ETSI logo / ftp / tsg_ran / WG4_Radio / TSGR4_97_e / Inbox / Drafts / [97e][323] NR_URLLC_Demod_Part2 / Revised CRs / BS

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icon Draft CR R4-2017520 on FRC for URLLC BS radiated performance requirement for TS 38.141-2 .docx 2020/11/11 0:21 36,5 KB
icon draft R4-2017506 CR to TS38.141-2 FRC for FR1 URLLC BS performance requirements.docx 2020/11/09 7:01 32,7 KB
icon draft R4-2017518 URLLC FRC CR v2.docx 2020/11/10 16:36 54 KB
icon draft R4-2017518 URLLC FRC CR.docx 2020/11/09 17:31 53,9 KB
icon draft R4-2017519 CR on radiated performance requirement of PUSCH repetition type A and PUSCH mapping type B for URLLC for TS 38.104.docx 2020/11/10 19:00 48,7 KB
icon draft R4-2017521 CR to TS38.141-1 Test applicability rule for URLLC BS demodulation performance.docx 2020/11/09 7:02 26,2 KB
icon draft R4-2017522 CR to TS38.141-2 Addition of BS conformance testing for FR2 URLLC PUSCH repetition Type A.docx 2020/11/09 9:16 55,3 KB
icon draft R4-2017522 CR to TS38.141-2 Addition of BS conformance testing for FR2 URLLC PUSCH repetition Type A_v1.docx 2020/11/11 1:34 55,3 KB
icon draft R4-2017522 CR to TS38.141-2 Addition of BS conformance testing for FR2 URLLC PUSCH repetition Type A_v2.docx 2020/11/11 2:44 56,4 KB
icon draft R4-2017523 - CR PUSCH Type B.docx 2020/11/09 10:57 74,3 KB
icon draft R4-2017523 - CR PUSCH Type B_V1.docx 2020/11/10 10:23 70,2 KB
icon draft R4-2017523 - CR PUSCH Type B_v2.docx 2020/11/10 12:15 72,7 KB
icon draft R4-2017523 - CR PUSCH Type B_v3.docx 2020/11/10 18:11 76,6 KB
icon draft R4-2017523 - CR PUSCH Type B_v4.docx 2020/11/11 15:34 76,6 KB
icon draft R4-2017527 CR to TS38.104 Addition of BS performance requirements for URLLC FR1 PUSCH repetition Type A_v1.docx 2020/11/11 4:15 47,4 KB
icon draft R4-2017527 CR to TS38.104 Addition of BS performance requirements for URLLC FR1 PUSCH repetition Type A_v2.docx 2020/11/11 14:23 40,9 KB
icon draft R4-2017528 CR to TS38.141-1 Addition of BS conformance testing for URLLC demodulation requirements with higher BLER.docx 2020/11/09 7:02 58,4 KB
icon draft R4-2017528 CR to TS38.141-1 Addition of BS conformance testing for URLLC demodulation requirements with higher BLER_v1.docx 2020/11/11 14:28 50 KB
icon draft R4-2017572 CR to TS38.104 Addition of BS performance requirements for URLLC FR1 PUSCH repetition Type A.docx 2020/11/09 7:02 40,5 KB
icon draftR4-2017524 CR for 38104 Low latency demodulation requirements V1.docx 2020/11/09 14:39 45,1 KB
icon draftR4-2017524 CR for 38104 Low latency demodulation requirements V2.docx 2020/11/09 19:48 45,8 KB
icon draftR4-2017524 CR for 38104 Low latency demodulation requirements V3.docx 2020/11/10 14:17 46,4 KB

22 items.