ETSI logo / ftp / Email_Discussions / RAN2 / [RAN2#125] / [Post125][306][IoT-NTN Enh] 36.331 CR (Huawei)

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icon draft R2-2401595 Corrections to IOT NTN - v11-rapp.docx 2024/03/08 5:45 1955,5 KB
icon draft R2-2401595 Corrections to IOT NTN - v10-rapp_clean-up.docx 2024/03/07 17:26 1954,1 KB
icon draft R2-2401595 Corrections to IOT NTN - v10-rapp.docx 2024/03/07 17:25 1820,2 KB
icon draft R2-2401595 Corrections to IOT NTN - v09_Ericsson2.docx 2024/03/07 11:51 1994,1 KB
icon draft R2-2401595 Corrections to IOT NTN - v08_Nokia.docx 2024/03/07 10:05 1996,6 KB
icon draft R2-2401595 Corrections to IOT NTN - v07_CATT.docx 2024/03/07 5:12 2477,1 KB
icon draft R2-2401595 Corrections to IOT NTN - v06_vivo.docx 2024/03/07 3:16 1948,5 KB
icon draft R2-2401595 Corrections to IOT NTN - v05_Ericsson.docx 2024/03/06 17:46 1946,1 KB
icon draft R2-2401595 Corrections to IOT NTN - v04_ZTE.docx 2024/03/06 16:58 1946,7 KB
icon draft R2-2401595 Corrections to IOT NTN - v03_Apple.docx 2024/03/06 10:00 1941,3 KB
icon draft R2-2401595 Corrections to IOT NTN - v02_QC.docx 2024/03/05 21:24 1984,2 KB
icon draft R2-2401595 Corrections to IOT NTN - v01_Samsung.docx 2024/03/05 14:24 1927,9 KB
icon draft R2-2401595 Corrections to IOT NTN - v00.docx 2024/03/05 8:30 1934,8 KB

13 items.