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                                  IS HEALTHCARE THE

                                  NEXT BIG THING FOR 5G?

                                  By Brian Dolby, CEO, Proactive International PR

          The arrival of 5G has been heralded as   The potential use cases of 5G within   and analyse their blood sugar details,
          a game-changer for sectors across the   healthcare range from remote diagnosis   the report outlines. But 5G could
          board. From smart cities to industrial IoT   to imaging as well as supporting the   fundamentally change the way these
          and the transport sector, its potential uses   application of virtual reality and the   instruments are used to measure blood
          are myriad and have created widespread   potential application of remote haptic,   sugar levels, continually transmitting the
          excitement.                        tactile, audio and visual technologies.   data to a device or server and allowing the
                                                                                 patient to receive feedback and advice
             “The effect of 5G on the sector, its suppliers and those            specifically relevant to them. In this way,
                                                                                 e-health will not only improve patient
             who use it are predicted to be huge, significantly                  analysis and monitoring but could also
             changing the way healthcare is delivered and having                 help reduce healthcare costs.
                                                                                 Additionally, 5G’s attributes of enhanced
             an impact on millions of patients.”                                 mobile broadband data, ultra-low latency
                                                                                 and reliability are key in allowing the
                                                                                 delivery of emergency services that
          The focus may lean towards the role of 5G   The creation of the ‘Internet of Medical   need to operate in real-time. By allowing
          within telecoms, but connected benefits   Things’ would allow remote diagnosis and   faster and greater flows of data, medical
          have created a number of new frontiers   monitoring of patients through medical   applications will be able to process
          in other areas and the development   devices, wearables and remote sensors,   content and allow responsive, real-time
          of standards assist with application,   as well as the capability to send large   actions that are vital for emergency
          development and innovation across    imaging files to assist with diagnosis and   elements of telehealth and telemedicine,
          many others.                       monitoring.
          One such area is healthcare. The effect
          of 5G on the sector, its suppliers and   “Additionally, 5G’s attributes of enhanced mobile
          those who use it are predicted to be huge,   broadband data, ultra-low latency and reliability are
          significantly changing the way healthcare
          is delivered and having an impact on   key in allowing the delivery of emergency services that
          millions of patients. From phrases like
          ‘personalised healthcare’ to e-health or   need to operate in real-time.”
          telehealth, 5G brings the prospect of a
          whole new landscape in the provision of
          healthcare. Its attributes when it comes   One example given by the Austin Cancer   with the advent of ‘computing at the edge’
          to low latency, high reliability and the   Center to AT&T1 describes having to   - something 3GPP is working to support
          capability to support multiple devices   wait to send large PET scan files until   - also allowing real-time responses in
          and sensors are what will ensure 5G   after hours because of their size, whereas   emergency situations. This includes the
          has a significant impact - both when it   5G would allow such files to be sent   potential for doctors operating on a
          comes to delivering vital emergency   instantly, allowing doctors access to the   patient remotely via a robotic counterpart
          services needed in real time as well as the   results they need almost immediately.   using specialised haptic feedback gloves
          personalisation of healthcare. Additionally,   Another example given in David J Teece’s   and virtual reality, as trialled at the
          the possibilities related to network slicing   report 5G Mobile: Impact on the Health   Ericsson 5G Tactile Internet Lab in King’s
          could also prove beneficial when it comes   Care Sector2, which uses research   College London3. Again, the ultra-low
          to hospitals or health organisations.  provided by Qualcomm Technologies,   latency and multi gigabit bandwidth of 5G
                                             is the glucometer. In the pre-5G world,   is at the heart of the development of this
                                             glucometers aren’t necessarily used in a   new frontier.
                                             way that allows diabetics to understand

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