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icon 3GPP 100th Meeting Opening.pdf 2023/06/12 0:50 2825,6 KB
icon Rel-19_Consolidated_List_v1.xlsx 2023/06/13 6:01 37,4 KB
icon Rel-19_Consolidated_List_v2-ext.xlsx 2023/06/14 3:45 40,7 KB
icon Rel-19_Consolidated_List_v3.xlsx 2023/06/14 4:13 40,8 KB
icon SWS-230002-v2.xlsx 2023/06/14 8:21 41,2 KB
icon SWS-230002.xlsx 2023/06/14 6:46 40,9 KB
icon SWS-230086 consolidated WG capacity v3.pptx 2023/06/14 4:28 88,6 KB

7 items.