Liaison Statements

Incoming liaisons for: C3-137

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Tdoc number
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Received on:
CC: C4-243492 get it LS on Configuration of Slice Usage Control Information 2024-09-04
CC: C4-243669 get it RAN support of QoS monitoring capability 2024-09-04
TO: CP-241308 get it LS on Registering JWT claims at IANA 2024-06-19
CC: R5-245464 get it Response LS on Newly published data channel GSMA PRD TS.66 2024-09-11
CC: S2-2408700 get it Reply LS on ECS Configuration Information 2024-08-26
CC: S2-2409022 get it LS on Completion of 5WWC_Ph2 (R18) work 2024-08-26
CC: S2-2409308 get it LS on Subscription of UPF event via I-SMF 2024-08-26
CC: S2-2409440 get it Reply LS on clarifications on consent management 2024-09-02
CC: S4-241684 get it LS Reply on Newly Published data channel GSMA PRD TS.66 2024-09-02
TO: S5-244577 get it LS on clarification on CAPIF logging information element 2024-09-03
CC: S5-244658 get it LS reply on improved KPIs involving end-to-end data volume transfer time analytics 2024-09-02
CC: S5-244661 get it LS reply on 5G Trace to support UE level measurement 2024-09-02
CC: S6-243352 get it Reply LS on SA2 questions on the predictive slice modification in Inter-PLMN based slice service continuity 2024-08-26
CC: SP-241404 get it Reply LS on Newly published data channel GSMA PRD TS.66 2024-09-16
Number of incoming LS documents: 14

This page is maintained by the Liaison co-ordinator

page last updated: 2024-09-20 08:43:27