CB # 6_ResourceCoordination
/ second round
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draft R3-224989 Summary of Offline Discussion on CB#6 Resource Coordination_final.doc
2022/08/23 7:33
63 KB
draft R3-225158 was R3-225038 36.300 CR on introduction of new attributes Only Resource Coordination in ANR_Nok_hw.docx
2022/08/22 16:37
32,9 KB
draft R3-225160 LS on the support of only resource coordination in NCR.docx
2022/08/23 7:32
33,3 KB
draft R3-225160 LS on the support of only resource coordination in NCR_Ericsson.docx
2022/08/23 10:04
35,4 KB
draft R3-22xxxx was R3-224481 [DRAFT]LS on the support of only resource coordination in NCR.docx
2022/08/19 11:03
33 KB
draft R3-22xxxx was R3-224481 [DRAFT]LS on the support of only resource coordination in NCR_Nok.docx
2022/08/22 8:45
35,9 KB
draft R3-22xxxx was R3-224481 [DRAFT]LS on the support of only resource coordination in NCR_Nok2.docx
2022/08/22 8:55
35,9 KB
draft R3-22xxxx was R3-224481 [DRAFT]LS on the support of only resource coordination in NCR_Nok2_Ericsson.docx
2022/08/22 16:03
36,1 KB
draft R3-22xxxx was R3-224981 36.300 CR on introduction of new attributes Only Resource Coordination in ANR.docx
2022/08/19 11:03
32,8 KB
draft R3-22xxxx was R3-224981 36.300 CR on introduction of new attributes Only Resource Coordination in ANR_Nok.docx
2022/08/22 8:45
36,9 KB
draft R3-22xxxx was R3-224981 36.300 CR on introduction of new attributes Only Resource Coordination in ANR_Nok_hw.docx
2022/08/22 8:58
34,3 KB
11 items.