Chairman's notes


IPR call reminder:

"I draw your attention to your obligations under the 3GPP Partner Organizations' IPR policies. Every Individual Member organization is obliged to declare to the Partner Organization or Organizations of which it is a member any IPR owned by the Individual Member or any other organization which is or is likely to become essential to the work of 3GPP.

Delegates are asked to take note that they are thereby invited:

  • to investigate whether their organization or any other organization owns IPRs which are, or are likely to become Essential in respect of the work of 3GPP.
  • to notify their respective Organizational Partners of all potential IPRs, e.g., for ETSI, by means of the IPR Information Statement and the Licensing declaration forms".


Antitrust policy Reminder:

"I also draw your attention to the fact that 3GPP activities are subject to all applicable antitrust and competition laws and that compliance with said laws is therefore required of any participant of this TSG/WG meeting including the Chairman and Vice Chairman. In case of question I recommend that you contact your legal counsel.

The leadership shall conduct the present meeting with impartiality and in the interests of 3GPP.


Furthermore, I would like to remind you that timely submission of work items in advance of TSG/WG meetings is important to allow for full and fair consideration of such matters."



List for Meeting: All Sessions
Temporary Documents List - Ordered by Agenda Item
AI TD# Type Doc For Subject Source Rel Work Item Comments Result
0 - - - All Agenda Items - - S2-162 Docs:=0 -
1.1 - - - Opening of the meeting - - Andy Docs:=0 -
2 - - - Agenda - - Andy Docs:=3 -
2 S2-2403861 AGENDA Approval SA2#162 meeting Agenda SA WG2 Chair This AGENDA was approved Approved
2 S2-2404367 AGENDA Endorsement SA WG2#162 Session plan SA WG2 Chair Revised to S2-2405205. Revised
2 S2-2405205 AGENDA Endorsement SA WG2#162 Session plan SA WG2 Chair This was updated throughout the meeting and was noted.
Revision of S2-2404367. Noted
2.1 - - - IPR Call and Antitrust Reminder - - Andy Docs:=0 -
3 - - - SA2#161 Meeting report - - Andy Docs:=1 -
3 S2-2403862 REPORT Approval Draft Report of SA WG2 meeting #161 SA WG2 Secretary This REPORT was approved Approved
4 - - - General - - Andy Docs:=0 -
4.1 - - - Common issues and Incoming LSs - - Andy Docs:=48 -
4.1 - - - LS in for Information - propose to note - - - Docs:=19 -
4.1 S2-2403878 LS In Information LS from CT WG3: Reply LS on Support of interworking between SA4 RTC and IMS CT WG3 (C3-241567) Rel-18 FS_eiRTCW Noted Noted
4.1 S2-2403880 LS In Information LS from CT WG3: LS on Clarification related to the predictive slice modification in Inter-PLMN based slice service continuity. CT WG3 (C3-241577) Rel-18 NSCALE Noted Noted
4.1 S2-2403883 LS In Information LS from CT WG4: Reply LS on Authorization of NF service consumer for data collection via DCCF CT WG4 (C4-240623) Rel-17 eNA_Ph2 Noted Noted
4.1 S2-2403884 LS In Information LS from CT WG4: LS reply on defining new GTP-U Extension Header for PDU Set related information CT WG4 (C4-240800) Rel-18 NR_XR_enh-Core Noted Noted
4.1 S2-2403887 LS In Information LS from RAN WG2: Reply LS on SL-PRS resource allocation RAN WG2 (R2-2401643) Rel-18 Noted Noted
4.1 S2-2403892 LS In Information LS from RAN WG3: Reply LS on user consent for trace reporting RAN WG3 (R3-241115) Rel-18 TEI18 Noted Noted
4.1 S2-2403895 LS In Information LS from RAN WG3: Reply LS on the progress update of AI/ML Management specifications in SA5 RAN WG3 (R3-241183) Rel-18 AIML_MGT, FS_NR_AIML_air Noted Noted
4.1 S2-2403902 LS In Information LS from SA WG3: Reply LS on Issues related to user consent for retrieving data stored in the ADRF/NWDAF SA WG3 (S3-240829) Rel-17 eNA_SEC_Ph2 Noted Noted
4.1 S2-2403903 LS In Information LS from SA WG3: Reply LS on Authorization of NF service consumer for data collection via DCCF SA WG3 (S3-240830) Rel-17 eNA_Ph2 Noted Noted
4.1 S2-2403904 LS In Information LS from SA WG3: LS on UUAA Status Information availability for SMF SA WG3 (S3-240835) Rel-18 ID_UAS Noted Noted
4.1 S2-2403906 LS In Information LS from SA WG3: Reply LS on AKMA service restrictions SA WG3 (S3-240837) Rel-18 AKMA_Ph2 Noted Noted
4.1 S2-2403907 LS In Information LS from SA WG3: Reply LS on IPX Service Hub requirements as applicable to the Modified PRINS solution SA WG3 (S3-240888) Rel-18 Roaming5G Noted Noted
4.1 S2-2403911 LS In Information LS from SA WG3: Reply LS on AKMA service restrictions SA WG3 (S3-241042) Rel-18 AKMA_Ph2 Noted Noted
4.1 S2-2403912 LS In Information LS from ETSI ISG THz: LSout to Key SDOs on the publication of GR THz 001 and GR THz 002 ETSI ISG THz (THz(24)000048r2) Noted Noted
4.1 S2-2403913 LS In Information LS from ITU-T SG17: LS on the proposal for a new work item: Security guidelines for data of coordination of networking and computing ITU-T SG17 (sp17-sg17-oLS-00096) Noted Noted
4.1 S2-2403914 LS In Information LS from ITU-T SG17: LS on the proposal for a new work item: Security considerations for interconnection of computing power centers ITU-T SG17 (SG17-LS99-TD1957R1) Noted Noted
4.1 S2-2403918 LS In Information LS from GSMA OPG: LS on GSMA OPG PRDs publication GSMA OPG (OPG_172_Doc_03) Noted Noted
4.1 S2-2403917 LS In Information LS from TSG SA: LS on the Modified PRINS solution TSG SA (SP-240503) Rel-18 Roaming5G Noted Noted
4.1 S2-2403919 LS In Information LS from ITU-T SG13: LS on consent of draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.3162 (ex Y.IMT-2020-EIL) 'Evaluating intelligence capability for network slice management and orchestration in IMT-2020 network and beyond' ITU-T SG13 (SG13-LS167) Noted Noted
4.1 - - - LS in for action - no response required? - - - Docs:=1 -
4.1 S2-2403901 LS In Action LS from SA WG1: Reply LS to S1-240153/ RP-234075 on Robust Notification Alert for NTN-NR SA WG1 (S1-240309) Rel-19 Noted Noted
4.1 - - - Data plane control by roaming hubs - - - Docs:=4 -
4.1 S2-2403867 LS In Information LS from GSMA 5GMRR: LS to 3GPP on data plane control by roaming hubs GSMA 5GMRR (5GMRR Doc 47_14r1) Revision of postponed S2-2401859 from S2#161. Response drafted in S2-2404814. Final response in S2-2405815 Replied to
4.1 S2-2404814 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on data plane control by roaming hubs Samsung Response to S2-2403867. Revised to S2-2405206. Revised
4.1 S2-2405206 LS OUT Approval Reply LS on data plane control by roaming hubs Samsung SA WG3 should be added in CC. This was revised to S2-2405815.
Revision of S2-2404814. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405815.
4.1 S2-2405815 LS OUT Approval Reply LS on data plane control by roaming hubs SA WG2 Agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2405206. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved
4.1 - - - Updated AECC Publications for Future Connected Vehicle Services - - - Docs:=4 -
4.1 S2-2403868 LS In Action LS from AECC: LS on Updated AECC Publications for Future Connected Vehicle Services Automotive Edge Computing Consortium (AECC) (AECC_3GPP_LS_Mar2024) Response drafted in S2-2404609. Final response in S2-2405816 Replied to
4.1 S2-2404609 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS from SA WG2 on Updated AECC Publications for Future Connected Vehicle Services LG Electronics Response to S2-2403868. Revised to S2-2405207. Revised
4.1 S2-2405207 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS from SA WG2 on Updated AECC Publications for Future Connected Vehicle Services LG Electronics This was revised to clean up revisions and remove 'draft' in S2-2405816.
Revision of S2-2404609. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405816.
4.1 S2-2405816 LS OUT Approval Reply LS from SA WG2 on Updated AECC Publications for Future Connected Vehicle Services SA WG2 Revision of S2-2405207. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved Approved
4.1 - - - handling UEs accessing to GERAN/UTRAN over Gn/Gp - - - Docs:=7 -
4.1 S2-2403879 LS In Action LS from CT WG3: LS on handling UEs accessing to GERAN/UTRAN over Gn/Gp CT WG3 (C3-241569) Rel-18 TEI18, 5GS_Ph1-CT Responses drafted in S2-2404406, S2-2404833. Final response in S2-2405817 Replied to
4.1 S2-2404406 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Response LS on handling UEs accessing to GERAN/UTRAN over Gn/Gp Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 TEI18, 5GS_Ph1-CT Response to S2-2403879. Revised, merging S2-2404833, to S2-2405208. Revised
4.1 S2-2405208 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Response LS on handling UEs accessing to GERAN/UTRAN over Gn/Gp Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 TEI18, 5GS_Ph1-CT This was revised to clean up revision marks in S2-2405817.
Revision of S2-2404406, merging S2-2404833. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405817.
4.1 S2-2405817 LS OUT Approval Response LS on handling UEs accessing to GERAN/UTRAN over Gn/Gp SA WG2 Rel-18 TEI18, 5GS_Ph1-CT Agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2405208. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved
4.1 S2-2404833 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on handling UEs accessing to GERAN/UTRAN over Gn/Gp Samsung Rel-18 Response to S2-2403879. Merged into S2-2405208. Merged
4.1 S2-2404407 CR Approval 23.501 CR5369 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarification on UEs accessing to GERAN/UTRAN over Gn/Gp Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 TEI18, 5GS_Ph1 Revised to S2-2405209. Revised
4.1 S2-2405209 CR Approval 23.501 CR5369R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarification on UEs accessing to GERAN/UTRAN over Gn/Gp Huawei, HiSilicon, Vodafone Rel-18 TEI18 This was reviewed and agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2404407. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved
4.1 - - - Other - - - Docs:=13 -
4.1 S2-2404526 DISCUSSION Decision CBC deployment at shared networks for CBS. Ericsson Rel-15 5GS_Ph1 Noted Noted
4.1 S2-2404527 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] LS on 5GS missing CBC support for shared networks Ericsson Rel-15 5GS_Ph1 Revised to S2-2405210. Revised
4.1 S2-2405210 LS OUT Approval LS on 5GS missing CBC support for shared networks SA WG2 Rel-15 5GS_Ph1 This was reviewed and agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2404527. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved
4.1 S2-2404733 DISCUSSION Endorsement MSISDN exposure through NEF UEId Service. Apple Rel-18 EDGEAPP, TEI18 Not Handled -
4.1 S2-2404983 CR Approval 23.502 CR4805 (Rel-18, 'F'): Corrections to Nnef_UEId Service AT&T, Ericsson Rel-18 TEI18, EDGEAPP Revised to S2-2405211. Revised
4.1 S2-2405211 CR Approval 23.502 CR4805R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Corrections to Nnef_UEId Service AT&T, Ericsson Rel-18 TEI18, EDGEAPP This was revised to clean up the cover sheet and revision marks in S2-2405818.
Revision of S2-2404983. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405818
4.1 S2-2405818 CR Approval 23.502 CR4805R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Corrections to Nnef_UEId Service AT&T, Ericsson Rel-18 TEI18, EDGEAPP Revision of S2-2405211. Revised to S2-2405823 Revised
4.1 S2-2405823 CR Endorsement 23.502 CR4805R3 (Rel-18, 'F'): Corrections to Nnef_UEId Service AT&T, Ericsson, Samsung Rel-18 TEI18, EDGEAPP Revision of S2-2405818. This CR was endorsed Endorsed
4.1 S2-2405500 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] LS on limited MSISDN exposure AT&T It was suggested to indicate this is based n TSG SA Plenary discussion. This was left for off-line discussion and revised in S2-2405819.
Created at meeting. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405819.
4.1 S2-2405819 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] LS on limited MSISDN exposure AT&T Revision of S2-2405500. Revised to S2-2405824. Revised
4.1 S2-2405824 LS OUT Approval LS on limited MSISDN exposure SA WG2 Revision of S2-2405819. This LS OUT was approved Approved
4.1 S2-2405000 CR Approval 23.304 CR0440 (Rel-18, 'F'): Removal of Emergency Relay UE Location Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell Rel-18 5G_ProSe_Ph2 Not Handled -
4.1 S2-2405004 CR Approval 23.586 CR0134 (Rel-18, 'F'): NI-LR removal Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell Rel-18 Ranging_SL Not Handled -
4.2 - - - P-CRs/CRs related to use of inclusive language in 3GPP - - Andy Docs:=0 -
5 - - - Pre-Rel-17 Maintenance (excluding all 5G topics) - - Andy Docs:=0 -
5.1 - - - 3GPP Packet Access Maintenance - - Andy Docs:=6 -
5.1 S2-2404227 CR Approval 23.401 CR3740R9 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarification on the handling of Operator defined QCIs at inter-PLMN Handover Nokia, UScellular, Ericsson, ZTE Rel-18 SAES-St2, TEI18 Following off-line agreements, r01 was provided in the drafts folder. Some further clarifications were requested and this was left for off-line discussion and revised in S2-2405252.
Revision of S2-2403299. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405252.
5.1 S2-2405252 CR Approval 23.401 CR3740R10 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarification on the handling of Operator defined QCIs at inter-PLMN Handover Nokia, UScellular, Ericsson, ZTE, Huawei Rel-18 SAES-St2, TEI18 It was decided to change 'may' to 'can' in the note. This was revised accordingly in S2-2405658.
Revision of S2-2404227. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405658.
5.1 S2-2405658 CR Approval 23.401 CR3740R11 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarification on the handling of Operator defined QCIs at inter-PLMN Handover Nokia, UScellular, Ericsson, ZTE, Huawei Rel-18 SAES-St2, TEI18 Agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2405252. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved
5.1 S2-2404853 CR Approval 23.501 CR5204R4 (Rel-18, 'F'): Operator specific QoS and handling at inter-PLMN mobility Ericsson, UScellular, Nokia Rel-18 5GS_Ph1, TEI18 Some clarifications were requested and this was left for off-line discussion and revised in S2-2405253.
Revision of S2-2403376 from SA WG2#161. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405253.
5.1 S2-2405253 CR Approval 23.501 CR5204R5 (Rel-18, 'F'): Operator specific QoS and handling at inter-PLMN mobility Ericsson, UScellular, Nokia Rel-18 5GS_Ph1, TEI18 Huawei commented that the mapping of 5QI should only apply for non-default QoS flows and to move the note below the QoS constraints. This was left for off-line discussion and revised in S2-2405659.
Revision of S2-2404853. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405659.
5.1 S2-2405659 CR Approval 23.501 CR5204R6 (Rel-18, 'F'): Operator specific QoS and handling at inter-PLMN mobility Ericsson, UScellular, Nokia Rel-18 5GS_Ph1, TEI18 This was reviewed and agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2405253. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved
5.2 - - - QoS and PCC Maintenance - - Andy Docs:=0 -
5.3 - - - Non-3GPP Access Maintenance - - Andy Docs:=0 -
5.4 - - - IMS and IMS-Related Maintenance - - Andy Docs:=0 -
6 - - - Rel-15/Rel-16 Maintenance for 5G (only related to 5GS_Ph1 Work Item) - - Andy Docs:=0 -
6.1 - - - General aspects, concepts and reference models - - Andy Docs:=0 -
6.2 - - - Common Access Control, RM and CM functions and procedure flows - - Andy Docs:=0 -
6.3 - - - Session management and continuity functions and flows - - Andy Docs:=1 -
6.3 S2-2404193 CR Approval 23.502 CR4778 (Rel-18, 'F'): Correction on Service Request Procedure for PDU Set based handling IPLOOK Rel-18 5GS_Ph1 A number of concerns were raised and it was commented that the alignment of Stage 2 to Stage 3 is not usually done without FASMO changes. This was then noted in parallel session.
Confirm Spec version used - CR states 18.4.0! WI Code incorrect: Use Acronym, not AI! Noted in parallel session
6.4 - - - Security related functions and flows - - Andy Docs:=0 -
6.5 - - - QoS concept and functionality - - Andy Docs:=0 -
6.6 - - - Policy and charging control - - Andy Docs:=18 -
6.6 - - - RAT type only change impact to AM/UE Policy association. - - - Docs:=17 -
6.6 S2-2403881 LS In Action LS from CT WG3: LS on Clarification related to the RAT type only change impact to AM/UE Policy association. CT WG3 (C3-241578) Rel-18 TEI18 The proposed response LSs were reviewed.
Responses drafted in S2-2404085, S2-2404312, S2-2404552, S2-2404616, S2-2404930. Final response in S2-2405673
Replied to
6.6 S2-2404552 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on clarification related to the RAT type only change impact to AM/UE Policy association. Nokia Rel-18 5GS_Ph1, TEI18 Some issues were raised and clarifications requested and this was left for off-line discussion and revised, merging S2-2404312, S2-2404085, S2-2404616, S2-2404930 and S2-2404600, in S2-2405254.
Response to S2-2403881. Revised in parallel session, merging S2-2404312, S2-2404085, S2-2404616, S2-2404930 and S2-2404600, to S2-2405254.
6.6 S2-2405254 LS OUT Approval Reply LS on clarification related to the RAT type only change impact to AM/UE Policy association. SA WG2 Rel-18 5GS_Ph1, TEI18 Vodafone asked to specify which TSs the attached CRs are for. This was revised to do this and clean up revision marks in S2-2405660.
Revision of S2-2404552, merging S2-2404312, S2-2404085, S2-2404616, S2-2404930 and S2-2404600. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405660.
6.6 S2-2405660 LS OUT Approval Reply LS on clarification related to the RAT type only change impact to AM/UE Policy association. SA WG2 Rel-18 5GS_Ph1, TEI18 This was revised to attach the CRs in S2-2405673.
Revision of S2-2405254. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405673.
6.6 S2-2405673 LS OUT Approval Reply LS on clarification related to the RAT type only change impact to AM/UE Policy association. SA WG2 Rel-18 5GS_Ph1, TEI18 Agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2405660. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved
6.6 S2-2404312 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on Clarification related to the RAT type only change impact to AM/UE Policy association OPPO Rel-18 TEI18 Merged into S2-2405254.
Response to S2-2403881. Merged into S2-2405254.
6.6 S2-2404085 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] LS Reply on Clarification related to the RAT type only change impact to AM/UE Policy association. Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 TEI18 Merged into S2-2405254.
Response to S2-2403881. Merged into S2-2405254.
6.6 S2-2404616 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Clarification related to the RAT type only change impact to AM/UE Policy association LG Electronics Rel-18 TEI18 Merged into S2-2405254.
Response to S2-2403881. Merged into S2-2405254.
6.6 S2-2404930 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] LS reply on clarification related to the RAT type Samsung Rel-18 Merged into S2-2405254.
Response to S2-2403881. Merged into S2-2405254.
6.6 S2-2404600 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on Clarification related to the RAT type only change impact to AM/UE Policy association Qualcomm India Pvt Ltd Rel-18 TEI18 Merged into S2-2405254.
Response to S2-2403881. Merged into S2-2405254.
6.6 S2-2404553 CR Approval 23.503 CR1290 (Rel-18, 'F'): RAT Type Change in the same Access Type from AMF to PCF Nokia Rel-18 5GS_Ph1, TEI18 A number of clarifications were requested and this was left for off-line discussion and revised, merging S2-2404313, in S2-2405255.
Revised in parallel session, merging S2-2404314, to S2-2405255.
6.6 S2-2405255 CR Approval 23.503 CR1290R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): RAT Type Change in the same Access Type from AMF to PCF Nokia, OPPO, LG Electronics Rel-18 5GS_Ph1, TEI18 Huawei asked to check the terminology for the Access Type change description and to rephrase note 2 in the table. This was left for off-line discussion and revised in S2-2405661.
Revision of S2-2404553, merging S2-2404314. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405661.
6.6 S2-2405661 CR Approval 23.503 CR1290R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): RAT Type Change in the same Access Type from AMF to PCF Nokia, OPPO, LG Electronics, Ericsson Rel-18 5GS_Ph1, TEI18 This was reviewed and agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2405255. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved
6.6 S2-2404314 CR Approval 23.503 CR1286 (Rel-18, 'F'): RAT type change impact to AM/UE Policy association OPPO Rel-18 TEI18 Merged into S2-2405255.
Merged into S2-2405255.
6.6 S2-2404313 CR Approval 23.501 CR5366 (Rel-18, 'F'): RAT type change impact to AM/UE Policy association OPPO Rel-18 TEI18 A number of clarifications were requested and this was left for off-line discussion and revised in S2-2405256.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2405256.
6.6 S2-2405256 CR Approval 23.501 CR5366R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): RAT type change impact to AM Policy association OPPO, Nokia, LG Electronics Rel-18 TEI18 Ericsson and Samsung asked to be added to the source companies. Qualcomm commented that there are proposals from Google to introduce eRedCap and this may have an impact on this proposal. The file names used in the document and on the file should be corrected. Huawei asked to use consistent wording for 'the PCF can receive ...'. This was left for off-line discussion and revised in S2-2405662.
Revision of S2-2404313. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405662.
6.6 S2-2405662 CR Approval 23.501 CR5366R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): RAT type change impact to AM Policy association OPPO, Nokia, LG Electronics, Ericsson, Samsung Rel-18 TEI18 It was verified that this did not overlap withthe Google CR for implementation purposes. This agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2405256. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved
6.6 - - - Other - - - Docs:=1 -
6.6 S2-2404860 CR Approval 23.503 CR1295 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarification for supporting IMS service for URSP function China Telecom Rel-18 5GS_Ph1 There were some concerns raised and this was noted in parallel session.
Noted in parallel session
6.7 - - - 3GPP access specific functionality and flows - - Andy Docs:=0 -
6.8 - - - Specific services support - - Andy Docs:=0 -
6.9 - - - Interworking and Migration - - Andy Docs:=3 -
6.9 S2-2404253 CR Approval 23.502 CR4781 (Rel-18, 'F'): Handling of handover cancel during 5GS to EPS mobility Ericsson Rel-18 5GS_Ph1, TEI18 A number of issues were raised and this was left for off-line discussion and revised in S2-2405257.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2405257.
6.9 S2-2405257 CR Approval 23.502 CR4781R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Handling of handover cancel during 5GS to EPS mobility Ericsson Rel-18 5GS_Ph1, TEI18 Some clarifications were requested and this was left for off-line discussion and revised in S2-2405663.
Revision of S2-2404253. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405663.
6.9 S2-2405663 CR Approval 23.502 CR4781R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Handling of handover cancel during 5GS to EPS mobility Ericsson Rel-18 5GS_Ph1, TEI18 This needed further consideration until the next meeting and this was postponed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2405257. Postponed in parallel session.
6.10 - - - Non-3GPP access specific functionality and flows - - Andy Docs:=0 -
6.11 - - - Framework functions - - Andy Docs:=7 -
6.11 S2-2404431 CR Approval 23.501 CR5375 (Rel-17, 'F'): Align H-PCF selection with H-SMF selection in 23.501 R17 Oracle, Verizon UK Ltd. Rel-17 5GS_Ph1 Revised to S2-2404522 Revised
6.11 S2-2404522 CR Approval 23.501 CR5375R1 (Rel-17, 'F'): Align H-PCF selection with H-SMF selection in 23.501 R17 Oracle, Verizon UK Ltd. Rel-17 5GS_Ph1 This was postponed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2404431. Postponed in parallel session.
6.11 S2-2404422 CR Approval 23.501 CR5373 (Rel-18, 'A'): Align H-PCF selection with H-SMF selection in 23.501 Oracle, Verizon UK Ltd. Rel-18 5GS_Ph1 This was postponed in parallel session.
Postponed in parallel session.
6.11 S2-2404448 CR Approval 23.502 CR4790 (Rel-17, 'F'): Align H-PCF selection with H-SMF selection in 23.502 R17 Oracle, Verizon UK Ltd. Rel-17 5GS_Ph1 This was postponed in parallel session.
Postponed in parallel session.
6.11 S2-2404455 CR Approval 23.502 CR4791 (Rel-18, 'A'): Align H-PCF selection with H-SMF selection in 23.502 R18 Oracle, Verizon UK Ltd. Rel-18 5GS_Ph1 This was postponed in parallel session.
Postponed in parallel session.
6.11 S2-2404496 CR Approval 23.502 CR4794 (Rel-18, 'F'): Correction of clause and 4.17.5 Ericsson Rel-18 5GS_Ph1 Nokia commented that if there are FASMO aspects to this, then it should really be done back to Rel-15. Ericsson clarified that the reason that there are no serious issues identified yet is that roaming is not yet widely deployed for this. This was left for further off-line discussion and revised in S2-2405258.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2405258.
6.11 S2-2405258 CR Approval 23.502 CR4794R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Correction of clause and 4.17.5 Ericsson, Deutsche Telekom Rel-18 5GS_Ph1 This was postponed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2404496. Postponed in parallel session.
7 - - - Rel-16 Maintenance for 5G (excluding 5GS_Ph1) - - Andy Docs:=0 -
7.1 - - - Architecture enhancements for 3GPP support of advanced V2X services (eV2XARC) - - Andy Docs:=0 -
7.2 - - - Wireless and Wireline Convergence for the 5G system architecture (5WWC) - - Andy Docs:=0 -
7.3 - - - Access Traffic Steering, Switch and Splitting support in the 5G system architecture (ATSSS) - - Andy Docs:=0 -
7.4 - - - Cellular IoT support and evolution for the 5G System (5G_CIoT) - - Andy Docs:=0 -
7.5 - - - Enablers for Network Automation for 5G (eNA) - - Andy Docs:=0 -
7.6 - - - Enhancement to the 5GC Location Services (5G_eLCS) - - Andy Docs:=0 -
7.7 - - - 5GS Enhanced support of Vertical and LAN Services (Vertical_LAN) - - Andy Docs:=7 -
7.7 S2-2404086 CR Approval 23.501 CR5357 (Rel-16, 'F'): Correction on TSCAI calculation Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-16 Vertical_LAN After off-line agreements, r02 was provided in the drafts folder. Nokia raised issues with the use of dynamic CN PDB and when only Static CN PDB can be used. Ericsson commented that the use of CN PDB is already defined and this is not necessary. Huawei replied that the RAN does not use the CN PDB and this should indicate how this is done for NG-RAN. This was left for off-line discussion and revised in S2-2405259.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2405259.
7.7 S2-2405259 CR Approval 23.501 CR5357R1 (Rel-16, 'F'): Correction on TSCAI calculation Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-16 Vertical_LAN Huawei suggested moving the new paragraph to below NOTE 3. This was revised also to clean up the cover page in S2-2405664.
Revision of S2-2404086. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405664.
7.7 S2-2405664 CR Approval 23.501 CR5357R2 (Rel-16, 'F'): Correction on TSCAI calculation Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-16 Vertical_LAN Agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2405259. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved
7.7 S2-2404087 CR Approval 23.501 CR5358 (Rel-17, 'A'): Correction on TSCAI calculation Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-17 Vertical_LAN This was revised also to align with the base CR in S2-2405665.
Check CR Category (should be 'A'). Revised in parallel session to S2-2405665.
7.7 S2-2405665 CR Approval 23.501 CR5358R1 (Rel-17, 'A'): Correction on TSCAI calculation Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-17 Vertical_LAN Agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2404087. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved
7.7 S2-2404088 CR Approval 23.501 CR5359 (Rel-18, 'A'): Correction on TSCAI calculation Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 Vertical_LAN This was revised also to align with the base CR in S2-2405666.
Check CR Category (should be 'A'). Revised in parallel session to S2-2405666.
7.7 S2-2405666 CR Approval 23.501 CR5359R1 (Rel-18, 'A'): Correction on TSCAI calculation Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 Vertical_LAN Agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2404088. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved
7.8 - - - Enhancements to the Service-Based 5G System Architecture (5G_eSBA) - - Andy Docs:=0 -
7.9 - - - Architecture enhancements for the support of Integrated access and backhaul (IABARC) - - Andy Docs:=0 -
7.10 - - - Enhancement of URLLC supporting in 5GC (5G_URLLC) - - Andy Docs:=0 -
7.11 - - - Enhancement of Network Slicing (eNS) - - Andy Docs:=0 -
7.12 - - - Optimisations on UE radio capability signalling (RACS) - - Andy Docs:=0 -
7.13 - - - Enhanced IMS to 5GC Integration (eIMS5G_SBA) - - Andy Docs:=0 -
7.14 - - - User Data Interworking and Coexistence (UDICoM) - - Andy Docs:=0 -
7.15 - - - Enhancing Topology of SMF and UPF in 5G Networks (ETSUN) - - Andy Docs:=0 -
7.16 - - - 5GS Transfer of Policies for Background Data Transfer (xBDT) - - Andy Docs:=0 -
7.17 - - - Single radio voice continuity from 5GS to 3G (5G_SRVCC) - - Andy Docs:=0 -
8 - - - Rel-17 Maintenance - - Andy Docs:=0 -
8.1 - - - Enablers for Network Automation for 5G - phase 2 (eNA_Ph2) - - Dario Docs:=10 -
8.1 S2-2403998 CR Approval 23.288 CR1075 (Rel-17, 'F'): Wrong service operation used in prepared analytics subscription transfer ZTE Rel-17 eNA_Ph2 Agreed in parallel session. Block approved Agreed
8.1 S2-2403999 CR Approval 23.288 CR1076 (Rel-18, 'A'): Wrong service operation used in prepared analytics subscription transfer ZTE Rel-18 eNA_Ph2 Agreed in parallel session. Block approved Agreed
8.1 S2-2404023 CR Approval 23.501 CR5355 (Rel-18, 'F'): Alignment of NWDAF discovery parameters ZTE Rel-18 eNA_Ph2, TEI18 Revised in parallel session to S2-2405081. Revised
8.1 S2-2405081 CR Approval 23.501 CR5355R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Alignment of NWDAF discovery parameters ZTE Rel-18 eNA_Ph2, TEI18 Revision of S2-2404023. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved Agreed
8.1 S2-2404068 CR Approval 23.288 CR1079 (Rel-17, 'F'): Correction on ML Model Provisioning with Multiple Analytics IDs and Filters Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-17 eNA_Ph2 Revised in parallel session to S2-2405082. Revised
8.1 S2-2405082 CR Approval 23.288 CR1079R1 (Rel-17, 'F'): Correction on ML Model Provisioning with Multiple Analytics IDs and Filters Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-17 eNA_Ph2 Remove yellow highlights
Revision of S2-2404068. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405569.
8.1 S2-2405569 CR Approval 23.288 CR1079R2 (Rel-17, 'F'): Correction on ML Model Provisioning with Multiple Analytics IDs and Filters Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-17 eNA_Ph2 Revision of S2-2405082. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved Agreed
8.1 S2-2404069 CR Approval 23.288 CR1080 (Rel-18, 'A'): Correction on ML Model Provisioning with Multiple Analytics IDs and Filters Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 eNA_Ph3 Revised in parallel session to S2-2405083. Revised
8.1 S2-2405083 CR Approval 23.288 CR1080R1 (Rel-18, 'A'): Correction on ML Model Provisioning with Multiple Analytics IDs and Filters Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 eNA_Ph3 Remove yellow highlights
Revision of S2-2404069. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405570.
8.1 S2-2405570 CR Approval 23.288 CR1080R2 (Rel-18, 'A'): Correction on ML Model Provisioning with Multiple Analytics IDs and Filters Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 eNA_Ph3 Revision of S2-2405083. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved Agreed
8.2 - - - Enhanced support of Non-Public Networks (eNPN) - - Tao Docs:=0 -
8.3 - - - Enhancement of support for Edge Computing in 5GC (eEDGE_5GC) - - Dario Docs:=23 -
8.3 - - - DNS over TLS (DoT) - - - Docs:=19 -
8.3 S2-2403908 LS In Action LS from SA WG3: Reply LS on DNS over TLS (DoT) SA WG3 (S3-240906) Rel-18 TEI18 Noted in parallel session Noted
8.3 S2-2403925 CR Approval 23.548 CR0184R3 (Rel-17, 'F'): Clarification on EASDF DNS security information Samsung Rel-17 eEDGE_5GC In clause 6.2.1, add NOTE 6 :The DNS security information (for DNS over TLS) of the EASDF indicated by the SMF is locally configured. No changes in Add 'For Rel-18 see CR0221' in 'other comments'.
Revision of (revised and withdrawn) S2-2310271 at S2#159. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405582.
8.3 S2-2405582 CR Approval 23.548 CR0184R4 (Rel-17, 'F'): Clarification on EASDF DNS security information Samsung Rel-17 eEDGE_5GC Revision of S2-2403925. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved Agreed
8.3 S2-2403926 CR Approval 23.548 CR0185R3 (Rel-18, 'A'): Clarification on EASDF DNS security information Samsung Rel-18 eEDGE_5GC Revision of (revised and withdrawn) S2-2310272 at S2#159 Not Handled -
8.3 S2-2403987 CR Approval 23.501 CR5353 (Rel-17, 'F'): Clarification on EASDF DNS security information Samsung Rel-17 eEDGE_5GC Remove 'or retrieved from the EASDF' Add 'For Rel-18 see CR5361' in 'other comments'
Revised in parallel session to S2-2405583.
8.3 S2-2405583 CR Approval 23.501 CR5353R1 (Rel-17, 'F'): Clarification on EASDF DNS security information Samsung Rel-17 eEDGE_5GC Revision of S2-2403987. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved Agreed
8.3 S2-2403988 CR Approval 23.501 CR5354 (Rel-18, 'A'): Clarification on EASDF DNS security information Samsung Rel-18 eEDGE_5GC, eEDGE_5GC Not Handled -
8.3 S2-2404175 CR Approval 23.548 CR0221 (Rel-18, 'F'): Security for EAS discovery procedure via (V-)EASDF Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 EDGE_Ph2 Revised in parallel session to S2-2405286. Revised
8.3 S2-2405286 CR Approval 23.548 CR0221R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Security for EAS discovery procedure via (V-)EASDF Huawei, HiSilicon, Nokia, Ericsson, Sony, Samsung Rel-18 EDGE_Ph2 Revision of S2-2404175. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405579. Revised
8.3 S2-2405579 CR Approval 23.548 CR0221R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Security for EAS discovery procedure via (V-)EASDF Huawei, HiSilicon, Nokia, Ericsson, Sony, Samsung Rel-18 EDGE_Ph2 Revision of S2-2405286. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405584. Revised
8.3 S2-2405584 CR Approval 23.548 CR0221R3 (Rel-18, 'F'): Security for EAS discovery procedure via (V-)EASDF Huawei, HiSilicon, Nokia, Ericsson, Sony, Samsung Rel-18 EDGE_Ph2 Revision of S2-2405579. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved Agreed
8.3 S2-2404176 CR Approval 23.501 CR5361 (Rel-18, 'F'): Security for EAS discovery procedure via (V-)EASDF Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 EDGE_Ph2 Revised in parallel session to S2-2405287. Revised
8.3 S2-2405287 CR Approval 23.501 CR5361R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Security for EAS discovery procedure via (V-)EASDF Huawei, HiSilicon, Nokia, Ericsson, Sony, Samsung Rel-18 EDGE_Ph2 Revision of S2-2404176. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405580. Revised
8.3 S2-2405580 CR Approval 23.501 CR5361R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Security for EAS discovery procedure via (V-)EASDF Huawei, HiSilicon, Nokia, Ericsson, Sony, Samsung Rel-18 EDGE_Ph2 Revision of S2-2405287. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405585. Revised
8.3 S2-2405585 CR Approval 23.501 CR5361R3 (Rel-18, 'F'): Security for EAS discovery procedure via (V-)EASDF Huawei, HiSilicon, Nokia, Ericsson, Sony, Samsung Rel-18 EDGE_Ph2 Revision of S2-2405580. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved Agreed
8.3 S2-2404177 CR Approval 23.502 CR4777 (Rel-18, 'F'): Security for EASDF discovery procedure via (V-) EASDF Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 EDGE_Ph2 Revised in parallel session to S2-2405288. Revised
8.3 S2-2405288 CR Approval 23.502 CR4777R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Security for EASDF discovery procedure via (V-) EASDF Huawei, HiSilicon, Nokia, Ericsson, Sony, Samsung Rel-18 EDGE_Ph2 Revision of S2-2404177. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405581. Revised
8.3 S2-2405581 CR Approval 23.502 CR4777R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Security for EASDF discovery procedure via (V-) EASDF Huawei, HiSilicon, Nokia, Ericsson, Sony, Samsung Rel-18 EDGE_Ph2 Revision of S2-2405288. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405586. Revised
8.3 S2-2405586 CR Approval 23.502 CR4777R3 (Rel-18, 'F'): Security for EASDF discovery procedure via (V-) EASDF Huawei, HiSilicon, Nokia, Ericsson, Sony, Samsung Rel-18 EDGE_Ph2 Revision of S2-2405581. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved Agreed
8.3 - - - Others - - - Docs:=4 -
8.3 S2-2404355 CR Approval 23.548 CR0191R3 (Rel-18, 'F'): Correction of Outer Header Creation and Outer Header Removal in edge relocation Vivo, [ChinaUnicom, Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell, CMCC] Rel-18 eEDGE_5GC Revision of S2-2403168. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405289. Revised
8.3 S2-2405289 CR Approval 23.548 CR0191R4 (Rel-18, 'F'): Correction of Outer Header Creation and Outer Header Removal in edge relocation Vivo, [ChinaUnicom, Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell, CMCC] Rel-18 eEDGE_5GC Add to list of affected clauses. Replace 'perform' with 'use' in new text.
Revision of S2-2404355. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405587.
8.3 S2-2405587 CR Approval 23.548 CR0191R5 (Rel-18, 'F'): Correction of Outer Header Creation and Outer Header Removal in edge relocation Vivo, [China Unicom, Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell, CMCC] Rel-18 eEDGE_5GC Revision of S2-2405289. Agreed in parallel session. Revised to S2-2405835. Revised
8.3 S2-2405835 CR Approval 23.548 CR0191R6 (Rel-18, 'F'): Correction of Outer Header Creation and Outer Header Removal in edge relocation Vivo Rel-18 eEDGE_5GC Revision of S2-2405587. This CR was agreed Agreed
8.4 - - - Enhancement of Network Slicing Phase 2 (eNS_Ph2) - - Tao Docs:=0 -
8.5 - - - Enhanced support of Industrial IoT - TSC/URLLC enhancements (IIoT) - - Tao Docs:=0 -
8.6 - - - Access Traffic Steering, Switch and Splitting support in the 5G system architecture Phase 2 (ATSSS_Ph2) - - Tao Docs:=1 -
8.6 S2-2404254 CR Approval 23.501 CR5322R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Corrections on supported Steering Modes for a MA PDU Session Ericsson, Nokia Rel-18 ATSSS_Ph2 Revision of S2-2402304. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved Agreed
8.7 - - - Support of Aerial Systems Connectivity, Identification, and Tracking (ID_UAS) - - Tao Docs:=10 -
8.7 S2-2403874 LS In Action LS from CT WG1: LS on PDN connectivity request for UAS services CT WG1 (C1-241837) Rel-18 TEI18, ID_UAS -
Responses drafted in S2-2404419, S2-2404922. Final response in S2-2405462
Replied to
8.7 S2-2404417 CR Approval 23.256 CR0120R1 (Rel-18, 'A'): Correction to UUAA-SM for PDN connection establishment Qualcomm Incorporated, Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell Rel-18 ID_UAS, TEI18 Rel-17 CR created in S2-2405117
Revision of (unhandled) S2-2313160 at S2#160. Check CR Category (should be 'A'). Revised in parallel session to S2-2405115.
8.7 S2-2405115 CR Approval 23.256 CR0120R2 (Rel-18, 'A'): Correction to UUAA-SM for PDN connection establishment Qualcomm Incorporated, Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell Rel-18 ID_UAS Revision of S2-2404417. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405461. Revised
8.7 S2-2405461 CR Approval 23.256 CR0120R3 (Rel-18, 'A'): Correction to UUAA-SM for PDN connection establishment Qualcomm Incorporated, Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell Rel-18 ID_UAS Revision of S2-2405115. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved Agreed
8.7 S2-2405117 CR Approval 23.256 CR0121 (Rel-17, 'F'): Correction to UUAA-SM for PDN connection establishment Qualcomm Incorporated, Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell Rel-18 ID_UAS Generated during discussion
Created at meeting. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405460.
8.7 S2-2405460 CR Approval 23.256 CR0121R1 (Rel-17, 'F'): Correction to UUAA-SM for PDN connection establishment Qualcomm Incorporated, Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell Rel-18 ID_UAS Revision of S2-2405117. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved Agreed
8.7 S2-2404419 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] LS Reply on PDN connectivity request for UAS services QUALCOMM Europe Inc. - Spain Response to S2-2403874. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405116, merging S2-2404922 Revised
8.7 S2-2405116 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] LS Reply on PDN connectivity request for UAS services QUALCOMM Europe Inc. - Spain - - Revision of S2-2404419, merging S2-2404922. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405462. Revised
8.7 S2-2405462 LS OUT Approval LS Reply on PDN connectivity request for UAS services SA WG2 - - Revision of S2-2405116. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved Approved
8.7 S2-2404922 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] LS reply on PDN connectivity request for UAS services Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-17 ID_UAS Response to S2-2403874. Merged into S2-2405116 Merged
8.8 - - - System enhancement for Proximity based Services in 5GS (5G_ProSe) - - Tao Docs:=1 -
8.8 S2-2404220 CR Approval 23.501 CR5362 (Rel-18, 'F'): Adding a missing Nudm service (Nudm_UEIdentifier used in 33.503) Nokia Rel-18 5G_ProSe, TEI18 Agreed in parallel session. Block approved Agreed
8.9 - - - Architectural enhancements for 5G multicast-broadcast services (5MBS) - - Yannick Docs:=4 -
8.9 S2-2404468 CR Approval 23.247 CR0365 (Rel-17, 'F'): Handling when MBS service area across multiple MB-SMFs Ericsson Rel-17 5MBS Revised in parallel session to S2-2405174. Revised
8.9 S2-2405174 CR Approval 23.247 CR0365R1 (Rel-17, 'F'): Handling when MBS service area across multiple MB-SMFs Ericsson Rel-17 5MBS Revision of S2-2404468. Postponed in parallel session Postponed
8.9 S2-2404469 CR Approval 23.247 CR0366 (Rel-18, 'A'): Handling when MBS service area across multiple MB-SMFs Ericsson Rel-18 5MBS Revised in parallel session to S2-2405175. Revised
8.9 S2-2405175 CR Approval 23.247 CR0366R1 (Rel-18, 'A'): Handling when MBS service area across multiple MB-SMFs Ericsson Rel-18 5MBS Revision of S2-2404469. Postponed in parallel session Postponed
8.10 - - - System enablers for multi-USIM devices (MUSIM) - - Tao Docs:=0 -
8.11 - - - Architecture aspects for using satellite access in 5G (5GSAT_ARCH) - - Tao Docs:=3 -
8.11 S2-2404646 CR Approval 23.501 CR5386 (Rel-18, 'F'): Update description of UE location verification for NTN Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 5GSAT_ARCH Revised in parallel session to S2-2405118. Revised
8.11 S2-2405118 CR Approval 23.501 CR5386R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Update description of UE location verification for NTN Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 5GSAT_ARCH Revision of S2-2404646. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405466. Revised
8.11 S2-2405466 CR Approval 23.501 CR5386R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Update description of UE location verification for NTN Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 5GSAT_ARCH Revision of S2-2405118. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved Agreed
8.12 - - - Architecture enhancements for 3GPP support of advanced V2X services - Phase 2 (eV2XARC_Ph2) - - Tao Docs:=0 -
8.13 - - - 5G System Enhancement for Advanced Interactive Services (5G_AIS) - - Tao Docs:=0 -
8.14 - - - Enhancement to the 5GC LoCation Services-Phase 2 (5G_eLCS_Ph2) - - Tao Docs:=0 -
8.15 - - - Multimedia Priority Service (MPS) Phase 2 (MPS2) - - Tao Docs:=0 -
8.16 - - - Dynamic management of group-based event monitoring (TEI17_GEM) - - Tao Docs:=0 -
8.17 - - - N7/N40 Interfaces Enhancements to Support GERAN and UTRAN (TEI17_NIESGU) - - Tao Docs:=0 -
8.18 - - - System enhancement for Redundant PDU Session (TEI17_SE_RPS) - - Tao Docs:=0 -
8.19 - - - IMS Optimization for HSS Group ID in an SBA environment (TEI17_IMSGID) - - Tao Docs:=0 -
8.20 - - - Support for Signed Attestation for Priority and Emergency Sessions (TEI17_SAPES) - - Tao Docs:=0 -
8.21 - - - Dynamically Changing AM Policies in the 5GC (TEI17_DCAMP) - - Tao Docs:=0 -
8.22 - - - IP address pool information from UDM (TEI17_IPU) - - Tao Docs:=0 -
8.23 - - - Same PCF selection for AMF and SMF (TEI17-SPSFAS) - - Tao Docs:=0 -
8.24 - - - Support of different slices over different Non-3GPP access (TEI17_N3SLICE) - - Tao Docs:=0 -
8.25 - - - Minimization of Service Interruption (MINT) - - Tao Docs:=0 -
8.26 - - - Architecture Enhancement for NR Reduced Capability Devices (ARCH_NR_REDCAP) - - Tao Docs:=0 -
8.27 - - - Architecture support for NB-IoT/eMTC Non-Terrestrial Networks in EPS (IoT_SAT_ARCH_EPS) - - Tao Docs:=15 -
8.27 S2-2403896 LS In Action LS from RAN WG3: Reply LS on the service requirement of restricting satellite access RAT type RAN WG3 (R3-240045) Rel-17 NR_NTN_solutions, LTE_NBIOT_eMTC_NTN Response drafted in S2-2404443. Postponed in parallel session Postponed
8.27 S2-2404441 CR Endorsement 23.501 CR5376 (Rel-17, 'F'): Handover control for NR-terrestrial to LTE satellite access update following R3 CR Vodafone Rel-17 IoT_SAT_ARCH_EPS Revised in parallel session to S2-2405120 (withdrawn). Noted in parallel session Noted
8.27 S2-2405120 CR Endorsement 23.501 CR5376R1 (Rel-17, 'F'): Handover control for NR-terrestrial to LTE satellite access update following R3 CR Vodafone Rel-17 IoT_SAT_ARCH_EPS Revision of S2-2404441. WITHDRAWN Withdrawn
8.27 S2-2404443 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Response to Reply LS on the service requirement of restricting satellite access RAT type Vodafone Rel-17 Response to S2-2403896. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405121 (withdrawn). Noted in parallel session Noted
8.27 S2-2405121 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Response to Reply LS on the service requirement of restricting satellite access RAT type Vodafone Rel-17 - Revision of S2-2404443. WITHDRAWN Withdrawn
8.27 S2-2403865 LS In Action LS from CT WG1: LS on UE Location Information for NB-IoT NTN CT WG1 (C1-239363) Rel-18 IoT_NTN_enh Revision of postponed S2-2401846 from S2#161. Noted in parallel session Noted
8.27 S2-2404315 CR Approval 23.401 CR3773 (Rel-17, 'F'): Support of TAU in Cellular IoT OPPO Rel-17 IoT_SAT_ARCH_EPS Revised in parallel session to S2-2405122. Revised
8.27 S2-2405122 CR Approval 23.401 CR3773R1 (Rel-17, 'F'): Support of TAU in Cellular IoT OPPO Rel-17 IoT_SAT_ARCH_EPS Revision of S2-2404315. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405463 Revised
8.27 S2-2405463 CR Approval 23.401 CR3773R2 (Rel-17, 'F'): Support of TAU in Cellular IoT OPPO Rel-17 IoT_SAT_ARCH_EPS Revision of S2-2405122. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved Agreed
8.27 S2-2404316 CR Approval 23.401 CR3774 (Rel-18, 'A'): Support of TAU in Cellular IoT OPPO Rel-18 IoT_SAT_ARCH_EPS Revised in parallel session to S2-2405123. Revised
8.27 S2-2405123 CR Approval 23.401 CR3774R1 (Rel-18, 'A'): Support of TAU in Cellular IoT OPPO Rel-18 IoT_SAT_ARCH_EPS Revision of S2-2404316. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405464 Revised
8.27 S2-2405464 CR Approval 23.401 CR3774R2 (Rel-18, 'A'): Support of TAU in Cellular IoT OPPO Rel-18 IoT_SAT_ARCH_EPS Revision of S2-2405123. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved Agreed
8.27 S2-2404647 CR Approval 23.401 CR3779 (Rel-18, 'F'): Update of UE location verification for NTN for regulatory requirements Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 IoT_SAT_ARCH_EPS Revised in parallel session to S2-2405119. Revised
8.27 S2-2405119 CR Approval 23.401 CR3779R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Update of UE location verification for NTN for regulatory requirements Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 IoT_SAT_ARCH_EPS Revision of S2-2404647. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405465. Revised
8.27 S2-2405465 CR Approval 23.401 CR3779R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Update of UE location verification for NTN for regulatory requirements Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 IoT_SAT_ARCH_EPS Revision of S2-2405119. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved Agreed
8.28 - - - Rel-17 CAT B/C alignment CR(s) due to the work led by other 3GPP Working Groups - - Tao Docs:=0 -
9 - - - Rel-18 WIDs - - Andy Docs:=0 -
9.1.2 - - - 5G System with Satellite Backhaul (5GSATB) - - Dario Docs:=0 -
9.2.2 - - - Satellite access Phase 2 (5GSAT_Ph2) - - Dario Docs:=40 -
9.2.2 - - - CT WG1 LS on unavailability info and config. - - - Docs:=1 -
9.2.2 S2-2403876 LS In Action LS from CT WG1: LS on providing unavailability configuration during initial registration (attach) procedure CT WG1 (C1-241849) Rel-18 5GSAT_Ph2 Responses drafted in S2-2404310, S2-2404584, S2-2404670, S2-2404803. Noted in parallel session Noted
9.2.2 - - - 23.501 CRs related to CT WG1 LS - - - Docs:=11 -
9.2.2 S2-2404421 CR Approval 23.501 CR5372 (Rel-18, 'F'): Unavailability period during initial Registration procedure Qualcomm Incorporated Rel-18 5GSAT_Ph2 Revised in parallel session to S2-2405062. Revised
9.2.2 S2-2405062 CR Approval 23.501 CR5372R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Unavailability period during initial Registration procedure Qualcomm Incorporated Rel-18 5GSAT_Ph2 Revision of S2-2404421. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405362, merging S2-2404788 Revised
9.2.2 S2-2405362 CR Approval 23.501 CR5372R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Unavailability period during initial Registration procedure Qualcomm Incorporated, Samsung Rel-18 5GSAT_Ph2 Fix editorial
Revision of S2-2405062, merging S2-2404788. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405615.
9.2.2 S2-2405615 CR Approval 23.501 CR5372R3 (Rel-18, 'F'): Unavailability period during initial Registration procedure Qualcomm Incorporated, Samsung Rel-18 5GSAT_Ph2 Revision of S2-2405362. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved Agreed
9.2.2 S2-2404429 CR Approval 23.501 CR5374 (Rel-18, 'F'): Unavailability type in UE-initiated de-registration MediaTek Inc. Rel-18 5GSAT_Ph2 Postponed in parallel session Postponed
9.2.2 S2-2404587 CR Approval 23.401 CR3777 (Rel-18, 'F'): Unavailability Period provided by the MME during initial attach LG Electronics Rel-18 5GSAT_Ph2 Not Handled -
9.2.2 S2-2404618 CR Approval 23.501 CR5384 (Rel-18, 'F'): Handling when there is conflict in UE and network indicated Unavailability values Samsung Rel-18 5GSAT_Ph2 Not Handled -
9.2.2 S2-2404671 CR Approval 23.501 CR5387 (Rel-18, 'F'): Alignment with CT WG1 to support Unavailability Period Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 5GSAT_Ph2 Not Handled -
9.2.2 S2-2404690 CR Approval 23.501 CR5389 (Rel-18, 'F'): Providing unavailability type during the de-registration procedure CATT Rel-18 5GSAT_Ph2 Not Handled -
9.2.2 S2-2404788 CR Approval 23.501 CR5392 (Rel-18, 'F'): Applicability of unavailability period during initial registration procedure Samsung Rel-18 5GSAT_Ph2 Merged into S2-2405362 Merged
9.2.2 S2-2404969 CR Approval 23.501 CR5397 (Rel-18, 'F'): Handling of unavailability period in the initial registration procedure OPPO Rel-18 5GSAT_Ph2 Not Handled -
9.2.2 - - - 23.401 CRs related to CT WG1 LS - - - Docs:=9 -
9.2.2 S2-2404311 CR Approval 23.401 CR3772 (Rel-18, 'F'): Unavailability configuration during attach OPPO Rel-18 5GSAT_Ph2 Revised in parallel session to S2-2405063. Revised
9.2.2 S2-2405063 CR Approval 23.401 CR3772R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Unavailability configuration during attach OPPO Rel-18 5GSAT_Ph2 Revision of S2-2404311. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405363 Revised
9.2.2 S2-2405363 CR Approval 23.401 CR3772R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Unavailability configuration during attach OPPO, Samsung Rel-18 5GSAT_Ph2 Add ME impact Add cosigner Fix editorial issues
Revision of S2-2405063. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405616.
9.2.2 S2-2405616 CR Approval 23.401 CR3772R3 (Rel-18, 'F'): Unavailability configuration during attach OPPO, Samsung, LG Electronics Rel-18 5GSAT_Ph2 Revision of S2-2405363. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved Agreed
9.2.2 S2-2404430 CR Approval 23.401 CR3775 (Rel-18, 'F'): Unavailability period during initial Attach procedure Qualcomm Incorporated Rel-18 5GSAT_Ph2 Not Handled -
9.2.2 S2-2404585 CR Approval 23.501 CR5382 (Rel-18, 'F'): Unavailability Period provided by the AMF during initial registration LG Electronics Rel-18 5GSAT_Ph2 Not Handled -
9.2.2 S2-2404621 CR Approval 23.401 CR3778 (Rel-18, 'F'): Handling when there is conflict in UE and network indicated Unavailability values Samsung Rel-18 5GSAT_Ph2 Not Handled -
9.2.2 S2-2404673 CR Approval 23.401 CR3780 (Rel-18, 'F'): Alignment with CT WG1 to support Unavailability Period Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 5GSAT_Ph2 Not Handled -
9.2.2 S2-2404789 CR Approval 23.401 CR3781 (Rel-18, 'F'): Applicability of unavailability period during Attach procedure Samsung Rel-18 5GSAT_Ph2 Not Handled -
9.2.2 - - - 23.502 CRs related to CT WG1 LS - - - Docs:=5 -
9.2.2 S2-2404672 CR Approval 23.502 CR4798 (Rel-18, 'F'): Alignment with CT WG1 to support Unavailability Period Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 5GSAT_Ph2 Revised in parallel session to S2-2405317. Revised
9.2.2 S2-2405317 CR Approval 23.502 CR4798R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Alignment with CT WG1 to support Unavailability Period Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 5GSAT_Ph2 Remove 'and stores them in the UE context' from the new text
Revision of S2-2404672. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405364.
9.2.2 S2-2405364 CR Approval 23.502 CR4798R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Alignment with CT WG1 to support Unavailability Period Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 5GSAT_Ph2 Revision of S2-2405317. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved Agreed
9.2.2 S2-2404691 CR Approval 23.502 CR4801 (Rel-18, 'F'): Update the unavailability type description for the satellite discontinuous coverage CATT Rel-18 5GSAT_Ph2 Not Handled -
9.2.2 S2-2404968 CR Approval 23.502 CR4804 (Rel-18, 'F'): Handling of unavailability period in the initial registration procedure OPPO Rel-18 5GSAT_Ph2 Not Handled -
9.2.2 - - - Replies LS to CT WG1 LS - - - Docs:=5 -
9.2.2 S2-2404310 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on providing unavailability configuration during initial registration (attach) procedures OPPO Rel-18 5GSAT_Ph2 Response to S2-2403876 Not Handled -
9.2.2 S2-2404584 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] LS Reply on providing unavailability configuration during initial registration (attach) procedure LG Electronics Rel-18 5GSAT_Ph2 Response to S2-2403876. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405064. Revised
9.2.2 S2-2405064 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] LS Reply on providing unavailability configuration during initial registration (attach) procedure LG Electronics Rel-18 5GSAT_Ph2 Revision of S2-2404584. Noted in parallel session Noted
9.2.2 S2-2404670 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS to LS on providing unavailability configuration during initial registration (attach) Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 5GSAT_Ph2 Response to S2-2403876 Not Handled -
9.2.2 S2-2404803 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on providing unavailability configuration during initial registration (attach) procedure Samsung Rel-18 Response to S2-2403876 Not Handled -
9.2.2 - - - Miscellanea - - - Docs:=9 -
9.2.2 S2-2404192 CR Decision 23.401 CR3771 (Rel-18, 'F'): Corrections on Estimated Maximum Wait Time for Discontinuous Coverage for Satellite Access NEC, Samsung Rel-18 5GSAT_Ph2 Focus on second change on.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2405065.
9.2.2 S2-2405065 CR Decision 23.401 CR3771R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Corrections on Estimated Maximum Wait Time for Discontinuous Coverage for Satellite Access NEC, Samsung Rel-18 5GSAT_Ph2 Remove from list of affected clauses.
Revision of S2-2404192. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405617.
9.2.2 S2-2405617 CR Decision 23.401 CR3771R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Corrections on Estimated Maximum Wait Time for Discontinuous Coverage for Satellite Access NEC, Samsung Rel-18 5GSAT_Ph2 Revision of S2-2405065. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved Agreed
9.2.2 S2-2404523 CR Approval 23.501 CR5379 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarification on Discontinuous coverage for satellite access Google Rel-18 5GSAT_Ph2 Revised in parallel session to S2-2405066. Revised
9.2.2 S2-2405066 CR Approval 23.501 CR5379R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarification on Discontinuous coverage for satellite access Google, Tencent, DISH Network, Samsung Rel-18 5GSAT_Ph2 Remove 'regarding enabling gNB operation for feeder/service link switch over' and '[27]' from first paragraph of In the new NOTES replace 'availability' with 'connectivity'
Revision of S2-2404523. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405618.
9.2.2 S2-2405618 CR Approval 23.501 CR5379R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarification on Discontinuous coverage for satellite access Google, Tencent, DISH Network, Samsung Rel-18 5GSAT_Ph2 Revision of S2-2405066. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved Agreed
9.2.2 S2-2404524 CR Approval 23.401 CR3776 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarification on Discontinous coverage for satellite access Google Rel-18 5GSAT_Ph2 Revised in parallel session to S2-2405067. Revised
9.2.2 S2-2405067 CR Approval 23.401 CR3776R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarification on Discontinous coverage for satellite access Google, Tencent, DISH Network Rel-18 5GSAT_Ph2 Apply similar changes described for 5618
Revision of S2-2404524. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405619.
9.2.2 S2-2405619 CR Approval 23.401 CR3776R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarification on Discontinous coverage for satellite access Google, Tencent, DISH Network, Samsung Rel-18 5GSAT_Ph2 Revision of S2-2405067. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved Agreed
9.3.2 - - - Personal IoT Networks (5G_PIN) - - Tao Docs:=0 -
9.4.2 - - - Phase 2 for UAS, UAV and UAM (UAS_Ph2) - - Andy Docs:=0 -
9.5.2 - - - Ranging based services and sidelink positioning (Ranging_SL) - - _Not_on_Agenda Docs:=0 -
9.6.2 - - - 5GC LoCation Services Phase 3 (eLCS_Ph3) - - _Not_on_Agenda Docs:=0 -
9.7.2 - - - Proximity-based Services in 5GS Phase 2 (5G_ProSe_Ph2) - - _Not_on_Agenda Docs:=0 -
9.8.2 - - - Generic group management, exposure and communication enhancements (GMEC) - - Tao Docs:=5 -
9.8.2 S2-2404390 CR Approval 23.501 CR5368 (Rel-18, 'F'): Corrections on the clause reference and ID mapping ZTE Rel-18 GMEC Revised in parallel session to S2-2405148. Revised
9.8.2 S2-2405148 CR Approval 23.501 CR5368R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Corrections on the clause reference and ID mapping ZTE Rel-18 GMEC Revision of S2-2404390. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved Agreed
9.8.2 S2-2404391 CR Approval 23.502 CR4788 (Rel-18, 'F'): Corrections on the clause reference and ID mapping ZTE Rel-18 GMEC Revised in parallel session to S2-2405149. Revised
9.8.2 S2-2405149 CR Approval 23.502 CR4788R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Corrections on the clause reference and ID mapping ZTE Rel-18 GMEC Revision of S2-2404391. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved Agreed
9.8.2 S2-2404392 CR Approval 23.503 CR1287 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarification on the Alternative Service Requirements ZTE Rel-18 GMEC Noted in parallel session Noted
9.9.2 - - - System Support for AI/ML-based Services (AIMLsys) - - Dario Docs:=13 -
9.9.2 S2-2404103 CR Approval 23.502 CR4774 (Rel-18, 'F'): Correction to the PDTQ policy Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 AIMLsys Revised in parallel session to S2-2405365. Revised
9.9.2 S2-2405365 CR Approval 23.502 CR4774R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Correction to the PDTQ policy Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 AIMLsys Revision of S2-2404103. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405567. Revised
9.9.2 S2-2405567 CR Approval 23.502 CR4774R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Correction to the PDTQ policy Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 AIMLsys Revision of S2-2405365. Postponed in parallel session Postponed
9.9.2 S2-2404474 CR Approval 23.288 CR1084 (Rel-18, 'F'): Corrections to procedures of e2e data volume transfer time analytics Ericsson Rel-18 AIMLsys Revised in parallel session to S2-2405078. Revised
9.9.2 S2-2405078 CR Approval 23.288 CR1084R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Corrections to procedures of e2e data volume transfer time analytics Ericsson Rel-18 AIMLsys Revision of S2-2404474. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405571. Revised
9.9.2 S2-2405571 CR Approval 23.288 CR1084R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Corrections to procedures of e2e data volume transfer time analytics Ericsson Rel-18 AIMLsys Fix editorials in step 2d.
Revision of S2-2405078. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405577.
9.9.2 S2-2405577 CR Approval 23.288 CR1084R3 (Rel-18, 'F'): Corrections to procedures of e2e data volume transfer time analytics Ericsson Rel-18 AIMLsys Revision of S2-2405571. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved Agreed
9.9.2 S2-2404640 CR Approval 23.502 CR4797 (Rel-18, 'F'): Corrections and alignments for member UE selection assistance Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 AIMLsys Revised in parallel session to S2-2405079. Revised
9.9.2 S2-2405079 CR Approval 23.502 CR4797R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Corrections and alignments for member UE selection assistance Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 AIMLsys Revision of S2-2404640. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved Agreed
9.9.2 S2-2404684 CR Approval 23.502 CR4800 (Rel-18, 'F'): Corrections to assistance for member UE selection functionality and service Samsung Rel-18 AIMLsys Revised in parallel session to S2-2405080. Revised
9.9.2 S2-2405080 CR Approval 23.502 CR4800R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Corrections to assistance for member UE selection functionality and service Samsung Rel-18 AIMLsys Revision of S2-2404684. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405560 Revised
9.9.2 S2-2405560 CR Approval 23.502 CR4800R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Corrections to assistance for member UE selection functionality and service Samsung Rel-18 AIMLsys Remove changes on changes and highlights.
Revision of S2-2405080. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405568.
9.9.2 S2-2405568 CR Approval 23.502 CR4800R3 (Rel-18, 'F'): Corrections to assistance for member UE selection functionality and service Samsung, Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 AIMLsys Revision of S2-2405560. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved Agreed
9.10.2 - - - 5G multicast-broadcast services Phase 2 (5MBS_Ph2) - - Yannick Docs:=20 -
9.10.2 S2-2403888 LS In Action LS from RAN WG2: Reply LS on RedCap UE MBS Broadcast reception RAN WG2 (R2-2401662) Rel-18 TEI18, 5MBS_Ph2 Noted in parallel session Noted
9.10.2 S2-2403893 LS In Information LS from RAN WG3: LS on restoration of N3mb Failure for MBS broadcast RAN WG3 (R3-241144) Rel-18 NR_MBS_enh-Core Noted in parallel session Noted
9.10.2 S2-2403894 LS In Action LS from RAN WG3: Reply LS on providing MBS assistance information from SMF towards NG-RAN node during Xn handover RAN WG3 (R3-241145) Rel-18 5MBS_Ph2 Response drafted in S2-2404466. Final response in S2-2405423 Replied to
9.10.2 S2-2404094 CR Approval 23.247 CR0357 (Rel-18, 'F'): On the enhancement of Xn Handover for Multicast reception in RRC inactive state Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 5MBS_Ph2 Merged into S2-2405178 Merged
9.10.2 S2-2404211 CR Approval 23.247 CR0359 (Rel-18, 'F'): Providing MBS assistance information from SMF towards NG-RAN node during Xn handover Nokia Rel-18 5MBS_Ph2 Revised in parallel session to S2-2405178, merging S2-2404620, S2-2404467, S2-2404393 and S2-2404094 Revised
9.10.2 S2-2405178 CR Approval 23.247 CR0359R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Providing MBS assistance information from SMF towards NG-RAN node during Xn handover Nokia, ZTE, Ericsson, Huawei, Samsung Rel-18 5MBS_Ph2 Revert the second changes in 1st change part. Add 'as detailed in clause and clause respectively' at end of paragraph.
Revision of S2-2404211, merging S2-2404620, S2-2404467, S2-2404393 and S2-2404094. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405422.
9.10.2 S2-2405422 CR Approval 23.247 CR0359R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Providing MBS assistance information from SMF towards NG-RAN node during Xn handover Nokia, ZTE, Ericsson, Huawei, Samsung Rel-18 5MBS_Ph2 Revision of S2-2405178. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved Agreed
9.10.2 S2-2404228 DISCUSSION Discussion MBS FSA ID for the RedCap UEs. Nokia Rel-18 5MBS_Ph2 Noted in parallel session Noted
9.10.2 S2-2404232 CR Approval 23.247 CR0360 (Rel-18, 'F'): MBS FSA ID for the RedCap UEs Nokia Rel-18 5MBS_Ph2 Revised in parallel session to S2-2405176. Revised
9.10.2 S2-2405176 CR Approval 23.247 CR0360R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): MBS FSA ID for the RedCap UEs Nokia Rel-18 5MBS_Ph2 Revision of S2-2404232. Postponed in parallel session Postponed
9.10.2 S2-2404237 DISCUSSION Discussion EN related to alignment with RAN WG(s) for UEs using power saving functions. Nokia Rel-18 5MBS_Ph2 The following was endorsed: 1. The EN 'Alignment may be needed with RAN WG(s).' in Clause 7.2.10 of TS 23.247 was not removed based on SA WG2 agreement, but due to an editorial mistake. 2. However, due to recent RAN agreements the EN is no longer required and can remain removed.
Noted in parallel session
9.10.2 S2-2404393 CR Approval 23.247 CR0361 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarification on Multicast MBS session data reception in UE with RRC_INACTIVE state ZTE Rel-18 5MBS_Ph2 Merged into S2-2405178 Merged
9.10.2 S2-2404394 CR Approval 23.247 CR0362 (Rel-18, 'F'): Correction on the reference and duplicate wording ZTE Rel-18 5MBS_Ph2 Agreed in parallel session. Block approved Agreed
9.10.2 S2-2404408 CR Approval 23.247 CR0363 (Rel-18, 'F'): FSA ID used for MBS session involving RedCap and non-RedCap UE Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 5MBS_Ph2 Revised in parallel session to S2-2405177. Revised
9.10.2 S2-2405177 CR Approval 23.247 CR0363R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): FSA ID used for MBS session involving RedCap and non-RedCap UE Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 5MBS_Ph2 Revision of S2-2404408. Postponed in parallel session Postponed
9.10.2 S2-2404466 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on providing MBS assistance information from SMF towards NG-RAN node during Xn handover Ericsson Rel-18 5MBS_Ph2 Response to S2-2403894. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405180. Revised
9.10.2 S2-2405180 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on providing MBS assistance information from SMF towards NG-RAN node during Xn handover Ericsson Rel-18 5MBS_Ph2 Revision of S2-2404466. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405423. Revised
9.10.2 S2-2405423 LS OUT Approval Reply LS on providing MBS assistance information from SMF towards NG-RAN node during Xn handover SA WG2 Rel-18 5MBS_Ph2 Revision of S2-2405180. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved Approved
9.10.2 S2-2404467 CR Approval 23.247 CR0364 (Rel-18, 'F'): Update mobility procedures for MBS assistance information transfer Ericsson Rel-18 5MBS_Ph2 Merged into S2-2405178 Merged
9.10.2 S2-2404620 CR Approval 23.247 CR0367 (Rel-18, 'F'): Transfer of MBS assistance information during UE mobility Samsung Rel-18 5MBS_Ph2 Confirm Spec version used - CR states 18.3.0! Merged into S2-2405178 Merged
9.11.2 - - - Network Slicing Phase 3 (eNS_Ph3) - - Yannick Docs:=48 -
9.11.2 - - - LS in/LS out - - - Docs:=14 -
9.11.2 S2-2403877 LS In Action LS from CT WG3: LS on Alternative S-NSSAI related Policy control CT WG3 (C3-241301) Rel-18 eNS_Ph3 Responses drafted in S2-2404090, S2-2404826. Postponed in parallel session Postponed
9.11.2 S2-2404090 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] LS Reply on Alternative S-NSSAI related Policy control Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 eNS_Ph3 Response to S2-2403877. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405425, merging S2-2404826 Revised
9.11.2 S2-2405425 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] LS Reply on Alternative S-NSSAI related Policy control Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 eNS_Ph3 Revision of S2-2404090, merging S2-2404826. Postponed in parallel session Postponed
9.11.2 S2-2404826 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Response to CT WG3 on Alternative S-NSSAI related Policy control ZTE Rel-18 eNS_Ph3 Response to S2-2403877. Merged into S2-2405425 Merged
9.11.2 S2-2404091 CR Approval 23.503 CR1285 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarification on Alternative S-NSSAI related Policy control Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 eNS_Ph3 Revised in parallel session to S2-2405179. Revised
9.11.2 S2-2405179 CR Approval 23.503 CR1285R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarification on Alternative S-NSSAI related Policy control Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 eNS_Ph3 Revision of S2-2404091. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405424. Revised
9.11.2 S2-2405424 CR Approval 23.503 CR1285R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarification on Alternative S-NSSAI related Policy control Huawei, HiSilicon, Samsung Rel-18 eNS_Ph3 Revision of S2-2405179. Postponed in parallel session Postponed
9.11.2 S2-2403875 LS In Action LS from CT WG1: LS on temporary slice expiry CT WG1 (C1-241847) Rel-18 eNS_Ph3 Response drafted in S2-2404807. Final response in S2-2405427 Replied to
9.11.2 S2-2404807 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on temporary slice expiry Samsung Rel-18 Response to S2-2403875. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405182. Revised
9.11.2 S2-2405182 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on temporary slice expiry Samsung Rel-18 - Revision of S2-2404807. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405427. Revised
9.11.2 S2-2405427 LS OUT Approval Reply LS on temporary slice expiry SA WG2 Rel-18 - Revision of S2-2405182. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved Approved
9.11.2 S2-2404809 CR Approval 23.501 CR5394 (Rel-18, 'F'): Temporary slice expiry Samsung Rel-18 eNS_Ph3 Revised in parallel session to S2-2405181. Revised
9.11.2 S2-2405181 CR Approval 23.501 CR5394R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Temporary slice expiry Samsung Rel-18 eNS_Ph3 Revision of S2-2404809. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405426 Revised
9.11.2 S2-2405426 CR Approval 23.501 CR5394R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Temporary slice expiry Samsung Rel-18 eNS_Ph3 Revision of S2-2405181. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved Agreed
9.11.2 - - - Essential corrections - - - Docs:=31 -
9.11.2 S2-2404473 CR Approval 23.503 CR1289 (Rel-18, 'F'): Usage monitoring control and network slice data rate monitoring Ericsson Rel-18 eNS_Ph3 Revised in parallel session to S2-2405183. Revised
9.11.2 S2-2405183 CR Approval 23.503 CR1289R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Usage monitoring control and network slice data rate monitoring Ericsson Rel-18 eNS_Ph3 Revision of S2-2404473. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405428. Revised
9.11.2 S2-2405428 CR Approval 23.503 CR1289R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Usage monitoring control and network slice data rate monitoring Ericsson, Samsung, LG Electronics Rel-18 eNS_Ph3 Revision of S2-2405183. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405702. Revised
9.11.2 S2-2405702 CR Approval 23.503 CR1289R3 (Rel-18, 'F'): Usage monitoring control and network slice data rate monitoring Ericsson, Samsung, LG Electronics Rel-18 eNS_Ph3 Revision of S2-2405428. This CR was agreed Agreed
9.11.2 S2-2404915 CR Approval 23.501 CR5326R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Distinction between network slice supported and available in an area Ericsson Rel-18 eNS_Ph3 Revision of S2-2402330 from SA WG2#161. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405189. Revised
9.11.2 S2-2405189 CR Approval 23.501 CR5326R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Distinction between network slice supported and available in an area Ericsson Rel-18 eNS_Ph3 Revision of S2-2404915. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405429. Revised
9.11.2 S2-2405429 CR Approval 23.501 CR5326R3 (Rel-18, 'F'): Distinction between network slice supported and available in an area Ericsson Rel-18 eNS_Ph3 Revision of S2-2405189. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405698 Revised
9.11.2 S2-2405698 CR Approval 23.501 CR5326R4 (Rel-18, 'F'): Distinction between network slice supported and available in an area Ericsson, Nokia Rel-18 eNS_Ph3 Revision of S2-2405429. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405701. Revised
9.11.2 S2-2405701 CR Approval 23.501 CR5326R5 (Rel-18, 'F'): Distinction between network slice supported and available in an area Ericsson, Nokia Rel-18 eNS_Ph3 Revision of S2-2405698. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved Agreed
9.11.2 S2-2404409 CR Approval 23.501 CR5370 (Rel-18, 'F'): Handling of the slice deregistration inactivity timer in the inter AMF mobility Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 eNS_Ph3 Revised in parallel session to S2-2405184. Revised
9.11.2 S2-2405184 CR Approval 23.501 CR5370R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Handling of the slice deregistration inactivity timer in the inter AMF mobility Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 eNS_Ph3 Revision of S2-2404409. Postponed in parallel session Postponed
9.11.2 S2-2404410 CR Approval 23.502 CR4789 (Rel-18, 'F'): Handling of the slice deregistration inactivity timer in the inter AMF mobility Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 eNS_Ph3 Revised in parallel session to S2-2405185. Revised
9.11.2 S2-2405185 CR Approval 23.502 CR4789R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Handling of the slice deregistration inactivity timer in the inter AMF mobility Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 eNS_Ph3 Revision of S2-2404410. Postponed in parallel session Postponed
9.11.2 S2-2404563 CR Approval 23.501 CR5138R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarification on network slice reaplacement and on demand slice LG Electronics Rel-18 eNS_Ph3 Revision of S2-2402404. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405186 (withdrawn). Noted in parallel session Noted
9.11.2 S2-2405186 CR Approval 23.501 CR5138R3 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarification on network slice reaplacement and on demand slice LG Electronics Rel-18 eNS_Ph3 Revision of S2-2404563. WITHDRAWN Withdrawn
9.11.2 S2-2404562 CR Approval 23.501 CR4926R3 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarification on access dependency of Alternative S-NSSAI LG Electronics, Nokia, Lenovo Rel-18 eNS_Ph3 Revision of S2-2402403. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405682. Revised
9.11.2 S2-2405682 CR Approval 23.501 CR4926R4 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarification on access dependency of Alternative S-NSSAI LG Electronics, Nokia, Lenovo, Ericsson, InterDigital Rel-18 eNS_Ph3 Since Network Slice Replacement applies independent of access Type, when the replacement occurs, the same Alternative S-NSSAI mapping to the replaced S-NSSAI is provided over the access types where the replaced S-NSSAI is in the Allowed NSSAI.
Revision of S2-2404562. Revised to S2-2405699.
9.11.2 S2-2405699 CR Approval 23.501 CR4926R5 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarification on access dependency of Alternative S-NSSAI LG Electronics, Nokia, Lenovo, Ericsson, InterDigital Rel-18 eNS_Ph3 Revision of S2-2405682. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved Agreed
9.11.2 S2-2404216 DISCUSSION Agreement KI#3: issues with normative text on support of non supporting UEs. Nokia Rel-18 Revision of S2-2402845 Not Handled -
9.11.2 S2-2404217 CR Approval 23.501 CR5351R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarifications on the handling of non supporting UEs in clause 5.15.18 and AoI reporting subscription at SMF Nokia Rel-18 eNS_Ph3 Revision of S2-2402858 Not Handled -
9.11.2 S2-2404218 DISCUSSION Approval KI#3 Allowed NSSAI behaviour . Nokia Rel-18 Revision of S2-2402889 Not Handled -
9.11.2 S2-2404219 CR Approval 23.501 CR5352R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Allowed NSSAI and NSAC for Network slice with NS-AoS not matching deployed TA Nokia Rel-18 eNS_Ph3 Revision of S2-2402885. Noted in parallel session Noted
9.11.2 S2-2404811 CR Approval 23.501 CR5346R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Slice deregistration inactvity timer clarification Samsung Rel-18 eNS_Ph3 Revision of S2-2402771 from SA WG2#161. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405187. Revised
9.11.2 S2-2405187 CR Approval 23.501 CR5346R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Slice deregistration inactvity timer clarification Samsung Rel-18 eNS_Ph3 Revision of S2-2404811. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405430. Revised
9.11.2 S2-2405430 CR Approval 23.501 CR5346R3 (Rel-18, 'F'): Slice deregistration inactvity timer clarification Samsung Rel-18 eNS_Ph3 Revision of S2-2405187. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405700. Revised
9.11.2 S2-2405700 CR Approval 23.501 CR5346R4 (Rel-18, 'F'): Slice deregistration inactvity timer clarification Samsung Rel-18 eNS_Ph3 Revision of S2-2405430. Revised to S2-2405831. Revised
9.11.2 S2-2405831 CR Approval 23.501 CR5346R5 (Rel-18, 'F'): Slice deregistration inactvity timer clarification Samsung Rel-18 eNS_Ph3 Revision of S2-2405700. This CR was agreed Agreed
9.11.2 S2-2404824 CR Approval 23.503 CR1292 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarification on subscription for alternative S-NSSAI in PCF ZTE Rel-18 eNS_Ph3 Not Handled -
9.11.2 S2-2404863 CR Approval 23.501 CR5396 (Rel-18, 'F'): Slice area restriction in case of ETSUN or roaming ZTE Rel-18 eNS_Ph3 Revised in parallel session to S2-2405188. Revised
9.11.2 S2-2405188 CR Approval 23.501 CR5396R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Slice area restriction in case of ETSUN or roaming ZTE Rel-18 eNS_Ph3 Only keep note x and remove step 7.
Revision of S2-2404863. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405431
9.11.2 S2-2405431 CR Approval 23.501 CR5396R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Slice area restriction in case of ETSUN or roaming ZTE Rel-18 eNS_Ph3 Revision of S2-2405188. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved. Confirm CR Number - CR states 1294! Agreed
9.11.2 - - - Out of quota - - - Docs:=3 -
9.11.2 S2-2404564 CR Approval 23.503 CR1291 (Rel-18, 'F'): Monitoring of data rate per network slice considering Network Slice Replacement LG Electronics Rel-18 eNS_Ph3 Not Handled -
9.11.2 S2-2404825 CR Approval 23.503 CR1293 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarification on the network slice replacement event in PCF ZTE Rel-18 eNS_Ph3 Not Handled -
9.11.2 S2-2404813 CR Approval 23.501 CR5345R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Handling for UE when present in overlapping of non-allowed area and slice location availability area Samsung Rel-18 eNS_Ph3 Revision of S2-2402764 from SA WG2#161 Not Handled -
9.12.2 - - - XR (Extended Reality) and media services (XRM) - - _Not_on_Agenda Docs:=1 -
9.12.2 S2-2404432 CR Approval 23.503 CR1280R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Averaging Window in Alternative QoS Parameter Set CATT Rel-18 XRM Revision of S2-2402642 Not Handled -
9.13.2 - - - RedCap Phase 2 (NR_RedCAP_Ph2) - - Yannick Docs:=21 -
9.13.2 S2-2403889 LS In Action LS from RAN WG2: Reply LS on Rel-18 RedCap enhancements to address remaining ENs in TS 23.502 RAN WG2 (R2-2401888) Rel-18 NR_redcap_enh-Core Response drafted in S2-2404679. Final response in S2-2405421 Replied to
9.13.2 S2-2404267 CR Approval 23.502 CR4782 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarification on CN based MT communication handling request Ericsson Rel-18 NR_REDCAP_Ph2, NR_redcap_enh-Core, NR_MT_SDT-Core Revised in parallel session to S2-2405171. Revised
9.13.2 S2-2405171 CR Approval 23.502 CR4782R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarification on CN based MT communication handling request Ericsson Rel-18 NR_REDCAP_Ph2, NR_redcap_enh-Core, NR_MT_SDT-Core Revision of S2-2404267. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved Agreed
9.13.2 S2-2404268 CR Approval 23.501 CR5363 (Rel-18, 'F'): RedCap capability change clarification Ericsson Rel-18 NR_REDCAP_Ph2, NR_redcap_enh-Core Merged into S2-2405168 Merged
9.13.2 S2-2404420 CR Approval 23.501 CR5371 (Rel-18, 'F'): RedCap/eRedCap UE differentiation upon change of radio capabilities Qualcomm Incorporated Rel-18 NR_REDCAP_Ph2 Revised in parallel session to S2-2405168, merging S2-2404268 Revised
9.13.2 S2-2405168 CR Approval 23.501 CR5371R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): RedCap/eRedCap UE differentiation upon change of radio capabilities Qualcomm Incorporated, Ericsson Rel-18 NR_REDCAP_Ph2 Revision of S2-2404420, merging S2-2404268. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405419. Revised
9.13.2 S2-2405419 CR Approval 23.501 CR5371R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): RedCap/eRedCap UE differentiation upon change of radio capabilities Qualcomm Incorporated, Ericsson Rel-18 NR_REDCAP_Ph2 The UE shall report the NR RedCap indication or NR eRedCap indication that applies to the new Radio Capability.
Revision of S2-2405168. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405683.
9.13.2 S2-2405683 CR Approval 23.501 CR5371R3 (Rel-18, 'F'): RedCap/eRedCap UE differentiation upon change of radio capabilities Qualcomm Incorporated, Ericsson Rel-18 NR_REDCAP_Ph2 Revision of S2-2405419. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved Agreed
9.13.2 S2-2404521 CR Approval 23.501 CR5254R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarification on (e)RedCap UE Google Rel-18 NR_REDCAP_Ph2 Revision of S2-2402473. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405169. Revised
9.13.2 S2-2405169 CR Approval 23.501 CR5254R3 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarification on (e)RedCap UE Google Rel-18 NR_REDCAP_Ph2 Only change the work item code.
Revision of S2-2404521. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405420.
9.13.2 S2-2405420 CR Approval 23.501 CR5254R4 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarification on (e)RedCap UE Google Rel-18 NR_REDCAP_Ph2 An NR (e)RedCap UE or NR eRedCap UE using NR shall provide an NR (e)RedCap indication or respectively an NR eRedCap UE indication to the NG-RAN during RRC Connection Establishment procedure as defined in TS 38.300 [27].
Revision of S2-2405169. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405684.
9.13.2 S2-2405684 CR Approval 23.501 CR5254R5 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarification on RedCap UE Google Rel-18 NR_REDCAP_Ph2 Revision of S2-2405420. Agreed in parallel session. Revised to S2-2405834. Revised
9.13.2 S2-2405834 CR Approval 23.501 CR5254R6 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarification on (e)RedCap UE Google, MediaTek Inc. Rel-18 NR_REDCAP_Ph2 Revision of S2-2405684. This CR was agreed Agreed
9.13.2 S2-2404679 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on Rel-18 RedCap enhancements to address remaining ENs in TS 23.502 Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 NR_redcap_enh-Core Response to S2-2403889. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405170. Revised
9.13.2 S2-2405170 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on Rel-18 RedCap enhancements to address remaining ENs in TS 23.502 Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 NR_redcap_enh-Core LS to RAN WG3 and actions to RAN WG3 as well.
Revision of S2-2404679. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405421.
9.13.2 S2-2405421 LS OUT Approval Reply LS on Rel-18 RedCap enhancements to address remaining ENs in TS 23.502 SA WG2 Rel-18 NR_redcap_enh-Core Revision of S2-2405170. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved Approved
9.13.2 S2-2404680 CR Approval 23.501 CR5388 (Rel-18, 'F'): Activation of DL data size reporting for support of MT-SDT Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 NR_REDCAP_Ph2 Revised in parallel session to S2-2405172. Revised
9.13.2 S2-2405172 CR Approval 23.501 CR5388R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Activation of DL data size reporting for support of MT-SDT Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 NR_REDCAP_Ph2 Revision of S2-2404680. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved Agreed
9.13.2 S2-2404681 CR Approval 23.502 CR4799 (Rel-18, 'F'): Activation of DL data size reporting for support of MT-SDT Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 NR_REDCAP_Ph2 Revised in parallel session to S2-2405173. Revised
9.13.2 S2-2405173 CR Approval 23.502 CR4799R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Activation of DL data size reporting for support of MT-SDT Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 NR_REDCAP_Ph2 Revision of S2-2404681. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved Agreed
9.13.2 S2-2403873 LS In Action LS from CT WG1: LS on Rel-18 RedCap enhancements work CT WG1 (C1-241809) Rel-18 NR_redcap_enh-Core Postponed Postponed
9.14.2 - - - Evolution of IMS multimedia telephony service (NG_RTC) - - Tao Docs:=30 -
9.14.2 S2-2403885 LS In Action LS from CT WG4: LS on on Subscription of Data Channel CT WG4 (C4-240837) Rel-18 NG_RTC Responses drafted in S2-2404287, S2-2404342. Final response in S2-2405107 Replied to
9.14.2 S2-2404287 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply toLS on on Subscription of Data Channel Samsung Rel-18 Response to S2-2403885. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405107, merging S2-2404342 Revised
9.14.2 S2-2404342 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on Subscription of Data Channel ZTE Rel-18 NG_RTC Response to S2-2403885. Merged into S2-2405107 Merged
9.14.2 S2-2405107 LS OUT Approval Reply to LS on Subscription of Data Channel SA WG2 Rel-18 - Revision of S2-2404287, merging S2-2404342. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved Approved
9.14.2 S2-2403957 CR Approval 23.228 CR1389 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarifications regarding DCMF Samsung Rel-18 NG_RTC Revised in parallel session to S2-2405108. Revised
9.14.2 S2-2405108 CR Approval 23.228 CR1389R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarifications regarding DCMF Samsung Rel-18 NG_RTC Revision of S2-2403957. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405456. Revised
9.14.2 S2-2405456 CR Approval 23.228 CR1389R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarifications regarding DCMF Samsung Rel-18 NG_RTC Revision of S2-2405108. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved Agreed
9.14.2 S2-2404248 CR Approval 23.228 CR1381R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): KI#2_ Update AR communicate procedure Vivo Rel-18 NG_RTC Revision of S2-2400868. Confirm CR Revision - CR states 0! Noted in parallel session Noted
9.14.2 S2-2404285 CR Approval 23.502 CR4785 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarifications regarding DCMF Samsung Rel-18 NG_RTC Revised in parallel session to S2-2405109. Revised
9.14.2 S2-2405109 CR Approval 23.502 CR4785R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarifications regarding DCMF Samsung Rel-18 NG_RTC Revision of S2-2404285. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405457. Revised
9.14.2 S2-2405457 CR Approval 23.502 CR4785R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarifications regarding DCMF Samsung Rel-18 NG_RTC Revision of S2-2405109. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved Agreed
9.14.2 S2-2404350 CR Approval 23.228 CR1384R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Update on UE Centric AR communication Procedure ZTE Rel-18 NG_RTC Revision of S2-2400896. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405110. Revised
9.14.2 S2-2405110 CR Approval 23.228 CR1384R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Update on UE Centric AR communication Procedure ZTE Rel-18 NG_RTC Revision of S2-2404350. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405452. Revised
9.14.2 S2-2405452 CR Approval 23.228 CR1384R3 (Rel-18, 'F'): Update on UE Centric AR communication Procedure ZTE Rel-18 NG_RTC Revision of S2-2405110. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved Agreed
9.14.2 S2-2404351 CR Approval 23.228 CR1391 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarification on DC QoS Handling in Application Data Channel Setup Procedures ZTE Rel-18 NG_RTC Revised in parallel session to S2-2405111. Revised
9.14.2 S2-2405111 CR Approval 23.228 CR1391R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarification on DC QoS Handling in Application Data Channel Setup Procedures ZTE Rel-18 NG_RTC Revision of S2-2404351. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved Agreed
9.14.2 S2-2404764 CR Approval 23.228 CR1392 (Rel-18, 'F'): Alignment of IMS AS handling with no DC subscription China Mobile Rel-18 NG_RTC Noted in parallel session Noted
9.14.2 S2-2404765 CR Approval 23.228 CR1393 (Rel-18, 'F'): Updates on IMS AS service Nimsas_SessionEventControl China Mobile Rel-18 NG_RTC Confirm Spec version used - CR states 18.4.0! Revised in parallel session to S2-2405453. Revised
9.14.2 S2-2405453 CR Approval 23.228 CR1393R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Updates on IMS AS service Nimsas_SessionEventControl China Mobile Rel-18 NG_RTC Revision of S2-2404765. WITHDRAWN Withdrawn
9.14.2 S2-2404770 CR Approval 23.228 CR1394 (Rel-18, 'F'): Correlating the application DC with the bootstrap DC NTT DOCOMO Rel-18 NG_RTC Revised in parallel session to S2-2405112. Revised
9.14.2 S2-2405125 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] LS on Binding information NTT DOCOMO - NG_RTC Requested by NTT DOCOMO after offline discussion
Created at meeting. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405454.
9.14.2 S2-2405454 LS OUT Approval LS on Binding information SA WG2 - NG_RTC Revision of S2-2405125. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved Approved
9.14.2 S2-2405112 CR Approval 23.228 CR1394R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Correlating the application DC with the bootstrap DC NTT DOCOMO Rel-18 NG_RTC Revision of S2-2404770. Postponed in parallel session Postponed
9.14.2 S2-2404786 CR Approval 23.228 CR1395 (Rel-18, 'F'): Some correction and clarification to Annex AC Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 NG_RTC Confirm Spec version used - CR states V18.5.0! Revised in parallel session to S2-2405113. Revised
9.14.2 S2-2405113 CR Approval 23.228 CR1395R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Some correction and clarification to Annex AC Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 NG_RTC Revision of S2-2404786. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405455 Revised
9.14.2 S2-2405455 CR Approval 23.228 CR1395R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Some correction and clarification to Annex AC Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 NG_RTC Revision of S2-2405113. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved Agreed
9.14.2 S2-2404787 CR Approval 23.228 CR1396 (Rel-18, 'F'): Support of UPDATE for application data channel setup Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 NG_RTC Confirm Spec version used - CR states V18.5.0! Noted in parallel session Noted
9.14.2 S2-2404810 CR Approval 23.228 CR1397 (Rel-18, 'F'): Mapping of DC binding information with SDP attribute Qualcomm Incorporated Rel-18 NG_RTC Affected Clauses missing! Revised in parallel session to S2-2405114. Revised
9.14.2 S2-2405114 CR Approval 23.228 CR1397R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Mapping of DC binding information with SDP attribute Qualcomm Incorporated Rel-18 NG_RTC Revision of S2-2404810. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved Agreed
9.14.2 S2-2404832 CR Approval 23.228 CR1385R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): IMS DC service subscription clarification Samsung Rel-18 NG_RTC Revision of S2-2401159 from SA WG2#160AH-e. Confirm Spec version used - CR states 18.4.0! Noted in parallel session Noted
9.15.2 - - - Access Traffic Steering, Switching and Splitting support in the 5GS; Phase 3 (ATSSS_Ph3) - - Tao Docs:=17 -
9.15.2 S2-2403870 LS In Action LS from CT WG1: LS on provisioning ATSSS rules to the UE in EPC CT WG1 (C1-241721) Rel-18 ATSSS_Ph3 -
Responses drafted in S2-2403958, S2-2404365, S2-2404701, S2-2404829. Final response in S2-2405458
Replied to
9.15.2 S2-2403958 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply to LS on provisioning ATSSS rules to the UE in EPC Samsung Rel-18 Response to S2-2403870. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405106. Revised
9.15.2 S2-2405106 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply to LS on provisioning ATSSS rules to the UE in EPC Samsung Rel-18 - Revision of S2-2403958. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405458. Revised
9.15.2 S2-2405458 LS OUT Approval Reply to LS on provisioning ATSSS rules to the UE in EPC SA WG2 Rel-18 - Revision of S2-2405106. This LS OUT was approved. Approved
9.15.2 S2-2404365 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] LS Reply to CT WG1 about provisioning ATSSS Rule via EPC NEC Corporation Rel-18 Response to S2-2403870. Noted in parallel session Noted
9.15.2 S2-2404701 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS from CT WG1 about provisioning ATSSS rules to the UE in EPC Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 ATSSS_Ph3 Response to S2-2403870. Noted in parallel session Noted
9.15.2 S2-2404829 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Response to CT WG3 on provisioning ATSSS rules to the UE in EPC ZTE Rel-18 ATSSS_Ph3 Response to S2-2403870 Not Handled -
9.15.2 S2-2403928 DISCUSSION Agreement On the Editor s note related to TLS with QUIC in ATSSS context. Intel Rel-18 Noted in parallel session Noted
9.15.2 S2-2403929 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] LS on the use of TLS with QUIC in ATSSS context Intel Rel-18 ATSSS_Ph3 Revised in parallel session to S2-2405105. Revised
9.15.2 S2-2405105 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] LS on the use of TLS with QUIC in ATSSS context Intel Rel-18 ATSSS_Ph3 Revision of S2-2403929. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405459. Revised
9.15.2 S2-2405459 LS OUT Approval LS on the use of TLS with QUIC in ATSSS context SA WG2 Rel-18 ATSSS_Ph3 Revision of S2-2405105. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved Approved
9.15.2 S2-2404364 DISCUSSION Discussion Discussion of Provisioning ATSSS rules to the UE in EPC NEC Corporation Not Handled -
9.15.2 S2-2404366 WID NEW Information New WID on Providing ATSSS rules to the UE via 3GPP access connected to EPC. NEC Rel-19 Not Handled -
9.15.2 S2-2404369 CR Approval 23.502 CR4787 (Rel-18, 'F'): Provisioning ATSSS rules to the UE in EPC NEC Rel-18 ATSSS_Ph3 Not Handled -
9.15.2 S2-2404598 CR Approval 23.501 CR5383 (Rel-18, 'F'): Correction of MPQUIC Datagram mode 1 Nokia Rel-18 ATSSS_Ph3 Postponed in parallel session Postponed
9.15.2 S2-2404802 CR Approval 23.502 CR4802 (Rel-18, 'F'): Remove ATSSS rules provisioning over non-3GPP access in EPC Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 ATSSS_Ph3 Withdrawn Withdrawn
9.15.2 S2-2404828 CR Approval 23.501 CR5395 (Rel-18, 'F'): Remove ATSSS rule sent via EPC ZTE Rel-18 ATSSS_Ph3 Not Handled -
9.16.2 - - - UPF enhancement for Exposure And SBA (UPEAS) - - Yannick Docs:=13 -
9.16.2 S2-2404362 CR Approval 23.502 CR4786 (Rel-18, 'F'): Subscription of UPF event via I-SMF Vivo Rel-18 UPEAS Revised in parallel session to S2-2405155. Revised
9.16.2 S2-2405155 CR Approval 23.502 CR4786R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Subscription of UPF event via I-SMF Vivo Rel-18 UPEAS Revision of S2-2404362. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405395. Revised
9.16.2 S2-2405395 CR Approval 23.502 CR4786R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Subscription of UPF event via I-SMF Vivo, Nokia Rel-18 UPEAS subscription information for the event to be exposed by UPF, as defined in clause
Revision of S2-2405155. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405685.
9.16.2 S2-2405685 CR Approval 23.502 CR4786R3 (Rel-18, 'F'): Subscription of UPF event via I-SMF Vivo, Nokia Rel-18 UPEAS Revision of S2-2405395. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved Agreed
9.16.2 S2-2404497 CR Approval 23.502 CR4795 (Rel-18, 'F'): Corrections for direct subscription to UPF event exposure service Ericsson Rel-18 UPEAS Merged into S2-2405396 Merged
9.16.2 S2-2404641 CR Approval 23.502 CR4703R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Corrections for the Nupf_EventExposure Service Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 UPEAS Revision of S2-2400689. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405156. Revised
9.16.2 S2-2405156 CR Approval 23.502 CR4703R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Corrections for the Nupf_EventExposure Service Huawei, HiSilicon, Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell, Ericsson Rel-18 UPEAS Revision of S2-2404641. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405396, merging S2-2404497 Revised
9.16.2 S2-2405396 CR Approval 23.502 CR4703R3 (Rel-18, 'F'): Corrections for the Nupf_EventExposure Service Huawei, HiSilicon, Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell, Ericsson Rel-18 UPEAS Revision of S2-2405156, merging S2-2404497. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405686. Revised
9.16.2 S2-2405686 CR Approval 23.502 CR4703R4 (Rel-18, 'F'): Corrections for the Nupf_EventExposure Service Huawei, HiSilicon, Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell, Ericsson Rel-18 UPEAS Revision of S2-2405396. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405691. Revised
9.16.2 S2-2405691 CR Approval 23.502 CR4703R5 (Rel-18, 'F'): Corrections for the Nupf_EventExposure Service Huawei, HiSilicon, Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell, Ericsson Rel-18 UPEAS Revision of S2-2405686. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved Agreed
9.16.2 S2-2404642 CR Approval 23.501 CR5385 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarifications for UPF selection Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 UPEAS Revised in parallel session to S2-2405157. Revised
9.16.2 S2-2405157 CR Approval 23.501 CR5385R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarifications for UPF selection Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 UPEAS Revision of S2-2404642. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405397. Revised
9.16.2 S2-2405397 CR Approval 23.501 CR5385R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarifications for UPF selection Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 UPEAS Revision of S2-2405157. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved Agreed
9.17.2 - - - Edge Computing Phase 2 (EDGE_Ph2) - - Dario Docs:=22 -
9.17.2 S2-2403975 CR Approval 23.548 CR0219 (Rel-18, 'F'): EAS Configuration Address Information provisioning in roaming Nokia Rel-18 EDGE_Ph2 Agreed in parallel session. Block approved Agreed
9.17.2 S2-2403976 CR Approval 23.502 CR4771 (Rel-18, 'F'): EAS Configuration Address Information provisioning in roaming Nokia Rel-18 EDGE_Ph2 Revised in parallel session to S2-2405280. Revised
9.17.2 S2-2405280 CR Approval 23.502 CR4771R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): EAS Configuration Address Information provisioning in roaming Nokia Rel-18 EDGE_Ph2 In change 7 remove addition of new parameter in list of optional output. Remove change on change.
Revision of S2-2403976. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405358, merging part of S2-2404484
9.17.2 S2-2405358 CR Approval 23.502 CR4771R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): EAS Configuration Address Information provisioning in roaming Nokia Rel-18 EDGE_Ph2 Revision of S2-2405280, merging part of S2-2404484. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved Agreed
9.17.2 S2-2404178 CR Approval 23.548 CR0222 (Rel-18, 'F'): KI#1 Clarification on EAS discovery with local DNS server using IP replacement Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 EDGE_Ph2 Revised in parallel session to S2-2405281. Revised
9.17.2 S2-2405281 CR Approval 23.548 CR0222R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): KI#1 Clarification on EAS discovery with local DNS server using IP replacement Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 EDGE_Ph2 Revision of S2-2404178. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405359 Revised
9.17.2 S2-2405359 CR Approval 23.548 CR0222R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): KI#1 Clarification on EAS discovery with local DNS server using IP replacement Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 EDGE_Ph2 Revision of S2-2405281. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved Agreed
9.17.2 S2-2404203 CR Approval 23.501 CR5143R4 (Rel-18, 'F'): VPLMN constraint on DL Session AMBR for Offloading Samsung Rel-18 EDGE_Ph2 Revision of S2-2402091. Noted in parallel session Noted
9.17.2 S2-2404204 CR Approval 23.502 CR4573R4 (Rel-18, 'F'): VPLMN constraint on DL Session AMBR for Offloading Samsung Rel-18 EDGE_Ph2 Related to S2-2404203
Revision of S2-2402090. Noted in parallel session
9.17.2 S2-2404206 CR Approval 23.502 CR4779 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clean up of the AF request for HR-SBO PDU Session Huawei (Rapporteur) Rel-18 EDGE_Ph2 Revised in parallel session to S2-2405282. Revised
9.17.2 S2-2405282 CR Approval 23.502 CR4779R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clean up of the AF request for HR-SBO PDU Session Huawei, Ericsson Rel-18 EDGE_Ph2 Revision of S2-2404206. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405361. Revised
9.17.2 S2-2405361 CR Approval 23.502 CR4779R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clean up of the AF request for HR-SBO PDU Session Huawei, Ericsson Rel-18 EDGE_Ph2 Revision of S2-2405282. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved Agreed
9.17.2 S2-2404279 CR Approval 23.548 CR0223 (Rel-18, 'F'): VPLMN constraint on DL Session AMBR for Offloading Samsung Rel-18 EDGE_Ph2 Related to S2-2404203
Noted in parallel session
9.17.2 S2-2404360 CR Approval 23.548 CR0224 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarification of VPLMN specific offloading policy Vivo Rel-18 EDGE_Ph2 Revised in parallel session to S2-2405283. Revised
9.17.2 S2-2405283 CR Approval 23.548 CR0224R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarification of VPLMN specific offloading policy Vivo, Samsung Rel-18 EDGE_Ph2 Revision of S2-2404360. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved Agreed
9.17.2 S2-2404361 CR Approval 23.548 CR0225 (Rel-18, 'F'): URSP rule for HR-SBO Vivo Rel-18 EDGE_Ph2 Postponed in parallel session Postponed
9.17.2 S2-2404484 CR Approval 23.502 CR4793 (Rel-18, 'F'): Corrections to HR-SBO Ericsson Rel-18 EDGE_Ph2 Merge into S2-2405280 or S2-2405282?
Merged into S2-2405358 and into S2-2405282
9.17.2 S2-2404485 CR Approval 23.548 CR0226 (Rel-18, 'F'): Corrections to HR-SBO Ericsson Rel-18 EDGE_Ph2 Editorial on V-AMF
Revised in parallel session to S2-2405284.
9.17.2 S2-2405284 CR Approval 23.548 CR0226R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Corrections to HR-SBO Ericsson Rel-18 EDGE_Ph2 Revision of S2-2404485. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved Agreed
9.17.2 S2-2404529 CR Approval 23.502 CR4569R3 (Rel-18, 'F'): Configuration of DNS server address delivery from HPLMN to VPLMN Vivo Rel-18 EDGE_Ph2 Fix CR number (newly allocated).
Revision of (TSG approved CR) S2-2401433. This CR should be withdrawn! Revised in parallel session to S2-2405285.
9.17.2 S2-2405285 CR Approval 23.502 CR4806 (Rel-18, 'F'): Configuration of DNS server address delivery from HPLMN to VPLMN Vivo Rel-18 EDGE_Ph2 Revision of S2-2404529. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405360. Revised
9.17.2 S2-2405360 CR Approval 23.502 CR4806R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Configuration of DNS server address delivery from HPLMN to VPLMN Vivo Rel-18 EDGE_Ph2 Revision of S2-2405285. Postponed in parallel session Postponed
9.18.2 - - - 5G Timing Resiliency and TSC & URLLC enhancements (TRS_URLLC) - - _Not_on_Agenda Docs:=0 -
9.19.2 - - - Vehicle Mounted Relays (VMR) - - Andy Docs:=5 -
9.19.2 S2-2404214 CR Approval 23.501 CR5258R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarification on providing the additional location and time restrictions information to the MBSR IAB-UE Nokia, KPN N.V. Rel-18 VMR Revision of S2-2400721. Revised off-line to S2-2405260. Revised
9.19.2 S2-2405260 CR Approval 23.501 CR5258R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarification on providing the additional location and time restrictions information to the MBSR IAB-UE Nokia, KPN N.V. Rel-18 VMR This was left for further off-line discussion and revised, merging S2-2404266, in S2-2405384.
Revision of S2-2404214. Revised in parallel session, merging S2-2404266, to S2-2405384.
9.19.2 S2-2405384 CR Approval 23.501 CR5258R3 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarification on providing the additional location and time restrictions information to the MBSR IAB-UE Nokia, KPN N.V., Ericsson, Samsung, LG Electronics Rel-18 VMR This was reviewed and agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2405260, merging S2-2404266. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved
9.19.2 S2-2404215 CR Approval 23.502 CR4705R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarification on providing the additional location and time restrictions information to the MBSR IAB-UE Nokia, KPN N.V. Rel-18 VMR This was left open depending on the outcome for the 23.501 CR. This was noted in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2400731. Noted in parallel session
9.19.2 S2-2404266 CR Approval 23.501 CR5318R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): MBSR authorization handling update Ericsson Rel-18 VMR Merged into S2-2405384.
Revision of S2-2402072. Merged into S2-2405384. Not Handled
9.20.2 - - - Support for 5WWC Phase 3 (5WWC_Ph2) - - Tao Docs:=3 -
9.20.2 S2-2404221 CR Approval 23.501 CR4951R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarification on TNGF identifiers Nokia Rel-18 5WWC_Ph2 Revision of (unhandled) S2-2310299 at S2#159. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405147. Revised
9.20.2 S2-2405147 CR Approval 23.501 CR4951R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarification on TNGF identifiers Nokia Rel-18 5WWC_Ph2 Revision of S2-2404221. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved Agreed
9.20.2 S2-2404222 CR Approval 23.502 CR4780 (Rel-18, 'F'): Refer to TS 23.003 for the NAI to be used by the UE for TNGF access Nokia Rel-18 5WWC_Ph2 Agreed in parallel session. Block approved Agreed
9.21 - - - Stage 2 of MPS_WLAN (MPS_WLAN) - - _Not_on_Agenda Docs:=0 -
9.22.2 - - - 5G AM Policy (AMP) - - Dario Docs:=0 -
9.23.2 - - - Enablers for Network Automation for 5G - Phase 3 (eNA_Ph3) - - _Not_on_Agenda Docs:=0 -
9.24.2 - - - Enhanced support of Non-Public Networks phase 2 (eNPN_Ph2) - - Dario Docs:=6 -
9.24.2 S2-2404572 CR Approval 23.501 CR4766R4 (Rel-18, 'F'): Remove time validity check from UDM in the credential holder for UE registering to SNPN providing access to localised services Nokia, Ericsson Rel-18 eNPN_Ph2 Revision of S2-2400658. Noted in parallel session Noted
9.24.2 S2-2404573 CR Approval 23.501 CR5381 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarification on location validity information. Nokia Rel-18 eNPN_Ph2 Change needed also in another clause. Update NOTE
Revised in parallel session to S2-2405307.
9.24.2 S2-2405307 CR Approval 23.501 CR5381R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarification on location validity information. Nokia Rel-18 eNPN_Ph2 Update summary of change and clean up.
Revision of S2-2404573. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405611.
9.24.2 S2-2405611 CR Approval 23.501 CR5381R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarification on location validity information. Nokia Rel-18 eNPN_Ph2 Revision of S2-2405307. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved Agreed
9.24.2 S2-2404854 CR Approval 23.501 CR5279R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Network and UE enforcement of access to Localized Services Ericsson, Nokia Rel-18 eNPN_Ph2 Revision of S2-2400974 from SA WG2#160AH-e. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405610. Revised
9.24.2 S2-2405610 CR Approval 23.501 CR5279R3 (Rel-18, 'F'): Network and UE enforcement of access to Localized Services Ericsson, Nokia Rel-18 eNPN_Ph2 Revision of S2-2404854. Noted in parallel session Noted
9.25.2 - - - Enhancement of 5G UE Policy (eUEPO) - - _Not_on_Agenda Docs:=0 -
9.26.2 - - - System Enabler for Service Function Chaining (SFC) - - _Not_on_Agenda Docs:=0 -
9.27.2 - - - Extensions to the TSC Framework to support DetNet (DetNet) - - _Not_on_Agenda Docs:=0 -
9.28.2 - - - Seamless UE context recovery (SUECR) - - _Not_on_Agenda Docs:=0 -
9.29 - - - Multiple location report for MT-LR Immediate Location Request for regulatory services (TEI18_MLR) - - Andy Docs:=0 -
9.30 - - - Secondary DN Authentication and authorization in EPC IWK cases (TEI18_SDNAEPC) - - Andy Docs:=0 -
9.31 - - - MBS support for V2X services (TEI18_MBS4V2X) - - Andy Docs:=0 -
9.32 - - - Spending Limits for AM and UE Policies in the 5GC (TEI18_SLAMUP) - - Andy Docs:=9 -
9.32 S2-2403989 CR Approval 23.502 CR4772 (Rel-18, 'F'): Policy Association Termination Procedure update for policy counters stored in UDR China Telecom, Oracle Rel-18 TEI18_SLAMUP After off-line drafting r01 was provided in the drafts folder. This was reviewed and revised in S2-2405376.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2405376.
9.32 S2-2405376 CR Approval 23.502 CR4772R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Policy Association Termination Procedure update for policy counters stored in UDR China Telecom, Oracle, Huawei Rel-18 TEI18_SLAMUP This was reviewed and revised to clean up the cover sheet and revisions and also to add source companies in S2-2405528.
Revision of S2-2403989. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405528
9.32 S2-2405528 CR Approval 23.502 CR4772R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Policy Association Termination Procedure update for policy counters stored in UDR China Telecom, Oracle, Huawei, Nokia, Ericsson Rel-18 TEI18_SLAMUP Agreed in parallel session
Revision of S2-2405376. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved
9.32 S2-2404031 CR Approval 23.502 CR4773 (Rel-18, 'F'): Policy Association Establishment Procedure Update for SLAMUP China Telecom, Oracle Rel-18 TEI18_SLAMUP After off-line drafting r02 was provided in the drafts folder. This was reviewed and some clarifications requested. This was left for off-line discussion and revised in S2-2405377.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2405377.
9.32 S2-2405377 CR Approval 23.502 CR4773R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Policy Association Establishment Procedure Update for SLAMUP China Telecom, Oracle, Huawei Rel-18 TEI18_SLAMUP This was reviewed and revised to clean up the cover sheet and revisions and also to add source companies in S2-2405529.
Revision of S2-2404031. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405529
9.32 S2-2405529 CR Approval 23.502 CR4773R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Policy Association Establishment Procedure Update for SLAMUP China Telecom, Oracle, Huawei, Nokia, Ericsson Rel-18 TEI18_SLAMUP Agreed in parallel session
Revision of S2-2405377. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved
9.32 S2-2404036 CR Approval 23.503 CR1284 (Rel-18, 'F'): PCF retrieves policy counters and statuses from UDR before CHF association China Telecom, Oracle Rel-18 TEI18_SLAMUP After off-line drafting r01 was provided in the drafts folder. This was reviewed and some clarifications requested. This was reviewed and revised in S2-2405378.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2405378.
9.32 S2-2405378 CR Approval 23.503 CR1284R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): PCF retrieves policy counters and statuses from UDR before CHF association China Telecom, Oracle, Huawei Rel-18 TEI18_SLAMUP This was reviewed and revised to clean up the cover sheet and revisions and also to add source companies in S2-2405530.
Revision of S2-2404036. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405530
9.32 S2-2405530 CR Approval 23.503 CR1284R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): PCF retrieves policy counters and statuses from UDR before CHF association China Telecom, Oracle, Huawei, Nokia, Ericsson Rel-18 TEI18_SLAMUP Agreed in parallel session
Revision of S2-2405378. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved
9.33 - - - Enhancement of application detection event exposure (TEI18_ADEE) - - Andy Docs:=0 -
9.34 - - - General Support of IPv6 Prefix Delegation (TEI18_IPv6PD) - - Andy Docs:=0 -
9.35 - - - New WID on Dynamically Changing AM Policies in the 5GC Phase 2 (TEI18_DCAMP_Ph2) - - Andy Docs:=0 -
9.36 - - - Enhancement of NSAC for maximum number of UEs with at least one PDU session/PDN connection (eNSAC) - - _Not_on_Agenda Docs:=0 -
9.37 - - - Generic Rel-18 LSs - - Andy Docs:=89 -
9.37 - - - 5G_ProSe_Ph2 - - - Docs:=1 -
9.37 - - - 5G_ProSe_Ph2 - RAN feedback during handover - - - Docs:=4 -
9.37 S2-2403866 LS In Action LS from RAN WG3: RAN feedback during handover RAN WG3 (R3-238038) Rel-18 TRS_URLLC-NR-Core The proposed response LS was reviewed.
Revision of postponed S2-2401852 from S2#161. Response drafted in S2-2404089. Final response in S2-2405535
Replied to
9.37 S2-2404089 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] LS Reply on RAN feedback during handover Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 TRS_URLLC Nokia asked to clarify that the use of the parameters that are provided by the RAN feedback. This was left for off-line discussion and revised in S2-2405493.
Response to S2-2403866. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405493.
9.37 S2-2405493 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] LS Reply on RAN feedback during handover Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 TRS_URLLC This was reviewed and 'and BAT' was added after periodicity. This was revised also to clean up the revision marks in S2-2405535.
Revision of S2-2404089. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405535.
9.37 S2-2405535 LS OUT Approval LS on RAN feedback during handover SA WG2 Rel-18 TRS_URLLC Agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2405493. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved
9.37 - - - 5G_ProSe_Ph2 - L2ID and user info - - - Docs:=4 -
9.37 S2-2403891 LS In Action LS from RAN WG2: Reply LS to SA2 on L2ID and user info RAN WG2 (R2-2401918) Rel-18 NR_SL_relay_enh-Core The proposed response LS was reviewed.
Response drafted in S2-2404319. Final response in S2-2405379
Replied to
9.37 S2-2404318 CR Approval 23.304 CR0435 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarification on triggering PC5 connection setup procedure via same U2U Relay OPPO, LG Electronics, Apple, Samsung, CATT Rel-18 5G_ProSe_Ph2, NR_SL_relay_enh-Core This was agreed in parallel session.
Agreed in parallel session. Block approved
9.37 S2-2404319 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on L2ID and user info for L2 based U2U OPPO Rel-18 NR_SL_relay_enh-Core This was revised to add the attached CR and correct the future meeting information in S2-2405379.
Response to S2-2403891. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405379.
9.37 S2-2405379 LS OUT Approval Reply LS on L2ID and user info for L2 based U2U SA WG2 Rel-18 NR_SL_relay_enh-Core Agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2404319. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved
9.37 - - - 5G_ProSe_Ph2 - identifiers of 5G ProSe end UEs for 5G ProSe UE-to-UE relay discovery - - - Docs:=4 -
9.37 S2-2403872 LS In Action LS from CT WG1: LS on identifiers of 5G ProSe end UEs for 5G ProSe UE-to-UE relay discovery CT WG1 (C1-241787) Rel-18 5G_ProSe_Ph2 The proposed response LS and associated CR were reviewed. No response was considered necessary and this LS was postponed in parallel session.
Response drafted in S2-2404661. Postponed in parallel session
9.37 S2-2404660 CR Approval 23.304 CR0438 (Rel-18, 'F'): Alignment with stage 3 specification on configured End UE User Info ID and Direct discovery set CATT Rel-18 5G_ProSe_Ph2 Some updates to the procedures was needed and this was left for off-line discussion and revised in S2-2405494.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2405494 (withdrawn). Noted in parallel session
9.37 S2-2405494 CR Approval 23.304 CR0438R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Alignment with stage 3 specification on configured End UE User Info ID and Direct discovery set CATT Rel-18 5G_ProSe_Ph2 This was withdrawn. S2-2404660 was noted in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2404660. WITHDRAWN
9.37 S2-2404661 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on identifiers of 5G ProSe end UEs for 5G ProSe UE-to-UE relay discovery CATT Rel-18 5G_ProSe_Ph2 The SA WG2 Chair asked whether a response was needed as RAN WG3 had asked SA WG2 to update their Specifications. This was then noted in parallel session.
Response to S2-2403872. Noted in parallel session
9.37 - - - 5G_ProSe_Ph2 - U2U relay selection - - - Docs:=9 -
9.37 S2-2403890 LS In Action LS from RAN WG2: LS on U2U relay selection RAN WG2 (R2-2401916) Rel-18 NR_SL_relay_enh-Core The proposed responses and associated CRs were reviewed.
Responses drafted in S2-2404317, S2-2404675. Final response in S2-2405531
Replied to
9.37 S2-2404317 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on U2U relay selection OPPO Rel-18 NR_SL_relay_enh-Core OPPO reported that during off-line discussion there were differences of opinion for the terminology and the mechanisms to use for this and suggested leaving this open for further discussion. This was left for off-line discussion and revised, merging S2-2404675 and S2-2405002, in S2-2405499.
Response to S2-2403890. Revised in parallel session, merging S2-2404675 and S2-2405002, to S2-2405499.
9.37 S2-2405499 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on U2U relay selection OPPO Rel-18 NR_SL_relay_enh-Core Some corrections were requested and this was revised off-line in S2-2405531.
Revision of S2-2404317, merging S2-2404675 and S2-2405002. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405531.
9.37 S2-2405531 LS OUT Approval Reply LS on U2U relay selection SA WG2 Rel-18 NR_SL_relay_enh-Core This was reviewed and agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2405499. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved
9.37 S2-2404675 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply to LS on U2U relay selection Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 5G_ProSe_Ph2 Merged into S2-2405499.
Response to S2-2403890. Merged into S2-2405499.
9.37 S2-2405002 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS of S2-2403890_R2-2401916 Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell Rel-18 5G_ProSe_Ph2 Merged into S2-2405499.
Response to S2-2403890. Merged into S2-2405499.
9.37 S2-2405001 CR Approval 23.304 CR0441 (Rel-18, 'F'): U2U Direct and Indirect NOTE Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell Rel-18 5G_ProSe_Ph2 MediaTek commented that there were some misleading wording which needs to be discussed. This was left for off-line discussion and revised in S2-2405498. Noted in parallel session.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2405498 (withdrawn). Noted in parallel session
9.37 S2-2405498 CR Approval 23.304 CR0441R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): U2U Direct and Indirect NOTE Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell Rel-18 5G_ProSe_Ph2 This was withdrawn. S2-2405001 was noted in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2405001. WITHDRAWN
9.37 S2-2404676 CR Approval 23.304 CR0439 (Rel-18, 'F'): Update on U2U Relay selection Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 5G_ProSe_Ph2 This CR was noted in parallel session.
Noted in parallel session
9.37 - - - 5G_eLCS_Ph3 - - - Docs:=26 -
9.37 S2-2403871 LS In Action LS from CT WG1: LS on LCS user plane connection binding to the UE CT WG1 (C1-241722) Rel-18 5G_eLCS_Ph3 -
Responses drafted in S2-2404044, S2-2404131, S2-2404166, S2-2404664, S2-2404713, S2-2404773, S2-2404868. Final response in S2-2405797
Replied to
9.37 S2-2405261 DISCUSSION Information Results of drafting session on Contribution summary and way forward proposal for LCS user plane connection binding to the UE Drafting Rapporteur (CATT) The way forward was agreed. This was then noted in parallel session.
Created at meeting. Noted in parallel session
9.37 S2-2404044 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] LS reply on LCS user plane connection binding to the UE vivo Rel-18 5G_eLCS_Ph3 Response to S2-2403871 Not Handled -
9.37 S2-2404131 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on LCS user plane connection binding to the UE Xiaomi EV Technology 5G_eLCS_Ph3 Response to S2-2403871 Not Handled -
9.37 S2-2404166 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] LS reply on LCS user plane connection binding to the UE Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 5G_eLCS_Ph3 Response to S2-2403871 Not Handled -
9.37 S2-2404664 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS to LS on LCS user plane connection binding to the UE OPPO Rel-18 5G_eLCS_Ph3 Response to S2-2403871 Not Handled -
9.37 S2-2404713 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] LS reply on LCS user plane connection binding to the UE CATT Rel-18 5G_eLCS_Ph3 This was taken as a basis for the reply LS and was left for off-line discussion and revised in S2-2405381.
Response to S2-2403871. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405381.
9.37 S2-2405381 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] LS reply on LCS user plane connection binding to the UE CATT Rel-18 5G_eLCS_Ph3 Further alignment with the attached CR was needed and this was left for off-line discussion and revised in S2-2405533.
Revision of S2-2404713. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405533.
9.37 S2-2405533 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] LS reply on LCS user plane connection binding to the UE CATT Rel-18 5G_eLCS_Ph3 This was revised to remove draft, clean up revisions and attach the CR in S2-2405797.
Revision of S2-2405381. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405797.
9.37 S2-2405797 LS OUT Approval LS reply on LCS user plane connection binding to the UE SA WG2 Rel-18 5G_eLCS_Ph3 Agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2405533. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved
9.37 S2-2404773 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on LCS user plane connection binding to the UE ZTE Rel-18 5G_eLCS_Ph3 Response to S2-2403871 Not Handled -
9.37 S2-2404868 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on LCS user plane connection binding to the UE Qualcomm Incorporated Rel-18 5G_eLCS_Ph3 Response to S2-2403871 Not Handled -
9.37 S2-2404043 DISCUSSION Discussion Discussion on user plane positioning binding issue vivo Rel-18 5G_eLCS_Ph3 Not Handled -
9.37 S2-2404045 CR Approval 23.273 CR0515 (Rel-18, 'F'): Resolution of LCS-UP binding issue Vivo Rel-18 5G_eLCS_Ph3 Not Handled -
9.37 S2-2404132 CR Approval 23.273 CR0518 (Rel-18, 'F'): LCS user plane connection binding to the UE Xiaomi Rel-18 5G_eLCS_Ph3 Not Handled -
9.37 S2-2404133 DISCUSSION Approval Discussion on LCS user plane connection binding to the UE. Xiaomi 5G_eLCS_Ph3 Not Handled -
9.37 S2-2404167 CR Approval 23.273 CR0519 (Rel-18, 'F'): Support of LCS user plane connection binding to the UE Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 5G_eLCS_Ph3 Not Handled -
9.37 S2-2404168 DISCUSSION Information Discussion on LCS user plane connection binding to the UE. Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 5G_eLCS_Ph3 Not Handled -
9.37 S2-2404665 CR Approval 23.273 CR0520 (Rel-18, 'F'): User plane positioning update for user plane connection binding OPPO Rel-18 5G_eLCS_Ph3 Not Handled -
9.37 S2-2404712 CR Approval 23.273 CR0521 (Rel-18, 'F'): Add the binding mechanism between LCS user plane connection and the UE CATT Rel-18 5G_eLCS_Ph3 This was taken as a basis for the way forward and was left for off-line discussion and revised in S2-2405380.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2405380.
9.37 S2-2405380 CR Approval 23.273 CR0521R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Add the binding mechanism between LCS user plane connection and the UE CATT,Huawei, HiSilicon,vivo,Qualcomm Incorporated,ZTE,Ericsson Rel-18 5G_eLCS_Ph3 Some issues were raised and this was left for off-line discussion and revised in S2-2405532.
Revision of S2-2404712. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405532.
9.37 S2-2405532 CR Approval 23.273 CR0521R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Add the binding mechanism between LCS user plane connection and the UE CATT, Huawei, HiSilicon, vivo, Qualcomm Incorporated, ZTE, Ericsson, Nokia Rel-18 5G_eLCS_Ph3 This was reviewed and agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2405380. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved
9.37 S2-2404774 CR Approval 23.273 CR0523 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarification on the session binding in the U-plane ZTE Rel-18 5G_eLCS_Ph3 Not Handled -
9.37 S2-2404857 CR Approval 23.273 CR0524 (Rel-18, 'F'): Correction on LCS user plane connection binding to the UE Qualcomm Incorporated Rel-18 5G_eLCS_Ph3 Check WI Code: Requested 5G_eLCS_Ph3. CR States: eLCS_Ph3! Not Handled -
9.37 S2-2404865 CR Approval 23.502 CR4803 (Rel-18, 'F'): Addition of LCS-UP connection ID for transfer of a supplementary services LCS message Qualcomm Incorporated Rel-18 5G_eLCS_Ph3 Check WI Code: Requested 5G_eLCS_Ph3. CR States: eLCS_Ph3! Not Handled -
9.37 S2-2404874 DISCUSSION Discussion Discussion on LCS user plane connection binding to UE Qualcomm Incorporated Rel-18 5G_eLCS_Ph3 Not Handled -
9.37 - - - XRM - - - Docs:=10 -
9.37 S2-2403882 LS In Action LS from CT WG3: Reply LS on XRM and TSC QoS requirements CT WG3 (C3-241716) Rel-18 XRM The proposed responses were reviewed.
Responses drafted in S2-2404022, S2-2404150, S2-2404459, S2-2404648, S2-2404776, S2-2404938. Final response in S2-2405495
Replied to
9.37 S2-2404022 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] LS reply on CT WG3 Reply LS on XRM and TSC QoS requirements China Mobile Rel-18 Some clarifications were needed and this was left for off-line discussion and revised in S2-2405495.
Response to S2-2403882. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405495.
9.37 S2-2405495 LS OUT Approval Reply LS on CT WG3 Reply LS on XRM and TSC QoS requirements SA WG2 Rel-18 Revision of S2-2404022. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved Approved
9.37 S2-2404777 CR Approval 23.501 CR5391 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarification on the TSCAI/TSCAC parameters for XR ZTE Rel-18 XRM Some corrections were needed and this was revised off-line in S2-2405496.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2405496.
9.37 S2-2405496 CR Approval 23.501 CR5391R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarification on the TSCAI parameters for XR ZTE Rel-18 XRM This was agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2404777. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved
9.37 S2-2404938 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on clarification for Issues on QoS Monitoring parameters for XR service Nokia Rel-18 XRM Response to S2-2403882 Not Handled -
9.37 S2-2404150 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on XRM and TSC QoS requirements Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 XRM Response to S2-2403882 Not Handled -
9.37 S2-2404459 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on XRM and TSC QoS requirements OPPO Rel-18 Response to S2-2403882 Not Handled -
9.37 S2-2404648 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on XRM and TSC QoS requirements SAMSUNG Rel-18 Response to S2-2403882 Not Handled -
9.37 S2-2404776 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on XRM and TSC QoS requirements ZTE Rel-18 XRM Response to S2-2403882 Not Handled -
9.37 - - - eNA_Ph3 - - - Docs:=11 -
9.37 S2-2403909 LS In Action LS from SA WG3: LS on Issues related Analytics context transfer between AnLF(s) SA WG3 (S3-240912) Rel-18 eNA_Ph3_SEC The proposed responses and associated CRs were reviewed. Postponed in parallel session.
Responses drafted in S2-2404001, S2-2404070, S2-2404898. Postponed in parallel session
9.37 S2-2404071 CR Approval 23.288 CR1081 (Rel-18, 'F'): Correction of ML Model sharing in the scenario of Analytics context transfer Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 eNA_Ph3 There were some clarifications requested and alternative proposed CRs were reviewed. It was decided to take this CR as a basis for the changes. This was left for off-line discussion and revised, merging S2-2404903, in S2-2405382.
Revised in parallel session, merging S2-2404903, to S2-2405382.
9.37 S2-2405382 CR Approval 23.288 CR1081R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Correction of ML Model sharing in the scenario of Analytics context transfer Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 eNA_Ph3 An issue on the Pre-Release 18 NWDAF handling was raised. This was left for off-line discussion and revised in S2-2405533.
Revision of S2-2404071, merging S2-2404903. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405534.
9.37 S2-2405534 CR Approval 23.288 CR1081R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Correction of ML Model sharing in the scenario of Analytics context transfer Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 eNA_Ph3 Samsung commented that the SA WG3 decision is not yet available and the reference to TS 33.501 in the note should be checked. Ericsson suggested using 'described' instead of 'specified' in the note. This was revised accordingly, merging S2-2404002, in S2-2405801.
Revision of S2-2405382. Revised in parallel session, merging S2-2404002, to S2-2405801.
9.37 S2-2405801 CR Endorsement 23.288 CR1081R3 (Rel-18, 'F'): Correction of ML Model sharing in the scenario of Analytics context transfer Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 eNA_Ph3 This was endorsed in parallel session, to be checked again in the Plenary session.
Revision of S2-2405534, merging S2-2404002. Postponed.
9.37 S2-2404903 CR Approval 23.288 CR1085 (Rel-18, 'F'): Removal of a security issues on Analytics context transfer Samsung Rel-18 eNA_Ph3 Alternative proposed CRs were reviewed. This was merged into S2-2405382.
Merged into S2-2405382.
9.37 S2-2404002 CR Approval 23.288 CR1078 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarification on analytics transfer CATT Rel-18 eNA_Ph3 Ericsson commented that this goes beyond the response received from SA WG3 and preferred to base changes on the necessary requested functionality. CATT replied that this shows how the Model Address can be sent as requested by SA WG3. This was merged into S2-2405801.
Merged into S2-2405801.
9.37 S2-2404001 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on issues related to analytics context transfer between AnLF(s) CATT Rel-18 eNA_Ph3_SEC Response to S2-2403909 Not Handled -
9.37 S2-2404070 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on Issues related to Analytics context transfer between AnLF(s) Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 eNA_Ph3 Merged into S2-2405383.
Response to S2-2403909. Merged into S2-2405383.
9.37 S2-2404898 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on Issues related Analytics context transfer between AnLF(s) Samsung Electronics France SA Rel-18 eNA_Ph3_SEC, eNA_Ph3 This was taken as a basis of a reply and was left for off-line discussion and revised, merging S2-2404070, in S2-2405383.
Response to S2-2403909. Revised in parallel session, merging S2-2404070, to S2-2405383.
9.37 S2-2405383 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on Issues related Analytics context transfer between AnLF(s) Samsung Electronics France SA Rel-18 eNA_Ph3_SEC, eNA_Ph3 Revision of S2-2404898, merging S2-2404070. Postponed Postponed
9.37 - - - Ranging_SL - removal of positioning service exposure - - - Docs:=13 -
9.37 S2-2403915 LS In Action LS from TSG SA: LS on removing Ranging/SL Positioning service exposure to Client UE through 5GC TSG SA (SP-240497) Rel-18 Ranging_SL, Ranging_SL_SEC The proposed response LS and associated CRs were reviewed. This was postponed in parallel session.
Response drafted in S2-2404129. Postponed in parallel session.
9.37 S2-2404869 CR Approval 23.273 CR0525 (Rel-18, 'F'): Removal of Ranging/SL Positioning exposure service from the LCS Mobile Originated data for a UE Subscriber Xiaomi Rel-18 Ranging_SL Sony commented that there are other changes needed for this and suggested trying to merge some CRs. Xiaomi suggested reviewing the final set of CRs to determine whether merging is needed. Merged into S2-2405385.
Merged into S2-2405385.
9.37 S2-2404888 CR Approval 23.273 CR0526 (Rel-18, 'F'): Removal of Ngmlc_Location_ProvideRanging service operation Xiaomi Rel-18 Ranging_SL It was commented that some base text is not correct and an incorrect version may have been used. Sony commented that this uses a service which is intended to be removed by another CR. This was then noted in parallel session.
Noted in parallel session
9.37 S2-2404102 CR Approval 23.586 CR0130 (Rel-18, 'F'): Update on function services for Ranging Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 Ranging_SL Merged into S2-2405385.
Confirm Specification Number - CR states 23.273!. If 23.273, then new CR number is required! Merged into S2-2405385.
9.37 S2-2404111 CR Approval 23.273 CR0516 (Rel-18, 'F'): Removal of Ranging exposure service to Client UE through 5GC Sony Rel-18 Ranging_SL It was decided to use this as a basis and to merge other CRs into it. This was left for off-line discussion and revised, merging S2-2404869 and S2-2404102, in S2-2405385.
Revised in parallel session, merging S2-2404869 and S2-2404102, to S2-2405385.
9.37 S2-2405385 CR Approval 23.273 CR0516R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Removal of Ranging exposure service to Client UE through 5GC Sony, Xiaomi, Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 Ranging_SL This was left for further off-line discussion and revised in S2-2405536.
Revision of S2-2404111, merging S2-2404869 and S2-2404102. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405536.
9.37 S2-2405536 CR Approval 23.273 CR0516R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Removal of Ranging exposure service to Client UE through 5GC Sony, Xiaomi, Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 Ranging_SL This was revised to update clauses affected in S2-2405798.
Revision of S2-2405385. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405798.
9.37 S2-2405798 CR Approval 23.273 CR0516R3 (Rel-18, 'F'): Removal of Ranging exposure service to Client UE through 5GC Sony, Xiaomi, Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 Ranging_SL Agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2405536. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved
9.37 S2-2404129 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on removing Ranging/SL Positioning service exposure to Client UE through 5GC Sony Rel-18 Ranging_SL Xiaomi suggested that a response LS is not necessary. This was left for off-line discussion. This was noted in parallel session
Response to S2-2403915. Noted in parallel session
9.37 S2-2404663 CR Approval 23.586 CR0131 (Rel-18, 'F'): Update about the UE role in PC-5 service exposure scenario OPPO Rel-18 Ranging_SL A number of issues were raised and this was left for off-line discussion and revised in S2-2405386.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2405386.
9.37 S2-2405386 CR Approval 23.586 CR0131R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Update about the UE role in PC-5 service exposure scenario OPPO Rel-18 Ranging_SL Revision of S2-2404663. Revised off-line to S2-2405652. Revised
9.37 S2-2405652 CR Approval 23.586 CR0131R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Update about the UE role in PC-5 service exposure scenario OPPO Rel-18 Ranging_SL Some issues were raised and this was left for off-line discussion and revised in S2-2405800.
Revision of S2-2405386. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405800.
9.37 S2-2405800 CR Approval 23.586 CR0131R3 (Rel-18, 'F'): Update about the UE role in PC-5 service exposure scenario OPPO Rel-18 Ranging_SL This was reviewed and agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2405652. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved
9.37 - - - Ranging_SL - other - - - Docs:=8 -
9.37 S2-2403905 LS In Action LS from SA WG3: Reply LS on Ranging/SL Positioning service exposure security and privacy check SA WG3 (S3-240836) Rel-18 Ranging_SL This was noted in parallel session.
Noted in parallel session
9.37 S2-2403886 LS In Action LS from RAN WG2: Reply LS on coverage condition for Ranging/Sidelink Positioning RAN WG2 (R2-2401629) Rel-18 NR_pos_enh2-Core The related CRs were reviewed. This LS was then noted in parallel session.
Noted in parallel session
9.37 S2-2404775 CR Approval 23.586 CR0132 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarification on the partial coverage issue ZTE Rel-18 Ranging_SL Some corrections were needed and this was left for off-line discussion and revised, merging S2-2404889, in S2-2405497.
Revised in parallel session, merging S2-2404889, to S2-2405497.
9.37 S2-2405497 CR Approval 23.586 CR0132R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarification on the partial coverage issue ZTE, Qualcomm Incorporated Rel-18 Ranging_SL This was reviewed and the CN impacts should be indicated and cover sheet clean up was needed. This was revised in S2-2405799.
Revision of S2-2404775, merging S2-2404889. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405799.
9.37 S2-2405799 CR Approval 23.586 CR0132R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarification on the partial coverage issue ZTE, Qualcomm Incorporated Rel-18 Ranging_SL Agreed in parallel session
Revision of S2-2405497. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved
9.37 S2-2404889 CR Approval 23.586 CR0133 (Rel-18, 'F'): Correction on UE coverage status support Qualcomm Incorporated Rel-18 Ranging_SL Merged into S2-2405497.
Merged into S2-2405497.
9.37 S2-2404112 CR Approval 23.273 CR0517 (Rel-18, 'F'): Support for UE Ranging/SL Positioning privacy profile Sony Rel-18 Ranging_SL This was postponed in parallel session.
This was postponed in parallel session.
9.37 S2-2404128 CR Approval 23.502 CR4775 (Rel-18, 'F'): Support for UE Ranging/SL Positioning privacy profile Sony Rel-18 Ranging_SL This was postponed in parallel session.
This was postponed in parallel session.
9.38 - - - Rel-18 CAT B/C alignment CR(s) due to the work led by other 3GPP Working Groups - - Andy Docs:=10 -
9.38 S2-2404207 CR Approval 23.247 CR0358 (Rel-18, 'B'): QMC Support for MBS Multicast and Broadcast Nokia Rel-18 TEI18, NR_QoE_enh-Core Some clarifications were needed and this was left for off-line discussion and revised in S2-2405487.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2405487.
9.38 S2-2405487 CR Approval 23.247 CR0358R1 (Rel-18, 'B'): QMC Support for MBS Multicast and Broadcast Nokia, Ericsson Rel-18 TEI18, NR_QoE_enh-Core Qualcomm commented that they did not see the need for this change as it is not in the scope of SA WG2 TSs, but could be kept if reduced to keep the first two sentences with references only. Nokia asked to keep also the reference to the RAN TS. The CR cover sheet should be updated and corrected as Cat F. This was revised in S2-2405672.
Revision of S2-2404207. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405672.
9.38 S2-2405672 CR Approval 23.247 CR0358R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): QMC Support for MBS Multicast and Broadcast Nokia, Ericsson Rel-18 TEI18, NR_QoE_enh-Core Agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2405487. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved
9.38 S2-2404714 CR Approval 23.273 CR0522 (Rel-18, 'C'): Clean up the user plane positioning CATT Rel-18 5G_eLCS_Ph3 This was agreed in parallel session.
Agreed in parallel session. Block approved
9.38 - - - Documents convened by Dario Tonesi (Qualcomm). - - - Docs:=6 -
9.38 S2-2403864 LS In Action LS from SA WG6: LS on PDU session capability exposure capability SA WG6 (S6-233299) Rel-19 EDGEAPP_Ph2 Revision of postponed S2-2401846 from S2#161. Response drafted in S2-2404126. Final response in S2-2405319 Replied to
9.38 S2-2404126 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on PDU session capability exposure China Mobile Rel-18 Attach agreed CR vs. 23.548. Update text to state that AF logic is not specified.
Revision of (revised and withdrawn) S2-2312791 at S2#160. Response to S2-2403864. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405319.
9.38 S2-2405319 LS OUT Approval Reply LS on PDU session capability exposure capability SA WG2 Rel-18 - Revision of S2-2404126. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved Approved
9.38 S2-2404127 CR Approval 23.548 CR0198R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarification on AF request for simultaneous connectivity China Mobile, Nokia, Nokai Shanghai Bell Rel-18 EDGE_Ph2, TEI18 Fix typo in co-signer. Remove 'TEI18' from WIC
Revision of (revised and withdrawn) S2-2312777 at S2#160. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405318.
9.38 S2-2405318 CR Approval 23.548 CR0198R3 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarification on AF request for simultaneous connectivity China Mobile, Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell, Huawei, Hisilicon Rel-18 EDGE_Ph2, TEI18 Revision of S2-2404127. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved Agreed
9.38 S2-2404442 CR Approval 23.502 CR4630R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): PDU Session capability exposure China Mobile Rel-18 EDGE_Ph2 Revision of (revised and withdrawn) S2-2312790 at S2#160. Noted in parallel session Noted
19 - - - Rel-19 SIDs and WIDs - - Andy Docs:=0 -
19.1 - - - Study on Integration of satellite components in the 5G architecture Phase III (FS_5GSAT_ARCH_Ph3) - - Dario Docs:=118 -
19.1 - - - KI#2 new solutions - - - Docs:=13 -
19.1 S2-2404662 P-CR Approval 23.700-29: Resubmit KI #2, New Sol: Support of S&F during N2 handover and registration procedure. IPLOOK Rel-19 FS_5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Revised in parallel session to S2-2405005. Revised
19.1 S2-2405005 P-CR Approval 23.700-29: KI #2, New Sol: Support of S&F during N2 handover and registration procedure. IPLOOK Rel-19 FS_5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Revision of S2-2404662. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405326. Revised
19.1 S2-2405326 P-CR Approval 23.700-29: KI #2, New Sol: Support of S&F during N2 handover and registration procedure. IPLOOK Rel-19 FS_5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Add 'This solution It assumes that source and target satellites have an ISL link.' In 6.x.1. Noted in parallel session
Revision of S2-2405005. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405622 (withdrawn). Noted in parallel session
19.1 S2-2405622 P-CR Approval 23.700-29: Resubmit KI #2, New Sol: Support of S&F during N2 handover and registration procedure. IPLOOK Rel-19 FS_5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH This was withdrawn and S2-2405326 was noted.
Revision of S2-2405326. WITHDRAWN
19.1 S2-2404704 P-CR Approval 23.700-29: KI#2, New Sol: eNB buffered signalling and CP data transfer with eNB monitoring list. Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 FS_5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Revision of S2-2402691. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405006. Revised
19.1 S2-2405006 P-CR Approval 23.700-29: KI#2, New Sol: eNB buffered signalling and CP data transfer with eNB monitoring list. Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 FS_5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Revision of S2-2404704. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405323. Revised
19.1 S2-2405323 P-CR Approval 23.700-29: KI#2, New Sol: eNB buffered signalling and CP data transfer with eNB monitoring list. Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 FS_5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Revision of S2-2405006. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405623. Revised
19.1 S2-2405623 P-CR Approval 23.700-29: KI#2, New Sol: eNB buffered signalling and CP data transfer with eNB monitoring list. Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 FS_5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Revision of S2-2405323. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved Approved
19.1 S2-2404722 P-CR Approval 23.700-29: KI#2: New Solution for S&F operation with eNB and MME onboard. Xiaomi Rel-19 FS_5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Revision of S2-2402791 from SA2#161. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405007 (withdrawn). Noted in parallel session Noted
19.1 S2-2405007 P-CR Approval 23.700-29: KI#2: New Solution for S&F operation with eNB and MME onboard. Xiaomi Rel-19 FS_5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH This was withdrawn and S2-24054722 was noted.
Revision of S2-2404722. WITHDRAWN
19.1 S2-2403946 P-CR Approval 23.700-29: 23.700-29: KI#2, New Sol: Support SMS in S&F satellite operation . Samsung Rel-19 FS_5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Revision of S2-2402717. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405008. Revised
19.1 S2-2405008 P-CR Approval 23.700-29: 23.700-29: KI#2, New Sol: Support SMS in S&F satellite operation . Samsung Rel-19 FS_5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Add: Editor's Note: MO SMS Delivery procedure and support for multiple satellites are FFS.
Revision of S2-2403946. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405324.
19.1 S2-2405324 P-CR Approval 23.700-29: 23.700-29: KI#2, New Sol: Support SMS in S&F satellite operation . Samsung Rel-19 FS_5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Revision of S2-2405008. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved Approved
19.1 - - - KI#3 new solutions - - - Docs:=3 -
19.1 S2-2404711 P-CR Approval 23.700-29: KI #3: New Sol: IMS solution in UE-Sat-UE deployment. Nokia Rel-19 FS_5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Revision of S2-2402458. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405009. Revised
19.1 S2-2405009 P-CR Approval 23.700-29: KI #3: New Sol: IMS solution in UE-Sat-UE deployment. Nokia Rel-19 FS_5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Revision of S2-2404711. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405325. Revised
19.1 S2-2405325 P-CR Approval 23.700-29: KI #3: New Sol: IMS solution in UE-Sat-UE deployment. Nokia Rel-19 FS_5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Revision of S2-2405009. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved Approved
19.1 - - - KI#2 solutions update - - - Docs:=33 -
19.1 S2-2404063 P-CR Approval 23.700-29: KI#2: Updates to Solution 11. Nokia Rel-19 FS_5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Revised in parallel session to S2-2405010. Revised
19.1 S2-2405010 P-CR Approval 23.700-29: KI#2: Updates to Solution 11. Nokia Rel-19 FS_5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Revision of S2-2404063. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved Approved
19.1 S2-2404779 P-CR Approval 23.700-29: KI#2, Sol#15: Update to address ENs. Sateliot, Novamint Rel-19 FS_5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Revised in parallel session to S2-2405011. Revised
19.1 S2-2405011 P-CR Approval 23.700-29: KI#2, Sol#15: Update to address ENs. Sateliot, Novamint Rel-19 FS_5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Revision of S2-2404779. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved Approved
19.1 S2-2404706 P-CR Approval 23.700-29: KI#2 Sol#19 Update: Clarify the functionality of Endpoint proxy and UE proxy. Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 FS_5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Revised in parallel session to S2-2405012. Revised
19.1 S2-2405012 P-CR Approval 23.700-29: KI#2 Sol#19 Update: Clarify the functionality of Endpoint proxy and UE proxy. Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 FS_5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Revision of S2-2404706. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved Approved
19.1 S2-2404973 P-CR Approval 23.700-29: Revision of Solution #19 to KI#2 for Support of Store and Forward Satellite Operation. Qualcomm Incorporated Rel-19 FS_5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Revised in parallel session to S2-2405013. Revised
19.1 S2-2405013 P-CR Approval 23.700-29: Revision of Solution #19 to KI#2 for Support of Store and Forward Satellite Operation. Qualcomm Incorporated Rel-19 FS_5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Revision of S2-2404973. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved Approved
19.1 S2-2404004 P-CR Approval 23.700-29: KI#2, Sol#14, Sol#23: Update to remove ENs. Intel Rel-19 FS_5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Revision of S2-2402773. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405014. Revised
19.1 S2-2405014 P-CR Approval 23.700-29: KI#2, Sol#14, Sol#23: Update to remove ENs. Intel, Vodafone Rel-19 FS_5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Revision of S2-2404004. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved Approved
19.1 S2-2404142 P-CR Approval 23.700-29: Update the Solution#29 for KI#3: Enabling S&F operation with C-SGN onboard. Vivo Rel-19 FS_5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Revision of S2-2402611. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405015. Revised
19.1 S2-2405015 P-CR Approval 23.700-29: Update the Solution#29 for KI#3: Enabling S&F operation with C-SGN onboard. Vivo Rel-19 FS_5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Revision of S2-2404142. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved Approved
19.1 S2-2404995 P-CR Approval 23.700-29: KI#2, Sol#20: Update to resolve ENs. LG Electronics, NEC Rel-19 FS_5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Revision of S2-2402443 from SA WG2#161. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405016. Revised
19.1 S2-2405016 P-CR Approval 23.700-29: KI#2, Sol#20: Update to resolve ENs. LG Electronics, NEC Rel-19 FS_5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Revision of S2-2404995. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved Approved
19.1 S2-2404335 P-CR Approval 23.700-29: KI#2, Sol#18 update to resolve the ENs . OPPO Rel-19 FS_5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Revision of S2-2402392. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405017. Revised
19.1 S2-2405017 P-CR Approval 23.700-29: KI#2, Sol#18 update to resolve the ENs . OPPO Rel-19 FS_5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Revision of S2-2404335. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved Approved
19.1 S2-2404026 P-CR Approval 23.700-29: Update Solution#22 for addressing the Editor's note. China Telecom Rel-19 FS_5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Revision of S2-2401922. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405018. Revised
19.1 S2-2405018 P-CR Approval 23.700-29: Update Solution#22 for addressing the Editor's note. China Telecom Rel-19 FS_5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Revision of S2-2404026. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved Approved
19.1 S2-2404537 P-CR Approval 23.700-29: KI#2: Update to sol-12. Samsung Rel-19 FS_5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Revision of S2-2402971 Not Handled -
19.1 S2-2404064 P-CR Approval 23.700-29: KI#2: Updates to Solution 37. Nokia Rel-19 FS_5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Not Handled -
19.1 S2-2404144 P-CR Approval 23.700-29: KI#2, Updates to solution#11. Vivo Rel-19 FS_5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Revision of S2-2402612 Not Handled -
19.1 S2-2404213 P-CR Approval 23.700-29: KI#2, Sol#38 Update to clarify the event exposure. Tencent, Tencent Cloud Rel-19 FS_5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Not Handled -
19.1 S2-2404461 P-CR Approval 23.700-29: KI#2: Sol#14 update to enable roaming agreements. Vodafone Rel-19 FS_5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Revision of S2-2402866 Not Handled -
19.1 S2-2404516 P-CR Approval 23.700-29: TR 23.700-29 KI#2 Solution Update: Performance optimization for the transport of MT/MO S&F traffic. China Mobile Rel-19 FS_5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Revision of S2-2402552 Not Handled -
19.1 S2-2404538 P-CR Approval 23.700-29: KI#2: Updates to solution 13. Samsung Rel-19 FS_5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Revision of S2-2402972 Not Handled -
19.1 S2-2404619 P-CR Approval 23.700-29: KI#2, Sol#26: Update to resolve an EN. LG Electronics Rel-19 FS_5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Not Handled -
19.1 S2-2404705 P-CR Approval 23.700-29: KI#2. New Sol: Support of S&F via CN on-board and attaching/detaching the UE. Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 FS_5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Revision of S2-2402692 Not Handled -
19.1 S2-2404721 P-CR Approval 23.700-29: KI#2: Solution #21 Update to resolve EN. Xiaomi Rel-19 FS_5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Revision of S2-2402790 from SA2#161 Not Handled -
19.1 S2-2404009 P-CR Approval 23.700-29: Sol#24 Update to solve the EN about the UPF selection. China Mobile Rel-19 FS_5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Revision of S2-2401947 Not Handled -
19.1 S2-2404687 P-CR Approval 23.700-29: Update Sol#26 for AF provisioning S&F operation parameters. CATT Rel-19 FS_5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Not Handled -
19.1 S2-2404688 P-CR Approval 23.700-29: Update sol#38 for exposure of additional events for the S&F operation. CATT Rel-19 FS_5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Not Handled -
19.1 S2-2404145 P-CR Approval 23.700-29: KI#2, Updates to solution#39. Vivo Rel-19 FS_5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Not Handled -
19.1 S2-2404560 P-CR Approval 23.700-29: Update Sol#24 to solve the ENs . IPLOOK Rel-19 FS_5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Not Handled -
19.1 - - - KI#1 overall evaluation & conclusion - - - Docs:=15 -
19.1 S2-2405046 DISCUSSION Information Interim Conclusions for KI#1 and #2 (summary of drafting session) CATT Rel-19 FS_5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Created at meeting. Noted in parallel session Noted
19.1 S2-2404138 P-CR Approval 23.700-29: Evaluations on KI#1 support of regenerative payload. Vivo Rel-19 FS_5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Not Handled -
19.1 S2-2404259 P-CR Approval 23.700-29: Evaluation and interim conclusions for KI#1 . Ericsson Rel-19 FS_5GSAT_Ph3 Focus on solutions w/o IWK function
Revised in parallel session to S2-2405068.
19.1 S2-2405068 P-CR Approval 23.700-29: Interim conclusions for KI#1 . Ericsson Rel-19 FS_5GSAT_Ph3 Revision of S2-2404259. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405327. Revised
19.1 S2-2405327 P-CR Approval 23.700-29: Interim conclusions for KI#1 . Ericsson Rel-19 FS_5GSAT_Ph3 Revision of S2-2405068. Noted in parallel session Noted
19.1 S2-2404302 P-CR Approval 23.700-29: FS_5GSAT_ARCH_Ph3 KI#1 Solution Evaluation. OPPO Rel-19 FS_5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Not Handled -
19.1 S2-2404685 P-CR Approval 23.700-29: KI#1: Overall Evaluation. CATT Rel-19 FS_5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Focus only on categorization of solutions
Revised in parallel session to S2-2405071.
19.1 S2-2405071 P-CR Approval 23.700-29: KI#1: Overall Evaluation. CATT Rel-19 FS_5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Revision of S2-2404685. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405620. Revised
19.1 S2-2405620 P-CR Approval 23.700-29: KI#1: Overall Evaluation. CATT Rel-19 FS_5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Revision of S2-2405071. Agreed in parallel session. Block approved Approved
19.1 S2-2404723 P-CR Approval 23.700-29: KI#1: Evaluation and Conclusion. Xiaomi Rel-19 FS_5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Not Handled -
19.1 S2-2404283 P-CR Approval 23.700-29: Conclusions for KI#1 for Regenerative Architecture. Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell Rel-19 FS_5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Not Handled -
19.1 S2-2404413 P-CR Approval 23.700-29: Interim Conclusions for KI#1. Qualcomm Incorporated Rel-19 FS_5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Focus on solutions w/ IWK function
Revised in parallel session to S2-2405069.
19.1 S2-2405069 P-CR Approval 23.700-29: Interim Conclusions for KI#1. Qualcomm Incorporated Rel-19 FS_5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Revision of S2-2404413. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405366. Revised
19.1 S2-2405366 P-CR Approval 23.700-29: Interim Conclusions for KI#1. Qualcomm Incorporated Rel-19 FS_5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Revision of S2-2405069. Noted in parallel session Noted
19.1 S2-2404823 P-CR Approval 23.700-29: KI#1: Evaluation and conclusion. ZTE Rel-19 FS_5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Not Handled -
19.1 - - - LS and General - - - Docs:=18 -
19.1 S2-2403910 LS In Action LS from SA WG3: LS to 3GPP SA WG2 on security of IP transport over satellite transport links SA WG3 (S3-240950) Rel-19 Responses drafted in S2-2404257, S2-2404336, S2-2404418, S2-2404703, S2-2404834. Final response in S2-2405836 Replied to
19.1 S2-2404257 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on security of IP transport over satellite transport links Ericsson Rel-19 FS_5GSAT_Ph3 Response to S2-2403910. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405019. Revised
19.1 S2-2405019 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on security of IP transport over satellite transport links Ericsson Rel-19 FS_5GSAT_Ph3 Revision of S2-2404257. Revised in parallel session to S2-2405624. Revised
19.1 S2-2405624 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on security of IP transport over satellite transport links Ericsson Rel-19 FS_5GSAT_Ph3 Revision of S2-2405019. Agreed in parallel session. Revised to S2-2405836. Revised
19.1 S2-2405836 LS OUT Approval Reply LS on security of IP transport over satellite transport links SA WG2 Rel-19 FS_5GSAT_Ph3 Revision of S2-2405624. This LS OUT was approved Approved
19.1 S2-2404336 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on security of IP transport over satellite transport OPPO Rel-19 Response to S2-2403910 Not Handled -
19.1 S2-2404418 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on security of IP transport over satellite transport links Qualcomm Incorporated Rel-19 FS_5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Response to S2-2403910 Not Handled -
19.1 S2-2404703 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] LS reply on security of IP transport over satellite transport links Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 FS_5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Response to S2-2403910 Not Handled -
19.1 S2-2404834 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on secrity of IP transport over satellite transport links Xiaomi Rel-19 FS_5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Response to S2-2403910 Not Handled -
19.1 S2-2403930 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] LS on Support of Regenerative-based satellite access Intel Rel-19 FS_5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Revision of S2-2402910 Not Handled -
19.1 S2-2404767 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] LS on LI for IMS service in UE-sat-UE communication scenario China Mobile Rel-19 FS_5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Not Handled -