Dear All, concerning AP-49-07 (Dionisio Zumerle to define syntax for documents in draft folder), I propose the following filename to be used as a paradigm: draft-S3-YYxyzw-vV-.extension where: - YY are the last two digits of the current year. - xyzw are the four digits of the document number . - <Title> is the working title of the contribution (please keep this short to avoid problems with the server, ideally with underscore instead of blanks). - V is the version number of the draft version; if the draft is presented for the first time in the inbox V=1 and increments for each revision (v2, v3, ..., vN). As an example, a zipped draft uploaded for a meeting in 2008, to become S3 document 0143, uploaded in the inbox and revised once, having the title "Authorization_enhancements" would be: Best Regards, Dionisio