ETSI logo / ftp / TSG_RAN / WG3_Iu / TSGR3_116-e / Inbox / Drafts / CB # SDT3_RACHbased / 2nd round discussion

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icon CRs for checking 2022/05/18 9:19
icon draft R3-223849_was_3698 SoD of RachbasedSDT_2nd round.docx 2022/05/16 0:58 188,4 KB
icon draft R3-223849_was_3698 SoD of RachbasedSDT_2nd round_v1.docx 2022/05/16 7:33 188,9 KB
icon draft R3-223849_was_3698 SoD of RachbasedSDT_2nd round_v2.docx 2022/05/18 8:16 190,1 KB
icon draft R3-223856 LS on transfer of SDT related information in case of SDT with UE context relocation_v3_clean.docx 2022/05/16 10:28 41,1 KB
icon draft R3-223856 LS on transfer of SDT related information in case of SDT with UE context relocation_v3_clean_Eri.docx 2022/05/16 10:53 34,4 KB
icon draft R3-22xxxx LS on transfer of SDT related information in case of SDT with UE context relocation.docx 2022/05/16 0:58 38,4 KB
icon draft R3-22xxxx LS on transfer of SDT related information in case of SDT with UE context relocation_CATT.docx 2022/05/16 1:53 39,7 KB
icon draft R3-22xxxx LS on transfer of SDT related information in case of SDT with UE context relocation_CATT2.docx 2022/05/16 8:57 40,5 KB
icon draft R3-22xxxx LS on transfer of SDT related information in case of SDT with UE context relocation_CATT2_hw.docx 2022/05/16 9:02 35,8 KB
icon draft R3-22xxxx LS on transfer of SDT related information in case of SDT with UE context relocation_v1.docx 2022/05/16 9:10 40,7 KB
icon draft R3-22xxxx LS on transfer of SDT related information in case of SDT with UE context relocation_v2.docx 2022/05/16 9:22 43,4 KB
icon draft R3-22xxxx LS on transfer of SDT related information in case of SDT with UE context relocation_v3.docx 2022/05/16 10:28 42,8 KB

13 items.