ETSI logo / ftp / tsg_ran / WG4_Radio / TSGR4_97_e / Inbox / Drafts / [97e][220] NR_RRM_Enh_RRM_3 / Revised tdocs / WF on multiple Scell activation

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icon R4-2017202 WF on R16 RRM enhancement part 3-Multi-SCell activation&CBW change&feature list v2.pptx 2020/11/09 21:52 53,1 KB
icon R4-2017202 WF on R16 RRM enhancement part 3-Multi-SCell activation&CBW change&feature list v3.pptx 2020/11/11 3:15 53,2 KB
icon R4-2017202 WF on R16 RRM enhancement part 3-Multi-SCell activation&CBW change&feature list.pptx 2020/11/09 3:25 53,4 KB

3 items.