ETSI logo / ftp / Email_Discussions / RAN2 / [RAN2#109bis-e] / [Post109bis-e][NR15] Default values for UE capability (Nokia)

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icon draft R2-200xxxx Clarifying consequences if not supported v0 Nokia-OPPO.docx 2020/05/15 0:40 76,3 KB
icon draft R2-200xxxx Clarifying consequences if not supported v0 Nokia.docx 2020/05/06 20:22 76,6 KB
icon draft R2-200xxxx Clarifying consequences if not supported v1 OPPO.docx 2020/05/15 22:06 76,3 KB
icon draft R2-200xxxx Clarifying consequences if not supported v2 Nokia.docx 2020/05/15 22:06 79,7 KB
icon draft R2-200xxxx Clarifying consequences if not supported v3_ZTE.docx 2020/05/16 6:57 69,8 KB
icon draft R2-200xxxx Clarifying consequences if not supported v4_CATT.docx 2020/05/18 1:50 87,8 KB
icon draft R2-200xxxx Clarifying consequences if not supported v5_Huawei.docx 2020/05/18 5:14 77,1 KB
icon draft R2-200xxxx Clarifying consequences if not supported v6_Nokia.docx 2020/05/18 21:02 80,7 KB
icon draft R2-200xxxx Clarifying consequences if not supported v7_Apple.docx 2020/05/19 10:44 79,5 KB
icon draft R2-200xxxx Clarifying consequences if not supported v8_ER.docx 2020/05/20 9:01 81,1 KB
icon draft R2-200xxxx Default values for UE capability_summary v1 R15.docx 2020/05/20 13:14 70,3 KB
icon R2-2004454 Default values for UE capability_summary R15 v2.docx 2020/05/21 20:50 70,8 KB
icon R2-2004455 Default values for UE capability_summary R16.docx 2020/05/21 20:50 73 KB

13 items.