ETSI logo / ftp / TSG_RAN / WG3_Iu / TSGR3_117-e / Inbox / Drafts / CB # 16_R17SLRelay

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icon CR for review 2022/08/23 12:11
icon phase 2 2022/08/24 3:02
icon draft R3-225003_CB#16 R17SLRelay.docx 2022/08/15 14:51 35,1 KB
icon draft R3-225003_CB#16 R17SLRelay_ZTE.docx 2022/08/16 6:50 35,6 KB
icon draft R3-225003_CB#16 R17SLRelay_ZTE_CATT.docx 2022/08/17 6:00 44,1 KB
icon draft R3-225003_CB#16 R17SLRelay_ZTE_CATT_CTC.docx 2022/08/17 7:25 37 KB
icon draft R3-225003_CB#16 R17SLRelay_ZTE_CATT_CTC_SS.docx 2022/08/17 9:12 37,4 KB
icon draft R3-225003_CB#16 R17SLRelay_ZTE_CATT_CTC_SS_hw.docx 2022/08/17 9:45 41,4 KB
icon draft R3-225003_CB#16 R17SLRelay_ZTE_CATT_CTC_SS_hw_Eri.docx 2022/08/17 15:12 46,6 KB
icon draft R3-225003_CB#16 R17SLRelay_ZTE_CATT_CTC_SS_hw_Eri_Nok.docx 2022/08/18 13:42 48,5 KB

10 items.