WG5 Approved
SP‑110715 Rel-10 CRs on Management of UE based network performance measurements (OAM-PM-UE) SA WG5 Approved
SP‑110716 Rel-11 CRs on Enhanced Management of UE based network performance measurements (OAM-ePM-UE) SA WG5 Approved
SP‑110717 Rel-10 CRs on IRP Solution Set specification organisation improvements (OAM-IRP-SS) SA WG5 Approved
SP‑110718 Rel-11 CRs on LTE Self-Organizing Networks (SON) coordination management (OAM-SON-LTE_COORD) SA WG5 Approved
SP‑110719 Rel-11 CRs on UTRAN Self-Organizing Networks (SON) management (OAM-SON-UTRAN) SA WG5 Approved
SP‑110720 Rel-11 CRs on Charging for QoS Control Based on Subscriber Spending Limits (QoS_SSL) SA WG5 Revised in SP-110849
SP‑110721 Rel-10 CRs on SON self-optimization management continuation (LTE_SON-OAM-SO) SA WG5 Approved
SP‑110722 Rel-10 CRs on OAM Maintenance and small Enhancements Network Infrastructure Management (OAM10-NIM) SA WG5 Approved
SP‑110723 LS from SA WG1: LS on Multiple E.212 Mobile Country Codes assigned to one country/political entity SA WG1 Noted. This was reviewed and noted.
SP‑110724 LS from SA WG1: Reply LS on the introduction of FULL-MOCN-GERAN feature SA WG1 Noted
SP‑110725 LS from SA WG1: Reply LS on WID for GBA extensions for re-use of SIP Digest credentials SA WG1 Noted. Related to SA WG3 WID SP-110686
SP‑110726 LS from SA WG2: LS on 3GPP UE Definition SA WG2 Noted
SP‑110727 LS from SA WG2: Reply to 'LS on EAB Requirement for RAN Sharing' SA WG2 Noted. The communication between RAN WG2 and SA WG2 is expected to continue. This LS was then noted.
SP‑110728 SA WG2 Status Report SA WG2 Chairman Revised in SP-110827
SP‑110729 6 CRs to 23.401, 23.107 on SAES, TEI8 (Rel-8, Rel-9, Rel-10) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑110730 3 CRs to 23.167 on IMS_EMER_GPRS_EPS (Rel-9, Rel-10, Rel-11) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑110731 1 CR to 23.246 on MBMS_EPS (Rel-9) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑110732 13 CRs to 23.060, 23.401, 23.402 on TEI9 (Rel-9, Rel-10, Rel-11) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑110733 10 CRs to 23.167, 23.203, 23.272 on TEI9 (Rel-9, Rel-10, Rel-11) SA WG2 23.203 CR0592R1; 23.203 CR0591R1; 23.203 CR0590R1; 23.272 CR0713R1; 23.272 CR0714R1; 23.272 CR0716R2; 23.272 CR0717R2 were approved.
SP‑110734 3 CRs to 23.060, 23.401, 23.402 on LIPA_SIPTO (Rel-10) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑110735 1 CR to 23.402 on MAPCON, IFOM (Rel-10) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑110736 10 CRs to 23.060, 23.401 on NIMTC (Rel-10) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑110737 16 CRs to 23.002, 23.060, 23.167, 23.203, 23.216, 23.221, 23.228, 23.237 on TEI10 (Rel-10, Rel-11) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑110738 12 CRs to 23.246. 23.272, 23.292 on TEI10 (Rel-10, Rel-11) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑110739 2 CRs to 23.228 on IPXS (Rel-11) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑110740 4 CRs to 23.167, 23.237, 23.401 on NOVES-IMSESOM (Rel-11) SA WG2 Approved. It was noted that there was some unnecessary text in the other comments of a CR which should be avoided. These CRs were approved.
SP‑110741 1 CR to 23.203 on QoS_SSL (Rel-11) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑110742 1 CR to 23.221 on SIMTC-Reach (Rel-11) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑110743 2 CRs to 23.203 on BBAI (Rel-11) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑110744 2 CRs to 23.203 on SAPP (Rel-11) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑110745 8 CRs to 23.216, 23.237 on vSRVCC (Rel-11) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑110746 1 CR to 23.402 on DIDA (Rel-11) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑110747 2 CRs to 23.216, 23.237 on rSRVCC (Rel-11) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑110748 8 CRs to 23.060, 23.221, 23.228, 23.237, 23.246, 23.292, 23.401 on TEI11 (Rel-11) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑110749 8 CRs to 23.060, 23.401 on VCSG (Rel-11) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑110750 1 CR to 23.228 on RAVEL (Proposed New WID) (Rel-11) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑110751 Revised WID: Stage-2 aspects of System Improvements for Machine Type Communication (SIMTC) SA WG2 Revised. This update was endorsed and should be merged with other changes from SA WG5 in SP-110699 in SP-110874
SP‑110752 Revised WID: LOcation-Based Selection of gaTEways foR WLAN (LOBSTER) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑110753 New WID on roaming architecture for voice over IMS with Local Breakout (RAVEL) SA WG2 Revised. This was revised to update the timescale for 23.228 completion as this plenary in SP-110885
SP‑110754 TR 23.839, version 1.4.1: Study on Support of BBF Access Interworking (Release 11) for information SA WG2 Noted
SP‑110755 TR 23.842, Version 2.0.0: Study on Network Provided Location Information to the IMS; (Release 11) for approval SA WG2 Approved
SP‑110756 TR 23.849, Version 1.0.0: Study on Stage 2 aspects of Optimised Service Charging and Allocation of Resources in IMS whilst Roaming (Release 11) for 'one step' approval SA WG2 Revised in SP-110822
SP‑110757 TR 23.855, Version 1.0.0: Data Identification in ANDSF (DIDA); (Release 11) for 'one step' approval SA WG2 Approved
SP‑110758 TR 23.852, Version 1.0.0: Study on S2a Mobility based On GTP & WLAN access to EPC (SaMOG); Stage 2 (Release 11) for information SA WG2 Noted
SP‑110759 TR 23.863, Version 1.0.0: Support of Short Message Service (SMS) in IMS without MSISDN; Stage 2 (Release 11) for information SA WG2 Noted
SP‑110760 TR 23.812, Version 2.0.0: Feasibility Study on IMS Evolution (Release 11) for approval SA WG2 Approved
SP‑110761 TR 23.850, Version 2.0.0: Study on Roaming Architecture for Voice over IMS with Local Breakout (Release 11) for approval SA WG2 Approved
SP‑110762 Draft agenda for TSG SA meeting #54 TSG SA Chairman Approved
SP‑110763 Warning System Security Configuration SA WG2 Chairman (Samsung) Noted. Nokia Siemens Networks commented that the PWS digital signature work has been started in Rel-9 and moved to Rel-10 and Rel-11, without actually being completed, so there is currently no specification for using digital signature, but only to specify
SP‑110764 3 CRs to 23.401 on ETWS (Rel-8, Rel-9, Rel-10) SA WG2 Approved. SA WG2 were asked to review this change taking into account the LS in SP-110890.
SP‑110765 LS from ETSI TC-EE: ETSI TC-EE Work Item on Network level power efficiency ETSI TC-EE Draft response from TSG RAN in SP-110847. Final Response in SP-110860
SP‑110766 Introduction of documents related to Converged Management of Fixed Mobile Networks submitted to this TSG SA meeting SA WG5 Chairman Noted. This was reviewed and taken as background for the related contributions. This was then noted.
SP‑110767 SA WG5 presentation at multi SDO meeting in Zurich Nov 1st-2nd 2011 SA WG5 Chairman Noted
SP‑110768 Minutes of multi SDO meeting in Zurich Nov 1st-2nd 2011 SA WG5 Chairman Noted. LS drafted in SP-110864. It was clarified that the joint working group cannot make decisions for 3GPP but can provide agreed recommendations for input to the member bodies of the JCG. Research in Motion clarified that all involved bodies would need
SP‑110769 SA WG5 comments on multi SDO activity SA WG5 Chairman Noted
SP‑110770 Draft ToR for Converged Management of Fixed Mobile Networks project SA WG5 Chairman Noted. As the joint activity will be done using workshops and liaison, the ToR was not necessary and was noted.
SP‑110771 TM Forum proposal on handling of Joint Working Group output documents SA WG5 Chairman Noted
SP‑110772 3GPP Work Plan review at Plenary TSG SA#54 MCC Work Plan Manager Noted
SP‑110773 3GPP Green activities / Energy Saving MCC Work Plan Manager Noted
SP‑110774 3GPP Releases Descriptions - Rel-10 to Rel-12 MCC Work Plan Manager Noted
SP‑110775 Standardization of Machine-type Communications MCC Work Plan Manager Noted
SP‑110776 Update of the 3GPP WID Template MCC Work Plan Manager Noted. The SA WG2 Chairman commented that the inclusion of resource hours is not a good idea at the moment as this will be difficult to estimate and would cause constant updates of WIDs and suggested these mechanisms are better done within WGs with experi
SP‑110777 TSG GERAN Report to TSG SA#54 TSG GERAN Chairman Noted. The TSG GERAN Chairman was thanked for this report, which was noted.
SP‑110778 LS from TSG GERAN: Reply LS on the introduction of FULL_MOCN-GERAN feature TSG GERAN Noted
SP‑110779 LS from TSG GERAN: Reply LS on Service Identification for RRC Improvements in GERAN TSG GERAN Noted. This was reviewed and noted.
SP‑110780 LS from GERAN WG2: Reply LS on agreements on SRVCC from CS to PS GERAN WG2 Noted
SP‑110782 LS from MultiService Forum: Liaison Regarding MSF VoLTE Interoperability Event MultiService Forum (MSF) Noted. Companies were asked to take this into account and the LS was noted.
SP‑110785 SA WG4 Status Report at TSG SA#54 SA WG4 Chairman Noted. The SA WG4 Chairman was thanked for this report, which was noted.
SP‑110786 CRs to TS 26.114 on 'Correction to H.264 RTP Payload Format Reference (MTSI-MHI)' (Release 7 until Release 11) SA WG4 Approved
SP‑110787 CR to TS 26.114 on 'Alignment of SDP Capneg usage with MTSI deployments (MTSI-eMHI)' (Release 8) SA WG4 Noted. This CR was noted as a revised version had been approved (SP-110804).
SP‑110788 CRs to TS 26.237 on 'On Resolving IETF dependencies (IMS_PSS_MBMS_US)' (Release 8 until 10) SA WG4 Approved
SP‑110789 CRs to TS.26.346 on 'AlternativeUnicastDelivery and Time Synchronisation between UE and BM-SC (PSS_MBMS_OMTV)' (Release 8 until 10) SA WG4 Approved
SP‑110790 CRs to TS 26.114 on 'Update of reference for ECN (LTEimp-Vocoder)' (Release 9 until Release 11) SA WG4 Approved
SP‑110791 CRs to TS 26.114 on 'Managing MTSI Media Adaptation (M3A)' (Release 9 until Release 11) SA WG4 Approved
SP‑110792 CRs to TS 26.234, TS 26.244 and TS.26.346 on ' PSS and MBMS Aspects (PMA-MBS_Ext)' (Release 9 and Release 10) SA WG4 Approved
SP‑110793 CRs to TS 26.131 and TS 26.132 on 'Enhancements and Addition of Audio Tests to 26.131 and 26.132 (EAAT)' (Release 10) SA WG4 Approved
SP‑110794 CRs to TS 26.244 and TS 26.247 on 'HTTP-based Streaming and Download Services (HTTP_SDS)' (Release 10) SA WG4 Approved
SP‑110795 CRs to TS 26.234 and TS.26.346 on 'PSS and MBMS enhancements (MBS_enh)' (Release 10) SA WG4 Approved
SP‑110796 CR to TS 26.237 on 'Registration of Content Reporting Configuration Info Package (OPT_IMS_PSS_MBMS_US)' (Release 10) SA WG4 Approved
SP‑110797 CRs to TS 26.114 on 'Video Coding Enhancements in MTSI (VCEM)' (Release 10 and Release 11) SA WG4 Approved
SP‑110798 Update of the 3GPP Work Item 'Enhancements to Multimedia: PSS, MMS, and MBMS Enhancements and Performance Improvements (EMM)' SA WG4 Revised. A clean version of the WID was needed so the document was revised to include this in SP-110878
SP‑110799 TR 26.905 Mobile stereoscopic 3D video (Release 11) version 1.0.0 SA WG4 Noted
SP‑110800 New Study Item 'Improved Support for Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP in 3GPP' SA WG4 Revised. The SA WG4 Chairman reported that Vodafone is not present in SA WG4 and should be removed from the supporting companies. O2 asked whether attendance was needed to support a WI. Vodafone clarified that they asked to be removed as they cannot contr
SP‑110801 MCC Report to TSG SA#54 MCC Specifications Manager Noted
SP‑110802 CRs to 21.900 MCC Specifications Manager Approved. Vodafone commented that there was a typographical error in the note. This should be corrected on implementation of the CR. These CRs were then approved.
SP‑110803 New WID proposal on Charging aspects for Roaming Architecture for Voice over IMS with Local Breakout SA WG5 Revised. It was commented that the stage 3 should also be marked as impacted and the text in clause 7 (Charging aspects) should be moved to the objectives. The target completion dates were confirmed as correct. This was revised in SP-110886
SP‑110804 CRs to TS 26.114 on 'Alignment of SDP Capneg usage with MTSI deployments (MTSI-MHI)' (Release 7 and Release 8) NOKIA Corporation, Nokia Siemens Networks, Verizon Wireless, Telefon AB LM Ericsson, ST-Ericsson SA Approved
SP‑110805 Status Report from SA WG1 to TSG SA#54 SA WG1 Chairman Noted. The SA WG1 Chairman was thanked for this report, which was noted.
SP‑110806 Stage 1 CR on Rel-8 HomeNB SA WG1 Revised. It was clarified that this CR does not impact the UE and should not be marked on the cover page. It was agreed to remove the impact indication and the CR was revised in SP-110870
SP‑110807 Stage 1 CRs on Rel-8 IMSTSS SA WG1 Approved
SP‑110808 Stage 1 CRs on Enhanced Home NodeB / eNodeB (EHNB) SA WG1 22.220 CR0148; 22.220 CR0149R1; 22.220 CR0150R1 Approved. Other CRs revised in SP-110871
SP‑110809 Stage 1 CRs on Public Warning System (PWS) SA WG1 Approved
SP‑110810 Stage 1 CRs on Study on TEI Rel-10 (TEI10) SA WG1 Renesas commented that the second bullet in 7.2 should be removed as the Class identifiers are not separable. 22.146 CR0061R1; 22.146 CR0062R1 were approved. 22.268 CR0018R1; 22.268 CR0019R1 were revised in SP-110872
SP‑110811 Stage 1 CRs on Non Voice Emergency Services (NOVES) SA WG1 22.101 CR0392 revised in SP-110873, other CRs approved
SP‑110812 Stage 1 CRs on System Improvements to Machine-Type Communications (SIMTC) SA WG1 It was decided to return these CRs to SA WG1 for further evaluation.
SP‑110813 Stage 1 CRs on TEI Rel-11 (TEI11) SA WG1 Approved
SP‑110814 Stage 1 CRs on IMS-based Telepresence (IMS_TELEP) SA WG1 Approved
SP‑110815 Stage 1 CR on Service and Media Reachability for Users over Restrictive Firewalls (SMURFs) SA WG1 Revised. Rogers Wireless commented that the final sentence of 5.0 that 'a balance between security and service reachability' is required should be removed. The SA WG1 Chairman suggested this could be raised in SA WG1 if further improvement of the requirem
SP‑110816 Stage 1 CRs on TEI Rel-12 (TEI12) SA WG1 Approved
SP‑110817 TR 22.801 V2.0.0 on Study on non-MTC; Mobile Data Applications impacts SA WG1 Approved
SP‑110818 TR 22.896 V2.0.0 on Study on Continuity of Data Sessions to Local Networks SA WG1 Approved
SP‑110819 Proposed WID for User plane congestion management (UPCON) SA WG1 Approved. Verizon Wireless commented that the impacts of this study item is not clear and suggested adding information on which mechanisms are to be studied and the issues they are intended to handle, which would make the study clearer to operators. Media
SP‑110820 Proposed WID on Study on RAN Sharing Enhancements SA WG1 Approved
SP‑110821 Warning system default configuration NTT DOCOMO, KDDI, SOFTBANK MOBILE, Fujitsu, Hitachi, NEC, NTC Noted. Vodafone commented that the roaming issues appear to be the biggest issue, where there are 189 European operators, whose subscribers can roam into other regions. AT&T commented that there are no regulations for inbound roamers' handsets and an appl
SP‑110822 TR 23.849, Version 1.0.1: Study on Stage 2 aspects of Optimised Service Charging and Allocation of Resources in IMS whilst Roaming (Release 11) for information SA WG2 Noted
SP‑110824 LS from TETRA + Critical Communications Association: Re: LS on Study item relevant for public safety - direct mode TETRA + Critical Communications Association Noted. It was recognised that this was a work in progress and no response was needed. This was then noted.
SP‑110825 Proposed CR to SA to TR 21.905 on Adding of MTC terms and definitions SA WG1 Approved
SP‑110826 SA WG5 comments on Zurich multi-SDO meeting outputs SA WG5 Chairman WITHDRAWN: Duplicate of SP-110769
SP‑110827 SA WG2 Status Report SA WG2 Chairman Noted. The SA WG2 Chairman was thanked for this report, which was noted.
SP‑110828 Mandatory Terminal Support for full MOCN in GERAN Telenor, Vodafone, TeliaSonera, Deutsche Telekom, Orange Revised in SP-110850
SP‑110829 3 CRs to 23.167 on TEI9 (Rel-9, Rel-10, Rel-11) - replace CRs approved at TSG SA WG 2 # 88 in TD SP-110733 Huawei, Deutsche Telekom, Research In Motion UK Ltd Revised in SP-110869
SP‑110830 Default configuration of PWS display Samsung Electronics Noted. This was reviewed and noted.
SP‑110831 Discussion on OSCAR normative work Alcatel-Lucent Noted. It was decided that the SA WG2 are expected to resolve the MRB/MRF Discovery mechanism as the main remaining work for this TR and the remainder of the work will then be given to CT WG1 once the decision has been made. This contribution was then not
SP‑110832 Proposed modification to CR S3-111205 'H(e)NB identity verification requirements for UE access control enforcement' Intel Revised. Replaces 33.320 CR0072R3 in SP-110848. There were a number of concerns over the consistency of the specification if this is done. It was suggested to ask SA WG3 for further consideration of the CR. Intel suggested trying to incorporate the issues
SP‑110833 Policy and Charging convergence in Rel-11 Vodafone Group Noted. The SA WG2 Chairman reported that BBI and BBII progress was not as good as hoped or reported in this contribution. NEC commented that BBF appears to be investigating convergence, which may be premature. Verizon supported the proposal from Vodafone
SP‑110834 TSG CT Status Report to TSG SA#54 TSG CT Chairman Noted. The TSG CT Chairman was thanked for this report, which was noted.
SP‑110835 Draft report of TSG CT meeting #54 TSG CT Secretary Noted. This was provided for information and was noted.
SP‑110836 IETF Status report to TSG SA#54 TSG CT Chairman Noted. Research in Motion commented that it is important to have a reasonable attendance from 3GPP Member companies at the IETF meetings in order to progress the important work there and encouraged delegates to try to attend whenever possible. The TSG CT
SP‑110837 LS from TSG CT: LS on co-ordination of SDO input to ITU-T Q.1741.8 TSG CT Revised. The TSG RAN Chairman proposed to also add that the are also excluded. The attached CP-110914 in this LS was revised accordingly into an LS from TSG SA in SP-110858.
SP‑110838 LS from TSG CT: LS on Korean Public Alert System TSG CT This was reviewed and noted.
SP‑110839 LS from TSG CT: LS on Work progress on RRC Improvements in GERAN TSG CT Noted. The approach outlined in this LS was confirmed. The scope of this work is GERAN and not other RATs
SP‑110840 LS from TSG CT: LS on M2M devices with dual priority applications TSG CT Noted. Vodafone clarified that the Normal priority access is the traffic which does not have an access class indicated and does not add new functionality so only minimal editorial changes are expected to SA WG2 specifications to update the number of class
SP‑110841 Public Warning System Configuration Vodafone Noted. This was reviewed and noted.
SP‑110842 LS from TSG RAN: LS on FGI 27 in LTE and Single Radio VCC TSG RAN Noted. This was reviewed and noted.
SP‑110843 LS from TSG RAN: Reply LS on Capability handling of LTE TDD and FDD modes TSG RAN Noted. This was reviewed and noted.
SP‑110844 Support of a Default 'ON' Setting for ETWS/PWS Messages AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile USA, US Cellular, Alcatel-Lucent, One2Many, Qualcomm, Trueposition Noted. Vodafone commented that operators should not be expected to implement the default settings rather than maintaining a list which is applied to it's subscribers. O2 commented that there is also an issue with expecting operators to maintain a list whe
SP‑110845 TSG RAN Status Report to TSG SA#54 TSG RAN Chairman Noted. The TSG RAN Chairman was thanked for this report, which was noted.
SP‑110846 Draft report of TSG RAN meeting #54 TSG RAN Secretary Noted. This was provided for information and was noted.
SP‑110847 Draft Reply LS to ETSI TC ATTM General Engineering of energy efficient base station TSG RAN Revised. Response to SP-110666, SP-110765. The LS was endorsed and updated to make it from TSG SA and change the contacts and remove draft, in SP-110860
SP‑110848 Release 11 CRs on Security small Enhancements (Sec11) SA WG3 Approved
SP‑110849 Rel-11 CRs on Charging for QoS Control Based on Subscriber Spending Limits (QoS_SSL) SA WG5 Approved
SP‑110850 Mandatory Terminal Support for full MOCN in GERAN Telenor, Vodafone, TeliaSonera, Deutsche Telekom, Orange, T-Mobile USA Noted. Orange supported this proposal and added that general support for GERAN terminals should apply and not be restricted to M2M type devices. It was commented that there are likely to be a number of Rel-10 MTC terminals which will not include FULL-MOCN
SP‑110851 Proposed updated WID: Support for BroadBand Forum Accesses Interworking Verizon Wireless Noted. No agreement could be reached on this and this was left for further off-line discussion. The proposed WID was then noted
SP‑110852 DRAFT - LS on Broadband Access Interworking Building Block III TSG SA Noted
SP‑110853 Draft Report of TSG SA meeting #53 TSG SA Secretary Approved
SP‑110854 Additional information to SP-110666 (LS from ETSI TC ATTM) TSG SA Secretary Noted. This was provided for information and was noted.
SP‑110855 CMAS Application T-Mobile USA Noted. Research in Motion commented that this use of an application should be the decision made on whether cell-broadcast is always on or not (i.e. the application could switch cell broadcast on if it is present on the terminal), which would allow the mec
SP‑110856 LS from ETSI TC M2M: Reply to 3GPP SA3 regarding M2M Integrity Validation ETSI TC M2M Noted. The SA WG3 Chairman reported that they had dealt with this and the LS was noted.
SP‑110857 [DRAFT] Reply LS on the introduction of FULL-MOCN-GERAN feature TSG SA Revised to remove 'draft' in SP-110867
SP‑110858 LS on co-ordination of SDO input to ITU-T Q.1741.8 TSG SA Approved
SP‑110859 [Draft] Reply LS on feedback on Supplement 62 to ITU-T Q series Recommendations TSG SA Revised. This was reviewed and it was suggested to add reference to agreements made in the San Francisco WG meetings. This was discussed off-line and the LS revised in SP-110868
SP‑110860 Reply LS to ETSI TC ATTM General Engineering of energy efficient base station TSG SA Approved
SP‑110861 Outcome of PWS Off-line discussions Discussion Group WITHDRAWN
SP‑110862 Proposed Update of SA WG3 Terms of Reference SA WG3 Approved
SP‑110863 [DRAFT] Reply LS on formal aspects to be considered for the 3GPP - TM Forum Joint Working Groups TSG SA Revised. NEC commented that there is too much detail for the TMF on the process for checking the legal aspects. It was clarified that this is primarily aimed at SA WG5 and this information was considered useful. Vodafone commented that the second paragrap
SP‑110864 DRAFT - LS on Converged Management Multi-SDO activity TSG SA Revised. It was suggested to clarify that such joint activities do not have decision power. Vodafone asked whether the request to formalize a Multi-SDO setup, or should it rather state that the Terms of Reference are not aligned with the working procedure
SP‑110865 [DRAFT] LS on Working Procedures with external bodies TSG SA Revised. It was asked whether the PCG should be asked to take the IPR rules into account. It was considered that the IPR rules of other bodies are the issue which cannot be discussed by the PCG. NEC asked to replace 'kindly asks' with a direct request. Th
SP‑110866 LS on PWS support in 3GPP UEs TSG SA Revised. There were some concerns over points 4a, b and c. AT&T commented that as this has not been developed in WGs, that these discussions should be held in SA WG1 and proposed to remove the bullets from this LS. It was commented that SA WG1 may make re
SP‑110867 Reply LS on the introduction of FULL-MOCN-GERAN feature TSG SA Approved
SP‑110868 Reply LS on feedback on Supplement 62 to ITU-T Q series Recommendations TSG SA Revised in SP-110876
SP‑110869 3 CRs to 23.167 on TEI9 (Rel-9, Rel-10, Rel-11) - replace CRs approved at TSG SA WG 2 # 88 in TD SP-110733 Huawei, Deutsche Telekom, Research In Motion UK Ltd Approved
SP‑110870 Stage 1 CR on Rel-8 HomeNB TSG SA Approved
SP‑110871 Stage 1 CRs on Enhanced Home NodeB / eNodeB (EHNB) TSG SA Approved
SP‑110872 Stage 1 CRs on Study on TEI Rel-10 (TEI10) TSG SA Approved
SP‑110873 22.101 CR0392R1 TSG SA Approved
SP‑110874 Revised WID: Stage-2 aspects of System Improvements for Machine Type Communication (SIMTC) TSG SA Revised. Nokia Siemens Networks commented that there were work tasks in the work plan related to this which should be deleted from the work plan and asked whether the presentation to TSG SA should be #49 or #54. It was agreed to add both with the comment
SP‑110875 LS on PWS support in 3GPP UEs TSG SA Revised in SP-110889
SP‑110876 Reply LS on feedback on Supplement 62 to ITU-T Q series Recommendations TSG SA Approved
SP‑110877 Revised WID: Stage-2 aspects of System Improvements for Machine Type Communication (SIMTC) TSG SA Approved
SP‑110878 Update of the 3GPP Work Item 'Enhancements to Multimedia: PSS, MMS, and MBMS Enhancements and Performance Improvements (EMM)' SA WG4 Approved
SP‑110879 Proposed modification to CR S3-111205 'H(e)NB identity verification requirements for UE access control enforcement' Intel Noted. This CR was then noted and the original 33.320 CR0072R2 in SP-110848 was approved.
SP‑110880 [DRAFT] Reply LS on formal aspects to be considered for the 3GPP - TM Forum Joint Working Groups TSG SA Revised. It was suggested to change the last sentence to a more positive outlook to completion of the work. Some editorial corrections were needed when changes are accepted. The LS was revised accordingly, 'draft' was removed and changes accepted. in SP-1
SP‑110881 DRAFT - LS on Converged Management Multi-SDO activity TSG SA Revised. It was clarified that the first bullet uses '3GPP rules' which intends to include the IPR rules for work done by 3GPP. After some discussion it was suggested to add the 3GPP Members are 'only' bound by 3GPP rules and to copy the LS to the PCG, wh
SP‑110882 [DRAFT] Documentation of support for public warning system in 3GPP TSG SA Revised. It was commented that it should be clarified that the CT WG1 specification, TS 23.041, will contain the Stage 2 PWS procedures. It was agreed also to copy this LS to SA WG3. It was clarified that as CT WG1 are responsible for the Stage 2, issues
SP‑110883 Stage 1 CR on Service and Media Reachability for Users over Restrictive Firewalls (SMURFs) SA WG1 Approved
SP‑110884 WI proposal on GBA extensions for re-use of SIP Digest credentials SA WG3 Approved
SP‑110885 New WID on roaming architecture for voice over IMS with Local Breakout (RAVEL) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑110886 New WID proposal on Charging aspects for Roaming Architecture for Voice over IMS with Local Breakout SA WG5 Approved
SP‑110887 New Study Item 'Improved Support for Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP in 3GPP' SA WG4 Approved
SP‑110888 New WID proposal on Telecommunication Management; OAM Aspects of Network sharing SA WG5 Approved. TeliaSonera commented that there may also be Network Sharing work in GERAN. SA WG5 were asked to add this if necessary in clause 2.1 for the next TSG SA meeting. This Study WID was then approved.
SP‑110889 LS on PWS support in 3GPP UEs TSG SA Revised. Text had been added that 'recognising that part of the functionality resident within the PWS application is outside of the scope of 3GPP' and an additional action to SA WG1 and SA WG3 had been added 'SA WG1 and SA WG3 are requested to determine w
SP‑110890 LS on PWS support in 3GPP UEs TSG SA Approved
SP‑110891 Documentation of support for public warning system in 3GPP TSG SA Approved
SP‑110892 Reply LS on formal aspects to be considered for the 3GPP - TM Forum Joint Working Groups TSG SA Approved
SP‑110893 LS on Converged Management Multi-SDO activity TSG SA Approved
SP‑110894 LS on Working Procedures with external bodies TSG SA Approved

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