Four Generations of Mobile Standards

3GPP TDocs (written contributions) at meeting

Meeting: SP-62 - 2013-12-09 to 2013-12-11, Busan

meeting id: SP-62 (click id for more info on this meeting)

Click on the Tdoc to open its file.

TDoc Title Source Remarks
SP‑130507 Draft agenda for TSG SA meeting #62 TSG SA Chairman Draft agenda for TSG SA meeting #62
SP‑130508 Draft Report of TSG SA meeting #61 TSG SA Secretary Draft Report of TSG SA meeting #61 containing revision marks of changes on the distributed draft.
SP‑130509 LS from ITU-R: LIAISON STATEMENT TO EXTERNAL ORGANIZATIONS ON THE SCHEDULE FOR UPDATING RECOMMENDATION ITU-R M.2012 TO REVISION 2 ITU-R WPD Working Party 5D thanks the relevant External Organizations for their successful work in regards to the course of action to be taken towards the completion and approval of Revision 1 of Recommendation ITU-R M.2012 - 'Detailed specifications of the terrest
SP‑130510 LS from GSMA: Publication of GSMA’s Recommendations for Minimum Wi-Fi Capabilities of Terminals, Version 2.0 GSMA TSGWIF The GSMA Terminal Steering Group (TSG) wishes to announce the publication of the Recommendations for Minimum Wi-Fi Capabilities of Terminals Version 2.0 (TS.22), inform on next steps and confirm interest to continue the collaboration. Background and Intro
SP‑130511 LS from TSG RAN ITU-R Ad-hoc: 3GPP internal LS on update submission for IMT-2000 CDMA DS and IMT-2000 CDMA TDD toward Rev. 12 of Rec. ITU-R M.1457 TSG RAN ITU-R Ad-hoc ITU-R Working Party 5D (WP 5D) is developing Revision 12 of the Recommendation M.1457 ('Detailed specifications of the terrestrial radio interfaces of IMT-2000 (IMT-2000)') as per RP-130354. According to the procedure in RP-130354, it is suggested that 3
SP‑130512 LS from SA WG4: Reply LS on End-to-end QoS handling of MTSI SA WG4 SA WG4 would like to thank CT WG1, CT WG3, CT WG4, and SA WG2 for their reply LSs. Given the potential for the QoS handling work to have system-wide impacts and the need to coordinate this work with other WGs, SA WG4 has agreed to add a study phase into t
SP‑130513 LS from CT WG1: Reply LS on End-to-end QoS handling of MTSI CT WG1 CT WG1 thanks SA WG4 on the LS (S4-131105/C1-134005). CT WG1 has reviewed and noted the contents of the LS and the attachments. At present, CT WG1 has no additional comments. CT WG1 wishes to remind SA WG4 that CT WG1 is looking forward to SA WG4 providi
SP‑130514 LS from CT WG3: Reply LS to SA WG4 LS on End-to-end QoS handling of MTSI. CT WG3 CT WG3 would like to thank SA WG4 for the Reply LS and for having the opportunity to comment on the skeleton and scope of the new Study on Improved end-to-end QoS handling. CT WG3 has reviewed the documents provided by SA WG4 and agreed with the propose
SP‑130515 LS from SA WG5: LS on Standardization of a Diameter interface for Circuit Switched (CS) Domain Charging SA WG5 SA WG5 would like to thank The Steering Committee of the Cooperation Platform for the Separate Sale of Roaming Services in the European Union (SteerCo) for their continued dialog on Standardization of a Diameter interface for Circuit Switched (CS) Domain
SP‑130516 LS from SA WG5: LS on update on the liaison to 3GPP on Cooperation for Energy Efficiency Measurements SA WG5 SA WG5 would like to thank ETSI TC EE for the Liaison on 'Update on the liaison to 3GPP on Cooperation for Energy Efficiency Measurements'. SA WG5 started to take the action to specify the performance measurements for Formula (3) in Clause, one of the st
SP‑130517 SA WG2 Status Report SA WG2 Chairman SA WG2 Chairman's Status Report to TSG SA#62
SP‑130518 3 CRs to 23.167: IMS_EMER_GPRS_EPS (Rel-9, Rel-10, Rel-11) SA WG2 23.167 CR0249R2; 23.167 CR0250R1; 23.167 CR0251R1
SP‑130519 3 CRs to 23.228: TEI10, IMSProtoc4 (Rel-10, Rel-11, Rel-12) SA WG2 23.228 CR1053; 23.228 CR1054; 23.228 CR1055
SP‑130520 2 CRs to 23.272: eMPS (Rel-10, Rel-11) SA WG2 23.272 CR0904R2; 23.272 CR0905R2
SP‑130521 1 CR to 23.216: TEI11, SAES-SRVCC (Rel-11) SA WG2 23.216 CR0320R1
SP‑130522 2 CRs to 23.272: TEI11, SIMTC-Reach (Rel-11, Rel-12) SA WG2 23.272 CR0898R2; 23.272 CR0899R1
SP‑130523 7 CRs to 23.228, 23.251, 23.401, 23.402: TEI11 (Rel-11, Rel-12) SA WG2 23.251 CR0095R2; 23.228 CR1051R1; 23.228 CR1052R1; 23.401 CR2615; 23.401 CR2616; 23.402 CR1168R1; 23.402 CR1169R1
SP‑130524 14 CRs to 23.060, 23.203, 23.401: TEI11, SAES (Rel-11, Rel-12) SA WG2 23.401 CR2589R1; 23.401 CR2590R1; 23.060 CR1800R8; 23.060 CR1801R5; 23.401 CR2553R6; 23.401 CR2554R4; 23.401 CR2620R3; 23.401 CR2621R3; 23.401 CR2596R2; 23.401 CR2597R2; 23.203 CR0824R6; 23.203 CR0825R4; 23.203 CR0845R3; 23.203 CR0846R3
SP‑130525 8 CRs to 23.272: TEI11, SAES-CSFB (Rel-11, Rel-12) SA WG2 23.272 CR0886R2; 23.272 CR0901; 23.272 CR0902R1; 23.272 CR0903R1; 23.272 CR0895R2; 23.272 CR0896R2; 23.272 CR0867R5; 23.272 CR0897R2
SP‑130526 10 CRs to 23.060, 23.272, 23.401: LIMONET (Rel-12) SA WG2 23.060 CR1815R1; 23.060 CR1820R1; 23.060 CR1821R2; 23.272 CR0900R2; 23.401 CR2600R1; 23.401 CR2602R1; 23.401 CR2607R1; 23.401 CR2610; 23.401 CR2611R1; 23.401 CR2612
SP‑130527 1 CR to 23.402: OPIIS (Rel-12) SA WG2 23.402 CR1195R2
SP‑130528 3 CRs to 23.203: P4C-F (Rel-12) SA WG2 23.203 CR0841R2; 23.203 CR0849R7; 23.203 CR0856R2
SP‑130529 3 CRs to 23.060, 23.401, 23.682: MTCe-UEPCOP (Rel-12) SA WG2 23.060 CR1814R9; 23.401 CR2603R9; 23.682 CR0077R6
SP‑130530 3 CRs to 23.401, 23.682: MTCe-SDDTE (Rel-12) SA WG2 23.401 CR2594R3; 23.682 CR0076R2; 23.682 CR0078R5
SP‑130531 5 CRs to 23.402, 23.865: WLAN_NS (Rel-12) SA WG2 23.402 CR1190R4; 23.402 CR1191R7; 23.402 CR1211R1; 23.865 CR0004R3; 23.865 CR0008R2
SP‑130532 2 CRs to 23.203: ABC (Rel-12) SA WG2 23.203 CR0840R2; 23.203 CR0855R2
SP‑130533 12 CRs to 23.002, 23.060, 23.203, 23.228, 23.237, 23.272, 23.401, 23.402: TEI12 (Rel-12) SA WG2 23.002 CR0269R2; 23.060 CR1825; 23.203 CR0863R1; 23.216 CR0316R4; 23.228 CR1057R2; 23.237 CR0468R1; 23.272 CR0861R7; 23.401 CR2598R4; 23.401 CR2622; 23.401 CR2624; 23.401 CR2625R2; 23.402 CR1173R1
SP‑130534 10 CRs to 23.060, 23.203, 23.246, 23.251, 23.401: TEI12, MBMS_EPS, NIMTC, NWK-PL2IMS, SAES, SAPP (Rel-12) SA WG2 23.060 CR1819R3; 23.060 CR1822R2; 23.060 CR1830; 23.203 CR0850R3; 23.203 CR0852R1; 23.246 CR0276R3; 23.251 CR0096R5; 23.401 CR2613R2; 23.401 CR2623R5; 23.401 CR2632R1
SP‑130535 5 CRs to 23.002, 23.060, 23.204, 23.271: Dia_SGSN_SMS, Dia_SGSN_GMLC (CT WG4 WI Codes) (Rel-12) SA WG2 23.002 CR0267R1; 23.002 CR0270R1; 23.060 CR1810R1; 23.204 CR0104; 23.271 CR0400R4
SP‑130536 1 CR to 23.251: TEI12, EHNBF (Rel-12) SA WG2 23.251 CR0097R2
SP‑130537 13 CRs to 23.402: eSaMOG (Rel-12) SA WG2 23.402 CR1177R5; 23.402 CR1180R2; 23.402 CR1183R5; 23.402 CR1188R3; 23.402 CR1196R2; 23.402 CR1201R3; 23.402 CR1202R2; 23.402 CR1205R2; 23.402 CR1207R1; 23.402 CR1209R1; 23.402 CR1210; 23.402 CR1212R1; 23.402 CR1213R1
SP‑130538 1 CR to 23.002: LTE_HRPD_SON (Rel-12) SA WG2 23.002 CR0268
SP‑130539 5 CRs to 23.228, 23.402: Netloc_TWAN (Rel-12) SA WG2 23.203 CR0842R3; 23.228 CR1043R2; 23.228 CR1045R2; 23.402 CR1176R4; 23.402 CR1198R3
SP‑130540 3 CRs to 23.272, 23.401, 23.402: WORM (Rel-12) SA WG2 23.272 CR0907R2; 23.401 CR2605R2; 23.402 CR1193R2
SP‑130541 3 CRs to 23.060, 23.203, 23.401: CNO_ULI (New WID) (Rel-12) SA WG2 23.060 CR1827R2; 23.203 CR0854R2; 23.401 CR2629R2
SP‑130542 New WID on Core Network Overload - User Location Information reporting improvements (CNO_ULI) SA WG2 Objective: The objective is to provide normative specification of ULI signalling optimizations according to conclusions of the FS_CNO TR 23.843.
SP‑130543 Presentation of TR 23.701 for approval (IMS_WebRTC) SA WG2 Abstract of document: TR 23.701 contains a study on the potential modifications of the IMS architecture and stage 2 procedures as required by the support of Web Real Time Communication (WebRTC) clients access to IMS. The Study phase for IMS_WebRTC has con
SP‑130544 Presentation of TR 23.703 for information (ProSe) SA WG2 Abstract of document: TR 23.703 contains the Stage-2 study and evaluation of possible 3GPP technical system solutions for architectural enhancements needed to support Proximity-based Services (ProSe) based on the relevant Stage 1 requirements as defined i
SP‑130545 Presentation of TR 23.768 for information (GCSE_LTE) SA WG2 Abstract of document: TR 23.768 studies the provision of Group Communication System Enablers for LTE (GCSE_LTE) based on GCSE_LTE service requirements defined by SA WG1 in TS 22.468. The study has converged to a solution based on reusing unicast bearers i
SP‑130546 Presentation of TR 23.843 for approval (FS_CNO) SA WG2 Abstract of document: This Technical Report addresses the stage 2 study for core network signalling overload scenarios and potential general handling solutions, in particular: - Scenarios and problem analysis for core network overload - Solutions targetin
SP‑130547 Presentation of TR 23.862 for approval (MOSAP) SA WG2 Abstract of document: TR 23.862 describes solutions for interworking between mobile operators and data application providers as per the stage-1 requirements specified in TS 22.278. The TR focused on interworking aspects between 3GPP system and application
SP‑130548 Presentation of TR 23.887 for approval (MTCe) SA WG2 Abstract of document: The TR 23.887 studies and evaluates architectural enhancements for Machine Type and other mobile data applications communications (MTCe). System improvements for MTCe are divided into following 4 separate building blocks - - BB1: Sm
SP‑130549 Exception sheet for ProSe WID SA WG2 Abstract of document: ProSe, based on the interim conclusions of TR 23.703, introduces: - direct discovery over E-UTRA - 1-many communication over E-UTRAN decentralised mode - EPC-level discovery - ProSe UE- Network Relays - EPC support for WLAN direct c
SP‑130550 Exception sheet for CNO_ULI SA WG2 Abstract of document: CNO_ULI feature, based on the conclusions of TR 23.843, introduces: 1. The concept of UE dedicated Presence Reporting Area and MME/SGSN predefined Presence Reporting Area as a set of TA/RAs, eNBs and/or cells, by which Presence Repo
SP‑130551 Exception sheet for IMS_WebRTC SA WG2 Abstract of document: The Study phase for IMS_WebRTC has concluded on an architecture to ensure WebRTC Access to IMS. This architecture has been documented in an Annex of the TR 23.701 (presented at SA#62) that tracks the agreements done as part of the st
SP‑130552 Exception sheet for NETLOC_TWAN SA WG2 Abstract of document: NETLOC_TWAN requests to update the mechanisms defined for Rel-11 for following aspects: 1. Procedures to Transfer the TWAN Location (called TWAN Id) from TWAN to P-CSCF via the PCC - CR to 23.402, 23.203 and 23.228 are needed 2. Proc
SP‑130553 Exception sheet for GCSE_LTE SA WG2 Abstract of document: TR 23.768 studies the provision of Group Communication System Enablers for LTE (GCSE_LTE) based on GCSE_LTE service requirements defined by SA WG1 in TS 22.468. The study has converged to a solution based on reusing unicast bearers i
SP‑130554 Exception sheet for eSaMOG SA WG2 Abstract of document: This WI is an enhancement of Rel-11 SaMOG-WLAN solution avoiding the Rel-11 limitations (except emergency attach) by allowing impacts to the UE, although those impacts should be minimized. The study on requirements for SaMOG phase 2
SP‑130555 [DRAFT] LS on TSG SA feedback on sec 5.1.2 and sec 5.3.2 of Rec. ITU-R M.1457-11 TSG SA To: TSG RAN ITU-R Ad Hoc CC: TSG CT. Attachment: Extract of Rec. ITU-R M.1457-11 sec 5.1.2 and sec 5.3.2 with TSG SA feedback
SP‑130556 SA WG2 Exception Report to TSG SA#62 SA WG2 Chairman SA WG2 has submitted exception sheets to TSG SA#62. No further Rel-12 P-CRs (for study items or TR phase of work items) or Rel-12 CRs of category B or C will be scheduled on the SA WG2 agenda without a corresponding exception. This document provides furth
SP‑130557 Proposal for handling WIDs spanning multiple releases SA WG1 Chairman Proposed update to the process for handling WIDs across releases when the work spans a number of releases.
SP‑130558 SA WG1 output improvement proposals SA WG1 Chairman Proposals to improve SA WG1 output for discussion.
SP‑130559 SA WG4 Status Report at TSG SA#62 SA WG4 Chairman SA WG4 Chairman's Status Report to TSG SA#62
SP‑130560 CRs to TS 26.114 on 'Correction of DTMF handling (TEI8)' (Release 8 to Release 10) SA WG4 26.114 CR0269; 26.114 CR0270R1; 26.114 CR0271R1
SP‑130561 CRs to TS 26.114 on 'Correction to audio channels requirements (MTSI_eMHI)' (Release 8 to Release 12) SA WG4 26.114 CR0266; 26.114 CR0267; 26.114 CR0268; 26.114 CR0263R1; 26.114 CR0264R1
SP‑130562 CRs to TS 26.346 on 'PSS and MBMS Aspects (PMA-MBS_Ext)' (Release 9 to Release 11) SA WG4 26.346 CR0337R3; 26.346 CR0338R3; 26.346 CR0339R3; 26.346 CR0340R2; 26.346 CR0341R2; 26.346 CR0342R2
SP‑130563 CRs to TS 26.131 and TS 26.132 on 'STMR - adaptation to modern form factors (TEI9)' (Release 9 to Release 12) SA WG4 26.131 CR0058R2; 26.131 CR0059R2; 26.131 CR3060R2; 26.131 CR0061R2; 26.132 CR0064R2; 26.132 CR0065R2; 26.132 CR0066R2; 26.132 CR0067R2
SP‑130564 CRs to TS 26.247 on '3GP-DASH MPD Schema Fix (TEI10)' (Release 10 to Release 12) SA WG4 26.247 CR0045R1; 26.247 CR0046R1; 26.247 CR0047R1
SP‑130565 CRs to TS 26.233 and TS 26.247 on ' HTTP-based Streaming and Download Services (HTTP_SDS)' (Release 10 to Release 12) SA WG4 26.233 CR0009R1; 26.233 CR0010R1; 26.247 CR0039R1; 26.247 CR0040R1; 26.247 CR0041R1; 26.247 CR0048; 26.247 CR0049; 26.247 CR0050
SP‑130566 CRs to TS 26.247, TS 26.346 and TR 26.946 on 'Enhancements to Multimedia: PSS, MMS, and MBMS Enhancements and Performance Improvements (EMM)' (Release 11 and Release 12) SA WG4 26.247 CR0042; 26.247 CR0043; 26.346 CR0344R1; 26.346 CR0351; 26.946 CR0003
SP‑130567 CRs to TS 26.234 on 'SDP attribute frame packing type (M3DV)' (Release 11 and Release 12) SA WG4 26.234 CR0215R2; 26.234 CR0216R1
SP‑130568 CRs on 'Technical Enhancements and Improvements for Release 11 (TEI11)' (Release 11 and Release 12) SA WG4 26.074 CR0005; 26.114 CR0261R1; 26.114 CR0262R1; 26.132 CR0062; 26.132 CR0063; 26.177 CR0001; 26.237 CR0082R1; 26.237 CR0083R1; 26.243 CR0006; 26.346 CR0349; 26.851 CR0002; 26.944 CR0001; 46.010 CR0002
SP‑130569 Revised WID on 'High Efficiency Video Coding' (HEVC) SA WG4 Objective: The objective of this Work Item is to specify the support of HEVC in 3GPP services, namely PSS, DASH, MTSI, MMS, MBMS, and IMS Messaging and Presence. This includes: - evaluation of HEVC for each of the 3GPP services, including requirements co
SP‑130570 TR 26.906 Evaluation of HEVC for 3GPP Services (HEVC) (Release 12), v1.0.0 SA WG4 Abstract of document: This document contains the Technical Report (TR) for evaluation of High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC), i.e. ITU-T Recommendation H.265 | ISO/IEC IS 23008-2, over the 3GPP services. The TR includes an overview of the HEVC video codin
SP‑130571 CRs to TS 26.237 on 'IMS-based Streaming and Download Delivery Enhancements (IMS_SDE)' (Release 12) SA WG4 26.237 CR0081; 26.237 CR0084
SP‑130572 TR 26.827 IMS-based Streaming and Download Delivery Enhancements (IMS_SDE) (Release 12), v. 1.0.0 SA WG4 Abstract of document: At SA#58, the Release 12 Work Item on IMS-based Streaming and Download Delivery Enhancements (IMS_SDE) was agreed. The objectives of this work item include - Identify use cases and requirements based on Release 10/11 functionality i
SP‑130573 CR to TS 26.132 on 'Updates of LTE radio conditions for acoustic testing (ART_LTE-NBWB)' (Release 12) SA WG4 26.132 CR0068R1
SP‑130574 Revised WID on 'Enhanced MBMS Operation' (MI-EMO) SA WG4 Objective: The objectives of this work item are to standardise the following aspects of MBMS operation: - Improve MBMS OTA efficiency (e.g. by object bundling, reduction of FLUTE overhead, etc.) - Improve MBMS for Datacasting (e.g. for M2M applications
SP‑130575 CRs to TS 26.346 on 'MBMS Improvements (MI-EMO)' (Release 12) SA WG4 26.346 CR0320R8; 26.346 CR0348R2
SP‑130576 Revised Work Item Description on 'SA4 part of End-to-End Multimedia Telephony Service for IMS (MTSI) extensions' (E2EMTSI-S4) SA WG4 Objective: The objective of this New Work Item is to extend TS 26.114 to cover for end-to-end media improvements. In particular: End-to-end Fixed-Mobile interworking: - Extend the scope of TS 26.114 such that it includes end-to-end cases involving both m
SP‑130577 CR to TS 26.114 on 'E2EMTSI Fixed-mobile interworking (E2EMTSI-S4)' (Release 12) SA WG4 26.114 CR0272
SP‑130578 CRs on 'Technical Enhancements and Improvements for Release 12 (TEI12)' (Release 12) SA WG4 26.114 CR0265R1; 26.141 CR0006; 26.234 CR0217; 26.244 CR0051R1; 26.247 CR0044; 26.346 CR0335R3; 26.346 CR0345; 26.346 CR0352
SP‑130579 New Work Item Description on 'Video Coding Enhancements in IMS Messaging and Presence' (VCEIMP) SA WG4 Objective: The objectives of this work are: - Mandate H.264 Constrained Baseline Profile level 1.2 for IMS Messaging and Presence video rendering up to a resolution of QVGA and 20fps framerate. - Recommend H.264 Constrained Baseline Profile at a suitable
SP‑130580 Status report of TSG CT#62 TSG CT Chairman -
SP‑130581 Draft meeting report of TSG CT#62 TSG CT Secretary -
SP‑130582 IETF Status report TSG CT Chairman IETF dependencies Status report
SP‑130583 3 CRs to 23.060, 23.203, 23.401: CNO_ULI (New WID) (Rel-12) SA WG2 23.060 CR1826R3; 23.203 CR0853R4; 23.401 CR2627R4
SP‑130584 3 CRs to 23.060, 23.203, 23.401: CNO_ULI (New WID) (Rel-12) Alcatel-Lucent 23.060 CR1826R4; 23.203 CR0853R5; 23.401 CR2627R5
SP‑130585 2 CRs to 23.060, 23.401: CNO_ULI (New WID) (Rel-12) Alcatel-Lucent 23.060 CR1827R3; 23.401 CR2629R3
SP‑130586 TSG GERAN Status Report to TSG SA#62 TSG GERAN Chairman TSG GERAN Status Report to TSG SA#62
SP‑130587 3GPP Work Plan review at Plenary #62 MCC Work Plan Manager -
SP‑130588 3GPP Releases Descriptions – Rel-11 to Rel-13 MCC Work Plan Manager -
SP‑130589 Standardization of Machine-type Communications MCC Work Plan Manager -
SP‑130590 MCC status report MCC Specifications Manager Report of MCC Activities
SP‑130591 SA WG1 Report to TSG SA#62 SA WG1 Chairman SA WG1 Chairman's Status Report to TSG SA#62
SP‑130592 Stage 1 CRs on TEI11 (correction on external references) SA WG1 22.067 CR0009R1; 22.105 CR0056R1; 22.240 CR0009R1
SP‑130593 Stage 1 CR on MTCe-SRM (Removal of group based charging requirements) SA WG1 22.368 CR0151
SP‑130594 Stage 1 CR on Service Requirements Maintenance for Machine-Type Communications (SRMMTC) SA WG1 22.115 CR0072R2
SP‑130595 New WID on Mission Critical Push To Talk over LTE (MCPTToLTE) SA WG1 Objective The SA WG1 objective is to specify the Stage 1 requirements for a Push To Talk functionality to support Mission Critical voice communication over LTE that can be used by public safety and commercial uses (e.g., utility companies and railways). T
SP‑130596 Updates to the WID on Feasibility Study on Study on Isolated (was 'Resilient') E-UTRAN Operation for Public Safety (FS_IOPS, was FS_REOPS) SA WG1 Objective: The objective is to study use cases and identify potential requirements for isolated E-UTRAN operation in support of mission critical network operations. Initial scenarios (but not excluding scenarios arrived at during the study) would include:
SP‑130597 New WID on Study on Flexible Mobile Service Steering (FS_FMSS) SA WG1 Objective The objective is to study use cases and propose potential requirements for supporting traffic classification and service chain selection capabilities per operator's policy (e.g., based on user's profile, application type, RAN type, RAN status an
SP‑130598 New WID on Study on Enhanced Calling Information Presentation (FS_ECIP) SA WG1 Objective This study item will study the use cases and propose potential requirements for enhancing the calling information presentation. This will include: - Type of contents shared in calling information presentation, e.g. number/ name/ portrait/ signat
SP‑130599 New WID for Study on Multimedia Broadcast Supplement for PWS (FS_MBSP) SA WG1 Objective The objective is to study scenarios and use cases where a public safety agency in executing its mission, needs to distribute on a large scale timely public safety information to the public where this public safety information significantly excee
SP‑130600 New WID on Service Requirements Maintenance for Machine-Type Communications (SRMMTC) SA WG1 Objective 1) to provide upon request clarifications for the service requirements that 3GPP Stage 2 Working Groups are working on in Rel-13. 2) to reconsider existing service requirements in 3GPP TS 22.368 that will not be listed in future Rel-13 Stage 2 W
SP‑130601 Stage 1 CR on RAN Sharing Enhancements (RSE) SA WG1 22.101 CR0464R2; 22.101 CR0465R3; 22.101 CR0466R3; 22.101 CR0468R2; 22.101 CR0469R3; 22.101 CR0470R3
SP‑130602 LS from ETSI SAGE: TUAK design rationale ETSI SAGE SAGE has delivered specifications for the new TUAK algorithm to SA WG3. TUAK is built on top of the well known public hash function called Keccak - precisely the same Keccak that has been through several years of public scrutiny, and determined to have an
SP‑130603 Letter to ITU on Proposed Initial submission of updated material on LTE-Advanced toward Rev. 2 of Rec. ITU-R M.2012 TSG RAN ITU-R Ad-hoc ITU-R Working Party 5D (WP 5D) informed 3GPP on their schedule towards Revision 2 of Recommendation M.2012. In particular, 3GPP is required to indicate its willingness to contribute to the revision by ITU-R WP5D meeting in February 2014. 3GPP RAN ITU-R Ad
SP‑130604 Letter to ITU on final submission for IMT-2000 CDMA DS and IMT-2000 CDMA TDD toward Rev. 12 of Rec. ITU-R M.1457 TSG RAN ITU-R Ad-hoc ITU-R Working Party 5D (WP 5D) is developing Revision 12 of the Recommendation M.1457 ('Detailed specifications of the terrestrial radio interfaces of IMT-2000 (IMT-2000)') )') in line with the schedule communicated by ITU-R WP5D in RP-130354. According
SP‑130605 Update of ProSe WID to get SA WG2 TS and SA WG3 TR numbers Qualcomm Incorporated (Rapporteur) This contribution proposes an update of the ProSe WID on top of the SA WG3 approved (S3-131185) in order to include the new SA WG2 TS.
SP‑130606 SA WG5 Status Report SA WG5 Chairman SA WG5 Chairman's Status Report to TSG SA#62
SP‑130607 New WID on OAM aspects of Network Sharing SA WG5 -
SP‑130608 Updated WID Charging using an Alternative Roaming Provider (CHARP) SA WG5 WITHDRAWN
SP‑130609 New Study Item on Charging aspects on Roaming End-to-end scenarios with VoLTE IMS and interconnecting networks SA WG5 -
SP‑130610 New WID on Charging for IMS centralized service (ICS) control SA WG5 -
SP‑130611 New WID on Alarm Quality Improvements SA WG5 -
SP‑130612 Rel-9 CRs on OAM Maintenance and small Enhancements (OAM9) SA WG5 -
SP‑130613 Rel-10 CRs on OAM Maintenance and small Enhancements (OAM10) SA WG5 -
SP‑130614 Rel-11 CRs on OAM Maintenance and small Enhancements (OAM11) SA WG5 -
SP‑130615 Rel-12 CRs on OAM Maintenance and small Enhancements (OAM12) SA WG5 -
SP‑130616 Rel-8 CRs on Charging Management (CH8) SA WG5 -
SP‑130617 Rel-10 CRs on Charging Management (CH10) SA WG5 -
SP‑130618 Rel-11 CRs on Charging Management (CH11) SA WG5 -
SP‑130619 Rel-12 CRs on Charging Management (CH12) SA WG5 -
SP‑130620 Rel-12 CRs on Charging for Application Based Charging (ABC) SA WG5 -
SP‑130621 Rel-12 CRs on Charging using an Alternative Roaming Provider (CHARP) SA WG5 -
SP‑130622 Rel-12 CRs on Charging per IP - Connectivity Access Network (IP-CAN) Session (Stage 2/3) (CHIPS) SA WG5 -
SP‑130623 Rel-12 CRs on Alarm Management (FS_OAM_AM) SA WG5 -
SP‑130624 Rel-9 CRs on Multimedia Telephony (MMTel) Service and Supplementary Services - Online Charging and completion for Offline Charging(eMMTel-SS-CH) SA WG5 WITHDRAWN
SP‑130625 Rel-12 CRs on Traffic Detection Function (TDF) based Charging for traffic from fixed terminals and NSWO traffic from 3GPP UEs in fixed broadband access networks (Stage 2/3)(P4C-F-CH_T) SA WG5 -
SP‑130626 Rel-12 CRs on Policy and Charging Enforcement Function (PCEF) based Charging for traffic from fixed terminals and NSWO traffic from 3GPP UEs in fixed broadband access networks (P4C-F-CH_P) SA WG5 -
SP‑130627 Rel-11 CRs on Charging for Roaming Architecture for Voice over IMS with Local Breakout (RAVEL-CH) SA WG5 -
SP‑130628 Rel-12 CRs on Short Message Service - Service Center (SMS-SC) Offline Charging (SMS-SC-CH) SA WG5 -
SP‑130629 Rel-12 CR on Multi-vendor Plug and Play eNB connection to the network(SON-NM-MUPPET) SA WG5 -
SP‑130630 TS 28601: Telecommunication management; Core Network (CN) and non-3GPP access Interworking System Network Resource Model (NRM); Integration Reference Point (IRP); Requirements SA WG5 -
SP‑130631 TS 28602: Telecommunication management; Core Network (CN) and non-3GPP access Interworking System Network Resource Model (NRM); Integration Reference Point (IRP); Information Service (IS) SA WG5 -
SP‑130632 TS 28606: Telecommunication management; Core Network (CN) and non-3GPP access Interworking System Network Resource Model (NRM); Integration Reference Point (IRP); Solution Set (SS) definitions SA WG5 -
SP‑130633 TS 28611: Telecommunication management; Evolved Packet Core (EPC) and non-3GPP access Interworking System Network Resource Model (NRM); Integration Reference Point (IRP); Requirements SA WG5 -
SP‑130634 TS 28612: Telecommunication management; Evolved Packet Core (EPC) and non-3GPP access Interworking System Network Resource Model (NRM); Integration Reference Point (IRP); Information Service (IS) SA WG5 -
SP‑130635 TS 28616: Telecommunication management; Evolved Packet Core (EPC) and non-3GPP access Interworking System Network Resource Model (NRM); Integration Reference Point (IRP); Solution Set (SS) definitions SA WG5 -
SP‑130636 TR 32836: Study on NM Centralized Coverage and Capacity Optimization (CCO) SON Function SA WG5 WITHDRAWN
SP‑130637 TS 32508: Technical Specification Group Services and System Aspects;Telecommunication Management; Procedure Flows for Multi-Vendor Plug and Play eNB connection to the Network SA WG5 -
SP‑130638 TS 32.509: Telecommunication management;Data Formats for multi-vendor plug and play eNB connection to the Network SA WG5 -
SP‑130639 TS 32.276: Telecommunication management; Charging management; Voice call service charging SA WG5 -
SP‑130640 ProSe discovery prioritization at TSG SA#62 Deutsche Telekom In this contribution it is proposed to use operator's deployment requirements as driving criterion for a further prioritization of the ProSe discovery service in Release 12. In particular it is recommended to complete the specification of open discovery a
SP‑130641 Revised WID 'Converged Management PM Interface definitions' SA WG5 -
SP‑130642 Revised WID 'Charging per IP - Connectivity Access Network (IP-CAN) Session' (CHIPS) SA WG5 -
SP‑130643 Updated WID: 'User plane congestion management requirements (UPCON)' Verizon, Allot Communications Objective: The SA WG1 objective is to specify normative stage 1 enhancements based on the requirements derived from the scenarios and use cases developed in FS_UPCON. These use cases addressed situations where high usage levels lead to user plane traffic
SP‑130644 Updated CR: 23.401 CR2594R8: Core Network assisted eNodeB parameters tuning - MTCe-SDDTE (Rel-12) NSN, Ericsson, Huawei, Qualcomm, CATT 23.401 CR2594R8
SP‑130645 LS from TCCA CCBG Management Group: Standardisation of Critical Communications over Broadband (v1.1) TCCA CCBG Management Group TCCA CCBG is working on the future of Critical Communications over Broadband through its UR (Users Requirements) and SA (System Architecture) working groups, in a joint effort by representatives from the Users community and from the industry. TCCA CCBG ha
SP‑130646 SA WG3 Status Report SA WG3 Chairman SA WG3 Chairman's Status Report to TSG SA#62
SP‑130647 New WID 3G Security: Specification of the TUAK algorithm set SA WG3 -
SP‑130648 Revised WID for Web Real Time Communication (WebRTC) Access to IMS SA WG3 -
SP‑130649 New WID Security Assurance Specification for 3GPP Network Products SA WG3 -
SP‑130650 Revised WID for Lawful Interception Rel-12 (LI12) SA WG3 -
SP‑130651 Work Item Exception fo for WLAN Network Selection for 3GPP Terminals SA WG3 -
SP‑130652 Work Item Exception for GCSE_LTE SA WG3 -
SP‑130653 Work Item Exception for MTCe SA WG3 -
SP‑130654 Work Item Exception for ProSe SA WG3 -
SP‑130655 Work Item Exception fo WebRTC SA WG3 -
SP‑130656 Work Item Exception foTUAK SA WG3 -
SP‑130657 TR 33.805: Study on Security Assurance Methodology for 3GPP Network Products SA WG3 -
SP‑130658 TS 3G Security; Specification of the TUAK Algorithm Set; a Second Example Algorithm Set for the 3GPP Authentication and Key Generation Function f1, f1*, f2, f3, f4, f5, f5*; Document 1: Algorithm Specification SA WG3 -
SP‑130659 3G Security; Specification of the TUAK Algorithm Set; A Second Example Algorithm Set for the 3GPP Authentication and Key Generation Function f1, f1*, f2, f3, f4, f5, f5*; Document 2: Implementers’ Test Data SA WG3 -
SP‑130660 TS 3G Security; Specification of the TUAK Algorithm Set; A Second Example Algorithm Set for the 3GPP Authentication and Key Generation Function f1, f1*, f2, f3, f4, f5, f5*; Document 3: Design Conformance Test Data SA WG3 -
SP‑130661 Release 12 CRs on Lawful Interception (LI12) SA WG3 -
SP‑130662 Rel-11 CRs on TEI (TEI11) SA WG3 -
SP‑130663 Rel-12 CRs on Security enhancements for usage of Generic Bootstrapping Architecture (GBA) from the browser (Stage 2)(Web_GBA) SA WG3 -
SP‑130664 Rel-11 CRs on Generic Bootstrapping Architecture (GBA) extensions for re-use of SIP Digest credentials (GBA-ext) SA WG3 WITHDRAWN
SP‑130665 Release 12 CRs on Tunnelling of UE Services over Restrictive Access Networks (Stage 2/3) (TURAN) SA WG3 -
SP‑130666 Release 12 CRs for IMS media plane security extensions (eMEDIASEC) SA WG3 -
SP‑130667 Release 12 CRs on TEI (TEI12) SA WG3 -
SP‑130668 Rel-8 CRs on IMS Multimedia Telephony and Supplementary Services (IMSTSS) SA WG5 WITHDRAWN
SP‑130669 Updated CR: 23.401 CR2598R6: PGW and SGW Charging alignment in downlink - TEI12 (Rel-12) Huawei, Ericsson, Alcatel Lucent, Cisco, Verizon 23.401 CR2598R6
SP‑130670 Revised WID on 'SA WG4 part of End-to-end Multimedia Telephony Service for IMS (MTSI) extensions' (E2EMTSI-S4) Ericsson, Orange, Telecom Italia, Deutsche Telecom Objective: The objective of this New Work Item is to extend TS 26.114 to cover for end-to-end media improvements. In particular: End-to-end Fixed-Mobile interworking: - Extend the scope of TS 26.114 such that it includes end-to-end cases involving both m
SP‑130671 Rel-8 CRs on IMS Multimedia Telephony Service (IMS-MMTel) SA WG5 -
SP‑130672 Rel-8 CRs on Multimedia Telephony Service and Supplementary Services (MMTel) offline Charging (MMTel-CH) SA WG5 -
SP‑130673 Revised WID ProSe SA WG3 -
SP‑130674 UPCON Exception Sheet KDDI WITHDRAWN
SP‑130675 UPCON consolidated solution KDDI WITHDRAWN
SP‑130676 Rel-8 CRs on Charging Management (CH8) Batch2 SA WG5 -
SP‑130677 Rel-8 CRs on Charging Management (CH8) Batch3 SA WG5 -
SP‑130678 Rel-11 CRs on Unification of Charging session from SIP AS and SRVCC functions in IMS (UCHIMS_AS-SRVCC) SA WG5 -
SP‑130679 LS from TSG CT: Response to Letter to ITU on Proposed Initial submission of updated material on LTE-Advanced toward Rev. 2 of Rec. ITU-R M.2012 TSG CT TSG CT has no additional comments to the reply provided by RAN ITU-R ad-hoc group. Action: TSG CT kindly asks TSG SA to take note of this in their consolidated reply to ITU-R.
SP‑130680 LS from TSG CT: Response to Letter to ITU on final submission for IMT-2000 CDMA DS and IMT-2000 CDMA TDD toward Rev. 12 of Rec. ITU-R M.1457 TSG CT TSG CT has reviewed the lists of 3GPP Specifications in the attachments Extract M.1457-11 sec 5.1.2, 'Detailed specification of the radio interface' and Extract M.1457-11 sec 5.3.2, 'Detailed specification of the radio interface' and has no further commen
SP‑130681 New WID Study on Application and Partitioning of Itf-N SA WG5 -
SP‑130682 LS from ITU-R WP5A: LIAISON STATEMENT TO EXTERNAL ORGANIZATIONS - INVITATION TO REVIEW THE PROPOSED REVISIONS OF RECOMMENDATIONS ITU-R M.2015 AND ITU-R M.2009 ITU-R WP5A From its May 2012 meeting, Working Party 5A requested input from external organizations that are experts in the area of public protection and disaster relief (PPDR) on the proposed revision of the following documents: - Recommendation ITU-R M.2015, 'Frequ
SP‑130683 ProSe Discovery in Rel-12 Alcatel Lucent -
SP‑130684 Release 11 CRs on Generic Bootstrapping Architecture (GBA) extensions for re-use of SIP Digest credentials (GBA-ext) SA WG3 -
SP‑130685 LS from SA WG5: LS to ETSI ISG NFV on Management of Virtualized Network SA WG5 SA WG5 has been specifying the requirements, architecture and solutions for provisioning and management of the GSM/UMTS/LTE network (RAN, CN, IMS) and its services since the creation of 3GPP. SA WG5 defines charging solutions in alignment with the related
SP‑130686 ProSe discovery prioritization at TSG SA#62 Deutsche Telekom In this contribution it is proposed to use operator's deployment requirements as driving criterion for a further prioritization of the ProSe discovery service in Release 12. In particular it is recommended to complete the specification of open discovery a
SP‑130687 SA WG5 Status Report SA WG5 Chairman SA WG5 Chairman's Status Report to TSG SA#62
SP‑130688 New WID: System Level Aspects of WLAN/3GPP Radio Interworking BlackBerry -
SP‑130689 Discussion document for New WID proposal: System Level Aspects for WLAN/3GPP Radio Interworking BlackBerry -
SP‑130690 3GPP-WLAN radio interworking: SA/CT BlackBerry -
SP‑130691 Updated CR: 23.401 CR2594R9: Core Network assisted eNodeB parameters tuning - MTCe-SDDTE (Rel-12) NSN, Ericsson, Huawei, CATT 23.401 CR2594R9
SP‑130692 LS from TSG RAN: Letter to ITU on final submission for IMT-2000 CDMA DS and IMT-2000 CDMA TDD toward Rev. 12 of Rec. ITU-R M.1457 TSG RAN This is for review by TSG SA and then forwarding the results to PCG
SP‑130693 LS from TSG RAN: Letter to ITU on Proposed Initial submission of updated material on LTE-Advanced toward Rev. 2 of Rec. ITU-R M.2012 TSG RAN This is for review by TSG SA and then forwarding the results to PCG
SP‑130694 LS from TSG RAN: LS on new WLAN/3GPP interworking work item TSG RAN RAN has approved a new Work Item for WLAN/3GPP interworking, the objective of the work item necessitates interaction with the SA WG2 and CT WG1 groups to incorporate selected RAN assistance parameters into ANDSF policies and to resolve any dependencies th
SP‑130695 LS from TSG RAN: LS on Small Cell Enhancement work in RAN TSG RAN TSG RAN would like to inform TSG SA that a new Work Item on Dual Connectivity for LTE was approved to follow the conclusion of Small Cell Enhancement Study Item from Higher Layer aspects. The detailed study can be found in [1]. For the operation of Dual C
SP‑130696 LS from TSG RAN: Reply LS on ProSe Lawful Interception TSG RAN RAN WG1 discussed the following requirement that is reported in TS 22.278 [1],: '…When operating ProSe (in both public safety and general cases), the EPS shall be able to support regional or national regulatory requirements, (e.g. lawful interception, PWS
SP‑130697 TSG RAN Status Report to TSG SA#62 TSG RAN Chairman TSG RAN chairman's report for presentation
SP‑130698 Draft report of TSG RAN meeting #62 TSG RAN Secretary (MCC) Draft report of TSG RAN meeting #62
SP‑130699 TSG SA impacts due to WLAN/3GPP Radio Interworking Intel -
SP‑130700 SA related issues from TSG RAN TSG RAN Chairman -
SP‑130701 [DRAFT] LS on new WLAN/3GPP interworking TSG SA To: RAN WG2
SP‑130702 Updated CR: 23.401 CR2594R10: Core Network assisted eNodeB parameters tuning - MTCe-SDDTE (Rel-12) NSN, Ericsson, Huawei, CATT, CMCC 23.401 CR2594R10
SP‑130703 [DRAFT] LS on WLAN/3GPP interworking work item TSG SA To: TSG RAN
SP‑130704 LS to PCG: Letter to ITU on final submission for IMT-2000 CDMA DS and IMT-2000 CDMA TDD toward Rev. 12 of Rec. ITU-R M.1457 TSG SA -
SP‑130705 LS to PCG: Letter to ITU on Proposed Initial submission of updated material on LTE-Advanced toward Rev. 2 of Rec. ITU-R M.2012 TSG SA -
SP‑130706 Presentation of TR 23.701 for approval (IMS_WebRTC) SA WG2 -
SP‑130707 Revised WID for Web Real Time Communication (WebRTC) Access to IMS SA WG3 -
SP‑130708 LS from TCCA CCBG Management Group: Standardisation of Critical Communications over Broadband (v1.2) TCCA CCBG Management Group TCCA CCBG is working on the future of Critical Communications over Broadband through its UR (Users Requirements) and SA (System Architecture) working groups, in a joint effort by representatives from the Users community and from the industry. TCCA CCBG ha
SP‑130709 LS from OMA Board: A Communiqué to 3GPP regarding Public Safety and the OMA Push to Talk over Cellular (POC) enabler OMA Board OMA's members have identified several areas where OMA enablers may contribute to specific services requirements in the Public Safety domain. Members of Governmental agencies from several countries who are charged with providing emergency responders with h
SP‑130710 [DRAFT] LS on Mission Critical Push To Talk over LTE TSG SA To: ATIS, TIA TR8-8, ETSI TC TCCE, TCCA CCBG. CC: SA WG1, ETSI TC TCCE WG1
SP‑130711 [DRAFT] Reply LS on new WLAN/3GPP interworking work item TSG SA -
SP‑130712 [DRAFT] Reply LS on LS on Small Cell Enhancement work in RAN TSG SA -
SP‑130714 Presentation of TR 23.862 for approval (MOSAP) SA WG2 -
SP‑130715 Update of ProSe WID to get SA WG2 TS and SA WG3 TR numbers Qualcomm Incorporated (Rapporteur) This contribution proposes an update of the ProSe WID on top of the SA WG3 approved (S3-131185) in order to include the new SA WG2 TS.
SP‑130716 Updated CR: 23.401 CR2594R10: Core Network assisted eNodeB parameters tuning - MTCe-SDDTE (Rel-12) NSN, Ericsson, Huawei, CATT, CMCC -
SP‑130717 New WID on Core Network Overload - User Location Information reporting improvements (CNO_ULI) SA WG2 -
SP‑130718 New WID Security Assurance Specification for 3GPP Network Products SA WG3 Objective: There are two separate objectives of this WID. The primary objective is to develop a Security Assurance Specification(s) (SAS) for the MME network product class, starting from the development of a pilot SAS in a dry-run. The content and the dev
SP‑130719 Reply LS on new WLAN/3GPP interworking work item TSG SA To: TSG RAN, RAN WG2, SA WG2, TSG CT, CT WG1
SP‑130720 [DRAFT] Reply LS on Small Cell Enhancement work in RAN TSG SA -
SP‑130721 New WID on Mission Critical Push To Talk over LTE (MCPTToLTE) SA WG1 Objective The SA WG1 objective is to specify the Stage 1 requirements for a Push To Talk functionality to support Mission Critical voice communication over LTE that can be used by public safety and commercial uses (e.g., utility companies and railways). T
SP‑130722 [DRAFT] LS on Mission Critical Push To Talk over LTE TSG SA -
SP‑130723 3G Security; Specification of the TUAK Algorithm Set; a Second Example Algorithm Set for the 3GPP Authentication and Key Generation Function f1, f1*, f2, f3, f4, f5, f5*; Document 1: Algorithm Specification SA WG3 Abstract of document: In 2012, SAGE announced its intention to develop a new 3G authentication and key agreement algorithm set, as an alternative to MILENAGE. This new algorithm set, named TUAK, can be used by any operator for any USIM or ISIM. This provi
SP‑130724 3G Security; Specification of the TUAK Algorithm Set; A Second Example Algorithm Set for the 3GPP Authentication and Key Generation Function f1, f1*, f2, f3, f4, f5, f5*; Document 2: Implementers’ Test Data SA WG3 Abstract of document: In 2012, SAGE announced its intention to develop a new 3G authentication and key agreement algorithm, as an alternative to MILENAGE. This new algorithm, named TUAK, can be used by any operator for any USIM or ISIM. This provides choi
SP‑130725 3G Security; Specification of the TUAK Algorithm Set; A Second Example Algorithm Set for the 3GPP Authentication and Key Generation Function f1, f1*, f2, f3, f4, f5, f5*; Document 3: Design Conformance Test Data SA WG3 Abstract of document: In 2012, SAGE announced its intention to develop a new 3G authentication and key agreement algorithm, as an alternative to MILENAGE. This new algorithm, named TUAK, can be used by any operator for any USIM or ISIM. This provides choi
SP‑130726 Updated CR: 23.401 CR2594R10: Core Network assisted eNodeB parameters tuning - MTCe-SDDTE (Rel-12) NSN, Ericsson, Huawei, CATT, CMCC 23.401 CR2594R12
SP‑130727 LS on Mission Critical Push To Talk over LTE TSG SA To: ATIS, TIA TR8-8, ETSI TC TCCE, TCCA CCBG. CC: SA WG1, ETSI TC TCCE WG1
SP‑130728 New WID on Mission Critical Push To Talk over LTE (MCPTToLTE) SA WG1 Objective The SA WG1 objective is to specify the Stage 1 requirements for a Push To Talk functionality to support Mission Critical voice communication over LTE that can be used by public safety and commercial uses (e.g., utility companies and railways). T

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