ETSI logo / ftp / tsg_ran / WG4_Radio / TSGR4_102-e / Inbox / Drafts / [102-e][314] RAIL_900_1900MHz_BSRF / Round 2 / Revised

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icon rev R4-2205943 CR to 37104 on n100 and n101 requirements.docx 2022/02/25 16:50 109,9 KB
icon rev R4-2205945 CR to 37141 on n100 and n101 requirements.docx 2022/02/25 16:50 111,9 KB
icon rev R4-2205948 CR to 38104 on n100 and n101 introduction (system parameters).docx 2022/02/25 16:50 123,1 KB
icon rev R4-2205949 CR to 38141-1 on n100 and n101 requirements.docx 2022/02/25 16:50 139,1 KB
icon rev R4-2205949 CR to 38141-1 on n100 and n101 requirements_final.docx 2022/03/01 18:22 128 KB
icon Revised R4-2205064 - CR to TS 38.104 - Tx requirements- Introduction of bands n100 and n101 Nokia.docx 2022/02/25 16:51 157,3 KB
icon Revised R4-2205064 - CR to TS 38.104 - Tx requirements- Introduction of bands n100 and n101.docx 2022/02/25 12:42 150,4 KB
icon Revised R4-2205064 - CR to TS 38.104 - Tx requirements- Introduction of bands n100 and n101_final.docx 2022/03/01 17:10 151,4 KB
icon Revised R4-2205064 - CR to TS 38.104 - Tx requirements- Introduction of bands n100 and n101_v2-Nokia.docx 2022/03/01 16:33 158,2 KB
icon Revised R4-2205064 - CR to TS 38.104 - Tx requirements- Introduction of bands n100 and n101_v2.docx 2022/02/28 20:33 157,1 KB
icon Revised R4-2205065 - CR to TS 38.141-2 - Introduction of bands n100 and n101.docx 2022/02/25 12:42 83,6 KB
icon Revised R4-2205066 - CR to TS 36.104 - Introduction of bands n100 and n101.docx 2022/02/25 12:42 98,7 KB
icon Revised R4-2205067 - CR to TS 36.141 - Introduction of bands n100 and n101.docx 2022/02/25 12:42 99,3 KB

13 items.