Four Generations of Mobile Standards

3GPP TDocs (written contributions) at meeting

Meeting: CP-32 - 2006-05-31 to 2006-06-02, Warsaw

meeting id: CP-32 (click id for more info on this meeting)

Click on the Tdoc to open its file.

TDoc Title Source Remarks
CP‑060183 - Source -
CP‑060184 - Source -
CP‑060185 - Source -
CP‑060186 - Source -
CP‑060187 - Source -
CP‑060188 - Source -
CP‑060189 - - -
CP‑060190 - - -
CP‑060191 - - -
CP‑060192 CT5#35 Meeting Report CT5 (OSA) -
CP‑060193 CR 29.198-02 CT5 (OSA) -
CP‑060194 CR 29.198-xy Resubmission of OSA API SCFs description in W3C WSDL CT5 (OSA) -
CP‑060195 CR 29.198/9-xy Change reference to OSA Stage 2 from 23.127 to 23.198 CT5 (OSA) -
CP‑060196 CR 29.198-06 CT5 (OSA) -
CP‑060197 CR 29.198-15 CT5 (OSA) -
CP‑060198 CR 29.199-02 CT5 (OSA) -
CP‑060199 CR 29.199-03 CT5 (OSA) -
CP‑060200 CR 29.199-04 CT5 (OSA) -
CP‑060201 CR 29.199-05 CT5 (OSA) -
CP‑060202 CR 29.199-10 CT5 (OSA) -
CP‑060203 CR 29.199-14 CT5 (OSA) -
CP‑060204 CR 23.198 OSA Stage 2 CT5 (OSA) -
CP‑060205 CR 29.198-03 CT5 (OSA) -
CP‑060206 CR 29.198-04-3 CT5 (OSA) -
CP‑060207 CR 29.198-08 CT5 (OSA) -
CP‑060208 CR 29.199-02 CT5 (OSA) -
CP‑060209 CR 29.199-06 CT5 (OSA) -
CP‑060210 CR 29.199-07 CT5 (OSA) -
CP‑060211 CR 29.199-09 CT5 (OSA) -
CP‑060212 Rel-7 Draft TS 29.198-16 v100 OSA Service Broker API - for Information CT5 (OSA) -
CP‑060213 Rel-7 Draft TS 29.199-15 v100 Stage 3 OSA Parlay X Web Services; Part 15: Message Broadcast – for Information CT5 (OSA) -
CP‑060214 Rel-7 Draft TS 29.199-16 v100 PXWS Geocoding - for Information CT5 (OSA) -
CP‑060215 CT3 Status Report to CT Plenary Chairman CT3 ( -
CP‑060216 - - -
CP‑060217 All LSs sent from CT3 since TSG CT#31 meeting MCC -
CP‑060218 CRs to Rel5 (and mirrors) on SCUDIF CT3 -
CP‑060219 CR to Rel6 on the MBMS Gmb interface CT3 -
CP‑060220 CR on IMS-CS interworking : Correction of the Mn interface CT3 -
CP‑060221 CRs on restrictions regarding the use of Wi interrface in Rel-6 CT3 -
CP‑060222 CR to Rel-6 on Service Based Local Policy (Gq interface) CT3 -
CP‑060223 CRs IMS-CS interworking for on Fixed Broadband access to IMS CT3 -
CP‑060224 Usage of Diameter over the Gi interface CT3 -
CP‑060225 Usage of Diameter over the Wi interface CT3 -
CP‑060226 Using the Wi interface for Private Network Access from I-WLAN CT3 -
CP‑060227 Revised WID for Diameter on the GGSN Gi interface CT3 -
CP‑060228 Revised WID for Diameter on the PDG Wi interface CT3 -
CP‑060229 Revised WID for Multimedia interworking between IM CN subsystem and circuit switched networks CT3 -
CP‑060230 - Siemens -
CP‑060231 - Siemens -
CP‑060232 - Siemens -
CP‑060233 - - -
CP‑060234 - - -
CP‑060235 Outgoing Liaision Statements from CT6#39 CT6 -
CP‑060236 - - -
CP‑060237 - - -
CP‑060238 - - -
CP‑060239 - - -
CP‑060240 - - -
CP‑060241 - - -
CP‑060242 - - -
CP‑060243 - - -
CP‑060244 - - -
CP‑060245 - - -
CP‑060246 - - -
CP‑060247 Title - -
CP‑060248 - Lucent Technologies -
CP‑060249 - Lucent Technologies -
CP‑060250 - LM Ericsson -
CP‑060251 - LM Ericsson -
CP‑060252 - LM Ericsson, -
CP‑060253 CT1 status report CT1 chairman -
CP‑060254 DRAFT CT1-42 Meeting report MCC -
CP‑060255 Outgoing LSs from CT1 since CT-31 CT1 -
CP‑060256 Updated WID: WLAN Interworking – Private network access from WLAN 3GPP IP Access CT1 -
CP‑060257 Updated WID: IMS Multimedia Telephony Service, Stage 3 CT1 -
CP‑060258 WID: Network Selection Enhancements – Procedural aspects CT1 -
CP‑060259 WID: Identification of Communication Services in IMS, Stage 3 CT1 -
CP‑060260 WID: Enhancements for VGCS Applications CT1 -
CP‑060261 Stage 3 GRUU Work Item CT1 -
CP‑060262 CRs on Rel-5 WI IMS-CCR CT1 -
CP‑060263 CRs on Rel-5 WI IMS-CCR CT1 -
CP‑060264 CRs on Rel-5 WI IMS-CCR CT1 -
CP‑060265 CRs on Rel-5 WI IMS-CCR CT1 -
CP‑060266 CRs on Rel-6 WI IMS2 CT1 -
CP‑060267 CRs on Rel-6 WI TEI6 CT1 -
CP‑060268 CR on Rel-6 WI SCSAGB CT1 -
CP‑060269 CRs on Rel-7 WI EMC1 CT1 -
CP‑060270 CRs on Rel-7 WI EMC1 CT1 -
CP‑060271 CRs on Rel-7 WI FBI CT1 -
CP‑060272 CRs on Rel-7 WI EVGCS CT1 -
CP‑060273 CRs on Rel-7 WI VGCSflex CT1 -
CP‑060274 CRs on Rel-7 WI IMSProtoc CT1 -
CP‑060275 CRs on Rel-7 WI CSICS CT1 -
CP‑060276 CRs on Rel-7 WI TEI7 CT1 -
CP‑060277 CR on Rel-7 WI WLANPNA CT1 -
CP‑060278 CR on Rel-7 WI NSP-CR CT1 -
CP‑060279 CR on Rel-7 WI SEC7-GAA2 CT1 -
CP‑060280 CRs on Rel-5 WI IMS-CCR CT1 chairman -
CP‑060281 - Motorola, Infineon -
CP‑060282 - Motorola, Infineon -
CP‑060283 - LM Ericsson -
CP‑060284 - LM Ericsson -
CP‑060285 Sub System Number (SSN) for Follow Me function node (FFN) Nortel -
CP‑060286 2006 - 2008 Meeting Calendar Proposal MCC -
CP‑060287 LS on Concerns about the TISPAN TSs on supplementary services 3GPP CT WG1 -
CP‑060288 - - -
CP‑060289 Liaison Statement on the Vocabulary TR, TR 21.905 SA1 -
CP‑060290 LS reply to ATIS, NGNMFG on Initial Draft proposed ITU-T Rec. on NGN Accounting Management based on TMOC/3GPP Harmonization results 3GPP SA5 -
CP‑060291 - - -
CP‑060292 LS on Authentication mechanisms to IMS SA -
CP‑060293 - - -
CP‑060294 Vodafone -
CP‑060295 Status report from CT4 to TSG-CT Plenary Meeting #32 CT4 Chairman -
CP‑060296 - - -
CP‑060297 Output LSs after CT#31 CT4 -
CP‑060298 CRs on CSSPLIT/Mc-interface TSG CT WG4 -
CP‑060299 CRs on MAP sec TSG CT WG4 -
CP‑060300 CRs on Camel TSG CT WG4 -
CP‑060301 CRs on CSSPLIT/Mc-interface TSG CT WG4 -
CP‑060302 CRs on IMS Rel-5 and Rel-6 TSG CT WG4 -
CP‑060303 CRs on GPRS TSG CT WG4 -
CP‑060304 CRs on GPRS TSG CT WG4 -
CP‑060305 CRs on GPRS TSG CT WG4 -
CP‑060306 CRs on IMS Mn-interface TSG CT WG4 -
CP‑060307 CRs on CSSPLIT/Mc-interface TSG CT WG4 -
CP‑060308 CRs on IMS TSG CT WG4 -
CP‑060309 CRs on WLAN TSG CT WG4 -
CP‑060310 CRs on TEI6 TSG CT WG4 -
CP‑060311 CRs on SCUDIF TSG CT WG4 -
CP‑060312 CRs on Supercharger TSG CT WG4 -
CP‑060313 CRs on GPRS TSG CT WG4 -
CP‑060314 CRs on Mn-interface TSG CT WG4 -
CP‑060315 CRs on CSSPLIT/Mc-interface TSG CT WG4 -
CP‑060316 CRs on TEI7 TSG CT WG4 -
CP‑060317 CRs on Camel TSG CT WG4 -
CP‑060318 CRs on Subscriber certificates/GAA TSG CT WG4 -
CP‑060319 CRs on IMS TSG CT WG4 -
CP‑060320 3GPP TS 29.204 v2.0.0 "SS7 Security Gateway" TSG WG CT4 -
CP‑060321 3GPP TR 23.840 v1.0.0 "Study into routeing of MT-SMs via the HPLMN" for information CT4 -
CP‑060322 WID "Multimedia Resource Function Controller (MRFC) – Multimedia Resource Function Processor (MRFP) Mp Interface" TSG WG CT4 -
CP‑060323 WID, Support of (G)MSC-S - (G)MSC-S Nc Interface based on the SIP-I protocol TSG WG CT4 -
CP‑060324 Multimedia Telephony Supplementary Services Ericsson, CATT, China Mobile, Cingular, Nokia, Siemens, TeliaSonera, Vodafone -
CP‑060325 E-mail approval Working Procedure Ericsson -
CP‑060326 WID proposal for a High Speed Interface between the UICC and the ME T-Mobile, 3, KPN, Vodafone -
CP‑060327 CRs to Technical Specification Group working methods (21.900) MCC -
CP‑060328 Specs lists per Release; a comparison MCC -
CP‑060329 Specs status list prior to TSGs#32 MCC -
CP‑060330 - - -
CP‑060331 Proposal to close very old GSM Releases MCC -
CP‑060332 - - -
CP‑060333 - - -
CP‑060334 Overview of 3GPP Release 6 MCC -
CP‑060335 - LM Ericsson -
CP‑060336 CRs on Camel TSG CT WG4 -
CP‑060337 CR on IMS-CS interworking : Correction of the Mn interface CT3 -
CP‑060338 Registration of several unrelated public user identities Motorola, Infineon -
CP‑060339 [DRAFT] LS on Multimedia Telephony Supplementary Services 3GPP TSG CT -
CP‑060340 LS on the use of a change request to address changes/modifications in the IMS core 3GPP TSG CT -
CP‑060341 - - -
CP‑060342 Handling of realm Nortel -
CP‑060343 Handling of realm Nortel -
CP‑060344 Handling of realm Nortel -
CP‑060345 Registration of several unrelated public user identities Motorola, Infineon -
CP‑060346 Multimedia Telephony Supplementary Services Ericsson, CATT, China Mobile, Cingular, Nokia, Nortel, Qualcom, Siemens, TeliaSonera, T-Mobile, Vodafone -
CP‑060347 CR 29.199-05 CT5 (OSA) -
CP‑060348 - - -
CP‑060349 Review of TS 21.111, USIM and IC Card Requirements CT -
CP‑060350 Indication of activity status for PDP Context Nortel -
CP‑060351 CRs on GPRS TSG CT WG4 -
CP‑060352 Emergency service – P-CSCF impact LM Ericsson -
CP‑060353 Removal of references to “MBMS notification response” service type NEC -
CP‑060354 WID "Multimedia Resource Function Controller (MRFC) – Multimedia Resource Function Processor (MRFP) Mp Interface" TSG WG CT4 -
CP‑060355 Title - -
CP‑060356 Liaison Statement on enhanced USIM phonebook requirements CT -
CP‑060357 WID: Network Selection Enhancements – Procedural aspects CT1 -
CP‑060358 Stage 3 GRUU Work Item CT1 -
CP‑060359 ME capability for Network Selection NTT DoCoMo, Ericsson -
CP‑060360 - - -
CP‑060361 LS on the use of a change request to address changes/modifications in the IMS core 3GPP TSG CT -
CP‑060362 [DRAFT] LS on High Speed USIM Interface CT -
CP‑060363 2006 - 2008 Meeting Calendar Proposal MCC -
CP‑060364 LS on Multimedia Telephony Supplementary Services 3GPP TSG CT -
CP‑060365 [DRAFT] LS on High Speed UICC Interface 3GPP TSG CT -
CP‑060366 CR 29.199-05 CT5 (OSA) -
CP‑060367 LS on High Speed UICC Interface 3GPP TSG CT -
CP‑060368 Indication of activity status for PDP Context Ericsson, Nortel -
CP‑060369 2006 - 2008 Meeting Calendar Proposal MCC -

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