ETSI logo / ftp / TSG_RAN / WG4_Radio / TSGR4_98bis_e / Inbox / Drafts / [98bis-e][303] NR_IAB_RF_Maintenance / Round 2

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icon Draft R4-2106040 Rev R4-2104782 Draft CR for TS 38.174 EVM measurement process.docx 2021/04/19 16:20 73,4 KB
icon Draft R4-2106041 Rev R4-2104783 Draft CR for TR 38.809 EVM measurement process v1.docx 2021/04/19 16:20 39,6 KB
icon draft R4-2106042 (rev of 6306) draft CR to 38.174 - corrections for gerenal and Tx.docx 2021/04/16 14:11 70,7 KB
icon draft R4-2106042 (rev of 6306) draft CR to 38.174 - corrections for gerenal and Tx_Samsung.docx 2021/04/19 5:42 71 KB
icon draft R4-2106042 (rev of 6306) draft CR to 38.174 - corrections for gerenal and Tx_v2.docx 2021/04/19 8:46 73,2 KB
icon draft R4-2106042 (rev of 6306) draft CR to 38.174 - corrections for gerenal and Tx_v2_Samsung.docx 2021/04/19 12:22 67,8 KB
icon draft R4-2106043 (rev of 6307) draft CR to 38.174 - corrections for Rx part.docx 2021/04/16 14:11 68,2 KB
icon Draft R4-2106137 Summary_303_2nd_rnd_v06_CATT_Keysight_NOK.docx 2021/04/20 3:18 88,6 KB
icon Rev R4-2104782 Draft CR for TS 38.174 EVM measurement process.docx 2021/04/15 8:02 73,4 KB
icon Rev R4-2104783 Draft CR for TR 38.809 EVM measurement process v1.docx 2021/04/19 5:36 39,6 KB
icon Rev R4-2104783 Draft CR for TR 38.809 EVM measurement process.docx 2021/04/15 8:03 39,6 KB
icon Summary_303_2nd_rnd_v00.docx 2021/04/15 6:38 84,6 KB
icon Summary_303_2nd_rnd_v01_EAB.docx 2021/04/15 11:47 63,9 KB
icon Summary_303_2nd_rnd_v02_EAB_NOK.docx 2021/04/15 19:33 64,6 KB
icon Summary_303_2nd_rnd_v03_EAB_NOK2.docx 2021/04/16 14:12 65,4 KB
icon Summary_303_2nd_rnd_v04_NOK2_CATT.docx 2021/04/19 5:39 83,3 KB
icon Summary_303_2nd_rnd_v05_CATT_Keysight.docx 2021/04/19 7:50 65,5 KB
icon Summary_303_2nd_rnd_v06_CATT_Keysight_NOK.docx 2021/04/19 8:56 67,1 KB

18 items.