Four Generations of Mobile Standards

3GPP TDocs (written contributions) at meeting

Meeting: C1-42 - 2006-05-08 to 2006-05-12, Sophia Antipolis

meeting id: C1-42 (click id for more info on this meeting)

Click on the Tdoc to open its file.

TDoc Title Source Remarks
C1‑060624 Title Source Noted
C1‑060625 Correction of notation for the signalling flows - Revisedin1073
C1‑060626 Correction of the reference to OMA DM for the 3GPP IMS MO - Postponed
C1‑060627 Corrections to client provisioning for the 3GPP IMS MO Ericsson Agreed
C1‑060628 Value range for int-parameters Ericsson Agreed
C1‑060629 Access technology added to AT commands +CREG and +CGREG Ericsson Agreed
C1‑060630 Enhancement of parameter CI in AT commands +CREG and +CGREG Ericsson Agreed
C1‑060631 - - Revisedin1123
C1‑060632 - - -
C1‑060633 - - -
C1‑060634 - - -
C1‑060635 - - -
C1‑060636 - - -
C1‑060637 - - -
C1‑060638 - - -
C1‑060639 - - -
C1‑060640 Emergency service UE-impact - Revisedin1006
C1‑060641 Emergency service P-CSCF-impact LM Ericsson, Revisedin1011
C1‑060642 Emergency service S-CSCF impact Ericsson conditionallyagreed(dependsonapprovalof1015)
C1‑060643 Emergency service E-CSCF impact LM Ericsson Revisedin1016
C1‑060644 P-Charging-Addresses LM Ericsson Revisedin988
C1‑060645 P-Charging-Addresses LM Ericsson Revisedin987
C1‑060646 Special treatment of emergency calls LM Ericsson Noted
C1‑060647 Referencing TS 26.141 LM Ericsson Withdrawn
C1‑060648 LS on Work split related to Mp and Mr interface. CT4 Noted
C1‑060649 LS on Inter-RAT DTM Handover 3GPP TSG GERAN WG2 Noted
C1‑060650 DM 1.2 in 3GPP Rel 71 Public 0 Confidential LS Device Management WG Noted
C1‑060651 Extension of PAGING message RAN WG2 Noted
C1‑060652 LS to CT1 on expiration of RRC timer T314 associated to CS RABs QUALCOMM Europe Noted
C1‑060653 Response LS on inter-RAT DTM Handover Nokia Noted
C1‑060654 Reply LS on "Change of originating and terminating terminal terminology" SA1 Noted
C1‑060655 LS on Improvements to Network Selection SA1 Noted
C1‑060656 Reply LS on Transit support in IMS SA2 Noted
C1‑060657 Liaison Statement on Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) in Stage 3 Specifications SA2 Noted
C1‑060658 Reply LS on clarify the requirements for handling of Inter Operator Identifier (IOI) SA5 SWG-B Noted
C1‑060659 Liaison on service level tracing for IMS and considerations for overlapping work tasks SA5 SWG-D Postponed
C1‑060660 - - Noted
C1‑060661 LS on Authentication mechanisms to IMS SA Noted
C1‑060662 Final NOTIFY Lucent Technologies Withdrawn
C1‑060663 Final NOTIFY Lucent Technologies Revisedin989
C1‑060664 P-Asserted-ID Lucent Technologies Revisedin990
C1‑060665 P-Asserted-ID Lucent Technologies Revisedin991
C1‑060666 Via header in the initial registration Lucent Technologies Revisedin974
C1‑060667 Via header in the initial registration Lucent Technologies Revisedin975
C1‑060668 UE reg-event subscription Lucent Technologies Rejected
C1‑060669 UE reg-event subscription Lucent Technologies Withdrawn
C1‑060670 SDP answer Lucent Technologies Revisedin992
C1‑060671 SDP answer Lucent Technologies Revisedin993
C1‑060672 Privacy by P-CSCF Lucent Technologies Withdrawn
C1‑060673 UE capabilities Lucent Technologies Revisedin1064
C1‑060674 P-Preferred-Identity Lucent Technologies Revisedin1065
C1‑060675 E.164 to SIP URI translations Lucent Technologies Withdrawn
C1‑060676 Emergency PUID Lucent Technologies Revisedin1054
C1‑060677 IMS emergency assumptions Lucent Technologies Revisedin1057
C1‑060678 Emergency call release Lucent Technologies Revisedin1058
C1‑060679 Emergency registration at UE Lucent Technologies Revisedin1007
C1‑060680 Emergency registration at P-CSCF Lucent Technologies Revisedin1012
C1‑060681 Emergency registration at S-CSCF Lucent Technologies Postponed
C1‑060682 Emergency subscription Lucent Technologies Postponed
C1‑060683 VBS-A interface link sharing - Revisedin789
C1‑060684 - - Noted
C1‑060685 Full notification Lucent Technologies Withdrawn
C1‑060686 Full notification Lucent Technologies Agreed
C1‑060687 Denial of Service attacks through NAS Registration Reject messages SA3 Noted
C1‑060688 Reply LS to CT1 on “Realm parameter in WWW Authenticate and Authorization header” SA3 (GSM and UMTS security working group) Noted
C1‑060689 Reply LS on the use of temporary public user identity in registration procedures TSG SA WG3 Noted
C1‑060690 Reply LS on Selective Disabling of UE Capabilities SA3 Noted
C1‑060691 WID; IMS Multimedia Telephony Service, Stage 3 Ericsson Revisedin1027
C1‑060692 - Ericsson Agreed
C1‑060693 WID; Identification of Communication Services in IMS, Stage 3 Ericsson Revisedin1084
C1‑060694 SDP usage at MGCF Siemens Revisedin994
C1‑060695 SDP usage at MGCF Siemens Revisedin995
C1‑060696 FBI WID Open Issues List Siemens Noted
C1‑060697 Propose LS on “Multiple dialogs at AS” Siemens AG Noted
C1‑060698 LS on documentation of "Multiple dialogs at AS" CT1 Agreed
C1‑060699 h)the Security-Client header field set to specify the security mechanism the UE supports, the IPsec layer algorithms the UE supports and the parameters needed for the security association setup. The UE shall support the setup of two pairs of security Alcatel, BT, Check Point, Huawei, Siemens Revisedin1019
C1‑060700 IBCF initiated call release Siemens Revisedin1021
C1‑060701 CR against 24.930 – Flow for interworking with terminating non-IMS UE Siemens AG Agreed
C1‑060702 CR against 24.930 – Flow for interworking with originating non-IMS UE Siemens Revisedin1066
C1‑060703 - - Agreed
C1‑060704 Reg event package parameters in notification Vodafone Agreed
C1‑060705 Subscription refreshing Vodafone Agreed
C1‑060706 Improvement of IOI to Application Servers Lucent Technologies Postponed
C1‑060707 Improvement of IOI to Application Servers Lucent Technologies Postponed
C1‑060708 IOI overview Lucent Technologies Revisedin996
C1‑060709 IOI overview Lucent Technologies Revisedin997
C1‑060710 Summary of current IETF documents on SIPPING Lucent Technologies Noted
C1‑060711 Summary of current IETF documents on SIP Lucent Technologies Noted
C1‑060712 Summary of current IETF documents on MMUSIC Lucent Technologies Noted
C1‑060713 Summary of current IETF documents on SIMPLE Lucent Technologies Noted
C1‑060714 Summary of current IETF documents on XCON Lucent Technologies Noted
C1‑060715 Summary of current IETF documents on GEOPRIV Lucent Technologies Noted
C1‑060716 Summary of current IETF documents on ECRIT Lucent Technologies Noted
C1‑060717 Inclusion of draft-ietf-ecrit-service-urn - Revisedin1009
C1‑060718 IBCF corrections Lucent Technologies Revisedin1022
C1‑060719 Notes of informal conference call discussions on VCC stage 3 Lucent Technologies Noted
C1‑060720 Current reference version 3GPP TS 24.206 Lucent Technologies Noted
C1‑060721 CR to 24.206: Definition of additional addresses used in proposed flows Lucent Technologies Agreed
C1‑060722 CR to 24.206: Proposed text for clause 4 (Overview) Lucent Technologies Revisedin1047
C1‑060723 CR to 24.206: Proposed flow for CS call origination Lucent Technologies Revisedin1037
C1‑060724 CR to 24.206: Addition to general introduction to signalling flows Lucent Technologies Revisedin1033
C1‑060725 Definition of B2BUA Lucent Technologies Revisedin1074
C1‑060726 Use of uri-parameters in Route header to application server - Withdrawn
C1‑060727 Optimized delivery of the additional information - Revisedin1036
C1‑060728 EPRT: Add signalling flow for a dispatcher originated VGCS - Agreed
C1‑060729 Group Call Re-establishment by the BSS - Revisedin1100
C1‑060730 EPRT: Add signalling flow for a dispatcher originated VBS - Agreed
C1‑060731 Group Call Re-establishment by the BSS Siemens Revisedin1104
C1‑060732 Including IMSI in Send_Group_Call_End_Signal message for VBS - Revisedin1105
C1‑060733 Introduction of sending application-specific data to group call members Siemens Postponed
C1‑060734 Addition of interoperability with RANflex - Revisedin1101
C1‑060735 Emergency Update LM Ericsson Rejected
C1‑060736 Service identifiers in IMS LM Ericsson Revisedin943
C1‑060737 CR to 24.206: Proposed flow for call origination from IMS Ericsson Revisedin944
C1‑060738 Incorrect reference to RFC 3513 Ericsson Agreed
C1‑060739 Incorrect reference to RFC 3513 Ericsson Agreed
C1‑060740 Incorrect reference to RFC 3513 Ericsson Agreed
C1‑060741 Updates on WID for WLAN Interworking – Private network access from WLAN 3GPP IP Access NEC, NTT DoCoMo Agreed
C1‑060742 Introduction of signalling encryption - Revisedin998
C1‑060743 Introduction of signalling encryption - Revisedin999
C1‑060744 Re-authentication during deregistration Infineon Technologies Revisedin961
C1‑060745 Re-authentication during deregistration Infineon Technologies Revisedin962
C1‑060746 Re-authentication during deregistration Infineon Technologies Revisedin963
C1‑060747 Usage of associated public user identities Infineon Technologies Rejected
C1‑060748 Usage of associated public user identities Infineon Technologies Withdrawn
C1‑060749 Usage of associated public user identities Infineon Technologies Revisedin964
C1‑060750 Provision and exchange of IMS status - Postponed
C1‑060751 Coding of the User-User Information Element for IMS status - Postponed
C1‑060752 Incorrect and incomplete information provided in example signalling flows Samsung Withdrawn
C1‑060753 Provisioning of UE capability version Samsung Rejected
C1‑060754 CR to 24.206: Signalling flows for termination of VCC call Samsung Revisedin1039
C1‑060755 Signaling flows for Domain Transfer (IMS to CS) Samsung Revisedin1040
C1‑060756 Subscription of the Emergency Call - nothandled(latedocument)
C1‑060757 - - nothandled(latedocument)
C1‑060758 Analysis of all non-integrity protected NAS messages Samsung Noted
C1‑060759 Mitigating the risk of DoS attacks that utilises the remote setting of T3302 - Postponed
C1‑060760 Mitigating the risk of DoS attacks that utilises the remote setting of T3302 - Postponed
C1‑060761 P-CSCF handling of multiple P-Preferred-Identity URIs LM Ericsson Revisedin965
C1‑060762 P-CSCF handling of multiple P-Preferred-Identity URIs LM Ericsson Revisedin966
C1‑060763 P-CSCF handling of multiple P-Preferred-Identity URIs LM Ericsson Revisedin967
C1‑060764 I-CSCF: Route header handling correction LM Ericsson Withdrawn
C1‑060765 S-CSCF: Editorial change - nothandled(latedocument)
C1‑060766 IBCF: Insertion of P-Charging-Vector header untrusted domain LM Ericsson Revisedin1024
C1‑060767 IBCF: Editorial correction LM Ericsson Rejected
C1‑060768 Discussion on supplementary services LM Ericsson Noted
C1‑060769 TS - IMS Multimedia Telephony Communication Service and Supplementary Services LM Ericsson Revisedin1029
C1‑060770 Uri-parameters in Route header Lucent Technologies Rejected
C1‑060771 Handling of RFC2507 context state packets NEC Revisedin955
C1‑060772 Handling of RFC2507 context state packets NEC Revisedin956
C1‑060773 Handling of RFC2507 context state packets NEC Revisedin957
C1‑060774 Handling of RFC2507 context state packets NEC Revisedin958
C1‑060775 Handling of standalone ROHC feedback packets NEC Withdrawn
C1‑060776 Removal of references to MBMS notification response service type NEC Revisedin1106
C1‑060777 CR to 24.206: Proposed flow for call termination NEC Revisedin938
C1‑060778 Response: LS on Use of Reject Cause #12 in VPLMN GSMA IREG Noted
C1‑060779 LS on alignment of VGCS/VBS specifications ETSI TC RT Noted
C1‑060780 Additional text for I-WLAN Private Network Access NTT DoCoMo, NEC, Nokia, Teliasonera, LG Electoronics Revisedin1031
C1‑060781 ME capability for Network Selection NTT DoCoMo, Ericsson Revisedin1056
C1‑060782 Signalling flows for CS to IM CN subsystem transfer Nortel Revisedin1041
C1‑060783 SCTP transport - Revisedin1075
C1‑060784 Enhancements for VGCS Applications WID Nortel Revisedin1085
C1‑060785 TC-RT Clarification on use of the Uplink Reply Procedure Nortel Revisedin982
C1‑060786 Summary of change:?[H15] Nortel Revisedin983
C1‑060787 Correction to process VBS_Handling_Relay_MSC Nortel Agreed
C1‑060788 Failure cases during VBS call establishment Nortel Revisedin1018
C1‑060789 VBS-A interface link sharing - Revisedin1102
C1‑060790 TR: 24.880 skeleton Hewlett-Packard Agreed
C1‑060791 Realm Parameter Handling Siemens Revisedin968
C1‑060792 Realm Parameter Handling Siemens Revisedin969
C1‑060793 Realm Parameter Handling Siemens Revisedin970
C1‑060794 UE resumption of MBMS reception after an intersystem change Ericsson Revisedin933
C1‑060795 UE resumption of MBMS reception after an intersystem change Ericsson Revisedin934
C1‑060796 Protocol Optimisations for VoIP in A/Gb mode Ericsson Noted
C1‑060797 Enabling Rel-5 UE to set up sendonly sessions Nokia Revisedin971
C1‑060798 Updates to Profile Tables UE Major Capabilities - Revisedin1000
C1‑060799 Updates to Profile Tables UE Major Capabilities - Revisedin1001
C1‑060800 - - nothandled(latedocument)
C1‑060801 - - Revisedin1042
C1‑060802 Precondition Fix - Withdrawn
C1‑060803 Precondition Fix - Withdrawn
C1‑060804 Mandating Reliable Ringing - Rejected
C1‑060805 Mandating Reliable Ringing - Withdrawn
C1‑060806 - - Postponed
C1‑060807 - - Postponed
C1‑060808 IMS Multimedia Telephony supplementary services CDIV Qualcomm nothandled
C1‑060809 - - Postponed
C1‑060810 - - Postponed
C1‑060811 - - Postponed
C1‑060812 - - Postponed
C1‑060813 IPsec related clarifications Qualcomm Incorporated Rejected
C1‑060814 IPsec related clarifications Qualcomm Incorporated Withdrawn
C1‑060815 IPsec related clarifications Qualcomm Incorporated Withdrawn
C1‑060816 - - Noted
C1‑060817 Correction of message recipient in table caption Nokia Agreed
C1‑060818 One private identity one contact Nokia Revisedin976
C1‑060819 One private identity one contact Nokia Revisedin977
C1‑060820 One private identity one contact Nokia Revisedin1095
C1‑060821 3rd-party registration Nokia Revisedin978
C1‑060822 3rd-party registration Nokia Revisedin979
C1‑060823 3rd-party registration Nokia Revisedin980
C1‑060824 3)use for one encrypted string all received consecutive header entries subject to encryption, regardless if they appear in separate consecutive headers or if they are consecutive entries in a comma separated list in one header; Nokia Revisedin1043
C1‑060825 3)use for one encrypted string all received consecutive header entries subject to encryption, regardless if they appear in separate consecutive headers or if they are consecutive entries in a comma separated list in one header; Nokia Revisedin1044
C1‑060826 3)use for one encrypted string all received consecutive header entries subject to encryption, regardless if they appear in separate consecutive headers or if they are consecutive entries in a comma separated list in one header; Nokia Revisedin1045
C1‑060827 I-CSCF registration procedure correction Lucent, Nokia Agreed
C1‑060828 I-CSCF registration procedure correction Lucent, Nokia Agreed
C1‑060829 I-CSCF registration procedure correction Lucent, Nokia Agreed
C1‑060830 Local numbering Nokia Postponed
C1‑060831 I-CSCF procedure correction Nokia Revisedin1023
C1‑060832 Originating requests on behalf of an unregistered user Nokia Postponed
C1‑060833 SIP Media Server Profile for MRF/Mr Convedia, Intel Noted
C1‑060834 VoIP Metrics CableLabs Noted
C1‑060835 Regardless of the negotiation of RTCP-XR reporting via SDP, an originating UE shall PUBLISH locally computed VoIP metrics and metrics reported via Sender/Receiver Reports (SR/RR) to a collector as specified in draft-ietf-sipping-rtcp-summary-01 [rtcp CableLabs Postponed
C1‑060836 PRACK Cablelabs, Ericsson Revisedin941
C1‑060837 Extension of 24.167 for abstract data models CableLabs, Broadcom Noted
C1‑060838 Extensions to P-Access-Network-Info header for DOCSIS Access CableLabs, Nortel, Motorola Revisedin1025
C1‑060839 Preconditions - nothandled
C1‑060840 WID, GRUU – stage 3 CableLabs Revisedin1061
C1‑060841 Direct Sidebars Motorola Postponed
C1‑060842 S-CSCF handling of terminations when AS modifies the Req-URI Motorola Revisedin1076
C1‑060843 S-CSCF address for AS-originated calls on behalf of the UE Motorola Rejected
C1‑060844 Verification by I-CSCF of trust domain origin for incoming requests Motorola, Siemens Agreed
C1‑060845 Miscellaneous Correction Motorola Agreed
C1‑060846 Change of public user identity barring status Motorola Postponed
C1‑060847 P-User-Database made available to the HSS Motorola Postponed
C1‑060848 Registration of devices with several private user identities Motorola Postponed
C1‑060849 Registration of several unrelated public user identities Motorola Revisedin972
C1‑060850 Incorrect requirement on I-CSCF Motorola Revisedin1079
C1‑060851 Resilience to registration and authentication errors Motorola Revisedin1080
C1‑060852 Use of common subscription for selection of single S-CSCF Motorola Rejected
C1‑060853 Conversion of user=phone SIP URIs by the S-CSCF Motorola Rejected
C1‑060854 Call procedure merge for both IMS-first and CS-first with UE capability version - Revisedin1072
C1‑060855 Update for the IMS registration or radio environment information in the middle of CS call LG Electronics Rejected
C1‑060856 In-band tones and announcements for multimedia 3G-324M call Alcatel Revisedin1062
C1‑060857 Paging for mobile stations in packet transfer mode - Postponed
C1‑060858 Correction of Figure 6 Huawei Withdrawn
C1‑060859 Correction of Figure 6 Huawei Withdrawn
C1‑060860 Correction of Figure 6 Huawei Withdrawn
C1‑060861 Correction of Figure 6 Huawei Agreed
C1‑060862 Correction of Figure 6a Huawei Agreed
C1‑060863 Clarifications for anonymous user identity verification at the AS Huawei Revisedin1002
C1‑060864 Clarifications for anonymous user identity verification at the AS Huawei Revisedin1003
C1‑060865 The Correction on the description for the information of registration status Huawei Revisedin984
C1‑060866 The Correction on the description for the information of registration status Huawei Revisedin985
C1‑060867 The Correction on the description for the information of registration status Huawei Revisedin986
C1‑060868 Some corrections according to the latest TS 23.167 Huawei Revisedin1059
C1‑060869 Getting local emergency numbers Huawei Revisedin1010
C1‑060870 Adding RDF in E-CSCF procedure Huawei Revisedin1060
C1‑060871 Requirements for extension of SIP 380 response Huawei Noted
C1‑060872 Requirement for extension of 380 response Huawei Postponed
C1‑060873 Special Emergency IMPU Huawei Noted
C1‑060874 TEL URI associated with emergency IMPU Huawei Revisedin1014
C1‑060875 Constructing the emergency IMPU Huawei Revisedin1008
C1‑060876 Record route clarification Huawei Withdrawn
C1‑060877 TS 24.229 / 3rd Party Registration Huawei Noted
C1‑060878 3Rd party registratin clarification Huawei Withdrawn
C1‑060879 3Rd party registratin clarification Huawei Withdrawn
C1‑060880 3Rd party registratin clarification Huawei Revisedin1004
C1‑060881 3Rd party registratin clarification Huawei Revisedin1005
C1‑060882 NMO change without RA change - nothandled
C1‑060883 Amend the playing announcement call flow Huawei Revisedin1081
C1‑060884 Correction of the reference document Huawei Revisedin1082
C1‑060885 - - Noted
C1‑060886 CR to 24.305: Addition of tree parameters Ericsson Revisedin946
C1‑060887 Performance improvement of MM/GMM signaling procedures Motorola, Ericsson Revisedin947
C1‑060888 One-to-one mapping of NSAPI-SAPI-PFI Ericsson Noted
C1‑060889 Correction of the XID parameter negotiation sub-clause for LL-UNITDATA Ericsson Revisedin1035
C1‑060890 Called party BCD number length Ericsson Noted
C1‑060891 Title - Revisedin1030
C1‑060892 - - nothandled
C1‑060893 Support for only DM 1.2 and higher in IMS MO RIM, Qualcomm nothandled
C1‑060894 Selective Disabling of UE Applications via OMA SCoMO RIM nothandled
C1‑060895 Completionof RFC 4320 fixes for 100 Trying responses Non- INVITE Transactions - nothandled
C1‑060896 UE behavior after timer F expiry Motorola Agreed
C1‑060897 UE behavior after timer F expiry Motorola Agreed
C1‑060898 Incorrect handling of messages in which truncation is used Ericsson Noted
C1‑060899 Incorrect handling, by the MS, of messages in which truncation is used Ericsson Withdrawn
C1‑060900 Correction of 504 Response usage - nothandled
C1‑060901 Registering Personal Mobile Equipment Identifier RIM Noted
C1‑060902 Reply LS on Improvements to Network Selection GERAN1 Noted
C1‑060903 LS on ACCH capability indicator GERAN WG2 Noted
C1‑060904 Use of Personal ME Identifier - nothandled
C1‑060905 Transit IMS Nokia, Siemens Postponed
C1‑060906 TS, Skeleton for TS 24.341 Nokia Revisedin1049
C1‑060907 CR, Clauses 1 to 4 Nokia Revisedin1050
C1‑060908 CR, SMS over IP sender/receiver roles Nokia Revisedin1052
C1‑060909 CR, IP-SM-GW role Nokia Revisedin1053
C1‑060910 CR, Registration example Nokia Revisedin1067
C1‑060911 CR, MO delivery example Nokia Revisedin1068
C1‑060912 CR, MT delivery example Nokia Revisedin1069
C1‑060913 Use of Personal ME Identifier Motorola nothandled
C1‑060914 Treatment of emergency requests other than INVITE requests at the P-CSCF Lucent Technologies Postponed
C1‑060915 Treatment of emergency requests other than INVITE requests at the E-CSCF Lucent Technologies Postponed
C1‑060916 Inclusion of missing procedures at the E-CSCF Lucent Technologies Rejected
C1‑060917 Inclusion of session timer procedures at the E-CSCF Lucent Technologies Agreed
C1‑060918 Inclusion of PSAP procedures - Postponed
C1‑060919 Priority handling for emergency calls at the P-CSCF Lucent Technologies Revisedin1013
C1‑060920 Priority handling for emergency calls at the S-CSCF Lucent Technologies Revisedin1015
C1‑060921 Priority handling for emergency calls at the E-CSCF Lucent Technologies Revisedin1017
C1‑060922 Priority handling for emergency calls at the MGCF Lucent Technologies Revisedin1063
C1‑060923 Inclusion of E-CSCF in subclause 3.1 and subclause 4.1 Lucent Technologies Agreed
C1‑060924 Reference updates Lucent Technologies Agreed
C1‑060925 Ambiguity in the parsing of Security-Client, Security-Server and Security-Verify headers? Qualcomm Incorporated Noted
C1‑060926 Revision of the conditions for triggering capability exchange Vodafone Postponed
C1‑060927 Use of the Contact header in OPTIONS requests for capability exchange Vodafone Agreed
C1‑060928 Use on cause #12 in VPLMNs NTT DoCoMo, 3 Rejected
C1‑060929 Use on cause #12 in VPLMNs NTT DoCoMo, 3 Withdrawn
C1‑060930 Use on cause #12 in VPLMNs NTT DoCoMo, 3 Withdrawn
C1‑060931 Use on cause #12 in VPLMNs NTT DoCoMo, 3 Revisedin960
C1‑060932 Additional comments for Samsungs proposal; mandating the provision of UE capability version LG Electronics Revisedin1071
C1‑060933 UE resumption of MBMS reception after an intersystem change Ericsson Withdrawn
C1‑060934 UE resumption of MBMS reception after an intersystem change Ericsson Withdrawn
C1‑060935 Liaison Statement on the Vocabulary TR, TR 21.905 SA1 Noted
C1‑060936 Indication of support for Repeated ACCH - Revisedin948
C1‑060937 Indication of support for Repeated ACCH - Revisedin1110
C1‑060938 CR to 24.206: Proposed flow for call termination NEC Revisedin1046
C1‑060939 TC RT - Increase VGCS setup timeout (MS timer TMM-est ) TC RT Postponed
C1‑060940 TC RT - Increase VBS setup timeout (MS timer TMM-est ) TC RT Postponed
C1‑060941 PRACK Cablelabs Revisedin1026
C1‑060942 Referencing TS 26.141 LM Ericsson Revisedin1083
C1‑060943 Service identifiers in IMS LM Ericsson Noted
C1‑060944 IMS Originating call from VCC user Ericsson Revisedin1038
C1‑060945 - - Noted
C1‑060946 CR to 24.305: Addition of tree parameters Ericsson Revisedin1034
C1‑060947 Performance improvement of MM/GMM signaling procedures Motorola, Ericsson Rejected
C1‑060948 Indication of support for Repeated ACCH - Revisedin1109
C1‑060949 LS on inter RAT DTM Handover 3GPP TSG CT WG1 Agreed
C1‑060950 LS on enhancements for CS paging CT1 Agreed
C1‑060951 Reply LS on expiration of RRC timer T314 associated to CS RABs CT1 Revisedin1088
C1‑060952 [Draft] CT1 response on DoS attacks through NAS Registration Reject messages 3GPP CT1 Revisedin1089
C1‑060953 [D1]Reply LS on selective disabling of UE capabilities CT1 Agreed
C1‑060954 [D1] Liaison Statement on the Vocabulary TR, TR 21.905 CT1 Agreed
C1‑060955 Handling of RFC2507 context state packets - Withdrawn
C1‑060956 Handling of RFC2507 context state packets - Withdrawn
C1‑060957 Handling of feedback N-PDU - Withdrawn
C1‑060958 Handling of feedback N-PDU NEC, Siemens Agreed
C1‑060959 Called party BCD number length CT1 Agreed
C1‑060960 Use on cause #12 in VPLMNs NTT DoCoMo, 3, Motorola Agreed
C1‑060961 Re-authentication during deregistration Infineon Technologies Agreed
C1‑060962 Re-authentication during deregistration Infineon Technologies Revisedin1112
C1‑060963 Re-authentication during deregistration Infineon Technologies Revisedin1113
C1‑060964 Usage of associated public user identities Infineon Technologies e-mailapproval
C1‑060965 P-CSCF handling of multiple P-Preferred-Identity URIs LM Ericsson Postponed
C1‑060966 P-CSCF handling of multiple P-Preferred-Identity URIs LM Ericsson Postponed
C1‑060967 P-CSCF handling of multiple P-Preferred-Identity URIs LM Ericsson Postponed
C1‑060968 Realm Parameter Handling Siemens Agreed
C1‑060969 Realm Parameter Handling Siemens Agreed
C1‑060970 Realm Parameter Handling Siemens Agreed
C1‑060971 Enabling Rel-5 UE to set up sendonly sessions - nothandled
C1‑060972 Registration of several unrelated public user identities Motorola Revisedin1111
C1‑060973 Registration of several unrelated public user identities - Revisedin1099
C1‑060974 Via header in the initial registration Lucent Technologies Agreed
C1‑060975 Via header in the initial registration Lucent Technologies Agreed
C1‑060976 One private identity one contact Nokia Revisedin1093
C1‑060977 One private identity one contact Nokia Revisedin1094
C1‑060978 3rd-party registration Huawei, Nokia Revisedin1096
C1‑060979 3rd-party registration Huawei, Nokia Revisedin1097
C1‑060980 3rd-party registration Huawei, Nokia Revisedin1098
C1‑060981 3Rd party registratin clarification Huawei Agreed
C1‑060982 TC-RT Clarification on use of the Uplink Reply Procedure Nortel Agreed
C1‑060983 Summary of change:?[H15] Nortel Agreed
C1‑060984 The Correction on the description for the information of registration status - Withdrawn
C1‑060985 The Correction on the description for the information of registration status - Withdrawn
C1‑060986 The Correction on the description for the information of registration status Huawei Agreed
C1‑060987 P-Charging-Addresses LM Ericsson Revisedin1116
C1‑060988 P-Charging-Addresses LM Ericsson Revisedin1117
C1‑060989 Final NOTIFY Lucent Technologies e-mailapproval
C1‑060990 P-Asserted-ID Lucent Technologies Revisedin1118
C1‑060991 P-Asserted-ID Lucent Technologies Revisedin1119
C1‑060992 SDP answer Lucent Technologies Agreed
C1‑060993 SDP answer Lucent Technologies Agreed
C1‑060994 SDP usage at MGCF - Postponed
C1‑060995 SDP usage at MGCF - Postponed
C1‑060996 IOI overview Lucent Technologies Agreed
C1‑060997 IOI overview Lucent Technologies Agreed
C1‑060998 Introduction of signalling encryption - Agreed
C1‑060999 Introduction of signalling encryption - Agreed
C1‑061000 Updates to Profile Tables UE Major Capabilities - nothandled
C1‑061001 Updates to Profile Tables UE Major Capabilities - nothandled
C1‑061002 Clarifications for anonymous user identity verification at the AS Huawei e-mailapproval
C1‑061003 Clarifications for anonymous user identity verification at the AS Huawei e-mailapproval
C1‑061004 3Rd party registratin clarification Huawei Agreed
C1‑061005 3Rd party registratin clarification Huawei Agreed
C1‑061006 Emergency service UE-impact - Revisedin1124
C1‑061007 Emergency registration at UE Lucent Technologies Postponed
C1‑061008 Constructing the emergency IMPU Huawei e-mailapproval
C1‑061009 Inclusion of draft-ietf-ecrit-service-urn - Agreed
C1‑061010 Getting local emergency numbers Huawei Agreed
C1‑061011 Emergency service P-CSCF-impact - Revisedin1126
C1‑061012 Emergency registration at P-CSCF Lucent Technologies Postponed
C1‑061013 Priority handling for emergency calls at the P-CSCF Lucent Technologies e-mailapproval
C1‑061014 TEL URI associated with emergency IMPU Huawei Revisedin1120
C1‑061015 Priority handling for emergency calls at the S-CSCF Lucent Technologies e-mailapproval
C1‑061016 Emergency service E-CSCF impact - Revisedin1125
C1‑061017 Priority handling for emergency calls at the E-CSCF Lucent Technologies e-mailapproval
C1‑061018 Failure cases during VBS call establishment Nortel Withdrawn
C1‑061019 h)the Security-Client header field set to specify the security mechanism the UE supports, the IPsec layer algorithms the UE supports and the parameters needed for the security association setup. The UE shall support the setup of two pairs of security Alcatel, BT, Check Point, Huawei, Siemens Agreed
C1‑061020 LS on UDP encapsulation of IPSec CT1 Revisedin1090
C1‑061021 IBCF initiated call release Siemens e-mailapproval
C1‑061022 IBCF corrections Lucent Technologies Agreed
C1‑061023 I-CSCF procedure correction Nokia Revisedin1077
C1‑061024 IBCF: Insertion of P-Charging-Vector header untrusted domain LM Ericsson e-mailapproval
C1‑061025 Extensions to P-Access-Network-Info header for DOCSIS Access - e-mailapproval
C1‑061026 PRACK CableLabs e-mailapproval
C1‑061027 WID; IMS Multimedia Telephony Service, Stage 3 Ericsson Agreed
C1‑061028 LS on Concerns about the TISPAN TSs on supplementary services 3GPP CT WG1 Revisedin1091
C1‑061029 TS - IMS Multimedia Telephony Communication Service and Supplementary Services LM Ericsson e-mailapproval
C1‑061030 Title - Agreed
C1‑061031 Additional text for I-WLAN Private Network Access NTT DoCoMo, NEC, Nokia, Teliasonera, LG Electronics, Ericsson Revisedin1055
C1‑061032 - - Withdrawn
C1‑061033 CR to 24.206: Addition to general introduction to signalling flows Lucent Technologies e-mailapproval
C1‑061034 CR to 24.305: Addition of tree parameters Ericsson Revisedin1070
C1‑061035 Correction of the XID parameter negotiation sub-clause for LL-UNITDATA Ericsson Rejected
C1‑061036 Optimized delivery of the additional information - Revisedin1103
C1‑061037 CR to 24.206: Proposed flow for CS call origination Lucent Technologies e-mailapproval
C1‑061038 CR to 24.206: Proposed flow for call origination from IMS Ericsson e-mailapproval
C1‑061039 CR to 24.206: Signalling flows for termination of VCC call Samsung e-mailapproval
C1‑061040 Signaling flows for Domain Transfer (IMS to CS) Samsung e-mailapproval
C1‑061041 Signalling flows for CS to IM CN subsystem transfer Nortel e-mailapproval
C1‑061042 - - e-mailapproval
C1‑061043 3)use for one encrypted string all received consecutive header entries subject to encryption, regardless if they appear in separate consecutive headers or if they are consecutive entries in a comma separated list in one header; Nokia Agreed
C1‑061044 3)use for one encrypted string all received consecutive header entries subject to encryption, regardless if they appear in separate consecutive headers or if they are consecutive entries in a comma separated list in one header; Nokia Agreed
C1‑061045 3)use for one encrypted string all received consecutive header entries subject to encryption, regardless if they appear in separate consecutive headers or if they are consecutive entries in a comma separated list in one header; Nokia Revisedin1115
C1‑061046 CR to 24.206: Proposed flow for call termination NEC e-mailapproval
C1‑061047 CR to 24.206: Proposed text for clause 4 (Overview) Lucent Technologies e-mailapproval
C1‑061048 WID "Multimedia Resource Function Controller (MRFC) – Multimedia Resource Function Processor (MRFP) Mp Interface" Orange Revisedin1087
C1‑061049 TS, Skeleton for TS 24.341 Nokia e-mailapproval
C1‑061050 CR, Clauses 1 to 4 Nokia e-mailapproval
C1‑061051 LS on documentation of “SMS over IP” in CT1 CT1 Revisedin1092
C1‑061052 CR, SMS over IP sender/receiver roles Nokia e-mailapproval
C1‑061053 CR, IP-SM-GW role Nokia e-mailapproval
C1‑061054 Emergency PUID Lucent Technologies Agreed
C1‑061055 Additional text for I-WLAN Private Network Access NTT DoCoMo, NEC, Nokia, Teliasonera, LG Electronics, Ericsson Revisedin1108
C1‑061056 ME capability for Network Selection NTT DoCoMo, Ericsson e-mailapproval
C1‑061057 IMS emergency assumptions Lucent Technologies Postponed
C1‑061058 Emergency call release Lucent Technologies Revisedin1121
C1‑061059 Some corrections in IMS emergency calls Huawei Agreed
C1‑061060 Adding RDF in E-CSCF procedure Huawei Agreed
C1‑061061 WID, GRUU – stage 3 CableLabs, Motorola, RIM, Qualcomm, Nortel Revisedin1086
C1‑061062 In-band tones and announcements for multimedia 3G-324M call Alcatel Rejected
C1‑061063 Editor's note: The mechanism for marking emergency calls is not yet specified. Lucent Technologies e-mailapproval
C1‑061064 UE capabilities - Postponed
C1‑061065 P-Preferred-Identity - Postponed
C1‑061066 CR against 24.930 – Flow for interworking with originating non-IMS UE Siemens e-mailapproval
C1‑061067 CR, Registration example Nokia e-mailapproval
C1‑061068 CR, MO delivery example Nokia e-mailapproval
C1‑061069 CR, MT delivery example Nokia e-mailapproval
C1‑061070 CR to 24.305: Addition of tree parameters Ericsson e-mailapproval
C1‑061071 Additional comments for Samsungs proposal; mandating the provision of UE capability version - Withdrawn
C1‑061072 Call procedure merge for both IMS-first and CS-first with UE capability version - Postponed
C1‑061073 Correction of notation for the signalling flows - Revisedin1122
C1‑061074 Definition of B2BUA Lucent Technologies e-mailapproval
C1‑061075 SCTP transport - Postponed
C1‑061076 S-CSCF handling of terminations when AS modifies the Req-URI Motorola e-mailapproval
C1‑061077 I-CSCF procedure correction Nokia e-mailapproval
C1‑061078 Incorrect requirement on I-CSCF Motorola e-mailapproval
C1‑061079 Incorrect requirement on I-CSCF Motorola e-mailapproval
C1‑061080 Resilience to registration and authentication errors Motorola e-mailapproval
C1‑061081 Amend the playing announcement call flow Huawei e-mailapproval
C1‑061082 Correction of the reference document Huawei Agreed
C1‑061083 Referencing TS 26.141 LM Ericsson e-mailapproval
C1‑061084 WID; Identification of Communication Services in IMS, Stage 3 Ericsson Agreed
C1‑061085 Enhancements for VGCS Applications WID Nortel Agreed
C1‑061086 WID, GRUU – stage 3 CableLabs, Motorola, RIM, Qualcomm, Nortel Agreed
C1‑061087 WID "Multimedia Resource Function Controller (MRFC) – Multimedia Resource Function Processor (MRFP) Mp Interface" Orange Endorsed
C1‑061088 Reply LS on expiration of RRC timer T314 associated to CS RABs CT1 Agreed
C1‑061089 [Draft] CT1 response on DoS attacks through NAS Registration Reject messages 3GPP CT1 Agreed
C1‑061090 LS on UDP encapsulation of IPSec CT1 Agreed
C1‑061091 LS on Concerns about the TISPAN TSs on supplementary services 3GPP CT WG1 Agreed
C1‑061092 LS on documentation of “SMS over IP” in CT1 CT1 Agreed
C1‑061093 One private identity one contact Nokia Agreed
C1‑061094 One private identity one contact Nokia Agreed
C1‑061095 One private identity one contact Nokia Agreed
C1‑061096 3rd-party registration Huawei, Nokia Agreed
C1‑061097 3rd-party registration Huawei, Nokia Agreed
C1‑061098 3rd-party registration Huawei, Nokia Agreed
C1‑061099 Registration of several unrelated public user identities Motorola e-mailapproval
C1‑061100 Group Call Re-establishment by the BSS - e-mailapproval
C1‑061101 Addition of interoperability with RANflex - e-mailapproval
C1‑061102 VBS-A interface link sharing - e-mailapproval
C1‑061103 Optimized delivery of the additional information - e-mailapproval
C1‑061104 Group Call Re-establishment by the BSS Siemens e-mailapproval
C1‑061105 Including IMSI in Send_Group_Call_End_Signal message for VBS - e-mailapproval
C1‑061106 Removal of references to MBMS notification response service type NEC Agreed
C1‑061107 Incorrect handling of messages if truncation is used CT1 Agreed
C1‑061108 Additional text for I-WLAN Private Network Access - Revisedin1114
C1‑061109 Indication of support for Repeated ACCH - Agreed
C1‑061110 Indication of support for Repeated ACCH - Agreed
C1‑061111 Registration of several unrelated public user identities Motorola e-mailapproval
C1‑061112 Re-authentication during deregistration Infineon Technologies Agreed
C1‑061113 Re-authentication during deregistration Infineon Technologies Agreed
C1‑061114 Additional text for I-WLAN Private Network Access NTT DoCoMo, NEC, Nokia, Teliasonera, LG Electronics, Ericsson e-mailapproval
C1‑061115 3)use for one encrypted string all received consecutive header entries subject to encryption, regardless if they appear in separate consecutive headers or if they are consecutive entries in a comma separated list in one header; Nokia Agreed
C1‑061116 Handling of P-Charging-Addresses LM Ericsson Agreed
C1‑061117 Handling of P-Charging-Addresses LM Ericsson Agreed
C1‑061118 P-Asserted-ID Lucent Technologies Agreed
C1‑061119 P-Asserted-ID Lucent Technologies Agreed
C1‑061120 TEL URI associated with emergency IMPU Huawei e-mailapproval
C1‑061121 Emergency call release Lucent Technologies Agreed
C1‑061122 Correction of notation for the signalling flows - e-mailapproval
C1‑061123 - - Agreed
C1‑061124 Emergency service UE-impact - e-mailapproval
C1‑061125 Emergency service E-CSCF impact LM Ericsson e-mailapproval
C1‑061126 Emergency service P-CSCF-impact LM Ericsson, e-mailapproval

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