ETSI logo / ftp / tsg_ran / WG2_RL2 / TSGR2_113-e / Inbox / Drafts / [Offline-035][IoT NTN] General (Eutelsat) / TP 36763 agreed R2#112e

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icon R2-210xxxxx-Eutelsat-Text proposal for TR 36.763 related to RAN2-v00.docx 2021/01/27 20:18 486,3 KB
icon R2-210xxxxx-Eutelsat-Text proposal for TR 36.763 related to RAN2-v01_HW.docx 2021/01/29 8:28 489 KB
icon R2-210xxxxx-Eutelsat-Text proposal for TR 36.763 related to RAN2-v02_OPPO.docx 2021/01/29 9:57 491,1 KB
icon R2-210xxxxx-Eutelsat-Text proposal for TR 36.763 related to RAN2-v03_Lenovo.docx 2021/02/01 1:41 494,7 KB
icon R2-210xxxxx-Eutelsat-Text proposal for TR 36.763 related to RAN2-v04_Nokia.docx 2021/02/01 3:37 497,1 KB
icon R2-210xxxxx-Eutelsat-Text proposal for TR 36.763 related to RAN2-v05_QC.docx 2021/02/01 6:40 498,3 KB
icon R2-210xxxxx-Eutelsat-Text proposal for TR 36.763 related to RAN2-v06_LG.docx 2021/02/01 16:14 497,4 KB
icon R2-210xxxxx-Eutelsat-Text proposal for TR 36.763 related to RAN2-v07_ERI.docx 2021/02/01 23:26 501,5 KB
icon R2-210xxxxx-Eutelsat-Text proposal for TR 36.763 related to RAN2-v08_Eutelsat-MediaTek.docx 2021/02/03 12:10 499,8 KB
icon Rev-R2-2102418-Eutelsat-Text proposal for TR 36.763 related to RAN2-v09_Eutelsat-MediaTek-clean.docx 2021/02/03 23:51 489,3 KB
icon Rev-R2-2102418-Eutelsat-Text proposal for TR 36.763 related to RAN2-v09_Eutelsat-MediaTek-with comments.docx 2021/02/03 23:51 505,8 KB

11 items.