Last Allocated Document: S2-133865

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Created: 2013-10-03 10:06     START OF LIST

Chair Rx Agenda TD Doc_Type LongTitle Source WI Rev_By Rev_Of LS_Source_file Comment Decision
- - 1 - - Opening of the meeting - - - - - - -
Erik Y 1 S2-133511 OTHER Information for Xiamen Meeting Huawei - This was provided for information and was noted. Noted
- - 2 - - Approval of the agenda - - - - - - -
Erik Y 2 S2-133089 Agenda Draft Agenda for SA WG2#99 SA WG2 Chairman - S2-133510 Revised to S2-133510. Revised
Erik Y 2 S2-133510 Agenda Draft Agenda for SA WG2#99 SA WG2 Chairman - S2-133518 S2-133089 Revised to S2-133518. Revised
Erik Y 2 S2-133518 Agenda Draft Agenda for SA WG2#99 SA WG2 Chairman - S2-133510 Approved. Further updates to the schedule during the week should be expected. Approved
- - 2.1 - - Handling of Postponed Work - - - - - - -
- - 2.2 - - IPR Call Reminder - - - - - - -
- - 3 - - Meeting reports - - - - - - -
Erik Y 3 S2-133367 REPORT SA WG2 Chairman's Report of Decisions Taken at TSG SA#61 SA WG2 Chairman - This was reviewed and noted. Noted
Erik Y 3 S2-133090 REPORT Draft Report of SA WG2 meeting #98 SA WG2 Secretary - The draft report was approved. Approved
- - 4 - - General issues and Incoming LSs - - - - - - -
Erik Y 4 S2-133145 LS In LS from IEEE OmniRAN Study Group: Interpretations of assumptions in chapter 16 of 3GPP TS 23.402 V11.6.0 (2013-03) on the behavior of a Trusted WLAN Access Network IEEE OmniRAN Study Group - S2-132336 omniran-13-0024-01-ecsg The SA WG2 Chairman proposed to note this LS. It was suggested that a response should be created to inform omniRAN that SA WG2 will not propose any work. A short reply was drafted in S2-133519. Final response in S2-133823 Response in S2-133823
Erik Y 4 S2-133519 LS OUT [DRAFT] LS reply on Interpretations of assumptions in chapter 16 of 3GPP TS 23.402 V11.6.0 (2013-03) on the behaviour of a Trusted WLAN Access Network SA WG2 - S2-133823 - Revised to S2-133823. Revised
Erik Y 4 S2-133823 LS OUT LS reply on Interpretations of assumptions in chapter 16 of 3GPP TS 23.402 V11.6.0 (2013-03) on the behaviour of a Trusted WLAN Access Network SA WG2 - S2-133519 - Approved Approved
Erik Y 4 S2-133153 LS In LS from GSMA-RCPG: Response LS to 3GPP SA WG1 on CSFB charging (response to S1-124513) GSMA-RCPG TEI12 S2-132357 RCPG 09_010 SA WG2 Chairman: Noted?. Noted Noted
Erik Y 4 S2-133146 LS In LS from NGNM: List of high level recommendations from NGMN NGNM - S2-132337 2013_04_04_NGMN-Liaison The SA WG2 Chairman proposed to note this LS. This LS was noted. Noted
Erik Y 4 S2-133158 LS In LS from SA WG3: Reply LS on enhancing IMEI based Lawful Interception in IMS SA WG3 - S2-132731 S3-130836 SA WG2 Chairman: Noted?. Noted Noted
Erik Y 4 S2-133160 LS In LS from SA WG3: Reply LS on 'LS on Notifications on Firewall Traversal' from LS Reply SA WG1 S1-133279 SA WG3 - S2-132733 S3-130879 SA WG2 Chairman: Noted?. Noted Noted
Erik Y 4 S2-133162 LS In LS from TSG CT: LS on Removal of OAM8-Trace from Rel-11 TSG CT OAM8-Trace CP-130586 SA WG2 Chairman: Noted?. Noted Noted
Erik Y 4 S2-133163 LS In LS from CT WG1: LS on updating 3GPP IMS to support RFC 6665 CT WG1 UP6665 C1-133496 SA WG2 Chairman: Noted?. Noted Noted
Erik Y 4 S2-133167 LS In LS from CT WG1, CT 3: Reply LS on IMS interconnection Routing CT WG1, CT WG3 - C1-133592 SA WG2 Chairman: Noted?. Noted Noted
Erik Y 4 S2-133169 LS In LS from CT WG3 (CT3): Reply LS on Request for information about activities relating to application driven quality of service available on an end user connection CT WG3 FS_XML_AF_PCRF C3-131148 SA WG2 Chairman: Noted?. Noted Noted
Erik Y 4 S2-133179 LS In LS from TSG GERAN: Reply LS on impact on RIM from LTE-HRPD SON TSG GERAN LTE_HRPD_SON-RIM GP-130842 SA WG2 Chairman: Noted?. Noted Noted
Erik Y 4 S2-133180 LS In LS from GERAN WG2: Reply LS on GERAN Iu mode GERAN WG2 TEI12 GP-130848 SA WG2 Chairman: Noted?. Noted Noted
Erik Y 4 S2-133183 LS In LS from RAN WG2: LS on security aspects of protocol architectures for small cell enhancements RAN WG2 FS_LTE_SC_enh_hilayer R2-133018 SA WG2 Chairman: Noted?. Noted Noted
Erik Y 4 S2-133187 LS In LS from RAN WG3: LS on impact on RIM from LTE-HRPD SON RAN WG3 LTE-HRPD inter RAT SON R3-131545 SA WG2 Chairman: Noted?. Noted Noted
Erik Y 4 S2-133190 LS In LS from RAN WG3: LS Reply on LTE-HRPD SON WID conditional approval RAN WG3 - R3-131611 SA WG2 Chairman: Noted?. Noted Noted
Erik Y 4 S2-133191 LS In LS from RAN WG3: Reply LS on High Priority mobile terminated calls RAN WG3 - R3-131613 SA WG2 Chairman: Noted?. Noted Noted
Erik Y 4 S2-133193 LS In LS from SA WG1: Answer LS to oneM2M on interactions of oneM2M with Underlying Networks SA WG1 SEES S1-134175 SA WG2 Chairman: Noted?. Noted Noted
Erik Y 4 S2-133194 LS In LS from SA WG1: LS on SMSC Usage Restriction SA WG1 TEI11 S1-134179 SA WG2 Chairman: Noted?. Noted Noted
Erik Y 4 S2-133155 LS In LS from GSMA Wi-Fi Roaming Task Force: Wi-Fi Roaming Task Force - Signalling Optimisation GSMA Wi-Fi Roaming Task Force - S2-132525 output LS 3GPP WFA 26062013 It was agreed to forward the LS to SA WG3 Forwarded to SA WG3
Erik Y 4 S2-133154 LS In LS from ETSI STQ: Delay values in 3GPP Rel-12 ETSI STQ - S2-132390 STQ(13)43_056r1 This LS was reviewed and noted. Noted
Erik Y 4 S2-133148 LS In LS from CT WG1: LS on UE Requirements for PSAP callback CT WG1 EMC_PC S2-132345 C1-132674 This was left for off-line checking if there were any CRs to this meeting covering the issue. Postponed to meeting #100 Postponed
Erik Y 4 S2-133157 LS In LS from SA WG3: LS reply on NAT and GIBA SA WG3 - S2-132730 S3-130835 This LS was reviewed and noted. Noted
Erik Y 4 S2-133156 LS In LS from WBA: Liaison Statement to 3GPP SA WG2 and CT WG1 WBA - S2-132724 WBA-LiasionStatement to 3GPP 09072013 Response drafted in S2-133456. Related contributions were provided in S2-133455 and S2-133344. Final response in S2-133824 Response in S2-133824
Erik Y 4 S2-133455 DISCUSSION Discussion paper on Liaison Statement to 3GPP SA WG2 and CT WG1 from WBA Business WG / Next Generation Hotspot Qualcomm Incorporated - This was noted and a proposed reply LS based on this paper was provided in S2-133456. Noted
Erik Y 4 S2-133456 LS OUT [DRAFT] Reply LS to WBA Business WG / Next Generation Hotspot Qualcomm Incorporated - S2-133520 Response to S2-133156. Revised to S2-133520. Revised
Erik Y 4 S2-133520 LS OUT [DRAFT] Reply LS to WBA Business WG / Next Generation Hotspot Qualcomm Incorporated - S2-133824 S2-133456 Revised to S2-133824. Revised
Erik Y 4 S2-133824 LS OUT Reply LS to WBA Business WG / Next Generation Hotspot Qualcomm Incorporated - S2-133520 Approved Approved
Erik Y 4 S2-133176 LS In LS from CT WG4: Reply LS on End-to-end QoS handling of MTSI CT WG4 E2EMTSI C4-131520 This LS was reviewed and noted. Noted
Erik Y 4 S2-133177 LS In LS from CT WG4: LS on new work item on IMS support for RTP / RTCP transport multiplexing CT WG4 - C4-131546 Response drafted in S2-133521. Final response in S2-133825 Response in S2-133825
Erik Y 4 S2-133521 LS OUT [DRAFT] Reply LS to CT WG4 LS on new work item on 'IMS support for RTP / RTCP transport multiplexing' SA WG2 - S2-133825 - Revised to S2-133825. Revised
Erik Y 4 S2-133825 LS OUT Reply LS to CT WG4 LS on new work item on 'IMS support for RTP / RTCP transport multiplexing' SA WG2 - S2-133521 - Approved Approved
Erik Y 4 S2-133178 LS In LS from GERAN WG2: LS on introduction of support for last used E-UTRAN PLMN ID in GERAN GERAN WG2 TEI11 GP-130839 Noted in parallel sessions Noted
Erik Y 4 S2-133344 CR 23.060 CR1819: Core Network Operator selection origin Alcatel-Lucent, TeliaSonera TEI12, SAES S2-133522 This required off-line discussion and was revised in S2-133522 under agenda item 6.1.1 Revised
Erik Y 4 S2-133345 CR 23.251 CR0096: Core Network Operator selection origin Alcatel-Lucent TEI12, SAES S2-133523 This required off-line discussion and was revised in S2-133523 under agenda item 6.1.1. Revised
- - 5 - - Essential Corrections for Pre-Release 12 items - - - - - - -
- - 5.1 - - SAE: 23.401, 23.060; CSFB & SMSoSGs - 23.272; HENB, LIPA_SIPTO, NIMTC, VCSG, SIMTC, FULL_MOCN-GERAN; GWCN_GERAN - - - - - - -
Frank Y 5.1 S2-133192 LS In LS from RAN WG3: LS on clarification of fast return after CSFB RAN WG3 TEI11 R3-131617 Response drafted in S2-133102. Final response in S2-133733 Response in S2-133733
Frank Y 5.1 S2-133102 LS OUT [DRAFT] Reply LS on clarification of fast return after CSFB Huawei, Hisilicon TEI11, SAES-CSFB S2-133558 Response to S2-133192. Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133558. Revised
Frank Y 5.1 S2-133558 LS OUT [DRAFT] Reply LS on clarification of fast return after CSFB SA WG2 TEI11, SAES-CSFB S2-133733 S2-133102 Response to S2-133192. Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133733. Revised
Frank Y 5.1 S2-133733 LS OUT Reply LS on clarification of fast return after CSFB SA WG2 TEI11, SAES-CSFB S2-133558 Response to S2-133192. Agreed in parallel sessions. Approved Approved
Frank Y 5.1 S2-133168 LS In LS from CT WG1: Reply LS on SS service ID used in the Paging message CT WG1 SAES2-CSFB C1-133596 Response to S2-132296. Noted in parallel sessions Noted
Frank Y 5.1 S2-133105 CR 23.272 CR0867R4: SS service ID used in the Paging message Huawei, Hisilicon, Telecom Italia TEI11, SAES-CSFB S2-132182 Resubmission of S2-132182. Agreed in parallel sessions. This CR was agreed Agreed
Frank Y 5.1 S2-133274 CR 23.272 CR0897: SS service ID used in the Paging message Huawei, Hisilicon, Telecom Italia TEI11, SAES-CSFB S2-133559 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133559. Revised
Frank Y 5.1 S2-133559 CR 23.272 CR0897R1: SS service ID used in the Paging message Huawei, Hisilicon, Telecom Italia TEI11, SAES-CSFB S2-133274 Agreed in parallel sessions. This CR was agreed Agreed
Frank Y 5.1 S2-133150 LS In LS from CT WG1: Reply LS on UE’s inconsistent behaviour when PS Back-off timer is running CT WG1 NIMTC S2-132347 C1-132609 Noted in parallel sessions Noted
Frank Y 5.1 S2-133226 CR 23.272 CR0895: Earlier provision of the former last used LTE PLMN ID Ericsson TEI11, SAES-CSFB S2-133543 Source to WG misplaced. Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133543. Revised
Frank Y 5.1 S2-133543 CR 23.272 CR0895R1: Earlier provision of the former last used LTE PLMN ID Ericsson TEI11, SAES-CSFB S2-133560 S2-133226 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133560. Revised
Frank Y 5.1 S2-133560 CR 23.272 CR0895R2: Earlier provision of the former last used LTE PLMN ID Ericsson TEI11, SAES-CSFB S2-133543 Agreed in parallel sessions. This CR was agreed Agreed
Frank Y 5.1 S2-133227 CR 23.272 CR0896: Earlier provision of the former last used LTE PLMN ID Ericsson TEI11, SAES-CSFB S2-133544 Source to WG misplaced. Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133544. Revised
Frank Y 5.1 S2-133544 CR 23.272 CR0896R1: Earlier provision of the former last used LTE PLMN ID Ericsson TEI11, SAES-CSFB S2-133561 S2-133227 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133561. Revised
Frank Y 5.1 S2-133561 CR 23.272 CR0896R2: Earlier provision of the former last used LTE PLMN ID Ericsson TEI11, SAES-CSFB S2-133544 Agreed in parallel sessions. This CR was agreed Agreed
Frank Y 5.1 S2-133391 CR 23.272 CR0898: MME initiated removal of registration of MME for SMS Huawei, Hisilicon TEI11, SIMTC-Reach S2-133562 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133562. Revised
Frank Y 5.1 S2-133562 CR 23.272 CR0898R1: MME initiated removal of registration of MME for SMS Huawei, Hisilicon TEI11, SIMTC-Reach S2-133734 S2-133391 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133734. Revised
Frank Y 5.1 S2-133734 CR 23.272 CR0898R2: MME initiated removal of registration of MME for SMS Huawei, Hisilicon TEI11, SIMTC-Reach S2-133562 This CR was agreed Agreed
Frank Y 5.1 S2-133392 CR 23.272 CR0899: MME initiated removal of registration of MME for SMS Huawei, Hisilicon TEI11, SIMTC-Reach S2-133563 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133563. Revised
Frank Y 5.1 S2-133563 CR 23.272 CR0899R1: MME initiated removal of registration of MME for SMS Huawei, Hisilicon TEI11, SIMTC-Reach S2-133392 This CR was agreed Agreed
Frank Y 5.1 S2-133429 DISCUSSION Missing HRL in Voice Match Procedure NSN TEI11, SAES Noted in parallel sessions Noted
Frank Y 5.1 S2-133430 CR 23.401 CR2618: Adding HRL to Match Procedure NSN TEI11, SAES Not Handled -
Frank Y 5.1 S2-133431 CR 23.401 CR2619: Adding HRL to Match Procedure NSN TEI11, SAES Not Handled -
Frank Y 5.1 S2-133432 CR 23.060 CR1823: Adding Access Restriction (i.e. SNA Access Information) to Match Procedure NSN TEI11, SAES Not Handled -
Frank Y 5.1 S2-133433 CR 23.060 CR1824: Adding Access Restriction (i.e. SNA Access Information) to Match Procedure NSN TEI11, SAES Not Handled -
Frank Y 5.1 S2-133106 CR 23.401 CR2591: The provision of IPv6 prefix length to SGW China Telecom, China Mobile, Huawei, Hisilicon TEI11,SAES Noted in parallel sessions Noted
Frank Y 5.1 S2-133107 CR 23.401 CR2592: The provision of IPv6 prefix length to SGW China Telecom, China Mobile, Huawei, Hisilicon TEI11,SAES Noted in parallel sessions Noted
Frank Y 5.1 S2-133108 CR 23.060 CR1808: The provision of IPv6 prefix length to SGSN China Telecom, China Mobile, Huawei, Hisilicon TEI11,SAES Noted in parallel sessions Noted
Frank Y 5.1 S2-133109 CR 23.060 CR1809: The provision of IPv6 prefix length to SGSN China Telecom, China Mobile, Huawei, Hisilicon TEI11,SAES Noted in parallel sessions Noted
Frank Y 5.1 S2-133103 CR 23.401 CR2589: Clarification on the handling non-MM message during handover Huawei, Hisilicon TEI11,SAES S2-133565 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133565. Revised
Frank Y 5.1 S2-133565 CR 23.401 CR2589R1: Clarification on the handling non-MM message during handover Huawei, Hisilicon TEI11,SAES S2-133103 This CR was agreed Agreed
Frank Y 5.1 S2-133104 CR 23.401 CR2590: Clarification on the handling non-MM message during handover Huawei, Hisilicon TEI11,SAES S2-133566 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133566. Revised
Frank Y 5.1 S2-133566 CR 23.401 CR2590R1: Clarification on the handling non-MM message during handover Huawei, Hisilicon TEI11,SAES S2-133104 This CR was agreed Agreed
Frank Y 5.1 S2-133209 DISCUSSION Discussion on enhanced relocation in GWCN deployments Samsung TEI11 Noted in parallel sessions Noted
Frank Y 5.1 S2-133210 CR 23.060 CR1812: Enhanced relocation in GWCN deployments Samsung TEI11 Noted in parallel sessions Noted
Frank Y 5.1 S2-133211 CR 23.060 CR1813: Enhanced relocation in GWCN deployments Samsung TEI11 Noted in parallel sessions Noted
Frank Y 5.1 S2-133212 CR 23.251 CR0095: Enhanced relocation in GWCN deployments Samsung TEI11 S2-133567 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133567. Revised
Frank Y 5.1 S2-133567 CR 23.251 CR0095R1: Enhanced relocation in GWCN deployments Samsung TEI11 S2-133833 S2-133212 Revised to S2-133833. Revised
Frank Y 5.1 S2-133833 CR 23.251 CR0095R2: Enhanced relocation in GWCN deployments Samsung TEI11 S2-133567 This CR was agreed Agreed
Frank Y 5.1 S2-133223 CR 23.272 CR0894: Mobile terminating CS services and LU to new MSC Ericsson TEI12 Noted in parallel sessions Noted
Frank Y 5.1 S2-133411 CR 23.401 CR2615: Local deactivation of ISR to resume packet services Intel, Alcatel-Lucent TEI11 Agreed in parallel sessions. This CR was agreed Agreed
Frank Y 5.1 S2-133412 CR 23.401 CR2616: Local deactivation of ISR to resume packet services Intel, Alcatel-Lucent TEI11 Agreed in parallel sessions. This CR was agreed Agreed
Frank Y 5.1 S2-133413 CR 23.272 CR0886R2: Correction of resume procedure after CSFB Intel, Alcatel-Lucent TEI11, SAES-CSFB S2-132796 Agreed in parallel sessions. This CR was agreed Agreed
Frank Y 5.1 S2-133414 CR 23.272 CR0901: Correction of resume procedure after CSFB Intel, Alcatel-Lucent TEI11, SAES-CSFB Agreed in parallel sessions. This CR was agreed Agreed
Frank Y 5.1 S2-133423 CR 23.272 CR0902: CS MO indication to VLR via SGs NSN, Ericsson TEI11, SAES-CSFB Noted in parallel sessions Noted
Frank Y 5.1 S2-133424 CR 23.272 CR0903: CS MO indication to VLR via SGs NSN, Ericsson TEI11, SAES-CSFB Noted in parallel sessions Noted
Frank Y 5.1 S2-133439 CR 23.401 CR2620: Fix downlink packet delivery failure due to crash with mobility event NEC TEI11, SAES S2-133572 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133572. Revised
Frank Y 5.1 S2-133572 CR 23.401 CR2620R1: Fix downlink packet delivery failure due to crash with mobility event NEC TEI11, SAES S2-133721 S2-133439 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133721. Revised
Frank Y 5.1 S2-133721 CR 23.401 CR2620R2: Fix downlink packet delivery failure due to crash with mobility event NEC TEI11, SAES S2-133738 S2-133572 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133738. Revised
Frank Y 5.1 S2-133738 CR 23.401 CR2620R3: Fix downlink packet delivery failure due to crash with mobility event NEC TEI11, SAES S2-133721 This CR was agreed Agreed
Frank Y 5.1 S2-133440 CR 23.401 CR2621: Fix downlink packet delivery failure due to crash with mobility event NEC TEI11, SAES S2-133573 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133573. Revised
Frank Y 5.1 S2-133573 CR 23.401 CR2621R1: Fix downlink packet delivery failure due to crash with mobility event NEC TEI11, SAES S2-133722 S2-133440 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133722. Revised
Frank Y 5.1 S2-133722 CR 23.401 CR2621R2: Fix downlink packet delivery failure due to crash with mobility event NEC TEI11, SAES S2-133739 S2-133573 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133739. Revised
Frank Y 5.1 S2-133739 CR 23.401 CR2621R3: Fix downlink packet delivery failure due to crash with mobility event NEC TEI11, SAES S2-133722 This CR was agreed Agreed
Frank Y 5.1 S2-133564 LS OUT [DRAFT] LS on the provision of IPv6 prefix length to SGW/SGSN SA WG2 TEI10, SAES S2-133735 - Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133735. Revised
Frank Y 5.1 S2-133735 LS OUT [DRAFT] LS on the provision of IPv6 prefix length to SGW/SGSN SA WG2 TEI10, SAES S2-133832 S2-133564 - Revised to S2-133832. Revised
Frank Y 5.1 S2-133832 LS OUT LS on the provision of IPv6 prefix length to SGW/SGSN SA WG2 TEI10, SAES S2-133735 - Approved Approved
Frank Y 5.1 S2-133568 LS OUT [DRAFT] LS on Roaming Forwarding of signalling for CS fall back SA WG2 - S2-133737 - Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133737. Revised
Frank Y 5.1 S2-133737 LS OUT [DRAFT] LS on Roaming Forwarding of signalling for CS fall back SA WG2 - S2-133834 S2-133568 - Revised to S2-133834. Revised
Frank Y 5.1 S2-133834 LS OUT LS on Roaming Forwarding of signalling for CS fall back SA WG2 TEI12 S2-133737 - Approved Approved
- - 5.2 - - SAE: QoS and PCC aspects; PEST, eVocoder, policy related aspects of other WIs, etc. Rel-11 PCC/QoS: SAPP, QoS_SSL, SIRIG - - - - - - -
Ivano Y 5.2 S2-133170 LS In LS from CT WG3: LS on bearer binding for the PCC rule with application identifier CT WG3 SAPP-CT3 C3-131299 Responses drafted in S2-133217 and S2-133403. Postponed in parallel sessions Postponed
Ivano Y 5.2 S2-133214 DISCUSSION Discussion on bearer binding for the PCC rule with application identifier ZTE - Not Handled Not Handled
Ivano Y 5.2 S2-133215 CR 23.203 CR0847: Correction to the bearer binding for the PCC rule with application identifier ZTE SAPP Not Handled -
Ivano Y 5.2 S2-133216 CR 23.203 CR0848: Correction to the bearer binding for the PCC rule with application identifier ZTE SAPP Not Handled -
Ivano Y 5.2 S2-133217 LS OUT [DRAFT] Reply LS on bearer binding for the PCC rule with application identifier ZTE SAPP S2-133602 Response to S2-133170. Revised offline before presentation to capture the results of the drafting session that took place on Tuesday at lunch time. Revised to S2-133602. Revised
Ivano N 5.2 S2-133602 LS OUT [DRAFT] Reply LS on bearer binding for the PCC rule with application identifier ZTE SAPP S2-133217 Response to S2-133170. WITHDRAWN Withdrawn
Ivano Y 5.2 S2-133140 CR 23.203 CR0843: clarification for bearer binding for the PCC rule with application identifier China Mobile SAPP Not Handled -
Ivano Y 5.2 S2-133141 CR 23.203 CR0844: clarification for bearer binding for the PCC rule with application identifier China Mobile SAPP Not Handled -
Ivano N 5.2 S2-133403 LS OUT [DRAFT] Reply LS on bearer binding for PCC rules with application identifier Cisco - Response to S2-133170. LATE DOC:. WITHDRAWN Withdrawn
Ivano Y 5.2 S2-133165 LS In LS from CT WG1: Reply LS on uplink packet filters CT WG1 TEI11, SAES C1-133546 Response drafted in S2-133622. Final response in S2-133840 Response in S2-133840
Ivano Y 5.2 S2-133236 CR 23.060 CR1800R2: Definition for a valid state of the TFT setting Ericsson TEI11, SAES S2-133620 S2-132926 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133620. Revised
Ivano Y 5.2 S2-133620 CR 23.060 CR1800R3: Definition for a valid state of the TFT setting Ericsson TEI11, SAES S2-133793 S2-133236 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133793. Revised
Ivano Y 5.2 S2-133793 CR 23.060 CR1800R4: Definition for a valid state of the TFT setting Ericsson TEI11, SAES S2-133841 S2-133620 Revised to S2-133841. Revised
Ivano Y 5.2 S2-133841 CR 23.060 CR1800R5: Definition for a valid state of the TFT setting Ericsson TEI11, SAES S2-133793 Reviewed and technically endorsed Technically Endorsed
Ivano Y 5.2 S2-133237 CR 23.060 CR1801R2: Definition for a valid state of the TFT setting Ericsson TEI11, SAES S2-133621 S2-132927 Resubmission of S2-132927. Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133621. Revised
Ivano N 5.2 S2-133621 CR 23.060 CR1801R3: Definition for a valid state of the TFT setting Ericsson TEI11, SAES S2-133237 WITHDRAWN Withdrawn
Ivano Y 5.2 S2-133238 CR 23.203 CR0824R3: PCC support for unidirectional downlink flows in NW-initiated procedures Ericsson TEI11, SAES S2-133618 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133618. Revised
Ivano Y 5.2 S2-133618 CR 23.203 CR0824R4: PCC support for unidirectional downlink flows in NW-initiated procedures Ericsson TEI11, SAES S2-133794 S2-133238 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133794. Revised
Ivano Y 5.2 S2-133794 CR 23.203 CR0824R5: PCC support for unidirectional downlink flows in NW-initiated procedures Ericsson TEI11, SAES S2-133618 This was reviewed and technically endorsed. Technically Endorsed
Ivano Y 5.2 S2-133239 CR 23.203 CR0825R2: PCC support for unidirectional downlink flows in NW-initiated procedures Ericsson TEI11, SAES S2-133619 S2-132935 Resubmission of S2-132935. Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133619. Revised
Ivano N 5.2 S2-133619 CR 23.203 CR0825R3: PCC support for unidirectional downlink flows in NW-initiated procedures Ericsson TEI11, SAES S2-133239 WITHDRAWN Withdrawn
Ivano Y 5.2 S2-133240 CR 23.401 CR2553R4: DL traffic mapping alignment with 23.060 Ericsson TEI11, SAES S2-133614 S2-133054 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133614. Revised
Ivano Y 5.2 S2-133614 CR 23.401 CR2553R5: DL traffic mapping alignment with 23.060 Ericsson TEI11, SAES S2-133839 S2-133240 Revised to S2-133839. Revised
Ivano Y 5.2 S2-133839 CR 23.401 CR2553R6: DL traffic mapping alignment with 23.060 Ericsson TEI11, SAES S2-133614 This CR was agreed Agreed
Ivano Y 5.2 S2-133241 CR 23.401 CR2554R3: DL traffic mapping alignment with 23.060 Ericsson TEI11, SAES S2-133615 S2-132932 Resubmission of S2-132932. Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133615. Revised
Ivano Y 5.2 S2-133615 CR 23.401 CR2554R4: DL traffic mapping alignment with 23.060 Ericsson TEI11, SAES S2-133241 This CR was agreed Agreed
Ivano Y 5.2 S2-133242 CR 23.401 CR2596: Handling of uplink packet filters and definition for a valid state of the TFT setting Ericsson TEI11, SAES S2-133616 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133616. Revised
Ivano Y 5.2 S2-133616 CR 23.401 CR2596R1: Handling of uplink packet filters and definition for a valid state of the TFT setting Ericsson TEI11, SAES S2-133242 This was reviewed and technically endorsed. Technically Endorsed
Ivano Y 5.2 S2-133243 CR 23.401 CR2597: Handling of uplink packet filters and definition for a valid state of the TFT setting Ericsson TEI11, SAES S2-133617 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133617. Revised
Ivano N 5.2 S2-133617 CR 23.401 CR2597R1: Handling of uplink packet filters and definition for a valid state of the TFT setting Ericsson TEI11, SAES S2-133243 WITHDRAWN Withdrawn
Ivano Y 5.2 S2-133142 CR 23.203 CR0845: Correction of PCRF discovery and selection in the presence of NAT devices and overlapping address space China Mobile, Huawei, ZTE TEI11, SAES S2-133611 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133611. Revised
Ivano Y 5.2 S2-133611 CR 23.203 CR0845R1: Correction of PCRF discovery and selection in the presence of NAT devices and overlapping address space China Mobile, Huawei, ZTE TEI11, SAES S2-133142 Not Handled -
Ivano Y 5.2 S2-133143 CR 23.203 CR0846: Correction of PCRF discovery and selection in the presence of NAT devices and overlapping address space China Mobile, Huawei, ZTE TEI11, SAES S2-133612 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133612. Revised
Ivano Y 5.2 S2-133612 CR 23.203 CR0846R1: Correction of PCRF discovery and selection in the presence of NAT devices and overlapping address space China Mobile, Huawei, ZTE TEI11, SAES S2-133143 Not Handled -
Ivano Y 5.2 S2-133622 LS OUT [DRAFT] Reply to LS from CT WG1 on uplink packet filters SA WG2 TEI11, SAES S2-133840 Response to S2-133165. Revised to S2-133840. Revised
Ivano Y 5.2 S2-133840 LS OUT Reply to LS from CT WG1 on uplink packet filters SA WG2 TEI11, SAES S2-133622 Response to S2-133165. Approved Approved
Ivano Y 5.2 S2-133800 REPORT Chairman's Notes Non-3GPP, PCC/QoS, FS_CNO ULI and IMS parallel sessions Convenor (Telecom Italia) - This was provided for information and was noted. Noted
- - 5.3 - - SAE: 23.402 (including eANDSF, MUPSAP, MAPCON, FlowMob, SMOG), DIDA, LOBSTER, SaMOG_WLAN, BBAI I, II - - - - - - -
Ivano Y 5.3 S2-133382 CR 23.402 CR1168R1: Removal of ISMP rules with active/idle validity Motorola Mobility TEI11 S2-132601 Resubmission of S2-132601. Agreed in parallel sessions. This CR was agreed Agreed
Ivano Y 5.3 S2-133383 CR 23.402 CR1169R1: Removal of ISMP rules with active/idle validity Motorola Mobility TEI11 S2-132602 Resubmission of S2-132602. Agreed in parallel sessions. This CR was agreed Agreed
- - 5.4 - - Other + IMS Related: 23.216, 23.237, 23.167, 23.228 (e.g. Emergency, eMBMS, eMPS, SRVCC etc.), rSRVCC, NOVES-IMSESOM, NetLoc, RAVEL, vSRVCC, eMPS_SRVCC - - - - - - -
Frank Y 5.4 S2-133557 LS OUT [DRAFT] LS on CSFB-interaction between eMPS and emergency SA WG2 eMPS S2-133745 - Revised in S2-133745 Revised
Frank Y 5.4 S2-133745 LS OUT LS on CSFB-interaction between eMPS and emergency SA WG2 eMPS S2-133557 - Approved Approved
Frank Y 5.4 S2-133717 LS OUT [DRAFT] LS on CSFB CS MO indication with SGsAP-SERVICE-REQUEST SA WG2 TEI11, SAES-CSFB S2-133736 - Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133736. Revised
Frank Y 5.4 S2-133736 LS OUT LS on CSFB CS MO indication with SGsAP-SERVICE-REQUEST SA WG2 TEI11, SAES-CSFB S2-133717 - Agreed in parallel sessions. Approved Approved
Frank Y 5.4 S2-133719 LS OUT Response LS on Provisioning of E-UTRA Radio Capabilities in GERAN SA WG2 rSRVCC S2-133836 - Revised to S2-133836. Revised
Frank Y 5.4 S2-133836 LS OUT Response LS on Provisioning of E-UTRA Radio Capabilities in GERAN SA WG2 rSRVCC S2-133719 - Response to S2-131663/S2-132342. Approved Approved
Frank Y 5.4 S2-133166 LS In LS from CT WG1: Reply LS on providing access network information for charging CT WG1 IMSProtoc6 C1-133548 Postponed to meeting #100 Postponed
Frank Y 5.4 S2-133172 LS In LS from CT WG4: LS on eMBMS service restoration CT WG4 eMBMS C4-131415 Noted in parallel sessions Noted
Frank Y 5.4 S2-133265 CR 23.167 CR0235: Receiving appropriate emergency information in SIP 380 response BlackBerry UK Ltd. IMS_EMER_GPRS_EPS Noted in parallel sessions Noted
Frank Y 5.4 S2-133266 CR 23.167 CR0236: Receiving appropriate emergency information in SIP 380 response BlackBerry UK Ltd IMS_EMER_GPRS_EPS Noted in parallel sessions Noted
Frank Y 5.4 S2-133267 CR 23.167 CR0237: Receiving appropriate emergency information in SIP 380 response BlackBerry UK Ltd IMS_EMER_GPRS_EPS Noted in parallel sessions Noted
Frank Y 5.4 S2-133313 CR 23.167 CR0246: Addition of Emergency URN in 380 response NTT DOCOMO IMS_EMER_GPRS_EPS Noted in parallel sessions Noted
Frank Y 5.4 S2-133314 CR 23.167 CR0247: Addition of Emergency URN in 380 response NTT DOCOMO IMS_EMER_GPRS_EPS Noted in parallel sessions Noted
Frank Y 5.4 S2-133315 CR 23.167 CR0248: Addition of Emergency URN in 380 response NTT DOCOMO IMS_EMER_GPRS_EPS Noted in parallel sessions Noted
Frank Y 5.4 S2-133316 CR 23.167 CR0249: Treatment of a 380 Response for an undetected IMS Emergency Call Qualcomm Inc. IMS_EMER_GPRS_EPS S2-133554 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133554. Revised
Frank Y 5.4 S2-133554 CR 23.167 CR0249R1: Treatment of a 380 Response for an undetected IMS Emergency Call Qualcomm Inc. IMS_EMER_GPRS_EPS S2-133835 S2-133316 Revised to S2-133835. Revised
Frank Y 5.4 S2-133835 CR 23.167 CR0249R2: Treatment of a 380 Response for an undetected IMS Emergency Call Qualcomm Inc., Nokia, Deutsche Telekom IMS_EMER_GPRS_EPS S2-133554 This CR was agreed Agreed
Frank Y 5.4 S2-133317 CR 23.167 CR0250: Treatment of a 380 Response for an undetected IMS Emergency Call Qualcomm Inc. IMS_EMER_GPRS_EPS S2-133555 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133555. Revised
Frank Y 5.4 S2-133555 CR 23.167 CR0250R1: Treatment of a 380 Response for an undetected IMS Emergency Call Qualcomm Inc., Nokia, Deutsche Telekom IMS_EMER_GPRS_EPS S2-133317 This CR was agreed Agreed
Frank Y 5.4 S2-133318 CR 23.167 CR0251: Treatment of a 380 Response for an undetected IMS Emergency Call Qualcomm Inc. IMS_EMER_GPRS_EPS S2-133556 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133556. Revised
Frank Y 5.4 S2-133556 CR 23.167 CR0251R1: Treatment of a 380 Response for an undetected IMS Emergency Call Qualcomm Inc., Nokia, Deutsche Telekom IMS_EMER_GPRS_EPS S2-133318 This CR was agreed Agreed
Frank Y 5.4 S2-133268 DISCUSSION Inconsistency between TS 22.101, TS 23.167 and TS 24.229 regarding emergency service types and privacy. BlackBerry UK Ltd. IMS_EMER_GPRS_EPS Not Handled Not Handled
Frank Y 5.4 S2-133269 CR 23.167 CR0238: Correcting inconsistency between TS 22.101, TS 23.167 and TS 24.229 regarding emergency service types and privacy. BlackBerry UK Ltd. IMS_EMER_GPRS_EPS Not Handled -
Frank Y 5.4 S2-133270 CR 23.167 CR0239: Correcting inconsistency between TS 22.101, TS 23.167 and TS 24.229 regarding emergency service types and privacy. BlackBerry UK Ltd IMS_EMER_GPRS_EPS Not Handled -
Frank Y 5.4 S2-133271 CR 23.167 CR0240: Correcting inconsistency between TS 22.101, TS 23.167 and TS 24.229 regarding emergency service types and privacy. BlackBerry UK Ltd IMS_EMER_GPRS_EPS Not Handled -
Frank Y 5.4 S2-133307 Presentation Discussion on UE behaviour after rejecting Non UE detectable emergency call in IMS NTT DOCOMO, Qualcomm, Deutsche Telekom, SOFTBANK MOBILE, NSN, Sharp, NEC, Fujitsu, Hitachi EMC1 S2-133545 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133545. Revised
Frank Y 5.4 S2-133545 Presentation Discussion on UE behaviour after rejecting Non UE detectable emergency call in IMS NTT DOCOMO, Qualcomm Inc. Deutsche Telekom, SOFBANK MOBILE, NSN, Sharp, NEC, Fujitsu, Hitachi EMC1 S2-133307 Noted in parallel sessions Noted
Frank Y 5.4 S2-133308 CR 23.167 CR0241: Support of non UE detectable emergency call with prefix NTT DOCOMO, Deutsche Telekom, SOFTBANK MOBILE, NSN, Sharp, NEC, Fujitsu, Hitachi TEI7 Noted in parallel sessions Noted
Frank Y 5.4 S2-133309 CR 23.167 CR0242: Support of non UE detectable emergency call with prefix NTT DOCOMO, Deutsche Telekom, SOFTBANK MOBILE, NSN, Sharp, NEC, Fujitsu, Hitachi TEI7 Noted in parallel sessions Noted
Frank Y 5.4 S2-133310 CR 23.167 CR0243: Support of non UE detectable emergency call with prefix NTT DOCOMO, Deutsche Telekom, SOFTBANK MOBILE, NSN, Sharp, NEC, Fujitsu, Hitachi TEI7 Not Handled -
Frank Y 5.4 S2-133311 CR 23.167 CR0244: Support of non UE detectable emergency call with prefix NTT DOCOMO, Deutsche Telekom, NSN, SOFTBANK MOBILE, Sharp, NEC, Fujitsu, Hitachi TEI7 Not Handled -
Frank Y 5.4 S2-133312 CR 23.167 CR0245: Support of non UE detectable emergency call with prefix NTT DOCOMO, Deutsche Telekom, SOFTBANK MOBILE, NSN, Sharp,NEC, Fujitsu, Hitachi TEI7 Not Handled -
Frank Y 5.4 S2-133425 DISCUSSION CSFB-interaction between eMPS (priority service) and emergency NSN, Huawei eMPS Noted in parallel sessions Noted
Frank Y 5.4 S2-133426 CR 23.272 CR0904: Alignment of CSFB/emergency and eMPS (priority service) NSN, Huawei eMPS Noted in parallel sessions Noted
Frank Y 5.4 S2-133427 CR 23.272 CR0905: Alignment of CSFB/emergency and eMPS (priority service) NSN, Huawei eMPS Noted in parallel sessions Noted
Frank Y 5.4 S2-133228 DISCUSSION Discussion on transfer of UE E-UTRA capability information for rSRVCC Ericsson rSRVCC Noted in parallel sessions Noted
Frank Y 5.4 S2-133428 DISCUSSION Discussion on UE E-UTRA capability information handling from GERAN to LTE for rSRVCC NSN rSRVCC 7 companies prefer alternative A, 2 companies prefer alternative B. Noted in parallel sessions Noted
Frank Y 5.4 S2-133110 CR 23.237 CR0468: Correction in the definition of Pre-alerting state Huawei, Hisilicon TEI12 S2-133720 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133720. Revised
Frank Y 5.4 S2-133720 CR 23.237 CR0468R1: Correction in the definition of Pre-alerting state Huawei, Hisilicon TEI12 S2-133110 Agreed in parallel sessions. This CR was agreed Agreed
- - 5.5 - - IMS: 23.228, 23.237, 23.292 (e.g. IMS, Service continuity, Centralized Services) - - - - - - -
Ivano Y 5.5 S2-133337 CR 23.216 CR0320: Race Conditions in SRVCC with PS HO Alcatel-Lucent TEI11, SAES-SRVCC S2-133627 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133627. Revised
Ivano Y 5.5 S2-133627 CR 23.216 CR0320R1: Race Conditions in SRVCC with PS HO Alcatel-Lucent TEI11, SAES-SRVCC S2-133337 Agreed in parallel sessions. This CR was agreed Agreed
Ivano Y 5.5 S2-133338 CR 23.216 CR0321: Race Conditions in SRVCC with PS HO Alcatel-Lucent TEI11, SAES-SRVCC Unnecessary Rel-12 mirror (no Rel-12 version created yet). WITHDRAWN Withdrawn
- - 6 - - Release 12 - - - - - - -
- - 6.1 - - Release 12 Maintenance (for WIDs that complete before the conclusion of Release 12) - - - - - - -
- - 6.1.1 - - 3GPP Packet Access: LIPA Mobility and SIPTO at the Local Network (LIMONET) - - - - - - -
Erik Y 6.1.1 S2-133196 LS In LS from SA WG5: LS to SA2 and CT4 on Charging aspects for Network Sharing (MOCN GWCN) SA WG5 CH8 S5-131380 Response drafted in S2-133346. This was postponed to meeting #100 Postponed
Erik N 6.1.1 S2-133522 CR 23.060 CR1819R1: Core Network Operator selection origin Alcatel-Lucent, TeliaSonera TEI12, SAES S2-133344 Revision of S2-133344 which was discussed under agenda item 4. WITHDRAWN Withdrawn
Erik N 6.1.1 S2-133523 CR 23.251 CR0096R1: Core Network Operator selection origin Alcatel-Lucent TEI12, SAES S2-133345 Revision of S2-133345 which was discussed under agenda item 4. WITHDRAWN Withdrawn
Erik Y 6.1.1 S2-133346 LS OUT [DRAFT] Reply to LS (S5-131380) on Charging aspects for Network Sharing (MOCN GWCN) Alcatel-Lucent - Response to S2-133196. This was left for discussion in parallel sessions.
Erik Y 6.1.1 S2-133249 DISCUSSION PGW-SGW-charging-alignment in downlink Ericsson, Cisco, Alcatel-Lucent, Verizon TEI12 S2-131085 Resubmission of S2-131085. This was reviewed and noted and the related CR was reviewed. Noted
Erik Y 6.1.1 S2-133250 CR 23.401 CR2598: PGW-SGW-charging-alignment in downlink Ericsson, Alcatel Lucent, Cisco?, Verizon TEI12 S2-133571 LATE DOC: Rx 18/09, 16:50. This needed further consideration and was left for off-line discussion under agenda item 6.1.1. Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133571. Revised
Erik Y 6.1.1 S2-133571 CR 23.401 CR2598R1: PGW-SGW-charging-alignment in downlink Ericsson, Alcatel Lucent, Cisco?, Verizon TEI12 S2-133784 S2-133250 Revised to S2-133784. Revised
Erik Y 6.1.1 S2-133784 CR 23.401 CR2598R2: PGW-SGW-charging-alignment in downlink Ericsson, Alcatel Lucent, Cisco?, Verizon TEI12 S2-133838 S2-133571 Revised to S2-133838. Revised
Erik Y 6.1.1 S2-133838 CR 23.401 CR2598R3: PGW-SGW-charging-alignment in downlink Ericsson, Alcatel Lucent, Cisco, Verizon TEI12 S2-133855 S2-133784 Revised to S2-133855. Revised
Erik Y 6.1.1 S2-133855 CR 23.401 CR2598R4: PGW-SGW-charging-alignment in downlink Ericsson, Alcatel Lucent, Cisco, Verizon TEI12 S2-133838 This CR was agreed Agreed
Frank Y 6.1.1 S2-133151 LS In LS from CT WG4: LS on Progress of work item Dia_SGSN_GMLC CT WG4 Dia_SGSN_GMLC S2-132351 C4-130842 Response drafted in S2-133094. Final response in S2-133852 Response in S2-133852
Frank Y 6.1.1 S2-133092 DISCUSSION Lgd: Issues and Way Forward Cisco Dia_SGSN_GMLC Noted in parallel sessions Noted
Frank Y 6.1.1 S2-133093 CR 23.271 CR0400: Introduction of Lgd Cisco Dia_SGSN_GMLC S2-133546 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133546. Revised
Frank Y 6.1.1 S2-133546 CR 23.271 CR0400R1: Introduction of Lgd Cisco Dia_SGSN_GMLC S2-133723 S2-133093 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133723. Revised
Frank Y 6.1.1 S2-133723 CR 23.271 CR0400R2: Introduction of Lgd Cisco Dia_SGSN_GMLC S2-133546 Agreed in parallel sessions. This CR was agreed Agreed
Frank Y 6.1.1 S2-133094 LS OUT [DRAFT] LS response to CT WG4 LS on Progress of work item Dia_SGSN_GMLC Cisco Dia_SGSN_GMLC S2-133547 Response to S2-133151. Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133547. Revised
Frank Y 6.1.1 S2-133547 LS OUT [DRAFT] LS response to CT WG4 LS on Progress of work item Dia_SGSN_GMLC Cisco Dia_SGSN_GMLC S2-133724 S2-133094 Response to S2-133151. Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133724. Revised
Frank Y 6.1.1 S2-133724 LS OUT [DRAFT] LS response to CT WG4 LS on Progress of work item Dia_SGSN_GMLC SA WG2 Dia_SGSN_GMLC S2-133852 S2-133547 Revised to S2-133852. Revised
Frank Y 6.1.1 S2-133852 LS OUT LS response to CT WG4 LS on Progress of work item Dia_SGSN_GMLC SA WG2 Dia_SGSN_GMLC S2-133724 Approved Approved
Frank N 6.1.1 S2-133095 CR 23.271 CR0401: Lgd Optimization Cisco Dia_SGSN_GMLC LATE DOC: Withdrawn by MCC as not provided Withdrawn
Frank Y 6.1.1 S2-133174 LS In LS from CT WG4: LS OUT on Rollback Behaviour in EPC during TAU/RAU rejection CT WG4 TEI12 C4-131514 Postponed in parallel sessions to meeting#100 Postponed
Frank Y 6.1.1 S2-133175 LS In LS from CT WG4: LS on Signalling Optimisation during I-RAT RAU/TAU procedures CT WG4 TEI12 C4-131515 Noted in parallel sessions Noted
Frank Y 6.1.1 S2-133182 LS In LS from RAN WG2: Reply LS on Access control for UEs in RRC CONNECTED mode RAN WG2 SSAC, TEI12 R2-133014 Response drafted in S2-133408. Final response in S2-133550 Response in S2-133550
Frank Y 6.1.1 S2-133408 LS OUT [DRAFT] Reply LS on Access control for UEs in RRC CONNECTED mode NTT DOCOMO - S2-133550 Response to S2-133182. Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133550. Revised
Frank Y 6.1.1 S2-133550 LS OUT Reply LS on Access control for UEs in RRC CONNECTED mode SA WG2 - S2-133408 Agreed in parallel sessions. Approved Approved
Frank Y 6.1.1 S2-133152 LS In LS from RAN WG3: LS on Local Network ID and Mobility RAN WG3 LIMONET-RAN-Core S2-132353 R3-131174 Response drafted in S2-133524. Final response in S2-133729 Response in S2-133729
Frank Y 6.1.1 S2-133524 LS OUT [DRAFT] LS on Local Network ID and Mobility SA WG2 LIMONET-RAN-Core S2-133729 Response to S2-133152. Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133729. Revised
Frank Y 6.1.1 S2-133729 LS OUT Reply LS on Local Network ID and Mobility SA WG2 LIMONET-RAN-Core S2-133524 Agreed in parallel sessions. Approved Approved
Frank Y 6.1.1 S2-133135 CR 23.060 CR1810: Addition of Diameter Gdd interface for SMS with SGSN Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell Dia_SGSN_SMS S2-133548 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133548. Revised
Frank Y 6.1.1 S2-133548 CR 23.060 CR1810R1: Addition of Diameter Gdd interface for SMS with SGSN Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell Dia_SGSN_SMS S2-133135 Agreed in parallel sessions. This CR was agreed Agreed
Frank Y 6.1.1 S2-133136 CR 23.002 CR0267: Addition of Diameter Gdd interface for SMS with SGSN Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell Dia_SGSN_SMS S2-133549 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133549. Revised
Frank Y 6.1.1 S2-133549 CR 23.002 CR0267R1: Addition of Diameter Gdd interface for SMS with SGSN Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell Dia_SGSN_SMS S2-133136 Agreed in parallel sessions. This CR was agreed Agreed
Frank Y 6.1.1 S2-133137 CR 23.204 CR0104: IP-SM-GW and Gdd interface Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell Dia_SGSN_SMS Agreed in parallel sessions. This CR was agreed Agreed
Frank Y 6.1.1 S2-133253 DISCUSSION LAPI for NNSF Samsung TEI12 Noted in parallel sessions Noted
Frank Y 6.1.1 S2-133254 CR 23.401 CR2599: Load re-balancing functionality in the MME for UEs configured for low access priority Samsung TEI12 S2-133551 Noted in parallel sessions. Discussion resulted in New CR 2624 created in S2-133551 Noted
Frank Y 6.1.1 S2-133551 CR 23.401 CR2624: Correction on the network management functions Samsung TEI12 S2-133254 Created from S2-133254 in parallel sessions. Agreed in parallel sessions. This CR was agreed Agreed
Frank Y 6.1.1 S2-133189 LS In LS from RAN WG3: Reply LS on LAPI for NNSF RAN WG3 - R3-131606 Responses drafted in S2-133255 and S2-133291, revised in S2-133255. Final response in S2-133853 Response in S2-133853
Frank Y 6.1.1 S2-133255 LS OUT [Draft] Reply LS on LAPI for NNSF Samsung TEI12 S2-133552 Response to S2-133189. Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133552. Revised
Frank Y 6.1.1 S2-133552 LS OUT [Draft] Reply LS on LAPI for NNSF Samsung TEI12 S2-133726 S2-133255 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133726. Revised
Frank Y 6.1.1 S2-133726 LS OUT [Draft] Reply LS on LAPI for NNSF SA WG2 TEI12 S2-133853 S2-133552 Revised to S2-133853. Revised
Frank Y 6.1.1 S2-133853 LS OUT Reply LS on LAPI for NNSF SA WG2 TEI12 S2-133726 Response to S2-133189. Approved Approved
Frank Y 6.1.1 S2-133291 LS OUT Reply LS on LAPI for NNSF Huawei, Hisilicon TEI12 Response to S2-133189. Noted in parallel sessions Noted
Frank Y 6.1.1 S2-133406 CR 23.401 CR2613: Use of LAPI for MME/SGSN selection during handover NTT DOCOMO TEI12, NIMTC S2-133725 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133725. Revised
Frank Y 6.1.1 S2-133725 CR 23.401 CR2613R1: Use of LAPI for MME/SGSN selection during handover NTT DOCOMO TEI12, NIMTC S2-133727 S2-133406 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133727. Revised
Frank Y 6.1.1 S2-133727 CR 23.401 CR2613R2: Use of LAPI for MME/SGSN selection during handover NTT DOCOMO TEI12, NIMTC S2-133725 This CR was agreed Agreed
Frank Y 6.1.1 S2-133407 CR 23.060 CR1822: Use of LAPI for MME/SGSN selection during handover NTT DOCOMO TEI12, NIMTC S2-133553 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133553. Revised
Frank Y 6.1.1 S2-133553 CR 23.060 CR1822R1: Use of LAPI for MME/SGSN selection during handover NTT DOCOMO TEI12, NIMTC S2-133728 S2-133407 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133728. Revised
Frank Y 6.1.1 S2-133728 CR 23.060 CR1822R2: Use of LAPI for MME/SGSN selection during handover NTT DOCOMO TEI12, NIMTC S2-133553 This CR was agreed Agreed
Frank Y 6.1.1 S2-133256 DISCUSSION LIMONET issues Samsung LIMONET Noted in parallel sessions Noted
Frank Y 6.1.1 S2-133257 CR 23.401 CR2600: Correction on the conditions for including the Local Home Network ID Samsung LIMONET S2-133525 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133525. Revised
Frank Y 6.1.1 S2-133525 CR 23.401 CR2600R1: Correction on the conditions for including the Local Home Network ID Samsung LIMONET S2-133257 Agreed in parallel sessions. This CR was agreed Agreed
Frank Y 6.1.1 S2-133258 LS OUT [Draft] LS on the GW selection for SIPTO at the local network with standalone LGW collocated with SGW Samsung LIMONET Noted in parallel sessions Noted
Frank Y 6.1.1 S2-133259 CR 23.401 CR2601: S-GW selection considering the Local Home Network ID Samsung LIMONET Noted in parallel sessions Noted
Frank Y 6.1.1 S2-133260 LS OUT [Draft] LS on the S-GW selection based on the Local Home Network ID Samsung LIMONET Noted in parallel sessions Noted
Frank Y 6.1.1 S2-133296 CR 23.401 CR2604: Correction of SIPTO at Local Network in Handover procedures CATT LIMONET Noted in parallel sessions Noted
Frank Y 6.1.1 S2-133297 CR 23.060 CR1815: Correction of SIPTO at Local Network in Handover procedures CATT LIMONET S2-133526 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133526. Revised
Frank Y 6.1.1 S2-133526 CR 23.060 CR1815R1: Correction of SIPTO at Local Network in Handover procedures CATT LIMONET S2-133297 Agreed in parallel sessions. This CR was agreed Agreed
Frank Y 6.1.1 S2-133354 CR 23.401 CR2611: Corrections in handover and TAU/RAU procedures related to SIPTO at local network NSN LIMONET S2-133527 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133527. Revised
Frank Y 6.1.1 S2-133527 CR 23.401 CR2611R1: Corrections in handover and TAU/RAU procedures related to SIPTO at local network NSN LIMONET S2-133354 Agreed in parallel sessions. This CR was agreed Agreed
Frank Y 6.1.1 S2-133275 CR 23.401 CR2602: Clarification for Optimization of LIPA and SIPTO@LN paging Huawei, Hisilicon LIMONET S2-133528 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133528. Revised
Frank Y 6.1.1 S2-133528 CR 23.401 CR2602R1: Clarification for Optimization of LIPA and SIPTO@LN paging Huawei, Hisilicon LIMONET S2-133275 Agreed in parallel sessions. This CR was agreed Agreed
Frank Y 6.1.1 S2-133322 CR 23.401 CR2607: Deactivate ISR for SIPTO@LN ZTE LIMONET S2-133529 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133529. Revised
Frank Y 6.1.1 S2-133529 CR 23.401 CR2607R1: Deactivate ISR for SIPTO@LN ZTE LIMONET S2-133322 Agreed in parallel sessions. This CR was agreed Agreed
Frank Y 6.1.1 S2-133399 CR 23.401 CR2586R2: Correction on ISR handling for SIPTO@LN BlackBerry UK Ltd. LIMONET S2-133530 S2-132812 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133530. Revised
Frank Y 6.1.1 S2-133530 CR 23.401 CR2586R3: Correction on ISR handling for SIPTO@LN BlackBerry UK Ltd. LIMONET S2-133730 S2-133399 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133730. Revised
Frank N 6.1.1 S2-133730 CR 23.401 CR2586R4: Correction on ISR handling for SIPTO@LN BlackBerry UK Ltd. LIMONET S2-133530 WITHDRAWN Withdrawn
Frank Y 6.1.1 S2-133400 CR 23.060 CR1821: Clarification on the RA provisioning when SIPTO@LN with stand-alone L-GW is used BlackBerry UK Ltd., Intel LIMONET S2-133731 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133731. Revised
Frank Y 6.1.1 S2-133731 CR 23.060 CR1821R1: Clarification on the RA provisioning when SIPTO@LN with stand-alone L-GW is used BlackBerry UK Ltd., Intel LIMONET S2-133837 S2-133400 Revised to S2-133837. Revised
Frank Y 6.1.1 S2-133837 CR 23.060 CR1821R2: Clarification on the RA provisioning when SIPTO@LN with stand-alone L-GW is used BlackBerry UK Ltd., Intel LIMONET S2-133731 This CR was agreed Agreed
Frank Y 6.1.1 S2-133323 CR 23.401 CR2608: Handling of LIPA and SIPTO@LN PDN connection when CSG subscription changes ZTE LIMONET Noted in parallel sessions Noted
Frank Y 6.1.1 S2-133325 CR 23.401 CR2609: Clarification of definition of Local Home Network ZTE LIMONET S2-133531 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133531. Revised
Frank Y 6.1.1 S2-133531 CR 23.401 CR2609R1: Clarification of definition of Local Home Network ZTE LIMONET S2-133325 Noted in parallel sessions Noted
Frank Y 6.1.1 S2-133326 CR 23.060 CR1818: Clarification of definition of Local Home Network ZTE LIMONET S2-133532 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133532. Revised
Frank Y 6.1.1 S2-133532 CR 23.060 CR1818R1: Clarification of definition of Local Home Network ZTE LIMONET S2-133326 Noted in parallel sessions Noted
Frank Y 6.1.1 S2-133352 CR 23.060 CR1820: Correction in Local Home Network ID definition NSN LIMONET S2-133533 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133533. Revised
Frank Y 6.1.1 S2-133533 CR 23.060 CR1820R1: Correction in Local Home Network ID definition NSN LIMONET S2-133352 Agreed in parallel sessions. This CR was agreed Agreed
Frank Y 6.1.1 S2-133353 CR 23.401 CR2610: Correction in Local Home Network ID definition NSN LIMONET Agreed in parallel sessions. This CR was agreed Agreed
Frank Y 6.1.1 S2-133324 CR 23.060 CR1817: Handling of LIPA and SIPTO@LN PDN connection when CSG subscription changes ZTE LIMONET Noted in parallel sessions Noted
Frank Y 6.1.1 S2-133401 CR 23.401 CR2612: Correcting reference to the SIPTO@LN subclause BlackBerry UK Ltd. LIMONET Agreed in parallel sessions. This CR was agreed Agreed
Frank Y 6.1.1 S2-133409 CR 23.401 CR2614: Correction of the service request procedure for SIPTO@LN Intel, BlackBerry UK Ltd. LIMONET-SIPTO S2-133534 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133534. Revised
Frank N 6.1.1 S2-133534 CR 23.401 CR2614R1: Correction of the service request procedure for SIPTO@LN Intel, BlackBerry UK Ltd. LIMONET-SIPTO S2-133409 WITHDRAWN Withdrawn
Frank Y 6.1.1 S2-133410 CR 23.272 CR0900: Correction of the extended service request procedure for SIPTO@LN Intel, BlackBerry UK Ltd. LIMONET-SIPTO S2-133718 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133718. Revised
Frank Y 6.1.1 S2-133718 CR 23.272 CR0900R1: Correction of the extended service request procedure for SIPTO@LN Intel, BlackBerry UK Ltd. LIMONET-SIPTO S2-133410 Agreed in parallel sessions. This CR was agreed Agreed
- - 6.1.2 - - PCC/QoS Aspects: Usage Monitoring Control enhancement – SA2 Part (UMONC), Application Based Charging (ABC) - - - - - - -
Ivano Y 6.1.2 S2-133111 CR 23.203 CR0840: Credit management session failure reporting by PCEF Huawei, Hisilicon ABC S2-133613 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133613. Revised
Ivano Y 6.1.2 S2-133613 CR 23.203 CR0840R1: Credit management session failure reporting by PCEF Huawei, Hisilicon ABC S2-133687 S2-133111 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133687. Revised
Ivano Y 6.1.2 S2-133687 CR 23.203 CR0840R2: Credit management session failure reporting by PCEF Huawei, Hisilicon ABC S2-133613 This CR was agreed Agreed
Ivano Y 6.1.2 S2-133443 CR 23.203 CR0851: Max downlink bit rate setting and enforcement for ABC China Telecom, ZTE ABC CATT indicated support for this CR. Noted in parallel sessions Noted
Ivano Y 6.1.2 S2-133273 TR Cover Cover Sheet for TR 23.862 for approval at TSG SA Intel MOSAP Postponed to meeting #100 (needs to be resubmitted) Postponed
- - 6.1.3 - - Non-3GPP Packet Access Maintenance: Operator Policies for IP Interface Selection (OPIIS) - - - - - - -
Ivano Y 6.1.3 S2-133149 LS In LS from CT WG1: Request for clarifications of stage 2 requirements for OPIIS CT WG1 OPIIS-CT S2-132346 C1-132644 Responses drafted in S2-133449 and S2-133474. Final response in S2-133858 Response in S2-133858
Ivano Y 6.1.3 S2-133388 DISCUSSION Evaluation of IARP rules and ISRP rules Motorola Mobility OPIIS Noted in parallel sessions Noted
Ivano Y 6.1.3 S2-133472 DISCUSSION How to handle IARP and ISRP in roaming case LG Electronics OPIIS Noted in parallel sessions Noted
Ivano Y 6.1.3 S2-133355 CR 23.402 CR1172R3: Including NSWO policies into Inter-APN Routing Policies NSN, Nokia OPIIS S2-132981 Resubmission of S2-132981. Not Handled -
Ivano Y 6.1.3 S2-133448 CR 23.402 CR1192: Inter-APN Routing Policies and Inter System Routing Policy priority Qualcomm Incorporated OPIIS Not Handled -
Ivano Y 6.1.3 S2-133473 CR 23.402 CR1171R1: Handling of IARP in roaming case LG Electronics OPIIS S2-132663 Resubmission of S2-132663. Not Handled -
Ivano Y 6.1.3 S2-133493 CR 23.402 CR1195: Evaluation of IARP rules and ISRP rules Motorola Mobilty OPIIS S2-133590 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133590. Revised
Ivano Y 6.1.3 S2-133590 CR 23.402 CR1195R1: Evaluation of IARP rules and ISRP rules Motorola Mobilty OPIIS S2-133697 S2-133493 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133697. Revised
Ivano Y 6.1.3 S2-133697 CR 23.402 CR1195R2: Evaluation of IARP rules and ISRP rules Motorola Mobility OPIIS S2-133590 Agreed in parallel sessions. This CR was agreed Agreed
Ivano Y 6.1.3 S2-133449 LS OUT [DRAFT] Reply LS on Request for clarifications of stage 2 requirements for OPIIS Qualcomm Incorporated - S2-133591 Response to S2-133149. Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133591. Revised
Ivano Y 6.1.3 S2-133591 LS OUT [DRAFT] Reply LS on Request for clarifications of stage 2 requirements for OPIIS Qualcomm Incorporated - S2-133858 S2-133449 Response to S2-133149. Revised to S2-133858. Revised
Ivano Y 6.1.3 S2-133858 LS OUT Reply LS on Request for clarifications of stage 2 requirements for OPIIS SA WG2 OPIIS S2-133591 Response to S2-133149. Approved Approved
Ivano Y 6.1.3 S2-133474 LS OUT [DRAFT] Reply LS on Request for clarifications of stage 2 requirements for OPIIS LG Electronics OPIIS Response to S2-133149. Not Handled Not Handled
- - 6.1.4 - - IMS-Related Maintenance, SMSMI, BusTI - - - - - - -
Ivano Y 6.1.4 S2-133276 CR 23.204 CR0105: Clarification of the IP-SW-GW when re-delivery of SMS without MSISDN Huawei, Hisilicon SMSMI Noted in parallel sessions Noted
- - 6.2 - - Machine Type Communications Enhancements for Rel-12 (MTCe) - - - - - - -
Erik Y 6.2 S2-133159 LS In LS from SA WG3: Reply LS on interaction of oneM2M with Underlying Networks SA WG3 MTCe S2-132732 S3-130842 Response drafted in S2-133374 (not handled). This LS was postponed to meeting #100. Postponed
Erik Y 6.2 S2-133374 LS OUT [DRAFT] Reply LS on interaction of oneM2M with Underlying Networks NEC MTCe Response to S2-133159. Not Handled Not Handled
Erik Y 6.2 S2-133181 LS In LS from oneM2M: LS on interactions of oneM2M with Underlying Networks oneM2M MTCe oneM2M-TP-2013-0307R01 Postponed to meeting #100 Postponed
- - 6.2.1 - - (BB1): Small Data and Device Triggering Enhancements (MTCe-SDDTE) - - - - - - -
Erik Y 6.2.1 S2-133185 LS In LS from RAN WG2: Reply LS on requesting further input on MTCe solution RAN WG2 MTCe-SDDTE, FS_MTCe_RAN R2-133033 A response was drafted in S2-133661. Final response in S2-133860. Response in S20133860
Erik Y 6.2.1 S2-133204 DISCUSSION CN Assistance information based on RAN WG2 LS response Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell, NEC MTCe-SDDTE Related to S2-133185. Noted Noted
Erik Y 6.2.1 S2-133229 P-CR Discussion on parameters to be part of CN assisted eNB parameter tuning Ericsson MTCe-SDDTE Noted Noted
Erik Y 6.2.1 S2-133205 CR 23.682 CR0076: Core Network assisted eNodeB parameters tuning Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell, NEC MTCe-SDDTE S2-133658 Revised in S2-133658 Revised
Erik Y 6.2.1 S2-133658 CR 23.682 CR0076R1: Core Network assisted eNodeB parameters tuning Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell, NEC MTCe-SDDTE S2-133803 S2-133205 Revised to S2-133803. Revised
Erik Y 6.2.1 S2-133803 CR 23.682 CR0076R2: Core Network assisted eNodeB parameters tuning Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell, NEC MTCe-SDDTE S2-133658 This CR was agreed Agreed
Erik Y 6.2.1 S2-133206 CR 23.401 CR2594: Core Network assisted eNodeB parameters tuning Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell, NEC MTCe-SDDTE Revised in S2-133659 Revised
Erik Y 6.2.1 S2-133659 CR 23.401 CR2594R1: Core Network assisted eNodeB parameters tuning Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell, NEC MTCe-SDDTE S2-133804 S2-133206 Revised to S2-133804. Revised
Erik Y 6.2.1 S2-133804 CR 23.401 CR2594R2: Core Network assisted eNodeB parameters tuning Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell, NEC, Ericsson MTCe-SDDTE S2-133842 S2-133659 Revised to S2-133842. Revised
Erik Y 6.2.1 S2-133842 CR 23.401 CR2594R3: Core Network assisted eNodeB parameters tuning Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell, NEC, Ericsson MTCe-SDDTE S2-133804 This CR was agreed Agreed
Erik Y 6.2.1 S2-133230 CR 23.401 CR2595: Core Network assisted eNB parameters tuning for small data transfer Ericsson MTCe-SDDTE S2-133660 Revised to S2-133660. Revised
Erik Y 6.2.1 S2-133660 CR 23.401 CR2595R1: Core Network assisted eNB parameters tuning for small data transfer Ericsson MTCe-SDDTE S2-133804 S2-133230 Merged with S2-133659 into S2-133804 Merged into S2-133804
Erik Y 6.2.1 S2-133661 LS OUT [DRAFT] LS on Mitigating excessive signalling from frequent small data SA WG2 MTCe-SDDTE S2-133805 - Revised to S2-133805. Revised
Erik Y 6.2.1 S2-133805 LS OUT [DRAFT] LS on Mitigating excessive signalling from frequent small data SA WG2 MTCe-SDDTE S2-133856 S2-133661 - Revised to S2-133856. Revised
Erik Y 6.2.1 S2-133856 LS OUT [DRAFT] LS on Mitigating excessive signalling from frequent small data SA WG2 MTCe-SDDTE S2-133860 S2-133805 - Revised to S2-133860. Revised
Erik Y 6.2.1 S2-133860 LS OUT LS on Mitigating excessive signalling from frequent small data SA WG2 MTCe-SDDTE S2-133856 - Response to S2-133185. Approved Approved
Erik Y 6.2.1 S2-133468 CR 23.682 CR0078: Device trigger recall and replace LG Electronics, Intel MTCe-SDDTE S2-133662 Revised to S2-133662. Revised
Erik Y 6.2.1 S2-133662 CR 23.682 CR0078R1: Device trigger recall and replace LG Electronics, Intel MTCe-SDDTE S2-133807 S2-133468 Revised to S2-133807. Revised
Erik Y 6.2.1 S2-133807 CR 23.682 CR0078R2: Device trigger recall and replace LG Electronics, Intel MTCe-SDDTE S2-133662 This CR was agreed Agreed
Erik Y 6.2.1 S2-133442 CR 23.272 CR0906: Overload handling for T4 device trigger Intel, CATT, ZTE MTCe-SDDTE Noted Noted
Erik Y 6.2.1 S2-133231 LS OUT [DRAFT] LS on Normative work on overload handling for device triggering Ericsson MTCe-SDDTE S2-133663 Revised to S2-133663. Revised
Erik Y 6.2.1 S2-133663 LS OUT [DRAFT] LS on Normative work on overload handling for device triggering SA WG2 MTCe-SDDTE S2-133806 S2-133231 Revised to S2-133806. Revised
Erik Y 6.2.1 S2-133806 LS OUT LS on Normative work on overload handling for device triggering SA WG2 MTCe-SDDTE S2-133663 Approved Approved
Erik Y 6.2.1 S2-133232 P-CR SDDTE Conclusion Ericsson MTCe-SDDTE Not Handled Not Handled
Erik Y 6.2.1 S2-133499 DISCUSSION SDDTE - way forward Huawei, HiSilicon, Interdigital, Intel, CATT, KPN, HTC MTCe-SDDTE Not Handled Not Handled
Erik N 6.2.1 S2-133512 DISCUSSION Discussion on RAN LS response to SDDTE solutions Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell MTCe-SDDTE Related to LS in S2-133185. LATE DOC:. WITHDRAWN - Not provided Withdrawn
- - 6.2.2 - - (BB3): UE Power Consumption Optimizations (MTCe-UEPCOP) - - - - - - -
Erik Y 6.2.2 S2-133164 LS In LS from CT WG1: Reply LS on UEPCOP CT considerations CT WG1 MTCe-UEPCOP C1-133499 Ericsson commented that there were contributions related to this but no decision can be made until CT WGs have agreed on the issues. This was then noted. Noted
Erik Y 6.2.2 S2-133171 LS In LS from CT WG4: Reply LS on UEPCOP CT considerations CT WG4 MTCe-UEPCOP C4-131324 This LS was noted. Noted
Erik Y 6.2.2 S2-133186 LS In LS from RAN WG2: Reply LS on UEPCOP CT considerations RAN WG2 MTCe-UEPCOP, FS_MTCe_RAN R2-133034 A response LS was drafted in S2-133645. Final response in S2-133863. Response in S2-133863
Erik Y 6.2.2 S2-133147 LS In LS from TSG GERAN: Reply LS on requesting input on MTCe solutions TSG GERAN MTCe-UEPCOP S2-132341 GP-130535 This LS was reviewed and noted. Noted
Erik Y 6.2.2 S2-133245 P-CR Removal of extended DRX cycle option for UEPCOP NSN, Nokia MTCe-UEPCOP Noted Noted
Erik Y 6.2.2 S2-133457 DISCUSSION Question about the necessity of the Default Extended DRX cycle LG Electronics MTCe-UEPCOP This was reviewed and noted as information to be included in the LS to RAN WG3 in S2-133645. Noted
Erik Y 6.2.2 S2-133235 P-CR Discussion and proposals for the DRX solutions Ericsson MTCe-UEPCOP This was noted as information to be included in the LS to RAN WG3 in S2-133645. Noted
Erik Y 6.2.2 S2-133645 LS OUT [DRAFT] Reply LS on UEPCOP CT considerations SA WG2 MTCe-UEPCOP, FS_MTCe_RAN S2-133861 - Revised to S2-133861. Revised
Erik Y 6.2.2 S2-133861 LS OUT [DRAFT] LS on UEPCOP considerations SA WG2 MTCe-UEPCOP, FS_MTCe_RAN S2-133863 S2-133645 - Revised to S2-133863. Revised
Erik Y 6.2.2 S2-133863 LS OUT LS on UEPCOP considerations SA WG2 MTCe-UEPCOP, FS_MTCe_RAN S2-133861 - Approved Approved
Erik Y 6.2.2 S2-133234 P-CR Power saving state solution Ericsson MTCe-UEPCOP S2-133646 Revised to S2-133646. Revised
Erik Y 6.2.2 S2-133646 P-CR Power saving state solution Ericsson MTCe-UEPCOP S2-133234 Approved Approved
Erik Y 6.2.2 S2-133277 CR 23.682 CR0077: Introducing UE Power Saving Mode Huawei, HiSilicon, Orange MTCe-UEPCOP S2-133647 Revised to S2-133647. Revised
Erik Y 6.2.2 S2-133647 CR 23.682 CR0077R1: Introducing UE Power Saving Mode Huawei, HiSilicon, Orange MTCe-UEPCOP S2-133277 This CR was agreed Agreed
Erik Y 6.2.2 S2-133278 CR 23.401 CR2603: Introducing UE Power Saving Mode Huawei, HiSilicon, Orange MTCe-UEPCOP S2-133648 Revised to S2-133648. Revised
Erik Y 6.2.2 S2-133648 CR 23.401 CR2603R1: Introducing UE Power Saving Mode Huawei, HiSilicon, Orange MTCe-UEPCOP S2-133278 This CR was agreed Agreed
Erik Y 6.2.2 S2-133279 CR 23.060 CR1814: Introducing UE Power Saving Mode Huawei, HiSilicon, Orange MTCe-UEPCOP S2-133649 Revised to S2-133649. Revised
Erik Y 6.2.2 S2-133649 CR 23.060 CR1814R1: Introducing UE Power Saving Mode Huawei, HiSilicon, Orange MTCe-UEPCOP S2-133279 This CR was agreed Agreed
- - 6.3 - - WID for Policy and Charging Control for supporting fixed broadband Access networks (P4C) (BB1): P4C-F - - - - - - -
Ivano Y 6.3 S2-133515 LS In LS from BBF: LS on status of WT-291 work and request of feedback on S2a tunnel setup failure scenario BBF P4C-TI - Postponed to meeting #100 Postponed
Ivano Y 6.3 S2-133195 LS In LS from SA WG5: LS on PCC for convergence (P4C-F) roaming scenarios SA WG5 P4C-F S5-131365 Response in S2-133831 Response in S2-133831
Ivano Y 6.3 S2-133516 LS In LS from BBF: Reply to Liaison on P4C-F assumptions and status of the work BBF P4C S2-133579 bbf2013.1025.02 (Attachment missing). Revised to add attachment in S2-133579 Revised
Ivano Y 6.3 S2-133579 LS In LS from BBF: Reply to Liaison on P4C-F assumptions and status of the work BBF P4C S2-133516 bbf2013.1025.02 Noted in parallel sessions Noted
Ivano Y 6.3 S2-133517 LS In LS from BBF: Reply to 3GPP LS S2-132329 (BBF2013.705.00) BBF P4C bbf2013.1039.03 Reply to S2-132329. Response drafted in S2-133604. Final response in S2-133830. Response in S2-133830
Ivano Y 6.3 S2-133112 CR 23.402 CR1174: P4C_F proposal for new annex for fixed broadband convergence Huawei P4C-F Noted in parallel sessions Noted
Ivano Y 6.3 S2-133113 CR 23.402 CR1175: P4C_F proposal for procedure section in new annex for fixed broadband convergence Huawei P4C-F WITHDRAWN Withdrawn
Ivano Y 6.3 S2-133114 DISCUSSION P4C_F: Reflective QoS Huawei P4C-F Noted in parallel sessions Noted
Ivano Y 6.3 S2-133115 CR 23.203 CR0841: Uplink QoS and Reflective QoS support for P4C-F Huawei P4C-F S2-133605 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133605. Revised
Ivano Y 6.3 S2-133605 CR 23.203 CR0841R1: Uplink QoS and Reflective QoS support for P4C-F Huawei P4C-F S2-133702 S2-133115 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133702. Revised
Ivano Y 6.3 S2-133702 CR 23.203 CR0841R2: Uplink QoS and Reflective QoS support for P4C-F Huawei P4C-F S2-133605 Agreed in parallel sessions. This CR was agreed Agreed
Ivano Y 6.3 S2-133225 CR 23.203 CR0849: Alignment of Fixed Broadband Access Annex with main specification body Ericsson P4C-F S2-133603 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133603. Revised
Ivano Y 6.3 S2-133603 CR 23.203 CR0849R1: Alignment of Fixed Broadband Access Annex with main specification body Ericsson P4C-F S2-133703 S2-133225 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133703. Revised
Ivano Y 6.3 S2-133703 CR 23.203 CR0849R2: Alignment of Fixed Broadband Access Annex with main specification body Ericsson P4C-F S2-133603 Agreed in parallel sessions. This CR was agreed Agreed
Ivano Y 6.3 S2-133116 CR 23.139 CR0044: Clarification of Authentication and Reflective QoS Support for P4C-TI Huawei, Hisilicon P4C-TI This is about P4C-TI:, that is not on the agenda. Not Handled -
Ivano Y 6.3 S2-133604 LS OUT [DRAFT] LS on Event Trigger and Application Detection and Control on IP Edge PCEF SA WG2 P4C-F S2-133830 Revised to S2-133830. Revised
Ivano Y 6.3 S2-133830 LS OUT LS on Event Trigger and Application Detection and Control on IP Edge PCEF SA WG2 P4C-F S2-133604 Approved Approved
Ivano Y 6.3 S2-133623 LS OUT [DRAFT] Reply LS on PCC for convergence (P4C-F) roaming scenarios SA WG2 P4C-F S2-133831 Response to S2-133195. Revised to S2-133831. Revised
Ivano Y 6.3 S2-133831 LS OUT Reply LS on PCC for convergence (P4C-F) roaming scenarios SA WG2 P4C-F S2-133623 Response to S2-133195. Approved Approved
- - 6.4 - - Proximity Services (ProSe) - - - - - - -
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133478 P-CR ProSe Functional split Qualcomm Incorporated ProSe S2-133637 Revised to S2-133637. Revised
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133637 P-CR ProSe Functional split Qualcomm Incorporated ProSe S2-133478 Approved Approved
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133420 DISCUSSION Discussion on UE-to-Network Relay LG Electronics ProSe This was left for further off-line discussion. Noted Noted
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133463 P-CR Proposed conclusion for Public Safety UE-to-Network Relays Intel ProSe Noted Noted
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133459 P-CR Additions to 'Solution R9: Reuse of Architecture A1 from TR 36.806' for Public Safety UE-Network Relays Vodafone ProSe S2-133638 Revised to S2-133638. Revised
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133638 P-CR Additions to 'Solution R9: Reuse of Architecture A1 from TR 36.806' for Public Safety UE-Network Relays Vodafone ProSe S2-133459 Approved and an LS to RAN WGs was drafted in S2-133783. Approved
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133783 LS OUT [DRAFT] LS on Public Safety UE-Network Relays SA WG2 ProSe S2-133808 - Revised to S2-133808. Revised
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133808 LS OUT LS on Public Safety UE-Network Relays SA WG2 ProSe S2-133783 - Approved Approved
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133464 LS OUT LS on ProSe Relays Intel ProSe This was no longer needed and was noted. Noted
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133461 P-CR Update to solution R7 (UE-to-Network Relay) Intel ProSe S2-133639 Revised to S2-133639. Revised
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133639 P-CR Update to solution R7 (UE-to-Network Relay) Intel ProSe S2-133461 Approved Approved
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133364 P-CR Update of UE-network relay procedures in sections 6.3.6 Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell - S2-133640 Revised to S2-133640. Revised
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133640 P-CR Update of UE-network relay procedures in sections 6.3.6 Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell - S2-133364 Approved Approved
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133462 P-CR Evaluation of solution R7 (UE-to-Network Relay) Intel ProSe S2-133641 Revised to S2-133641. Revised
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133641 P-CR Evaluation of solution R7 (UE-to-Network Relay) Intel ProSe S2-133785 S2-133462 Revised to S2-133785. Revised
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133785 P-CR Evaluation of solution R7 (UE-to-Network Relay) Intel ProSe S2-133641 Approved Approved
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133357 P-CR ProSe Relay NEC ProSe S2-132557 Resubmission of S2-132557. Noted Noted
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133366 P-CR L2 ProSe UE-to-Network Relay alternative NEC ProSe Noted Noted
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133281 P-CR The ProSe UE-to-network relay with the network authorization Huawei, Hisilicon ProSe S2-133642 Revised to S2-133642. Revised
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133642 P-CR The ProSe UE-to-network relay with the network authorization Huawei, Hisilicon ProSe S2-133786 S2-133281 Revised to S2-133786. Revised
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133786 P-CR The ProSe UE-to-network relay with the network authorization Huawei, Hisilicon ProSe S2-133843 S2-133642 Revised to S2-133843. Revised
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133843 P-CR The ProSe UE-to-network relay with the network authorization Huawei, Hisilicon ProSe S2-133786 Approved Approved
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133501 P-CR Relay for public safety ProSe ITRI ProSe S2-133643 Revised to S2-133643. Revised
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133643 P-CR Relay for public safety ProSe ITRI ProSe S2-133787 S2-133501 Revised to S2-133787. Revised
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133787 P-CR Relay for public safety ProSe ITRI ProSe S2-133643 Approved Approved
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133376 P-CR ProSe Relay discovery assisted by E-UTRAN NEC ProSe Noted Noted
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133390 P-CR A hybrid approach to group communication with UE-to-Network relays General Dynamics Broadband UK ProSe S2-133644 Revised to S2-133644. Revised
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133644 P-CR A hybrid approach to group communication with UE-to-Network relays General Dynamics Broadband UK ProSe S2-133390 Approved Approved
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133224 P-CR ProSe Group Communication Ericsson ProSe S2-133708 Revised to S2-133708. Revised
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133708 P-CR ProSe Group Communication Ericsson ProSe S2-133788 S2-133224 Revised to S2-133788. Revised
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133788 P-CR ProSe Group Communication Ericsson ProSe S2-133708 Approved Approved
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133360 P-CR Direct one-to-many communications procedures Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell - S2-133778 Revised to S2-133778. Revised
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133778 P-CR Direct one-to-many communications procedures Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell - S2-133789 S2-133360 Revised to S2-133789. Revised
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133789 P-CR Direct one-to-many communications procedures Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell - S2-133844 S2-133778 Revised to S2-133844. Revised
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133844 P-CR Direct one-to-many communications procedures Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell - S2-133789 Approved Approved
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133481 P-CR Updates for solution C6 Qualcomm Incorporated ProSe S2-133664 Revised to S2-133664. Revised
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133664 P-CR Updates for solution C6 Qualcomm Incorporated ProSe S2-133481 Approved Approved
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133466 P-CR Update and evaluation of solutions C1 and C5 (ProSe Communication) Intel ProSe S2-133665 Revised to S2-133665. Revised
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133665 P-CR Update and evaluation of solutions C1 and C5 (ProSe Communication) Intel ProSe S2-133466 Approved Approved
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133389 DISCUSSION A hybrid approach to ProSe Group communication and UE-to-Network relays General Dynamics Broadband UK ProSe Noted Noted
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133144 P-CR Use of & Switchover to Infrastructure Path for ProSe TPS ProSe S2-133666 S2-132620 Resubmission of S2-132620. Revised to S2-133666. Revised
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133666 P-CR Use of & Switchover to Infrastructure Path for ProSe TPS ProSe S2-133144 This needed more discussion and can be revisited at the next meeting. This was then noted. Noted
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133293 P-CR UE-Relay configuration and procedure for solution R1 HTC ProSe S2-133667 Revised to S2-133667. Revised
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133667 P-CR UE-Relay configuration and procedure for solution R1 HTC ProSe S2-133790 S2-133293 Revised to S2-133790. Revised
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133790 P-CR UE-Relay configuration and procedure for solution R1 HTC ProSe S2-133667 Approved Approved
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133476 P-CR Solution for deactivation of ProSe communication due to the revocation of ProSe Discovery permission. LG Electronics ProSe Noted Noted
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133495 P-CR ProSe Charging KPN ProSe S2-132678 Resubmission of S2-132678. Noted Noted
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133509 P-CR Proposed agreement on ProSe identifiers Intel ProSe S2-133676 Revised to S2-133676. Revised
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133676 P-CR Proposed agreement on ProSe identifiers Intel ProSe S2-133791 S2-133509 Revised to S2-133791. Revised
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133791 P-CR Proposed agreement on ProSe identifiers Intel ProSe S2-133676 Approved Approved
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133477 P-CR ProSe Application Identities for discovery Qualcomm Incorporated ProSe S2-133677 Revised to S2-133677. Revised
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133677 P-CR ProSe Application Identities for discovery Qualcomm Incorporated ProSe S2-133477 Approved Approved
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133359 P-CR Prose identifiers used for solutions 6.1.6 and 6.1.7 and 6.2.2 of TR 23.703 Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell - S2-133678 S2-132564 Resubmission of S2-132564. Revised to S2-133678. Revised
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133678 P-CR Prose identifiers used for solutions 6.1.6 and 6.1.7 and 6.2.2 of TR 23.703 Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell - S2-133792 S2-133359 Revised to S2-133792. Revised
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133792 P-CR Prose identifiers used for solutions 6.1.6 and 6.1.7 and 6.2.2 of TR 23.703 Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell - S2-133678 Approved Approved
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133402 P-CR Proposing random and temporary ProSe Identity BlackBerry UK Ltd. ProSe S2-133679 Revised to S2-133679. Revised
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133679 P-CR Proposing random and temporary ProSe Identity BlackBerry UK Ltd. ProSe S2-133402 Approved Approved
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133398 P-CR ProSe Identities open issues resolved Ericsson ProSe S2-133680 Revised to S2-133680. Revised
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133680 P-CR ProSe Identities open issues resolved Ericsson ProSe S2-133398 Approved Approved
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133208 P-CR Solution DX for network controlled ProSe discovery Telecom Italia ProSe S2-133681 S2-132427 Resubmission (merge) of S2-132427 and S2-132428. Revised to S2-133681. Revised
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133681 P-CR Solution DX for network controlled ProSe discovery Telecom Italia ProSe S2-133809 S2-133208 Revised to S2-133809. Revised
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133809 P-CR Solution DX for network controlled ProSe discovery Telecom Italia ProSe S2-133681 Approved Approved
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133482 P-CR Updates for solution D1 Qualcomm Incorporated ProSe S2-133682 Revised to S2-133682. Revised
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133682 P-CR Updates for solution D1 Qualcomm Incorporated ProSe S2-133810 S2-133482 Revised to S2-133810. Revised
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133810 P-CR Updates for solution D1 Qualcomm Incorporated ProSe S2-133682 Approved Approved
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133280 P-CR Network Triggered ProSe Direct Discovery Huawei, Hisilicon ProSe S2-133709 S2-132542 Resubmission of S2-132542. Revised to S2-133709. Revised
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133709 P-CR Network Triggered ProSe Direct Discovery Huawei, Hisilicon ProSe S2-133811 S2-133280 Revised to S2-133811. Revised
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133811 P-CR Network Triggered ProSe Direct Discovery Huawei, Hisilicon ProSe S2-133709 Approved Approved
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133363 P-CR Update of discovery procedures in sections 6.1.6 and 6.1.7 of TR 23.703 Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell - Approved Approved
Erik N 6.4 S2-133710 - - - - WITHDRAWN (not provided) Withdrawn
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133465 P-CR Update and evaluation of solution D3 (Targeted Discovery) Intel ProSe S2-133711 Revised to S2-133711. Revised
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133711 P-CR Update and evaluation of solution D3 (Targeted Discovery) Intel ProSe S2-133465 Approved Approved
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133492 P-CR Improvements to solution I3 InterDigital Communications, HTC ProSe S2-133712 Revised to S2-133712. Revised
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133712 P-CR Improvements to solution I3 InterDigital Communications, HTC ProSe S2-133812 S2-133492 Revised to S2-133812. Revised
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133812 P-CR Improvements to solution I3 InterDigital Communications, HTC ProSe S2-133712 Approved Approved
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133483 P-CR Taxonomy of direct discovery solutions Qualcomm Incorporated ProSe S2-133713 S2-132460 Resubmission of S2-132460. Revised to S2-133713. Revised
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133713 P-CR Taxonomy of direct discovery solutions Qualcomm Incorporated ProSe S2-133813 S2-133483 Revised to S2-133813. Revised
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133813 P-CR Taxonomy of direct discovery solutions Qualcomm Incorporated ProSe S2-133845 S2-133713 Revised to S2-133845. Revised
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133845 P-CR Taxonomy of direct discovery solutions Qualcomm Incorporated ProSe S2-133813 Approved Approved
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133491 P-CR EPC assisted direct discovery InterDigital Communications ProSe S2-133714 S2-132708 Resubmission of S2-132708. Revised to S2-133714. Revised
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133714 P-CR EPC assisted direct discovery InterDigital Communications ProSe S2-133814 S2-133491 Revised to S2-133814. Revised
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133814 P-CR EPC assisted direct discovery InterDigital Communications ProSe S2-133714 Approved Approved
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133362 P-CR Definition of ProSe UE identity update Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell - This was reviewed and approved. Approved
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133480 P-CR Evaluation of direct discovery solutions Qualcomm Incorporated ProSe This was covered by other contributions and was noted. Noted
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133294 P-CR Network Assisted ProSe discovery HTC ProSe S2-133715 S2-132482 Resubmission of S2-132482. Revised to S2-133715. Revised
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133715 P-CR Network Assisted ProSe discovery HTC ProSe S2-133294 Approved Approved
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133479 P-CR Evaluation of solution C5: ProSe communications in ad hoc mode Qualcomm Incorporated ProSe Noted Noted
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133469 P-CR Solution for EPC-level ProSe Discovery with time window LG Electronics ProSe S2-133716 S2-132649 Resubmission of S2-132649. Merged with S2-133470 into S2-133716 Merged into S2-133716
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133470 P-CR Solution for EPC-level ProSe Discovery within the different PLMNs LG Electronics ProSe S2-133716 S2-132650 Resubmission of S2-132650. Merged with S2-133469 into S2-133716 Merged into S2-133716
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133716 P-CR Solution for EPC-level ProSe Discovery with time window LG Electronics ProSe S2-133815 S2-133469 Merge of S2-133469 and S2-133470. Revised to S2-133815. Revised
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133815 P-CR Solution for EPC-level ProSe Discovery with time window LG Electronics ProSe S2-133716 Approved Approved
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133100 P-CR Solution of service continuity in ProSe ETRI ProSe Not Handled Not Handled
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133358 P-CR ProSe Discovery NEC ProSe S2-132558 Resubmission of S2-132558. Not Handled Not Handled
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133441 P-CR Solution for WLAN direct communication CATT ProSe Not Handled Not Handled
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133475 P-CR Update of Solution W2: ProSe assisted WLAN Direct Communication for clarifying configuration with ANDSF MO. LG Electronics ProSe Not Handled Not Handled
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133262 P-CR Architecture Consideration for Service Continuity for ProSe-enabled UE Broadcom Corporation ProSe Not Handled Not Handled
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133263 P-CR ProSe Relay with IP session continuity using PMIP Broadcom Corporation ProSe Not Handled Not Handled
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133300 P-CR Updates to solution for public safety UE-to-UE relays CATT ProSe Not Handled Not Handled
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133303 P-CR Solution for ProSe Service Continuity CATT ProSe Not Handled Not Handled
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133361 P-CR Update of Direct communications procedures in sections 6.2.2 Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell - Not Handled Not Handled
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133356 P-CR ProSe Service Continuity NEC ProSe S2-132556 Resubmission of S2-132556. Not Handled Not Handled
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133502 P-CR NAT Traversal for ProSe Service Continuity Institute for Information Industry ProSe Not Handled Not Handled
Erik Y 6.4 S2-133500 P-CR ProSe communication via eNB ITRI ProSe Noted in drafting sessions Noted
- - 6.5 - - Group Communication System Enablers for LTE (GCSE_LTE) - - - - - - -
Erik Y 6.5 S2-133437 DICSUSSION GCSE solution evaluation w.r.t RAN dependency NSN GCSE_LTE This was noted and a liaison statement to capture the questions to RAN WGs was drafted in S2-133575. Noted
Erik Y 6.5 S2-133575 LS OUT [DRAFT] LS on GCSE with eMBMS SA WG2 - S2-133675 Revised to S2-133675. Revised
Erik Y 6.5 S2-133675 LS OUT [DRAFT] LS on GCSE with eMBMS SA WG2 - S2-133828 S2-133575 Revised to S2-133828. Revised
Erik Y 6.5 S2-133828 LS OUT [DRAFT] LS on GCSE with eMBMS SA WG2 - S2-133846 S2-133675 Revised to S2-133846. Revised
Erik Y 6.5 S2-133846 LS OUT LS on GCSE with eMBMS SA WG2 - S2-133828 Approved Approved
Erik Y 6.5 S2-133438 P-CR GCSE TR 23.768 current solutions - common aspect NSN GCSE_LTE S2-133577 This was further considered with other proposals. This was revised off-line in S2-133577 Revised
Erik Y 6.5 S2-133577 P-CR GCSE TR 23.768 current solutions - common aspect NSN GCSE_LTE S2-133777 S2-133438 Revised to S2-133777. Revised
Erik Y 6.5 S2-133777 P-CR GCSE TR 23.768 current solutions - common aspect NSN GCSE_LTE S2-133577 Approved Approved
Erik Y 6.5 S2-133365 P-CR Way forward for GCSE work Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell, Qualcomm Incorporated - S2-133576 This was further discussed with the proposals in S2-133438. This was revised off-line in S2-133576 Revised
Erik Y 6.5 S2-133576 P-CR Way forward for GCSE work Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell, Qualcomm Incorporated - S2-133776 S2-133365 Revised to S2-133776. Revised
Erik Y 6.5 S2-133776 P-CR Way forward for GCSE work Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell, Qualcomm Incorporated - S2-133576 Approved Approved
Erik Y 6.5 S2-133471 P-CR Additional key issue related to service continuity LG Electronics GCSE_LTE It was agreed that this needs to be considered in the work and this proposal was then noted. Noted
Erik Y 6.5 S2-133415 DISCUSSION OMA PoC 2.1, a good, practical solution for GCSE in Rel-12 Motorola Solutions - Not Handled Not Handled
Erik Y 6.5 S2-133416 P-CR GCSE architecture based on OMA PoC 2.1 Motorola Solutions - S2-133578 This was further discussed off-line and revised in S2-133578 Revised
Erik Y 6.5 S2-133578 P-CR GCSE architecture based on OMA PoC 2.1 Motorola Solutions - S2-133416 There was no consensus to include this in the TR and the contribution was noted. Noted
Erik Y 6.5 S2-133282 P-CR Handling of priority level and pre-emption capability Huawei, Hisilicon GCSE_LTE S2-133580 This was revised in S2-133580 Revised
Erik Y 6.5 S2-133580 P-CR Handling of priority level and pre-emption capability Huawei, Hisilicon GCSE_LTE S2-133781 S2-133282 Agreed. Revised to S2-133781. Revised
Erik Y 6.5 S2-133781 P-CR Handling of priority level and pre-emption capability Huawei, Hisilicon GCSE_LTE S2-133580 Approved Approved
Erik Y 6.5 S2-133375 P-CR Service continuity between unicast and multicast delivery NEC GCSE_LTE S2-133581 This was further discussed off-line and revised in S2-133581 Revised
Erik Y 6.5 S2-133581 P-CR Service continuity between unicast and multicast delivery NEC GCSE_LTE S2-133780 S2-133375 Revised to S2-133780. Revised
Erik Y 6.5 S2-133780 P-CR Service continuity between unicast and multicast delivery NEC GCSE_LTE S2-133581 Approved Approved
Erik Y 6.5 S2-133327 P-CR Updates to Solution 2 to clarify long connected state and ULI reporting ZTE GCSE_LTE S2-133582 This was further discussed off-line and revised in S2-133582 Revised
Erik Y 6.5 S2-133582 P-CR Updates to Solution 2 to clarify long connected state and ULI reporting ZTE GCSE_LTE S2-133327 Approved Approved
Erik Y 6.5 S2-133460 P-CR Additional aspects of 'Solution 2 - Permanently RRC Connected' Vodafone GCSE_LTE S2-133583 This was further discussed off-line and revised in S2-133583 Revised
Erik Y 6.5 S2-133583 P-CR Additional aspects of 'Solution 2 - Permanently RRC Connected' Vodafone GCSE_LTE S2-133460 Approved Approved
Erik Y 6.5 S2-133328 P-CR Updates and Clarifications to GCSE Solution 3 ZTE GCSE_LTE S2-133775 This was further discussed off-line and revised in S2-133775 Revised
Erik Y 6.5 S2-133636 P-CR Updates and Clarifications to GCSE Solution 3 ZTE GCSE_LTE S2-133775 S2-133328 Wrong document uploaded: Revised in S2-133775. WITHDRAWN Withdrawn
Erik Y 6.5 S2-133775 P-CR Updates and Clarifications to GCSE Solution 3 ZTE GCSE_LTE S2-133328 Approved Approved
Erik Y 6.5 S2-133446 P-CR GCSE Service continuity during unicast and MBMS switching Qualcomm Incorporated GCSE_LTE S2-133650 Revised to S2-133650. Revised
Erik Y 6.5 S2-133650 P-CR GCSE Service continuity during unicast and MBMS switching Qualcomm Incorporated GCSE_LTE S2-133446 Approved Approved
Erik Y 6.5 S2-133444 P-CR Clarifications on pre-established eMBMS bearers for GCSE (Resubmission of S2-131873, S2-132550) Qualcomm Incorporated GCSE_LTE S2-133651 S2-132550 Resubmission of S2-132550. Revised to S2-133651. Revised
Erik Y 6.5 S2-133651 P-CR Clarifications on pre-established eMBMS bearers for GCSE (Resubmission of S2-131873, S2-132550) Qualcomm Incorporated GCSE_LTE S2-133826 S2-133444 Revised to S2-133826. Revised
Erik Y 6.5 S2-133826 P-CR Clarifications on pre-established eMBMS bearers for GCSE (Resubmission of S2-131873, S2-132550) Qualcomm Incorporated GCSE_LTE S2-133651 Approved Approved
Erik Y 6.5 S2-133445 P-CR Clarifications on interface between the BMSC and the GCSE AS (Resubmission of S2-131875, S2-132551) Qualcomm Incorporated GCSE_LTE S2-133652 Revised to S2-133652. Revised
Erik Y 6.5 S2-133652 P-CR Clarifications on interface between the BMSC and the GCSE AS (Resubmission of S2-131875, S2-132551) Qualcomm Incorporated GCSE_LTE S2-133827 S2-133445 Revised to S2-133827. Revised
Erik Y 6.5 S2-133827 P-CR Clarifications on interface between the BMSC and the GCSE AS (Resubmission of S2-131875, S2-132551) Qualcomm Incorporated GCSE_LTE S2-133652 Approved Approved
Erik Y 6.5 S2-133447 P-CR GCSE Roaming Architecture Qualcomm Incorporated GCSE_LTE S2-133653 Revised to S2-133653. Revised
Erik Y 6.5 S2-133653 P-CR GCSE Roaming Architecture Qualcomm Incorporated GCSE_LTE S2-133447 Approved Approved
Erik Y 6.5 S2-133434 P-CR Overall solution description and clarification to Solution 3 - eNB centric NSN GCSE_LTE S2-133654 Revised to S2-133654. Revised
Erik Y 6.5 S2-133654 P-CR Overall solution description and clarification to Solution 3 - eNB centric NSN GCSE_LTE S2-133434 Approved Approved
Erik Y 6.5 S2-133435 P-CR Additional media notification with Multicast Delivery NSN GCSE_LTE S2-133672 Revised to S2-133672. Revised
Erik Y 6.5 S2-133672 P-CR Additional media notification with Multicast Delivery NSN GCSE_LTE S2-133779 S2-133435 Revised to S2-133779. Revised
Erik Y 6.5 S2-133779 P-CR Additional media notification with Multicast Delivery NSN GCSE_LTE S2-133672 Approved Approved
Erik Y 6.5 S2-133436 P-CR GCSE solution 3 evaluation and impacts on existing elements NSN GCSE_LTE WITHDRAWN Withdrawn
Erik Y 6.5 S2-133372 P-CR Media stream handling procedures for Solution 4 General Dynamics Broadband UK GCSE_LTE S2-133673 Revised to S2-133673. Revised
Erik Y 6.5 S2-133673 P-CR Media stream handling procedures for Solution 4 General Dynamics Broadband UK GCSE_LTE S2-133372 There were 3 objections to adding this conclusion to the TR at this time. Noted Noted
Erik Y 6.5 S2-133373 P-CR Unicast/eMBMS switching for MuSe services General Dynamics Broadband UK GCSE_LTE This contribution was noted and a LS to SA WG4 was drafted in S2-133674. Noted
Erik Y 6.5 S2-133467 P-CR Update and evaluation of solution 4 (GCSE architecture using IMS and eMBMS) Intel ProSe LATE DOC: Rx 18/09, 16:35. Not Handled Not Handled
Erik Y 6.5 S2-133674 LS OUT [DRAFT] LS on Applicability of WI MI-MooD to Service Continuity Requirements for Group Communications SA WG2 GCSE_LTE, MI-MooD S2-133782 - Revised to S2-133782. Revised
Erik Y 6.5 S2-133782 LS OUT LS on Applicability of WI MI-MooD to Service Continuity Requirements for Group Communications SA WG2 GCSE_LTE, MI-MooD S2-133674 - Approved Approved
Erik Y 6.5 S2-133101 P-CR Group Communication with Configurable Geo Scope using IMS and eMBMS ZTE, Broadcom - Not Handled Not Handled
Erik Y 6.5 S2-133295 P-CR Group Communications with dynamic group service area CATT GCSE_LTE S2-132517 Resubmission of S2-132517. Not Handled Not Handled
- - 6.6 - - User Plane Congestion Management (UPCON) - - - - - - -
Erik Y 6.6 S2-133484 LS OUT [DRAFT] LS on the use of RAN congestion information in the CN NEC UPCON S2-133574 This was revised in a drafting session to S2-133574 Revised
Erik Y 6.6 S2-133574 LS OUT [DRAFT] LS on the use of RAN congestion information in the CN SA WG2 UPCON S2-133484 This could not be finalised and was noted. Noted
Erik Y 6.6 S2-133485 DISCUSSION Unique CN capabilities for RAN user plane congestion mitigation NEC UPCON Noted in drafting session Noted
Erik Y 6.6 S2-133213 P-CR Roaming support in congestion notification Samsung UPCON S2-133655 Revised to S2-133655. Revised
Erik Y 6.6 S2-133395 P-CR Progress of CN-based solution based on RAN WG2 and RAN WG3 feedback Ericsson UPCON S2-133656 Revised to S2-133656. Revised
Erik Y 6.6 S2-133656 P-CR Progress of CN-based solution based on RAN WG2 and RAN WG3 feedback Ericsson UPCON S2-133395 Noted Noted
Erik Y 6.6 S2-133496 P-CR A new solution for downlink traffic Nokia, NSN UPCON S2-133657 S2-132544 Resubmission of S2-132544. Revised to S2-133657. Revised
Erik Y 6.6 S2-133657 P-CR A new solution for downlink traffic Nokia, NSN UPCON S2-133496 Approved Approved
Erik Y 6.6 S2-133117 P-CR Combined RAN/CN based solution Huawei, Hisilicon UPCON There were a number of comments against progressing this solution and it was noted. Noted
Erik Y 6.6 S2-133118 P-CR Prioritization scheme considerations for the FPI marking solution Huawei, Hisilicon UPCON S2-132637 Resubmission of S2-132637. Noted Noted
Erik Y 6.6 S2-133119 P-CR FPI marking solution for uplink prioritization Huawei, Hisilicon UPCON S2-132638 Resubmission of S2-132638. Noted Noted
Erik Y 6.6 S2-133222 P-CR Differentiated charging of packet marked flows Ericsson UPCON S2-133669 S2-131623 Resubmission of S2-131623. Revised to S2-133669. Revised
Erik Y 6.6 S2-133669 P-CR Differentiated charging of packet marked flows Ericsson UPCON S2-133771 S2-133222 Revised to S2-133771. Revised
Erik Y 6.6 S2-133771 P-CR Differentiated charging of packet marked flows Ericsson UPCON S2-133669 Approved Approved
Erik Y 6.6 S2-133394 P-CR Enhancements to Solution 2.2 (FQI) Ericsson UPCON S2-133670 Revised to S2-133670. Revised
Erik Y 6.6 S2-133670 P-CR Enhancements to Solution 2.2 (FQI) Ericsson UPCON S2-133829 S2-133394 Revised to S2-133829. Revised
Erik Y 6.6 S2-133829 P-CR Enhancements to Solution 2.2 (FQI) Ericsson UPCON S2-133670 Approved Approved
Erik Y 6.6 S2-133120 P-CR QoE consideration in streaming optimization for congestion mitigation China Telecom, Huawei, Hisilicon UPCON S2-132494 Resubmission of S2-132494. This was merged with S2-133091 into S2-133671. Merged into S2-133671
Erik Y 6.6 S2-133091 P-CR Extensions of policies in order to support CN congestion mitigation Allot Communications UPCON S2-133671 Revised to S2-133671. Revised
Erik Y 6.6 S2-133671 P-CR Extensions of policies in order to support CN congestion mitigation Allot Communications, Cisco, China Telecom, Huawei, Hisllicon UPCON S2-133772 S2-133091 Merge of S2-133120 and S2-133091. Revised to S2-133772. Revised
Erik Y 6.6 S2-133772 P-CR Extensions of policies in order to support CN congestion mitigation Allot Communications, Cisco, China Telecom, Huawei, Hisllicon, AT&T UPCON S2-133847 S2-133671 Revised to S2-133847. Revised
Erik Y 6.6 S2-133847 P-CR Extensions of policies in order to support CN congestion mitigation Allot Communications, Cisco, China Telecom, Huawei, Hisllicon, AT&T UPCON S2-133772 Approved Approved
Erik Y 6.6 S2-133330 P-CR A variant of the off-path solution Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell UPCON S2-133767 Revised to S2-133767. Revised
Erik Y 6.6 S2-133767 P-CR A variant of the off-path solution KDDI, China Telecom, AT&T, Allot Communications, ZTE, Broadcom Communications UPCON S2-133774 S2-133330 Revised to S2-133774. Revised
Erik Y 6.6 S2-133774 P-CR A variant of the off-path solution KDDI, China Telecom, AT&T, Allot Communications, ZTE, Broadcom Communications UPCON S2-133849 S2-133767 Revised to S2-133849. Revised
Erik Y 6.6 S2-133849 P-CR A variant of the off-path solution KDDI, China Telecom, AT&T, Allot Communications, ZTE, Broadcom Communications UPCON S2-133857 S2-133774 Revised to S2-133857. Revised
Erik Y 6.6 S2-133857 P-CR A variant of the off-path solution KDDI, China Telecom, AT&T, Allot Communications, ZTE, Broadcom Communications UPCON S2-133849 Approved Approved
Erik Y 6.6 S2-133377 P-CR Congestion reporting with LCS architecture China Unicom UPCON Noted Noted
Erik Y 6.6 S2-133121 P-CR Integrated congestion reporting to CN for congestion mitigation Huawei, Hisilicon UPCON Noted Noted
Erik Y 6.6 S2-133370 P-CR RAN Congestion Awareness Information NSN UPCON S2-133768 Revised to S2-133768. Revised
Erik Y 6.6 S2-133768 P-CR RAN Congestion Awareness Information NSN UPCON S2-133773 S2-133370 Revised to S2-133773. Revised
Erik Y 6.6 S2-133773 P-CR RAN Congestion Awareness Information NSN, AT&T, NTT DOCOMO, KDDI, China Mobile, Verizon, Samsung, NEC, China Unicom, Intel, ZTE, Orange UPCON S2-133768 Noted Noted
Erik Y 6.6 S2-133397 P-CR Stability of CN-based solution Ericsson UPCON Noted Noted
Erik Y 6.6 S2-133272 P-CR Integrated On-path/Off-path Congestion/Abatement Awareness Notification KDDI, China Telecom, Allot, ZTE, Broadcom - S2-133769 Revised to S2-133769. Revised
Erik Y 6.6 S2-133769 P-CR Integrated On-path/Off-path Congestion/Abatement Awareness Notification KDDI, China Telecom, Allot, ZTE, Broadcom - S2-133848 S2-133272 Revised to S2-133848. Revised
Erik Y 6.6 S2-133848 P-CR Integrated On-path/Off-path Congestion/Abatement Awareness Notification KDDI, China Telecom, Allot, ZTE, Broadcom - S2-133769 Approved Approved
Erik Y 6.6 S2-133668 LS OUT [DRAFT] LS on UPCON Congestion Reporting KDDI UPCON S2-133248 Noted Noted
Erik Y 6.6 S2-133655 P-CR Roaming support in congestion notification Samsung UPCON S2-133770 S2-133213 Revised to S2-133770. Revised
Erik N 6.6 S2-133770 P-CR Roaming support in congestion notification Samsung UPCON S2-133655 WITHDRAWN Withdrawn
Erik Y 6.6 S2-133247 P-CR UPCON Congestion Indication KDDI UPCON Noted Noted
Erik Y 6.6 S2-133161 LS In LS from TSG SA: LS on Prioritisation of User Plane Congestion Management (UPCON) TSG SA UPCON SP-130502 Noted Noted
Erik Y 6.6 S2-133184 LS In LS from RAN WG2: Reply LS on Questions to RAN on UPCON RAN WG2 UPCON R2-133030 This was postponed to meeting #100 Postponed
Erik Y 6.6 S2-133188 LS In LS from RAN WG3: LS response on User Plane Congestion RAN WG3 UPCON R3-131600 Noted Noted
Erik Y 6.6 S2-133248 LS OUT [DRAFT] LS on UPCON Congestion Reporting KDDI UPCON S2-133668 Revised to S2-133668. Revised
Erik Y 6.6 S2-133489 P-CR Clarification of general principles for CN-based solution (subclause 6.1.4) NEC UPCON Not Handled Not Handled
Erik Y 6.6 S2-133405 P-CR Clarification and Evaluation of the Congestion Reporting Solution Based on GTP-U China Mobile, AT&T UPCON Not Handled Not Handled
Erik Y 6.6 S2-133487 P-CR PMIP variant of solution 1.5.1 (conveying RCI in the user plane) NEC UPCON Not Handled Not Handled
Erik Y 6.6 S2-133261 P-CR Application of solution 1.5.2 for PMIP and impact of solution 1.5.2 on existing entities and interfaces NTT DOCOMO, Intel UPCON Not Handled Not Handled
Erik Y 6.6 S2-133486 P-CR Configuring RCI delivery NEC UPCON Not Handled Not Handled
Erik Y 6.6 S2-133490 P-CR RAN impacts of GTP-U based congestion reporting solution (subclause NEC UPCON Not Handled Not Handled
Erik Y 6.6 S2-133488 P-CR Proposal for UPCON evaluation criteria NEC UPCON Not Handled Not Handled
Erik Y 6.6 S2-133336 P-CR Evaluation of C-plane congestion reporting solution NTT DOCOMO, Intel UPCON Not Handled Not Handled
- - 6.7 - - WLAN Network Selection for 3GPP Terminals (WLAN_NS) - - - - - - -
Ivano Y 6.7 S2-133384 DISCUSSION Definition and Structure of WLANSP Policy Motorola Mobility WLAN_NS Noted in parallel sessions Noted
Ivano Y 6.7 S2-133385 CR 23.402 CR1189: Update ANDSF information to support WLAN access network selection Motorola Mobilty, AT&T, Qualcomm Incorporated, Intel, Broadcom Corporation WLAN_NS S2-133606 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133606. Revised
Ivano Y 6.7 S2-133606 CR 23.402 CR1189R1: Update ANDSF information to support WLAN access network selection Motorola Mobilty, AT&T, Qualcomm Incorporated, Intel, Broadcom Corporation WLAN_NS S2-133688 S2-133385 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133688. Revised
Ivano Y 6.7 S2-133688 CR 23.402 CR1189R2: Update ANDSF information to support WLAN access network selection Motorola Mobilty, AT&T, Qualcomm Incorporated, Intel, Broadcom Corporation WLAN_NS S2-133606 Agreed in parallel sessions. This CR was agreed Agreed
Ivano Y 6.7 S2-133386 CR 23.402 CR1190: UE procedures based on ANDSF information Motorola Mobilty, AT&T, Qualcomm Incorporated, Intel, Broadcom Corporation WLAN_NS S2-133607 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133607. Revised
Ivano Y 6.7 S2-133607 CR 23.402 CR1190R1: UE procedures based on ANDSF information Motorola Mobilty, AT&T, Qualcomm Incorporated, Intel, Broadcom Corporation WLAN_NS S2-133689 S2-133386 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133689. Revised
Ivano Y 6.7 S2-133689 CR 23.402 CR1190R2: UE procedures based on ANDSF information Motorola Mobilty, AT&T, Qualcomm Incorporated, Intel, Broadcom Corporation WLAN_NS S2-133607 This CR was agreed Agreed
Ivano Y 6.7 S2-133387 CR 23.402 CR1191: WLAN access network selection based on WLANSP rules Motorola Mobilty, AT&T, Qualcomm Incorporated, Intel, Broadcom Corporation WLAN_NS S2-133608 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133608. Revised
Ivano Y 6.7 S2-133608 CR 23.402 CR1191R1: WLAN access network selection based on WLANSP rules Motorola Mobilty, AT&T, Qualcomm Incorporated, Intel, Broadcom Corporation WLAN_NS S2-133690 S2-133387 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133690. Revised
Ivano Y 6.7 S2-133690 CR 23.402 CR1191R2: WLAN access network selection based on WLANSP rules Motorola Mobilty, AT&T, Qualcomm Incorporated, Intel, Broadcom Corporation WLAN_NS S2-133608 This CR was agreed Agreed
Ivano Y 6.7 S2-133284 CR 23.402 CR1178: 23.402 CR for General Principle of PSPL Huawei, Hisilicon WLAN_NS Noted in parallel sessions Noted
Ivano Y 6.7 S2-133380 DISCUSSION Convergence of RAN WG2 and SA WG2 work on Cellular-WLAN interworking BlackBerry UK Ltd - Not Handled Not Handled
Ivano Y 6.7 S2-133381 DISCUSSION Draft LS : Convergence of RAN WG2 and SA WG2 work on Cellular-WLAN interworking BlackBerry UK Ltd - Not Handled Not Handled
Ivano Y 6.7 S2-133207 DISCUSSION ANDSF policies for WLAN network selection and traffic steering Vodafone WLAN_NS Noted in parallel sessions Noted
Ivano Y 6.7 S2-133458 DISCUSSION Selection of WLAN with S2a connectivity based on ANDSF extension Huawei, Hisilicon WLAN_NS Noted in parallel sessions Noted
Ivano Y 6.7 S2-133283 CR 23.865 CR0002: Selection of WLAN with S2a connectivity based on ANDSF extension Huawei, Hisilicon WLAN_NS S2-133626 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133626. Revised
Ivano Y 6.7 S2-133626 CR 23.865 CR0002R1: Selection of WLAN with S2a connectivity based on ANDSF extension Huawei, Hisilicon WLAN_NS S2-133691 S2-133283 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133691. Revised
Ivano Y 6.7 S2-133691 CR 23.865 CR0002R2: Selection of WLAN with S2a connectivity based on ANDSF extension Huawei, Hisilicon WLAN_NS S2-133626 Noted Noted
Ivano Y 6.7 S2-133339 DISCUSSION WLAN_NS: S2a connectivity with VPLMN and HPLMN Alcatel-Lucent, Broadcom Corporation WLAN_NS Noted in parallel sessions Noted
Ivano Y 6.7 S2-133340 CR 23.865 CR0004: Selection of WLAN with S2a connectivity to VPLMN/HPLMN Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell, Broadcom Corporation WLAN_NS S2-133625 Revised and merged with S2-133454 in parallel sessions into S2-133625. Merged into S2-133625
Ivano Y 6.7 S2-133454 CR 23.865 CR0005: Enhancements to solution 16 for key issue 9 and selection of solution 16 Qualcomm Incorporated WLAN_NS S2-133625 NOT IN CR FORMAT. Merged with S2-133340 into S2-133625 Merged into S2-133625
Ivano Y 6.7 S2-133625 CR 23.865 CR0004R1: Selection of WLAN with S2a connectivity to VPLMN/HPLMN Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell, Broadcom Corporation WLAN_NS S2-133692 S2-133340 Parallel session merge of S2-133340 and S2-133454. Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133692. Revised
Ivano Y 6.7 S2-133692 CR 23.865 CR0004R2: Selection of WLAN with S2a connectivity to VPLMN/HPLMN Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell, Broadcom Corporation WLAN_NS S2-133850 S2-133625 Revised to S2-133850. Revised
Ivano Y 6.7 S2-133850 CR 23.865 CR0004R3: Selection of WLAN with S2a connectivity to VPLMN/HPLMN Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell, Broadcom Corporation WLAN_NS S2-133692 This CR was agreed Agreed
Ivano Y 6.7 S2-133319 DISCUSSION Improvements to solution#10 allowing provision of UEs with WLAN selection policies via the UICC. Gemalto WLAN_NS Not Handled Not Handled
Ivano Y 6.7 S2-133320 CR 23.865 CR0003: Improvement to Solution#10 to support provisioning from UICC. Gemalto WLAN_NS Not Handled -
Ivano Y 6.7 S2-133321 CR 23.402 CR1184: WLAN selection policy provisioning of UE via the UICC Gemalto WLAN_NS Not Handled -
- - 6.8 - - ProSe Group Communication, ProSe Relays and Group Communication System Enablers for LTE Common Aspects (ProSe/GCSE_LTE) - - - - - - -
- - 6.9 - - Web Real Time Communication (WebRTC) Access to IMS (IMS_WebRTC) - - - - - - -
Ivano Y 6.9 S2-133419 INFO Discussion paper on Trickle ICE NTT - Noted in parallel sessions Noted
Ivano Y 6.9 S2-133418 P-CR Trickle ICE support in IMS_WebRTC NTT IMS_WebRTC Noted in parallel sessions Noted
Ivano Y 6.9 S2-133133 P-CR WebRTC removal of media protocols EN Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell IMS_WebRTC S2-133595 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133595. Revised
Ivano Y 6.9 S2-133595 P-CR WebRTC removal of media protocols EN Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell IMS_WebRTC S2-133704 S2-133133 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133704. Revised
Ivano Y 6.9 S2-133704 P-CR WebRTC removal of media protocols EN Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell IMS_WebRTC S2-133595 Agreed in parallel sessions. Approved Approved
Ivano Y 6.9 S2-133131 P-CR WebRTC removal of signalling protocol EN Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell IMS_WebRTC Noted in parallel sessions Noted
Ivano Y 6.9 S2-133132 P-CR WebRTC removal of EPC usage and QoS ENs Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell IMS_WebRTC S2-133596 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133596. Revised
Ivano Y 6.9 S2-133596 P-CR WebRTC removal of EPC usage and QoS ENs Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell IMS_WebRTC S2-133817 S2-133132 Revised to S2-133817. Revised
Ivano Y 6.9 S2-133817 P-CR WebRTC removal of EPC usage and QoS ENs Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell IMS_WebRTC S2-133596 Approved Approved
Ivano Y 6.9 S2-133285 P-CR WebRTC firewall traversal requirement Huawei, Hisilicon IMS_WebRTC Noted in parallel sessions Noted
Ivano Y 6.9 S2-133252 P-CR WebRTC removal of authentication ENs in overall Architectural Requirements Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell IMS_WebRTC S2-133628 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133628. Revised
Ivano N 6.9 S2-133628 P-CR WebRTC removal of authentication ENs in overall Architectural Requirements Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell IMS_WebRTC S2-133252 Agreed in parallel sessions. Approved Approved
Ivano Y 6.9 S2-133417 P-CR WebRTC Architectural Design Policy NTT, China Mobile IMS_WebRTC Noted in parallel sessions Noted
Ivano Y 6.9 S2-133134 P-CR WebRTC media architecture Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell IMS_WebRTC Noted in parallel sessions Noted
Ivano Y 6.9 S2-133497 DISCUSSION Discussion on gateways residing in the device Nokia IMS_WebRTC Noted in parallel sessions Noted
Ivano Y 6.9 S2-133129 P-CR WebRTC IMS client emulation solution proposal Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell IMS_WebRTC S2-133629 Merged with S2-133264 in parallel sessions to S2-133629. Merged into S2-133629
Ivano Y 6.9 S2-133264 P-CR Terminal based WebRTC IMS Interworking Broadcom Corporation IMS_WebRTC S2-133629 Merged with S2-133129 in parallel sessions to S2-133629. Merged into S2-133629
Ivano Y 6.9 S2-133629 P-CR WebRTC IMS client emulation solution proposal Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell, Broadcom Corporation IMS_WebRTC S2-133818 S2-133129 Merger of S2-133129 and S2-133264. Revised to S2-133818. Revised
Ivano Y 6.9 S2-133818 P-CR WebRTC IMS client emulation solution proposal Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell, Broadcom Corporation IMS_WebRTC S2-133629 Approved Approved
Ivano Y 6.9 S2-133130 P-CR WebRTC PBX emulation solution proposal Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell IMS_WebRTC S2-133630 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133630. Revised
Ivano Y 6.9 S2-133630 P-CR WebRTC PBX emulation solution proposal Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell IMS_WebRTC S2-133130 Agreed in parallel sessions. Approved Approved
Ivano Y 6.9 S2-133197 P-CR An Alternative Architecture for WebRTC Clients Accesssing IMS China Mobile, Huawei IMS_WebRTC S2-133631 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133631. Revised
Ivano Y 6.9 S2-133631 P-CR An Alternative Architecture for WebRTC Clients Accesssing IMS China Mobile, Huawei IMS_WebRTC S2-133705 S2-133197 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133705. Revised
Ivano Y 6.9 S2-133705 P-CR An Alternative Architecture for WebRTC Clients Accesssing IMS China Mobile, Huawei IMS_WebRTC S2-133631 Agreed in parallel sessions. Approved Approved
Ivano Y 6.9 S2-133098 P-CR An optional mechanism for webRTC IMS client authentication AT&T IMS_WebRTC Noted in parallel sessions Noted
Ivano Y 6.9 S2-133251 P-CR WebRTC solution 3 update Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell IMS_WebRTC S2-133632 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133632. Revised
Ivano Y 6.9 S2-133632 P-CR WebRTC solution 3 update Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell IMS_WebRTC S2-133706 S2-133251 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133706. Revised
Ivano Y 6.9 S2-133706 P-CR WebRTC solution 3 update Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell IMS_WebRTC S2-133819 S2-133632 Revised to S2-133819. Revised
Ivano Y 6.9 S2-133819 P-CR WebRTC solution 3 update Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell IMS_WebRTC S2-133706 Approved Approved
Ivano Y 6.9 S2-133220 P-CR Solution 1- Procedures and Call flows Ericsson IMS_WebRTC S2-133683 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133683. Revised
Ivano Y 6.9 S2-133683 P-CR Solution 1- Procedures and Call flows Ericsson IMS_WebRTC S2-133707 S2-133220 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133707. Revised
Ivano Y 6.9 S2-133707 P-CR Solution 1- Procedures and Call flows Ericsson IMS_WebRTC S2-133683 Agreed in parallel sessions. Approved Approved
Ivano Y 6.9 S2-133371 P-CR IMS registration for WebRTC clients NSN IMS_WebRTC S2-133684 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133684. Revised
Ivano Y 6.9 S2-133684 P-CR IMS registration for WebRTC clients NSN IMS_WebRTC S2-133820 S2-133371 Revised to S2-133820. Revised
Ivano Y 6.9 S2-133820 P-CR IMS registration for WebRTC clients NSN IMS_WebRTC S2-133684 Approved Approved
Ivano Y 6.9 S2-133128 P-CR WebRTC solution 3 message flows Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell IMS_WebRTC S2-133685 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133685. Revised
Ivano Y 6.9 S2-133685 P-CR WebRTC solution 3 message flows Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell IMS_WebRTC S2-133821 S2-133128 Revised to S2-133821. Revised
Ivano Y 6.9 S2-133821 P-CR WebRTC solution 3 message flows Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell IMS_WebRTC S2-133685 Approved Approved
Ivano Y 6.9 S2-133198 P-CR Registration Message Flows for New IMS WebRTC Solution China Mobile, Huawei IMS_WebRTC S2-133686 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133686. Revised
Ivano Y 6.9 S2-133686 P-CR Registration Message Flows for New IMS WebRTC Solution China Mobile, Huawei IMS_WebRTC S2-133795 S2-133198 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133795. Revised
Ivano Y 6.9 S2-133795 P-CR Registration Message Flows for New IMS WebRTC Solution China Mobile, Huawei IMS_WebRTC S2-133822 S2-133686 Revised to S2-133822. Revised
Ivano Y 6.9 S2-133822 P-CR Registration Message Flows for New IMS WebRTC Solution China Mobile, Huawei IMS_WebRTC S2-133795 Approved Approved
Ivano Y 6.9 S2-133199 P-CR Origination and Termination for New IMS WebRTC Solution China Mobile, Huawei IMS_WebRTC Not Handled Not Handled
Ivano Y 6.9 S2-133200 P-CR QoS for New IMS WebRTC Solution China Mobile, Huawei IMS_WebRTC Not Handled Not Handled
Ivano Y 6.9 S2-133201 P-CR Multiplexing Negotiation for New IMS WebRTC Solution China Mobile, Huawei IMS_WebRTC Not Handled Not Handled
Ivano Y 6.9 S2-133203 P-CR NAT/FW Traversal for New WebRTC Solution China Mobile, Huawei IMS_WebRTC Not Handled Not Handled
Ivano Y 6.9 S2-133393 P-CR Registration Flows for New IMS WebRTC Solution using OAuth procedure Huawei, Hisilicon, China Mobile IMS_WebRTC Not Handled Not Handled
Ivano Y 6.9 S2-133202 P-CR Evaluation on New IMS WebRTC Solution China Mobile, Huawei IMS_WebRTC Not Handled Not Handled
- - 6.10 - - IMS Registration Control (IMS_RegCon) - - - - - - -
Ivano Y 6.10 S2-133173 LS In LS from CT WG4: Reply LS on IMS Registration Control CT WG4 IMS_RegCon C4-131487 Noted in parallel sessions Noted
Ivano Y 6.10 S2-133221 CR 23.228 CR1029R2: Location-based IMS registration control China Mobile, ZTE, Ericsson, Huawei, NSN, Deutsche Telekom IMS_RegCon S2-131612 Noted in parallel sessions Noted
Ivano Y 6.10 S2-133503 DISCUSSION Evaluation of IMS_RegCon alternative solutions (updated) Orange, NTT DOCOMO, Telecom Italia, KPN, KDDI, TeliaSonera IMS_RegCon S2-133584 Revised to S2-133584. Revised
Ivano Y 6.10 S2-133584 DISCUSSION Evaluation of IMS_RegCon alternative solutions (updated) Orange, NTT DOCOMO, KPN, KDDI, TeliaSonera, Telefonica, AT&T, NTT IMS_RegCon S2-133503 Noted in parallel sessions Noted
Ivano Y 6.10 S2-133504 CR 23.228 CR1044: Location-based IMS registration control with minimal impacts Orange, NTT DOCOMO, Telecom Italia, KPN, KDDI, TeliaSonera IMS_RegCon S2-133585 Revised to S2-133585. Revised
Ivano Y 6.10 S2-133585 CR 23.228 CR1044R1: Location-based IMS registration control with minimal impacts Orange, NTT DOCOMO, KPN, KDDI, TeliaSonera, Telefonica, AT&T, NTT IMS_RegCon S2-133504 Noted in parallel sessions Noted
- - 6.11 - - User Location Information reporting improvements (CNO-ULI) - - - - - - -
- - 6.12 - - Study on Core Network Overload solutions (FS_CNO) Phase 2 submissions: ULI Signalling Optimizations on-going study - - - - - - -
Ivano Y 6.12 S2-133348 P-CR CNO_ULI solution 3 updates and evaluation Alcatel-Lucent, Allot Communications FS_CNO S2-133514 Revised to S2-133514. Revised
Ivano Y 6.12 S2-133514 P-CR CNO_ULI solution 3 updates and evaluation Alcatel-Lucent, Allot Communications FS_CNO S2-133633 S2-133348 Revision of S2-133348. LATE DOC: Rx 22/09, 23:15. Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133633. Revised
Ivano Y 6.12 S2-133633 P-CR CNO_ULI solution 3 updates and evaluation Alcatel-Lucent, Allot Communications FS_CNO S2-133816 S2-133514 Revised to S2-133816. Revised
Ivano Y 6.12 S2-133816 P-CR CNO_ULI solution 3 updates and evaluation Alcatel-Lucent, Allot Communications FS_CNO S2-133633 Approved Approved
Ivano Y 6.12 S2-133379 P-CR Evaluation of solution: New 'change of eNB' reporting event' China Unicom FS_CNO Noted in parallel sessions Noted
Ivano Y 6.12 S2-133347 P-CR CNO_ULI solution 2 updates and evaluation Alcatel-Lucent, Allot Communications FS_CNO S2-133634 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133634. Revised
Ivano Y 6.12 S2-133634 P-CR CNO_ULI solution 2 updates and evaluation Alcatel-Lucent, Allot Communications FS_CNO S2-133347 Approved Approved
Ivano Y 6.12 S2-133378 P-CR Adding of evaluation on solution: ULI reporting at PCC area level China Unicom FS_CNO Noted in parallel sessions Noted
Ivano Y 6.12 S2-133099 P-CR A solution proposal for ULI reporting only for an AF interested mobility or session events/sub-events AT&T FS_CNO Noted in parallel sessions Noted
Ivano Y 6.12 S2-133349 P-CR CNO_ULI TR conclusions Alcatel-Lucent, Allot Communications FS_CNO S2-133635 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133635. Revised
Ivano Y 6.12 S2-133635 P-CR CNO_ULI TR conclusions Alcatel-Lucent, Allot Communications FS_CNO S2-133349 Approved Approved
- - 6.13 - - S2a Mobility based On GTP and WLAN access to EPC (eSaMOG) - - - - - - -
Ivano Y 6.13 S2-133334 DISCUSSION Proposed eSaMOG skeleton for TS 23.402 ZTE, Broadcom eSaMOG Noted in parallel sessions. Proposed skeleton is endorsed Noted
Ivano Y 6.13 S2-133350 CR 23.402 CR1188: Introduction of eSaMOG: overall description Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell, Broadcom Corporation, Juniper Networks, ZTE, Ericsson, Qualcomm, Motorola Mobility, Nokia Solutions and Networks, China Mobile, Huawei, Hisilicon eSaMOG S2-133587 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133587. Revised
Ivano Y 6.13 S2-133587 CR 23.402 CR1188R1: Introduction of eSaMOG: overall description Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell, Broadcom Corporation, Juniper Networks, ZTE, Ericsson, Qualcomm, Motorola Mobility, Nokia Solutions and Networks, China Mobile, Huawei, Hisilicon eSaMOG S2-133693 S2-133350 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133693. Revised
Ivano Y 6.13 S2-133693 CR 23.402 CR1188R2: Introduction of eSaMOG: overall description Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell, Broadcom Corporation, Juniper Networks, ZTE, Ericsson, Qualcomm, Motorola Mobility, Nokia Solutions and Networks, China Mobile, Huawei, Hisilicon eSaMOG S2-133851 S2-133587 Revised to S2-133851. Revised
Ivano Y 6.13 S2-133851 CR 23.402 CR1188R3: Introduction of eSaMOG: overall description Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell, Broadcom Corporation, Juniper Networks, ZTE, Ericsson, Qualcomm Incorporated, Motorola Mobility, Nokia Solutions and Networks, China Mobile, Huawei, Hisilicon eSaMOG S2-133693 This CR was agreed Agreed
Ivano Y 6.13 S2-133494 CR 23.402 CR1196: SaMOG User plane Description China Mobile eSaMOG S2-133588 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133588. Revised
Ivano Y 6.13 S2-133588 CR 23.402 CR1196R1: SaMOG User plane Description China Mobile eSaMOG S2-133694 S2-133494 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133694. Revised
Ivano Y 6.13 S2-133694 CR 23.402 CR1196R2: SaMOG User plane Description China Mobile eSaMOG S2-133588 This CR was agreed Agreed
Ivano Y 6.13 S2-133301 CR 23.402 CR1182: Bearer model for PDN connectivity service with GTP based S2a for multi-connection mode CATT eSaMOG S2-133589 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133589. Revised
Ivano Y 6.13 S2-133589 CR 23.402 CR1182R1: Bearer model for PDN connectivity service with GTP based S2a for multi-connection mode CATT eSaMOG S2-133301 Noted in parallel sessions Noted
Ivano Y 6.13 S2-133289 DISCUSSION Discussion of IP Address Allocation Huawei, Hisilicon eSaMOG Noted in parallel sessions Noted
Ivano Y 6.13 S2-133290 CR 23.402 CR1180: IP address Allocation and DHCP Function Huawei, Hisilicon eSaMOG Not Handled -
Ivano Y 6.13 S2-133331 CR 23.402 CR1185: IP address allocation for eSaMOG ZTE eSaMOG Not Handled -
Ivano Y 6.13 S2-133218 P-CR Negotiation of SaMOG connection mode of operation Ericsson, Qualcomm Incorporated eSaMOG Noted in parallel sessions Noted
Ivano Y 6.13 S2-133219 CR 23.402 CR1177: Initial attach and handover attach call flows for single-connection mode Ericsson, Qualcomm Incorporated eSaMOG S2-133609 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133609. Revised
Ivano Y 6.13 S2-133609 CR 23.402 CR1177R1: Initial attach and handover attach call flows for single-connection mode Ericsson, Qualcomm Incorporated eSaMOG S2-133695 S2-133219 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133695. Revised
Ivano Y 6.13 S2-133695 CR 23.402 CR1177R2: Initial attach and handover attach call flows for single-connection mode Ericsson, Qualcomm Incorporated eSaMOG S2-133609 This CR was agreed Agreed
Ivano Y 6.13 S2-133302 CR 23.402 CR1183: UE/TWAN requested PDN Disconnection Procedure in WLAN on GTP S2a for Multi-Connection Mode CATT eSaMOG S2-133610 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133610. Revised
Ivano Y 6.13 S2-133610 CR 23.402 CR1183R1: UE/TWAN requested PDN Disconnection Procedure in WLAN on GTP S2a for Multi-Connection Mode CATT eSaMOG S2-133696 S2-133302 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133696. Revised
Ivano Y 6.13 S2-133696 CR 23.402 CR1183R2: UE/TWAN requested PDN Disconnection Procedure in WLAN on GTP S2a for Multi-Connection Mode CATT eSaMOG S2-133610 Agreed in parallel sessions. This CR was agreed Agreed
Ivano Y 6.13 S2-133298 CR 23.402 CR1181: Handover for Multiple PDN connection Mode CATT eSaMOG Noted in parallel sessions Noted
Ivano Y 6.13 S2-133286 DISCUSSION Discussion of Transfer Mechanism of WLCP between the UE and the TWAN Huawei, Hisilicon, Qualcomm Incorporated, Ericsson, BlackBerry UK Ltd eSaMOG Noted in parallel sessions Noted
Ivano Y 6.13 S2-133335 DISCUSSION eSaMOG WLCP Transport Layer Considerations and Comparisons ZTE, Broadcom eSaMOG Noted in parallel sessions Noted
Ivano Y 6.13 S2-133421 DISCUSSION Discussion on WLCP transport mechanism LG Electronics eSaMOG Noted in parallel sessions Noted
Ivano Y 6.13 S2-133288 CR 23.402 CR1179: WLCP Transport Mechanism Huawei, Hisilicon eSaMOG Noted in parallel sessions Noted
Ivano Y 6.13 S2-133332 CR 23.402 CR1186: WLCP over UDP ZTE eSaMOG Noted in parallel sessions Noted
Ivano Y 6.13 S2-133333 CR 23.402 CR1187: WLCP over 802.11 ZTE eSaMOG Not Handled -
Ivano Y 6.13 S2-133287 DISCUSSION Discussion of Control Plane Address Transfer Huawei, Hisilicon eSaMOG Not Handled Not Handled
- - 6.14 - - Study on Optimizing Offloading to WLAN in 3GPP RAT mobility (WORM) - - - - - - -
Ivano Y 6.14 S2-133452 CR 23.402 CR1194: 3GPP RAT differentiation in ISRP for WORM Qualcomm Incorporated, LG Electronics, BlackBerry UK Ltd WORM S2-133592 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133592. Revised
Ivano Y 6.14 S2-133592 CR 23.402 CR1194R1: 3GPP RAT differentiation in ISRP for WORM Qualcomm Incorporated, LG Electronics, BlackBerry UK Ltd WORM S2-133698 S2-133452 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133698. Revised
Ivano Y 6.14 S2-133698 CR 23.402 CR1194R2: 3GPP RAT differentiation in ISRP for WORM Qualcomm Incorporated, LG Electronics, BlackBerry UK Ltd WORM S2-133592 Agreed in parallel sessions. This CR was agreed Agreed
Ivano Y 6.14 S2-133505 CR 23.402 CR1197: ANDSF policies conditioned by the current 3GPP RAT Orange, AT&T, Gemalto WORM Noted in parallel sessions Noted
Ivano Y 6.14 S2-133453 LS OUT [DRAFT] LS on 3GPP RAT differentiation in ANDSF ISRP for WORM functionality Qualcomm Incorporated - S2-133593 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133593. Revised
Ivano Y 6.14 S2-133593 LS OUT [DRAFT] LS on 3GPP RAT differentiation in ANDSF ISRP for WORM functionality SA WG2 - S2-133859 S2-133453 Revised to S2-133859. Revised
Ivano Y 6.14 S2-133859 LS OUT LS on 3GPP RAT differentiation in ANDSF ISRP for WORM functionality SA WG2 - S2-133593 Approved Approved
Ivano Y 6.14 S2-133299 CR 23.401 CR2605: Addition of a note addressing the behavior of network side during inter-RAT 3GPP PS Handover CATT, LGE WORM S2-133594 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133594. Revised
Ivano Y 6.14 S2-133594 CR 23.401 CR2605R1: Addition of a note addressing the behavior of network side during inter-RAT 3GPP PS Handover CATT, LGE WORM S2-133699 S2-133299 Merged with S2-133598 in parallel sessions into S2-133699. Merged into S2-133699
Ivano Y 6.14 S2-133422 CR 23.401 CR2617: Adding the recommendation on network behaviour during Inter-RAT 3GPP PS Handover for the WORM feature. LG Electronics, Qualcomm Incorporated WORM S2-133598 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133598. Revised
Ivano Y 6.14 S2-133598 CR 23.401 CR2617R1: Adding the recommendation on network behaviour during Inter-RAT 3GPP PS Handover for the WORM feature. LG Electronics, Qualcomm Incorporated WORM S2-133699 S2-133422 Merged with S2-133594 in parallel sessions into S2-133699. Merged into S2-133699
Ivano Y 6.14 S2-133699 CR 23.401 CR2605R2: Addition of a note addressing the behavior of network side during inter-RAT 3GPP PS Handover CATT, LGE WORM S2-133594 Parallel session merge of S2-133594 and S2-133598. This CR was agreed Agreed
Ivano Y 6.14 S2-133450 CR 23.402 CR1193: Handover from 3GPP to non-3GPP for suspended bearers Qualcomm Incorporated WORM S2-133599 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133599. Revised
Ivano Y 6.14 S2-133599 CR 23.402 CR1193R1: Handover from 3GPP to non-3GPP for suspended bearers Qualcomm Incorporated WORM S2-133700 S2-133450 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133700. Revised
Ivano Y 6.14 S2-133700 CR 23.402 CR1193R2: Handover from 3GPP to non-3GPP for suspended bearers Qualcomm Incorporated WORM S2-133599 Agreed in parallel sessions. This CR was agreed Agreed
Ivano Y 6.14 S2-133451 CR 23.272 CR0907: Resuming PS services that have been handed over to non-3GPP Qualcomm Incorporated, LG Electronics WORM S2-133624 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133624. Revised
Ivano Y 6.14 S2-133624 CR 23.272 CR0907R1: Resuming PS services that have been handed over to non-3GPP Qualcomm Incorporated, LG Electronics WORM S2-133701 S2-133451 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133701. Revised
Ivano Y 6.14 S2-133701 CR 23.272 CR0907R2: Resuming PS services that have been handed over to non-3GPP Qualcomm Incorporated, LG Electronics WORM S2-133624 Agreed in parallel sessions. This CR was agreed Agreed
- - 6.15 - - Network provided Location information for IMS Trusted WLAN Access Network (TWAN) case (NETLOC_TWAN) - - - - - - -
Ivano Y 6.15 S2-133124 DISCUSSION Nature of the Access Network information reported in case of a TWAN access Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell NETLOC_TWAN Noted in parallel sessions Noted
Ivano Y 6.15 S2-133244 DISCUSSION User location information for trusted WLAN Ericsson NETLOC_TWAN Noted in parallel sessions Noted
Ivano Y 6.15 S2-133125 CR 23.402 CR1176: Access Network information reporting in case of a TWAN Access Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell NETLOC_TWAN S2-133597 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133597. Revised
Ivano Y 6.15 S2-133597 CR 23.402 CR1176R1: Access Network information reporting in case of a TWAN Access Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell NETLOC_TWAN S2-133125 It was reported that there were still issues with this and it should be reviewed again at the next meeting. This CR was then noted. Noted
Ivano Y 6.15 S2-133126 CR 23.228 CR1043: Access Network information reporting in case of a TWAN Access Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell NETLOC_TWAN Not Handled -
Ivano Y 6.15 S2-133127 CR 23.203 CR0842: Access Network information reporting in case of a TWAN Access Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell NETLOC_TWAN Not Handled -
Ivano Y 6.15 S2-133329 DISCUSSION NPLI retrieval by an IMS AS Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell NETLOC_TWAN Not Handled Not Handled
Ivano Y 6.15 S2-133513 CR 23.402 CR1198: NPLI retrieval by an IMS AS Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell NETLOC_TWAN LATE DOC: Rx 20/09, 17:00. Not Handled -
- - 6.16 - - Technical Enhancements and Improvements (TEI12) - - - - - - -
- - 6.16.1 - - TEI12: 3GPP Packet Access Enhancements and Improvements (to TS 23.060, TS 23.272 or 23.401) - - - - - - -
Frank Y 6.16.1 S2-133097 DISCUSSION Discussion about ULI reporting (NetLoc) issues and proposed improvement in session termination and bearer release scenarios AT&T TEI12 Support for this contribution had indicated off-line by KPN, Sprint, KDDI and China Mobile. Noted Noted
Frank Y 6.16.1 S2-133341 CR 23.401 CR2623: Reporting ULI and TimeZone at Network-initiated bearer release related procedures Alcatel-Lucent, AT&T TEI12, NWK-PL2IMS S2-133535 Revised to S2-133535. Revised
Frank Y 6.16.1 S2-133535 CR 23.401 CR2623R1: Reporting ULI and TimeZone at Network-initiated bearer release related procedures Alcatel-Lucent, AT&T TEI12, NWK-PL2IMS S2-133744 S2-133341 left for further off-line discussion. Revised to S2-133744. Revised
Frank Y 6.16.1 S2-133744 CR 23.401 CR2623R2: Reporting ULI and TimeZone at Network-initiated bearer release related procedures Alcatel-Lucent, AT&T TEI12, NWK-PL2IMS S2-133535 This CR was agreed Agreed
Frank Y 6.16.1 S2-133342 CR 23.203 CR0850: Reporting ULI and TimeZone at Network-initiated bearer release related procedures Alcatel-Lucent, AT&T TEI12, NWK-PL2IMS S2-133536 Revised in S2-133536. Revised
Frank Y 6.16.1 S2-133536 CR 23.203 CR0850R1: Reporting ULI and TimeZone at Network-initiated bearer release related procedures Alcatel-Lucent, AT&T TEI12, NWK-PL2IMS S2-133342 This CR was agreed Agreed
Frank Y 6.16.1 S2-133343 LS OUT [DRAFT] LS to RAN WG3 on ULI reporting enhancements Alcatel-Lucent - S2-133569 This was left for off-line review and was revised in parallel sessions in S2-133569 Revised
Frank Y 6.16.1 S2-133569 LS OUT [DRAFT] LS to RAN WG3 on ULI reporting enhancements SA WG2 - S2-133740 S2-133343 Revised to S2-133740. Revised
Frank Y 6.16.1 S2-133740 LS OUT [DRAFT] LS to RAN WG3 on ULI reporting enhancements SA WG2 - S2-133854 S2-133569 Revised to S2-133854. Revised
Frank Y 6.16.1 S2-133854 LS OUT LS to RAN WG3 on ULI reporting enhancements SA WG2 - S2-133865 S2-133740 Approved. Wrong CR S2-133526 was attached, revised by MCC to include S2-133536 in S2-133865. Revised to S2-133865. Revised
Frank Y 6.16.1 S2-133865 LS OUT LS on ULI reporting enhancements SA WG2 - S2-133854 Approved Approved
Frank Y 6.16.1 S2-133122 DISCUSSION Congestion control on Gs/SGs interface Huawei, Hisilicon, China Unicom, Orange TEI12 This was left for further off-line discussion. Noted in parallel sessions Noted
Frank Y 6.16.1 S2-133123 CR 23.272 CR0843R1: Congestion control on the SGs interface Huawei, Hisilicon, China Unicom, Orange TEI12 S2-133542 S2-124441 Resubmission of S2-124441. Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133542 which was later withdrawn. Revised
Frank Y 6.16.1 S2-133542 CR 23.272 CR0843R2: Congestion control on the SGs interface Huawei, Hisilicon, China Unicom, Orange TEI12 S2-133123 WITHDRAWN Withdrawn
Frank Y 6.16.1 S2-133404 P-CR Improving TCP throughput in 3GPP network by Proxy China Mobile - Noted in parallel sessions Noted
Frank Y 6.16.1 S2-133138 CR 23.060 CR1811: Introduce TCP proxy in GGSN to improve TCP throughput China Mobile, Huawei TEI12 S2-133540 This was briefly reviewed and further off-line discussion was needed. Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133540. Revised
Frank N 6.16.1 S2-133540 CR 23.060 CR1811R1: Introduce TCP proxy in GGSN to improve TCP throughput China Mobile, Huawei TEI12 S2-133138 WITHDRAWN. A 23.002 CR instead (S2-133570) Withdrawn
Frank Y 6.16.1 S2-133139 CR 23.401 CR2593: Introduce TCP proxy in PGW to improve TCP throughput China Mobile, Huawei, CATT, ZTE TEI12 S2-133541 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133541. Revised
Frank N 6.16.1 S2-133541 CR 23.401 CR2593R1: Introduce TCP proxy in PGW to improve TCP throughput China Mobile, Huawei, CATT, ZTE TEI12 S2-133139 WITHDRAWN. A 23.002 CR instead (S2-133570) Withdrawn
Frank Y 6.16.1 S2-133570 CR 23.002 CR0269: Introduce TCP proxy to the 3GPP network China Mobile, Huawei, CATT, ZTE TEI12 S2-133862 Revised to S2-133862. Revised
Frank Y 6.16.1 S2-133862 CR 23.002 CR0269R1: Introduce TCP proxy to the 3GPP network China Mobile, Huawei, CATT, ZTE TEI12 S2-133864 S2-133570 Revised to S2-133864. Revised
Frank Y 6.16.1 S2-133864 CR 23.002 CR0269R2: Introduce TCP proxy to the 3GPP network China Mobile, Huawei, CATT, ZTE TEI12 S2-133862 This CR was agreed Agreed
Frank Y 6.16.1 S2-133498 DISCUSSION M1 Group re-usage Ericsson TEI12, MBMS_EPS This was discussed briefly and the associated CR reviewed. This was then noted. Noted
Frank Y 6.16.1 S2-133233 CR 23.246 CR0276R1: M1 Group re-usage Ericsson, Verizon Wireless TEI12, MBMS_EPS S2-133537 S2-132654 Resubmission of S2-132654. This was revised off-line in S2-133537 Revised
Frank Y 6.16.1 S2-133537 CR 23.246 CR0276R2: M1 Group re-usage Ericsson, Verizon Wireless TEI12, MBMS_EPS S2-133741 S2-133233 Revised to S2-133741. Revised
Frank Y 6.16.1 S2-133741 CR 23.246 CR0276R3: M1 Group re-usage Ericsson, Verizon Wireless TEI12, MBMS_EPS S2-133537 This CR was agreed Agreed
Frank Y 6.16.1 S2-133304 Presentation Addition of Subscription Information for Selecting a Specific Network NTT DOCOMO TEI12 Noted Noted
Frank Y 6.16.1 S2-133305 CR 23.401 CR2606: Addition of Subscription Information for Selecting a Specific Network NTT DOCOMO TEI12 S2-133538 This was further discussed off-line and revised in S2-133538. Revised
Frank Y 6.16.1 S2-133538 CR 23.401 CR2606R1: Addition of Subscription Information for Selecting a Specific Network NTT DOCOMO TEI12 S2-133742 S2-133305 Revised to S2-133742. Revised
Frank Y 6.16.1 S2-133742 CR 23.401 CR2606R2: Addition of Subscription Information for Selecting a Specific Network NTT DOCOMO TEI12 S2-133538 Noted Noted
Frank Y 6.16.1 S2-133306 CR 23.060 CR1816: Addition of Subscription Information for Selecting a Specific Network NTT DOCOMO TEI12 S2-133539 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133539. Revised
Frank Y 6.16.1 S2-133539 CR 23.060 CR1816R1: Addition of Subscription Information for Selecting a Specific Network NTT DOCOMO TEI12 S2-133743 S2-133306 Revised to S2-133743. Revised
Frank N 6.16.1 S2-133743 CR 23.060 CR1816R2: Addition of Subscription Information for Selecting a Specific Network NTT DOCOMO TEI12 S2-133539 WITHDRAWN (not provided) Withdrawn
- - 6.16.2 - - TEI12: PCC/QoS Enhancements and Improvements (to TS 23.060, 23.203, 23.401, 23.402) - - - - - - -
Erik Y 6.16.2 S2-133508 CR 23.060 CR1825: HPLMN Notification with specific indication due to SGSN initiated Bearer removal Orange TEI12 Agreed in drafting sessions. This CR was agreed Agreed
Erik Y 6.16.2 S2-133507 CR 23.401 CR2622: HPLMN Notification with specific indication due to MME initiated Bearer removal Orange TEI12 Agreed in drafting sessions. This CR was agreed Agreed
- - 6.16.3 - - TEI12: Non-3GPP Access Enhancements and Improvements (to TS 23.402) - - - - - - -
Erik Y 6.16.3 S2-133096 CR 23.402 CR1173: APN congestion control for eHRPD Hitachi, Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell, KDDI TEI12 S2-133600 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-133600. Revised
Erik Y 6.16.3 S2-133600 CR 23.402 CR1173R1: APN congestion control for eHRPD Hitachi, Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell, KDDI TEI12 S2-133096 Agreed in drafting sessions. This CR was agreed Agreed
Erik Y 6.16.3 S2-133292 CR 23.002 CR0268: Add New Interface Description between MME and HRPD AN Huawei, Hisilicon, China Telecom, Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell, ZTE, Qualcomm Incorporated LTE_HRPD_SON S2-132503 Resubmission of S2-132503. Agreed in drafting sessions. This CR was agreed Agreed
- - 6.16.4 - - TEI12: IMS- or Emergency-Related Enhancements and Improvements (to TS 23.167, TS 23.216, TS 23.228, TS 23.237) - - - - - - -
- - 6.17 - - Minor Corrections and Clean Up (TEI12) – Category F only, no stage 3 impact. - - - - - - -
- - 7 - - Project Planning and Management - - - - - - -
- - 7.1 - - New and Revised Work Items - - - - - - -
Erik Y 7.1 S2-133351 P-CR New WID on Core Network Overload - User Location Information reporting improvements Alcatel-Lucent, Allot Communications - Not Handled Not Handled
- - 7.1.1 - - Work Items Discussed in Parallel Session - - - - - - -
- - 7.2 - - Review of the Work Plan - - - - - - -
- - 7.3 - - Planning future meetings - - - - - - -
Erik Y 7.3 S2-133369 DISCUSSION Planning SA WG2#101bis SA WG2 Chairman - 5 days for the SA WG2 #101 meeting was acceptable. This was then noted. Noted
Erik Y 7.3 S2-133506 DISCUSSION Proposal to postpone SA WG2#106 to Q1/2015 Orange - Noted Noted
- - 8 - - AOB - - - - - - -
Erik Y 8 S2-133246 OTHER Guidelines for creation and revision of CRs SA WG2 Secretary - Delegates were asked to take this into account when providing CRs to SA WG2 TSs and TRs Noted
Erik Y 8 S2-133368 OTHER Expectations for Drafting Rule Conformance SA WG2 Chairman - Delegates were asked to take this into account when providing inputs to TSs and TRs in order to maintain a good editorial and technical quality of the SA WG2 documentation Noted

Created: 2013-10-03 10:06     END OF LIST

Last Allocated Document: S2-133865