ETSI logo / ftp / Email_Discussions / RAN2 / [RAN2#117-e] / [Post117-e][515][RA Part] CR 38.331 (Ericsson)

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icon updated_R2-2203358 - Introduction of common RACH partitioning aspects_v00_Rapp.docx 2022/03/07 16:06 1332,3 KB
icon updated_R2-2203358 - Introduction of common RACH partitioning aspects_v01_OPPO.docx 2022/03/08 7:00 1334,4 KB
icon updated_R2-2203358 - Introduction of common RACH partitioning aspects_v02_Rapp.docx 2022/03/08 8:42 1337,4 KB
icon updated_R2-2203358 - Introduction of common RACH partitioning aspects_v03_Intel.docx 2022/03/08 11:29 1351,2 KB
icon updated_R2-2203358 - Introduction of common RACH partitioning aspects_v04_CATT.docx 2022/03/09 8:59 1695,9 KB
icon updated_R2-2203358 - Introduction of common RACH partitioning aspects_v05_LGE.docx 2022/03/09 9:25 1339,9 KB
icon updated_R2-2203358 - Introduction of common RACH partitioning aspects_v06_Huawei.docx 2022/03/09 10:30 1341,5 KB
icon updated_R2-2203358 - Introduction of common RACH partitioning aspects_v07_Apple.docx 2022/03/09 12:18 1346,6 KB
icon updated_R2-2203358 - Introduction of common RACH partitioning aspects_v08_Nokia.docx 2022/03/10 0:11 1346,3 KB
icon updated_R2-2203358 - Introduction of common RACH partitioning aspects_v09_Rapp.docx 2022/03/10 10:08 1353 KB

10 items.