Four Generations of Mobile Standards

5G device certification

5G device certification

Jan 26,2018

January 26, 2018

The Global Certification Forum issued a press release this week, about their initial certification work for 5G devices based on 3GPP Release 15 specifications – for both Non-Stand Alone and Stand Alone 5G NR operation.

The news release details how GCF 5G conformance testing will draw on test cases defined by 3GPP’s RAN5 Working Group, with a new “umbrella Work Item” established to oversee the various areas for which conformance test cases are needed, such as radio reception, transmission and performance; radio resource management (RRM); positioning; radio access protocols; core network protocols and IMS protocols.

The GCF General Manager, Lars Nielsen, said: “This Work Item is an important milestone for GCF, marking the start of our formal participation in 5G. Building on the work of 3GPP, GCF’s focus will be on providing an effective and efficient certification scheme to support the commercial roll-out of 5G devices and services worldwide.”

The full press release is here:


Contact for this article: Kevin FLYNN, Marketing and Communications Officer, 3GPP