To update the workplan in the master 3GPP database. Create a new worksheet (named yyyy-mm-dd corresponding to the date of the new workplan file) in the JMM Excel file, copy over title row, split screen then freeze, so title line always visible. Set auto-filter on the title line. Open the latest MS Project file and ensure columns correspond to those of the Excel file above. Copy all columns from the MPP file and paste them into the Excel file. Format all date/time colums to "short date" format. This should be yyyy-mm-dd but might be set differently on your computer. Using the autofilter on the Unique_id field, display only the rows with unique_id value zero, and delete all these rows. Remove the filter to show all rows again. Select the entire range of data (excluding the header row) and copy to the clipboard. Make a backup of the 3GPP Specs Status database (see separate procedure). Open the 3GPP Specs Status database and open the Work Plan form. Click the "Simple" button at the bottom of this form to show a simple tabular view. Close the main work plan form, leaving just the simple view open. Delete all records from the simple view. Paste in all records from the work plan and check for plausibility. Close the simple view. Open the main work plan form again and clock on "update WP form" button. Press the following buttons, in this order: - Set fixed dates for Gantt chart (and on the form which opens, set the end date to at least two years in the future, and the "now" date to the current year and month) - Remove replicate WI acronyms (this may take several minutes to complete) - Add new WID TDocs to history list (answer "yes" to the warning message) - Update the WID TDoc directory (and wait for the FTP script to complete) - Copy internal to external - Back link children to parent WI uid (takes about half a minute to run) - Update WI-Spec relation table: this takes a considerable time to run, and you may prefer to run its three components separately: - from Work Plan only (this may take an hour or more to run) - from Specs only - from CRs only Close the Update form. Work programme updating is normally carried out shortly after a round of plenary TSG meetings. It is frequently the case that new Spec records will have recently been created, and it is now appropriate to associate the new Specs with their Work Items. To do this ... Open the work plan form and identify all recently created specs which are not associated with a primary work item: press the "orphan specs" button. Attempt to automatically associate the specs with their work items based on the WID tdoc identities. For this to be successful, the remarks field of the spec record must start with text of the form xP-nn: WI @ xP-yymmmm where x represents the TSG identity, yy is the two-digit year, and mmmm is the tdoc serial number. This procedure will associate most new specs to their primary work items, but will of course fail if the TDoc identity is wrong, which can happen if the WID was revised subsequently to the creation of the Spec record. In this case, the remarks field should be changed and the adoption process repeated. ...