ETSI logo / ftp / tsg_ran / WG4_Radio / TSGR4_109 / Inbox / Post_Meeting / [Post 109][115] HPUE_FR1_FDD_NR_CADC_R18

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icon Draft-R4-2318270 Revised WID Rel-18 High power UE (power class 2) for FR1 NR FDD band in UL of NR inter-band CADC combinations - cl.doc 2023/11/21 8:31 235,2 KB
icon Draft-R4-2318270 Revised WID Rel-18 High power UE (power class 2) for FR1 NR FDD band in UL of NR inter-band CADC combinations - tr.doc 2023/11/21 8:31 257,6 KB

2 items.