ETSI logo / ftp / TSG_RAN / WG4_Radio / TSGR4_104-e / Inbox / Drafts / [104-e][212] NR_MG_enh2 / CR_core

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icon finalDraft_R4-2214520_revised_R4-2213062 CR - Corrections to Pre-MG.docx 2022/08/24 17:31 117,3 KB
icon Revised R4-2213062 CR - Corrections to Pre-MG.docx 2022/08/23 8:47 117,1 KB
icon revised R4-2213507 CR on pre-MG core maintenance v01_mtk.docx 2022/08/24 11:57 95,1 KB
icon revised R4-2213507 CR on pre-MG core maintenance.docx 2022/08/22 9:49 95,3 KB
icon rev_of_R4-2212077 CR38133 Pre-MG v00.docx 2022/08/23 2:29 34 KB
icon rev_of_R4-2212077 CR38133 Pre-MG v00_final_draft.docx 2022/08/24 16:38 34,1 KB
icon rev_of_R4-2212077 CR38133 Pre-MG v01_final_draft.docx 2022/08/25 5:18 33,5 KB

7 items.