ETSI logo / ftp / tsg_ran / WG4_Radio / TSGR4_102-e / Inbox / Post_meeting / [Post 102-e][112] NR_CADC_R17_3BDL_2BUL

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icon Draft_R4-2203984_Band combinations for NR CA_DC 3 band DL with 2 band UL.xlsx 2022/03/08 6:26 1251,9 KB
icon Draft_R4-2203985 -- Big CR to reflect the completed NR inter band CA DC combinations for 3 bands DL with 2 bands UL into TS 38.101-1.docx 2022/03/08 6:27 288,1 KB
icon Draft_R4-2203986 -- Big CR to reflect the completed NR inter band CA DC combinations for 3 bands DL with 2 bands UL into TS 38.101-3.docx 2022/03/08 6:27 82,7 KB
icon Draft_TR 38.717-03-02 v0.8.0_rm.docx 2022/03/08 6:29 1718 KB
icon Draft_TR 38.717-03-02 v0.8.0_v1_rm.docx 2022/03/09 7:16 1887,9 KB
icon Draft_TR 38.717-03-02 v0.8.0_v2_rm.docx 2022/03/10 7:25 1799 KB

6 items.