ETSI logo / ftp / tsg_ran / WG4_Radio / TSGR4_102-e / Inbox / Post_meeting / [Post 102-e][114] NR_CADC_R17_5BDL_xBUL_3DL3UL

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icon Draft R4-2205239 Five bands CA 2022/03/07 7:52 184,4 KB
icon Draft R4-2205240 TR 38.717-05-01 2022/03/07 7:52 285,7 KB
icon Draft R4-2205241 big CR on Introduction of completed 5 bands inter-band CA into TS 38.101-1.docx 2022/03/07 7:52 86,4 KB
icon Draft R4-2205242 big CR on Introduction of completed 5 bands inter-band CA into TS 38.101-3.docx 2022/03/07 7:52 102 KB

4 items.