ETSI logo / ftp / Email_Discussions / RAN1 / Archives / [RAN1#94] / [94-NR-02]_description_of_NOMA_schemes

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icon Ericsson_WSMA_update_to_section_Xp1.docx 2020/02/05 7:34 121,5 KB
icon Hughes_description_of_ACMA.docx.part 2020/02/05 7:34 17 KB
icon R1-1809844_Email discussion to collect detailed description of the NOMA schemes.docx 2020/02/05 7:34 1280,3 KB
icon R1-18xxxxx_Email discussion to collect detailed description of the NOMA schemes_v01_Nokia.docx 2020/02/05 7:34 222,8 KB
icon R1-18xxxxx_Email discussion to collect detailed description of the NOMA schemes_v03.docx 2020/02/05 7:34 1107,5 KB
icon R1-18xxxxx_Email discussion to collect detailed description of the NOMA schemes_v03_hughes_nokia_ZTE_IDC.docx 2020/02/05 7:34 1314,4 KB
icon R1-18xxxxx_Email discussion to collect detailed description of the NOMA schemes_v04.docx 2020/02/05 7:34 1315,3 KB
icon R1-18xxxxx_Email discussion to collect detailed description of the NOMA schemes_v06.docx 2020/02/05 7:34 1315,5 KB
icon R1-18xxxxx_Email discussion to collect detailed description of theNOMA schemes_v03_hughes_nokia_ZTE_IDC.docx 2020/02/05 7:34 1314,4 KB

9 items.