Dear TSG RAN (and CT and SA) delegates Following highly succesful workshops at a number of recent CT and SA WG meetings, well attended and with much positive feedback from participants, we now offer the Writing World Class Standards workshop during the TSG meetings in Vienna next month. The plan is to offer a single session on the evening of Monday 5 December. The RAN chairman has graciously agreed to finish the first day's meeting between 19h and 19h30 to allow time and space for the event. The workshop will start about ten minutes after the end of the day's RAN meeting, and will take place in the RAN meeting room. This workshop is primarily targeted at TSG RAN delegates, including WG chairmen; as yet, we have not had the opportunity to offer this workshop to RAN working groups - that is a pleasure in store for 2017. However, if any CT or SA delegates who have not yet had the opportunity to attend one of the workshops given at recent WG meetings would like to attend, they will be very welcome. The presenter, Milan Zoric, intends to be present in RAN on Monday and will give a very brief verbal introduction if time and the Charman permit, by way of encouragement to attend. Milan will also look in on CT with a similar aim. The workshop takes about 90 minutes, so you will all escape in time for dinner and/or other ad hoc activities. The object of the workshop is to pass on to 3GPP delegates tips, recommendations, DOs and DON'Ts, and accumulated wisdom of the old greybeards intimately involved in writing standards in ETSI. This amounts to well over 100 years of experience! But the format is not a dry lecture, but highly interactive with worked examples of good (and not so good) practice, highlighting pitfalls to avoid. Further, even greybeards-who-already-know-everything are more than willing to lean from YOUR experiences, and participants are certainly encouraged to pass on their own views. You may refer to the information message distributed to the RAN leadership some time ago, reproduced below. This proposal has been positively received by several WG chairmen. On this occasion, in view of the large number of potential delegates (RAN plus some CT plus SA early arrivers), we ask you to register for the event, if at all possible in advance (!), just to give Milan an idea of the numbers he could anticipate. Use this link: to register. (This is an informal workshop. Although you will receive a registration acknowledgment message, it will not be necessary for you to check in at the event.) Best regards John M Meredith – Director, ETSI Mobile Competence Centre / 3GPP Specifications Manager ETSI ? ? 3GPP ? / Phone: +33 (0)4 92 94 42 37 ? Mobile: +33 (0)6 10 42 03 76 This email may contain confidential information and is intended for the use of the addressee only. Any unauthorized use may be unlawful. If you receive this email by mistake, please advise the sender immediately by using the reply facility in your email software. Thank you for your co-operation. From: John M Meredith [mailto:John.Meredith@ETSI.ORG] Sent: 06 October 2016 16:01 To: 3GPP_RAN_LEADERS <> Subject: Writing World-Class Standards Dear RAN WG Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen For a couple of years, the ETSI Secretariat has been organizing workshops on "writing world-class standards". The first wave was a set of half-day events targeted at ETSI Secretariat staff in a technical body support role, in groups of about a dozen. The aim of this was to pass the accumulated wisdom of the old grey-beards on to the younger generation of support staff. Despite this rather pompous aim, these workshops proved very popular with the staff, who without exception said that they learnt something they were formerly unaware of or had forgotten. Enthused by this success and in the knowledge that quality needs to be built in from the start, not applied like a coat of varnish at the end, we extended the workshops, in slimmed down form, to delegates of technical bodies, particularly encouraging rapporteurs to participate. This exercise also proved very successful. So then we thought, why not extend this service to 3GPP working group members. And rather than expect those busy people to come to us, we would go on the road and take the workshops to them. That is, to YOU. RAN working groups meet all together in Athens in February next year, and we thought this might present a fine opportunity to take our workshops to the first batch of 3GPP RAN delegates. We would organize matters as follows … Several workshops of about 90 minutes would be organized throughout the working week - perhaps one in the morning and one in the afternoon on all but the last day. The workshops could take place in parallel with the WG meetings, and it would be up to delegates to select the workshop which interfered least with their meeting-delegate function. We are flexible - the workshops could be held early mornings or in the evenings to minimize disruption. Again, each workshop would accommodate up to 40 participants, and advance registration would be strongly encouraged so as to avoid too many participants in each. In this manner, an appreciable number of (especially) rapporteurs and chairmen, but also delegates-without-portfolio could attend one of the workshops. For your information, the first 3GPP groups that took up this opportunity were SA6 and all CT. The response was very positive where in 5 sessions approximately 140 out of 155 delegates took part. I would like to seek your opinion on this notion and maybe to suggest alternative approaches - such as perhaps a dedicated session for each working group taking a time-unit out of the normal business of the group (and causing you therefore to have an additional early morning or late evening session in order to get the work done!). Please give this plan a little thought and get back to me with your views. I attach a short presentation prepared by the workshop facilitator Milan Zoric of the ETSI grey-beards) to give you a little more background. You can also see the brochure produced to accompany the first set of in-house workshops: . best regards John M Meredith – Director, ETSI Mobile Competence Centre / 3GPP Specifications Manager ETSI ? ? 3GPP ? / Phone: +33 (0)4 92 94 42 37 ? Mobile: +33 (0)6 10 42 03 76 This email may contain confidential information and is intended for the use of the addressee only. Any unauthorized use may be unlawful. If you receive this email by mistake, please advise the sender immediately by using the reply facility in your email software. Thank you for your co-operation.