ETSI logo / ftp / TSG_RAN / WG4_Radio / TSGR4_105 / Inbox / Post_Meeting / [Post 105][307] BigCR _NR_ext_to_71GHz_Demod in 38.101-4

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icon draft R4-2219514 BigCR on Introduction of FR2-2 UE demodulation and CSI requirements.docx 2022/11/28 8:17 141,2 KB
icon draft R4-2219514 BigCR on Introduction of FR2-2 UE demodulation and CSI requirements_final.docx 2022/12/01 22:49 158,9 KB
icon draft R4-2219514 BigCR on Introduction of FR2-2 UE demodulation and CSI requirements_v2.docx 2022/11/29 23:26 186,1 KB
icon draft R4-2219514 BigCR on Introduction of FR2-2 UE demodulation and CSI requirements_v3.docx 2022/12/01 12:00 185,9 KB
icon draft R4-2219514 BigCR on Introduction of FR2-2 UE demodulation and CSI requirements_v4.docx 2022/12/01 18:02 186,3 KB

5 items.