ETSI logo / ftp / tsg_ran / WG4_Radio / TSGR4_97_e / Inbox / Drafts / [97e][220] NR_RRM_Enh_RRM_3 / Revised tdocs / CRs for UE specific CBW change

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icon Draft-v0-R4-2017218 TC for UE specific CBW change.docx 2020/11/10 6:11 47,8 KB
icon Draft-v1-R4-2017218 TC for UE specific CBW change.docx 2020/11/11 20:01 48,2 KB
icon DRAFT_R4-2017220 TC3-UE CBW change 38.133.docx 2020/11/09 18:05 52,9 KB
icon R4-2017209 Draft CR on UE behavior for UE specific CBW change-revised.docx 2020/11/09 3:31 32,1 KB
icon R4-2017217 Test case of CBW change on FR1 NR PSCell with non-DRX in sync EN-DC-revised.docx 2020/11/09 3:32 47 KB
icon R4-2017217 Test case of CBW change on FR1 NR PSCell with non-DRX in sync EN-DC-revised2.docx 2020/11/11 6:30 48,4 KB
icon R4-2017219 revised CR on U-CBW change TC FR2 EN-DC.docx 2020/11/09 9:23 62,8 KB

7 items.