Liaison Statements

Incoming liaisons for: C1-151

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TO: S2-2406888 get it Reply LS on ECS Configuration Information 2024-05-29
TO: S2-2406945 get it LS on Indicating the support of slice based N3IWF/TNGF selection from the UE to the network 2024-05-29
CC: TSG LS to 3GPP Sax get it Newly published data channel GSMA PRD TS.66 2024-08-02
TO: R2-2407718 get it Reply LS on the UE role list in RSPP-Metadata 2024-08-20
CC: C3-244576 get it LS on supporting the 3xx based redirection mechanism for the ""inner"" resource creation 2024-08-26
CC: S2-2408700 get it Reply LS on ECS Configuration Information 2024-08-26
CC: S2-2409022 get it LS on Completion of 5WWC_Ph2 (R18) work 2024-08-26
TO: S2-2408755 get it LS Reply on support of provisioning ATSSS rules to the UE in EPC 2024-08-26
TO: S2-2409326 get it LS on multiplexing of IMS Data Channels 2024-08-26
TO: S2-2409544 get it Reply LS on LCS user plane connection binding to the UE 2024-08-26
CC: S1-242472 get it Reply LS on the stage 2 aspects of MINT_Ph2 2024-09-02
CC: S4-241684 get it LS Reply on Newly Published data channel GSMA PRD TS.66 2024-09-02
CC: C4-243492 get it LS on Configuration of Slice Usage Control Information 2024-09-04
CC: C4-243606 get it LS on slice mapping between the HPLMN and EHPLMN 2024-09-04
CC: R5-245464 get it Response LS on Newly published data channel GSMA PRD TS.66 2024-09-11
CC: SP-241404 get it Reply LS on Newly published data channel GSMA PRD TS.66 2024-09-16
CC: SP-241423 get it LS on alignment of eCall over IMS with CEN 2024-09-16
TO: SP-241421 get it Reply LS on CEN's requirements for eCall over IMS 2024-09-16
Number of incoming LS documents: 18

This page is maintained by the Liaison co-ordinator

page last updated: 2024-09-17 11:37:47