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icon Draft_R3-225016_CB_MBS_INACTIVE_Summary_V1.docx 2022/08/18 10:23 115 KB
icon CB # NetworkES_Scenarios 2022/08/22 15:08
icon CB # NTN1_Mobility 2022/08/18 10:39
icon CB # Positioing_PosEnh 2022/08/22 11:46
icon CB # NTN2_UELocation 2022/08/17 3:51
icon CB # QoE2_NRDC 2022/08/19 9:33
icon CB # NCR_Solutions 2022/08/24 12:44
icon CB # MobilityEnh3_Others 2022/08/19 8:48
icon CB # QoE1_Inactive_Idle 2022/08/24 13:21
icon CB # IoTNTN_Coverage 2022/08/17 11:28
icon CB # QoE3_Others 2022/08/18 3:26
icon CB # MBS1_NetworkSharing 2022/08/19 4:20
icon CB # IAB4_IntMit 2022/08/22 10:08
icon CB # MobilityEnh2_CHO 2022/08/19 7:59
icon CB # MBS2_Inactive 2022/08/19 1:34
icon CB # SLRelay1_Authorization 2022/08/18 7:21
icon CB # MobilityEnh1_L1L2Mo 2022/08/19 0:48
icon CRs for Extending NR Operation to 71GHz 2022/08/23 2:20
icon CB # IAB3_MobEnh 2022/08/22 14:15
icon e-meeting_guidelines 2022/08/15 9:21
icon Chairs_report_to_RAN 2022/09/05 1:24
icon QoE_cellbasedareascope_CR 2022/08/24 6:44
icon MCC 2022/09/02 8:59
icon Chairs_Notes 2022/09/05 1:27
icon Post meeting_E-mail discussion 2022/08/24 19:34
icon CB # SLRelay3_Others 2022/08/19 6:28
icon CB_Final_Status 2022/08/24 13:48
icon CB # SONMDT1_SONMDT 2022/08/22 5:25
icon CB # SLRelay2_ServiceContinuity 2022/08/19 15:22
icon CB# SONMDT2_NRU 2022/08/19 19:24
icon CB # SONMDT3_MRO 2022/08/19 11:25
icon CB # 10_CPAC 2022/08/23 11:45
icon CB # SONMDT4_Others [NWM] 2022/08/15 13:36
icon CB # 20_R17MBS_GeneralandNG 2022/08/23 8:04
icon CB # IAB2_Mobility 2022/08/22 1:02
icon CB # 21_R17MBS_XnF1E1 2022/08/24 7:02
icon CB # 1_PTW_Length 2022/08/22 21:52
icon CB # 4_UserConsent 2022/08/22 5:16
icon CB # 2_RVQoE Correction 2022/08/21 20:00
icon CB # 19_R17Positioning_Inactive_PPW 2022/08/23 15:26
icon CB # 3_R18Redcap 2022/08/18 0:47
icon CB # 13_PDCPCount_Reset 2022/08/18 9:13
icon CB # 18_R17Positioning_Corr 2022/08/19 15:41
icon CB # 14_SliceGroup 2022/08/23 0:32
icon CB # 12_CAG 2022/08/22 12:29
icon CB # 17_R17Redcap 2022/08/19 16:22
icon CB # 15_GapRelated 2022/08/18 16:18
icon CB # 50_QoESA5LS 2022/08/20 22:06
icon CB # 16_R17SLRelay 2022/08/23 2:32
icon CB # 9_R17IAB 2022/08/24 8:40
icon CB # 51_F1TNLAddress 2022/08/19 6:01
icon CB # AIRAN1_General_Stage2 2022/08/22 2:26
icon CB # 8_R17SONMDT_Others 2022/08/24 8:05
icon CB # IAB1_General 2022/08/22 11:41
icon CB # AIRAN2_Stage3 2022/08/24 9:14
icon CB # 7_UHI 2022/08/18 15:08
icon CB # CPResiliency_FailureCase 2022/08/22 16:23
icon CB # 53_PagingIssues 2022/08/22 12:40
icon CB # 6_ResourceCoordination 2022/08/23 7:33
icon CB # 54_LRC 2022/08/22 7:27
icon CB # 52_XnDataForwarding 2022/08/22 21:44
icon CB # 5_Flexible_gNBID 2022/08/18 16:06
icon CB # 55_SIB1819 2022/08/23 2:08
icon CB # 11_R17SDT 2022/08/23 1:18
icon CB # 56_DAPSoverF1 2022/08/22 13:42

65 items.