[104-e][315] FS_NR_duplex_evo
round 2
/ WF on Simulation assumption
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Draft 2214379_v01.doc
2022/08/24 16:30
158 KB
Draft 2214379_v02.doc
2022/08/25 9:49
169,5 KB
Draft WF on Simulation assumption for adjacent co-existence study_v1.doc
2022/08/22 7:31
193,5 KB
Draft WF on Simulation assumption for adjacent co-existence study_v10_Eri_Apple.doc
2022/08/23 23:59
283 KB
Draft WF on Simulation assumption for adjacent co-existence study_v10_Eri_Kumu.doc
2022/08/25 20:47
271 KB
Draft WF on Simulation assumption for adjacent co-existence study_v11_Apple_Intel.doc
2022/08/24 1:55
291 KB
Draft WF on Simulation assumption for adjacent co-existence study_v12_Apple_Intel_Eri.doc
2022/08/24 13:33
293,5 KB
Draft WF on Simulation assumption for adjacent co-existence study_v13_Eri_CMCC.doc
2022/08/24 16:14
349,7 KB
Draft WF on Simulation assumption for adjacent co-existence study_v14_CMCC_MTK.doc
2022/08/24 16:41
320 KB
Draft WF on Simulation assumption for adjacent co-existence study_v15_MTK_Kumu.doc
2022/08/25 20:54
317 KB
Draft WF on Simulation assumption for adjacent co-existence study_v2_HW.doc
2022/08/23 3:27
195,5 KB
Draft WF on Simulation assumption for adjacent co-existence study_v3_HW_Samsung.doc
2022/08/23 8:01
212 KB
Draft WF on Simulation assumption for adjacent co-existence study_v4_Samsung_QC.doc
2022/08/23 8:21
229 KB
Draft WF on Simulation assumption for adjacent co-existence study_v5_QC_CATT.doc
2022/08/23 9:31
229,5 KB
Draft WF on Simulation assumption for adjacent co-existence study_v5_ZTE.doc
2022/08/23 9:48
255,6 KB
Draft WF on Simulation assumption for adjacent co-existence study_v6_ZTE.doc
2022/08/23 9:48
255,6 KB
Draft WF on Simulation assumption for adjacent co-existence study_v7_Eri.doc
2022/08/23 10:42
250 KB
Draft WF on Simulation assumption for adjacent co-existence study_v8_Eri_Nokia.doc
2022/08/23 11:16
270 KB
Draft WF on Simulation assumption for adjacent co-existence study_v9_Eri_Nokia_Eri.doc
2022/08/23 12:17
271,5 KB
19 items.