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icon draft R1-2210290 summary for SL-U channel access_v200_FL.docx 2022/10/13 1:20 540,9 KB
icon draft R1-2210290 summary for SL-U channel access_v201_FL_Qualcomm.docx 2022/10/13 4:00 539,8 KB
icon draft R1-2210290 summary for SL-U channel access_v202_Qualcomm_LGE.docx 2022/10/13 4:17 542,1 KB
icon draft R1-2210290 summary for SL-U channel access_v203_LGE_OPPO.docx 2022/10/13 5:18 552,6 KB
icon draft R1-2210290 summary for SL-U channel access_v204_OPPO_DCM.docx 2022/10/13 6:00 555,1 KB
icon draft R1-2210290 summary for SL-U channel access_v205_DCM_Fujitsu.docx 2022/10/13 6:58 555,8 KB
icon draft R1-2210290 summary for SL-U channel access_v206_Fujitsu_CMCC.docx 2022/10/13 7:12 555,3 KB
icon draft R1-2210290 summary for SL-U channel access_v207_CMCC_vivo.docx 2022/10/13 8:15 560,5 KB
icon draft R1-2210290 summary for SL-U channel access_v208_vivo_CATT.docx 2022/10/13 9:00 551,6 KB
icon draft R1-2210290 summary for SL-U channel access_v209_CATT_MediaTek.docx 2022/10/13 9:04 553,5 KB
icon draft R1-2210290 summary for SL-U channel access_v210_MediaTek_Sharp.docx 2022/10/13 9:22 688,5 KB
icon draft R1-2210290 summary for SL-U channel 2022/10/13 9:26 544,6 KB
icon draft R1-2210290 summary for SL-U channel access_v212_Lenovo_HWHiSi.docx 2022/10/13 9:39 572,3 KB
icon draft R1-2210290 summary for SL-U channel access_v213_HWHiSi_xiaomi.docx 2022/10/13 10:21 562,3 KB
icon draft R1-2210290 summary for SL-U channel access_v214_xiaomi_ZTESane.docx 2022/10/13 12:03 631,4 KB
icon draft R1-2210290 summary for SL-U channel access_v215_ZTESane_NEC.docx 2022/10/13 13:14 521,4 KB
icon draft R1-2210291 summary for SL-U channel access_v216_FL.docx 2022/10/13 13:59 578,6 KB
icon draft R1-2210291 summary for SL-U channel access_v217_FL_Fraunhofer.docx 2022/10/13 14:19 571,3 KB
icon draft R1-2210291 summary for SL-U channel access_v218_Fraunhofer_FL.docx 2022/10/13 16:13 576,5 KB
icon draft R1-2210291 summary for SL-U channel access_v219_FL_Nokia.docx 2022/10/13 19:28 590,5 KB
icon draft R1-2210291 summary for SL-U channel access_v220_Nokia_Intel.docx 2022/10/13 20:38 591,5 KB
icon draft R1-2210291 summary for SL-U channel access_v221_Intel_InterDigital.docx 2022/10/13 20:41 580 KB
icon draft R1-2210291 summary for SL-U channel access_v222_InterDigital_Qualcomm.docx 2022/10/13 21:40 601,6 KB
icon draft R1-2210291 summary for SL-U channel access_v223_Qualcomm_Apple.docx 2022/10/14 0:38 733,8 KB
icon draft R1-2210291 summary for SL-U channel access_v224_Apple_SPRD.docx 2022/10/14 1:36 720,1 KB
icon draft R1-2210291 summary for SL-U channel access_v225_SPRD_CMCC.docx 2022/10/14 2:02 721,6 KB
icon draft R1-2210291 summary for SL-U channel access_v226_CMCC_Pana.docx 2022/10/14 3:09 723,7 KB
icon draft R1-2210291 summary for SL-U channel access_v227_Pana_SS.docx 2022/10/14 6:12 724,9 KB
icon draft R1-2210291 summary for SL-U channel access_v228_SS_FW.docx 2022/10/14 6:59 727,5 KB
icon draft R1-2210291 summary for SL-U channel access_v229_FW_ xiaomi.docx 2022/10/14 9:35 725,8 KB
icon draft R1-2210291 summary for SL-U channel access_v230_ 2022/10/14 10:00 700,1 KB
icon draft R1-2210291 summary for SL-U channel access_v231_ Lenovo_CATT.docx 2022/10/14 10:13 728,1 KB
icon draft R1-2210291 summary for SL-U channel access_v232_CATT_Transsion.docx 2022/10/14 10:26 630,4 KB
icon draft R1-2210291 summary for SL-U channel access_v233_Transsion_HWHiSi.docx 2022/10/14 11:31 629,3 KB
icon draft R1-2210291 summary for SL-U channel access_v234_HWHiSi_ETRI.docx 2022/10/14 11:48 639,8 KB
icon draft R1-2210291 summary for SL-U channel access_v235_ETRI_Ericsson.docx 2022/10/14 12:10 685,3 KB
icon draft R1-2210291 summary for SL-U channel access_v236_Ericsson_MediaTek.docx 2022/10/14 12:19 685 KB
icon draft R1-2210291 summary for SL-U channel access_v237_MediaTek_FL.docx 2022/10/14 12:28 813,1 KB
icon draft R1-2210291 summary for SL-U channel access_v238_FL_Qualcomm.docx 2022/10/14 23:08 813,9 KB
icon ~$aft R1-2210291 summary for SL-U channel access_v226_CMCC_Cablelabs.docx 2022/10/14 4:03 0,1 KB

40 items.