Four Generations of Mobile Standards

3GPP active work programme

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The "impact" shows an empirical best-guess of which TSs and TRs are likely to be modified as a result of the WI.

Work Items which have been abandoned are greyed out, and the TSG meeting at which they were abandoned is shown in the final column.

UID code title release lead body completion %
WID TDoc WID history created date last updated remarks abandoned
320005 SAES 3GPP System Architecture Evolution Specification - Evolved Packet System (non RAN aspects) Rel-8 C6, C4, C3, C1, S5, S3, S2, S1 15/06/2012


SP-080132 history 2005/01/31 08/12/2009 Role model for SAE/LTE system wide project management by SA2 in SP-060166
320022 AIPN-SAE ... Requirements for evolution of the 3GPP system architecture Rel-8 S1 12/12/2007


SP-080132 history 2006/06/23 28/07/2010 SP#38 completed
370005 EPS-ComF ... High level and common (for all accesses) functions Rel-8 C4, C3, C1, S3, S2 29/05/2009


SP-080132 history 2007/09/19 28/07/2010 CP#44 completed
350024 SAES-SA-HLF ...... Stage 2 for High level functions Rel-8 S2 02/06/2008


SP-080132 history 2007/03/29 28/07/2010 SP#40 completed
390044 - ...... Stage 2 Security Architecture Rel-8 S3 11/12/2008


SP-080132 history 2008/03/19 28/07/2010 SP#42 completed
340051 - ...... Stage 3 (CT1) for SAE impact on services, network functions and capabilities Rel-8 C1 06/03/2009


CP-080493 history 2006/07/19 28/07/2010 CP#43 completed
340054 - ...... Stage 3 SAE impact on existing capabilities Rel-8 C3 05/12/2008


CP-080772 history 2006/07/19 28/07/2010 CP#42 completed
340062 - ...... Stage 3 (CT4) of SAE impact on existing capabilities Rel-8 C4 06/03/2009


CP-090247 history 2006/07/19 28/07/2010 CP#43 completed
340049 - ...... Stage 2/3 for Network selection procedures Rel-8 C1 05/12/2008


CP-080493 history 2006/07/19 28/07/2010 CP#42 completed
340023 SAES-St3-intwk ...... Stage 3 EPC interworking with external PDNs (SGi) Rel-8 C3 29/05/2009


CP-080772 history 2006/07/19 28/07/2010 CP#44 completed
340022 SAES-St3-PCC ...... Stage 3 PCC within SAE Rel-8 C3 29/05/2009


CP-080576 history 2006/07/19 28/07/2010 CP#44 completed
340028 - ...... Stage 3 for SAE / LTE identities Rel-8 C4 06/03/2009


CP-090247 history 2006/07/19 28/07/2010 CP#43 completed
370017 SAES-DIAM ...... Unified guidelines for Diameter usage within 3GPP Rel-8 C3 05/12/2008


CP-080055 history 2007/09/25 28/07/2010 CP#42 completed
350025 SAES-LTE ... SAE for LTE access Rel-8 C4, C3, C1, S2 06/03/2009


SP-080132 history 2007/03/29 28/07/2010 CP#43 completed
340060 - ...... CT4 Stage 3 for protocol between EPCs Rel-8 C4 06/03/2009


CP-090247 history 2006/07/19 28/07/2010 CP#43 completed
350042 SAES-SA-FP_LTE-GTP ...... SAES-SA-FP_LTE with GTP variant Rel-8 C4, S2 06/03/2009


SP-080132 history 2007/04/26 28/07/2010 CP#43 completed
370006 SAES-SA-FP_LTE-GTP-St2 ......... Stage 2 for SAES-SA-FP_LTE with GTP variant Rel-8 S2 05/06/2008


SP-080132 history 2007/09/19 28/07/2010 SP#40 completed
340055 - ......... CT4 Stage 3 for GTP v2 protocol Rel-8 C4 06/03/2009


CP-090247 history 2006/07/19 28/07/2010 CP#43 completed
350043 SAES-SA-FP_LTE-IETF ...... SAES-SA-FP_LTE with PMIP variant Rel-8 C4, S2 06/03/2009


SP-080132 history 2007/04/26 28/07/2010 CP#43 completed
370007 SAES-SA-FP_LTE-IETF-St2 ......... Stage 2 for SAES-SA-FP_LTE with PMIP variant Rel-8 S2 05/06/2008


SP-080132 history 2007/09/19 28/07/2010 SP#40 completed
370018 - ......... CT4 Stage 3 for PMIP protocol within EPC Rel-8 C4 06/03/2009


CP-090247 history 2006/07/19 28/07/2010 CP#43 completed
410004 - ......... Mobile IPv4 (MIPv4) based Mobility protocols Rel-8 C4 05/12/2008


CP-090247 history 2006/07/19 28/07/2010 CP#42 completed
340020 - ...... Stage 3 for UE Non-Access-Stratum (NAS) mobility procedures in idle and active mode Rel-8 C1 06/03/2009


CP-080493 history 2006/07/19 28/07/2010 CP#43 completed
340050 - ...... Stage 3 for Session management, bearer control and QoS aspects Rel-8 C1 06/03/2009


CP-080493 history 2006/07/19 28/07/2010 CP#43 completed
340053 - ...... Stage 3 for security aspects of LTE Access Rel-8 C1 06/03/2009


CP-080493 history 2006/07/19 28/07/2010 CP#43 completed
340025 - ...... Stage 3 for QoS mechanisms Rel-8 C3 05/12/2008


CP-080576 history 2006/07/19 28/07/2010 CP#42 completed
340026 - ...... Stage 3 for EPC - HSS interface Rel-8 C4 06/03/2009


CP-090247 history 2006/07/19 28/07/2010 CP#43 completed
350026 SAES-SA-FP_3GPP ... SAE for Interoperation between LTE and legacy cellular PS accesses Rel-8 C4, C1, S2 06/03/2009


SP-080132 history 2007/03/29 28/07/2010 CP#43 completed
370008 EPSto2_3G ...... Stage 2 for Interoperation between LTE and 2G/3G Rel-8 S2 18/09/2008


SP-080132 history 2007/09/19 28/07/2010 SP#41 completed
380031 - ...... Stage 3 for Inter-system mobility between E-UTRAN and 2G/3G Rel-8 C1 06/03/2009


CP-080493 history 2007/11/19 28/07/2010 CP#43 completed
340018 SAES-GPRS_LTE ...... Stage 2 GPRS enhancements for LTE access Rel-8 S2 18/09/2008


SP-080132 history 2006/06/23 28/07/2010 SP#41 completed
390008 - ...... Stage 2 GPRS for EPC (23.060, etc.) Rel-8 S2 18/09/2008


SP-080132 history 2007/09/19 28/07/2010 SP#41 completed
340056 - ...... Stage 3 for EPC - GPRS Rel-8 C4 06/03/2009


CP-090247 history 2006/07/19 28/07/2010 CP#43 completed
380032 - ...... Stage 3 for EPC to UTRAN Rel-8 C4 06/03/2009


CP-090247 history 2006/07/19 28/07/2010 CP#43 completed
380033 - ...... Stage 3 for EPC to 3GPP2 Rel-8 C4 06/03/2009


CP-090247 history 2006/07/19 28/07/2010 CP#43 completed
370009 EPStoC2k ...... Stage 2 for Interoperation between LTE and CDMA2000 Rel-8 S2 18/09/2008


SP-080132 history 2007/09/19 28/07/2010 SP#41 completed (except: Handover of multiple PDNs=>Rel-9)
360023 - ...... Stage 3 for Inter-system mobility between E-UTRAN and CDMA2000 Rel-8 C1 06/03/2009


CP-080493 history 2007/09/12 28/07/2010 CP#43 completed
340061 - ...... Stage 3 for MME - SGSN signalling free protocol Rel-8 C4 06/03/2009


CP-090247 history 2006/07/19 28/07/2010 CP#43 completed
350027 SAES-SA-FP_n3GPP ... SAE for support for non-3GPP accesses Rel-8 C4, C1, S3, S2 15/06/2012


SP-080132 history 2007/03/29 28/07/2010 CP#43 completed. SP#39 retained in Rel-8 (in addition to the essential functionality defined in SP-070699). Replaces UID_340037
350044 SAES-SA-FP_n3GPP-HBMob ...... Stage 2 for Host-based Mobility aspects Rel-8 S2 05/06/2008


SP-080132 history 2007/04/26 28/07/2010 SP#40 completed
350045 SAES-SA-FP_n3GPP-NBMob ...... Stage 2 for Network-based Mobility aspects Rel-8 S2 18/09/2008


SP-080132 history 2007/04/26 28/07/2010 SP#41 completed
360022 - ...... Stage 3 for Mobility management based on DSMIPv6 Rel-8 C1 05/12/2008


CP-080493 history 2007/09/12 28/07/2010 CP#42 completed
521011 - ...... (IETF) Stage 3 for Mobility management based on DSMIPv6 (draft-ietf-mip6-hiopt) Rel-8 15/06/2012


CP-080493 history 2011/06/20 09/04/2021 9/4/21: RFC 6610 added;
521012 - ...... (IETF) Stage 3 for Mobility management based on DSMIPv6 (RFC6275) Rel-8 29/07/2011


CP-080493 history 2011/06/20 31/08/2011 SP#53/IETF#81 completed
390009 - ...... Stage 3 for Mobility management based on MIP v4 Rel-8 C1 05/12/2008


CP-080493 history 2008/03/03 28/07/2010 CP#42 completed
380030 - ...... Stage 3 for Inter-system mobility between E-UTRAN and non 3GPP accesses Rel-8 C1 06/03/2009


CP-080493 history 2007/11/19 28/07/2010 CP#43 completed
360019 SAES-SA-FP_n3GPP-OptWIMAX ...... Stage 2 for Optimized Dual-Radio Handover with WiMAX Rel-8 S2 05/06/2008


SP-080132 history 2007/04/26 28/07/2010 SP#40 completed
390045 - ...... Stage 2 Security aspects for non-3GPP Access Rel-8 S3 11/12/2008


SP-080132 history 2008/03/19 28/07/2010 SP#42 completed
370010 - ...... Stage 3 security aspects for DSMIPv6 Access Rel-8 C1 05/12/2008


CP-080493 history 2006/07/19 28/07/2010 CP#42 completed
390172 - ...... Stage 3 security aspects for MIPv4 Access Rel-8 C1 05/12/2008


CP-080493 history 2006/07/19 28/07/2010 CP#42 completed
360021 - ...... Stage 3 for Access to the EPC via non-3GPP access networks Rel-8 C1 06/03/2009


CP-080493 history 2007/09/12 28/07/2010 CP#43 completed
370011 - ...... Stage 3 for interfaces within EPC Rel-8 C4 06/03/2009


CP-090247 history 2007/09/19 28/07/2010 CP#43 completed
340057 - ...... Stage 3 for Interfaces EPC - non-3GPP IP access Rel-8 C4 06/03/2009


CP-090247 history 2006/07/19 28/07/2010 CP#43 completed
521013 - ...... (IETF) Stage 3 for Interfaces EPC - non-3GPP IP access Rel-8 15/06/2012


CP-090247 history 2011/06/20 20/04/2012 CP#56 completed
340058 - ...... Stage 3 for AAA/HSS related Rel-8 C4 05/12/2008


CP-090247 history 2006/07/19 28/07/2010 CP#42 completed
340059 - ...... Stage 3 for EPC - AAA interface Rel-8 C4 05/12/2008


CP-090247 history 2006/07/19 28/07/2010 CP#42 completed
360018 SAES-SA-FP_n3GPP-OptCDMA ...... Deleted (already covered) SAES-SA-FP_n3GPP Optimized Handover with CDMA Rel-8 S2 25/06/2007


history 2007/04/26 24/03/2009 SP#37 stopped SP-37
350030 SAES-SRVCC ... Single Radio Voice Call Continuity for 3GPP (SRVCC) Rel-8 C4, C1, S2 06/03/2009


SP-070949 history 2007/03/29 28/07/2010 CP#43 completed. SP#38 WID approved (extract from SAE WID SP-070817).
350130 - ...... Stage 2 for 2G/3G SRVCC Rel-8 S2 18/09/2008


SP-070949 history 2007/03/29 28/07/2010 SP#41 completed. SP#38 WID approved
410005 - ...... Stage 3 for SRVCC in EPS Rel-8 C1 06/03/2009


CP-080793 history 2008/09/03 28/07/2010 CP#43 completed
410006 - ...... MME to MSC interface for SRVCC Rel-8 C4 06/03/2009


CP-080793 history 2008/09/01 28/07/2010 CP#43 completed
360020 SAES-VCC_1X ... Voice Call Continuity for CDMA2000 1X Rel-8 S2 05/06/2008


SP-080132 history 2007/03/29 28/07/2010 SP#40 completed
350031 SAES-SA_IMS ... SAE impacts on IMS Rel-8 S2 05/06/2008


SP-080132 history 2007/03/29 28/07/2010 SP#40 completed
390036 SAES-CSFB ... CS Fallback in EPS Rel-8 C4, C1, S2 06/03/2009


SP-080097 history 2007/03/29 28/07/2010 CP#43 completed
400001 - ...... Stage 2 for CS Fallback in EPS Rel-8 S2 05/06/2008


SP-080097 history 2007/03/29 28/07/2010 SP#40 completed
400102 - ...... CT1 part of Stage 3 for CS Fallback in EPS Rel-8 C1 06/03/2009


CP-080791 history 2007/03/29 28/07/2010 CP#43 completed
400003 - ...... CT4 part of Stage 3 for CS Fallback in EPS Rel-8 C4 05/12/2008


CP-080791 history 2007/03/29 28/07/2010 CP#42 completed
390039 SAES-IMS_LBO ... System enhancements for the use of IMS services in local breakout Rel-8 S2 05/06/2008


SP-080090 history 2007/10/02 28/07/2010 SP#40 completed
390010 EPC-OAM ... EPC Data Definitions Rel-8 S5 12/03/2009


history 2005/06/17 28/07/2010 SP#43 completed
380037 - ...... EPC Network Resource Model (NRM) Integration Reference Point (IRP) Rel-8 S5 12/03/2009


SP-070737 history 2005/06/17 23/02/2009 SP#43 completed
390011 - ...... Performance measurements for EPC Rel-8 S5 12/03/2009


SP-080061 history 2005/06/17 23/02/2009 SP#43 completed
380038 EPC-CH ... EPC Charging Rel-8 S5 12/03/2009


SP-070736 history 2005/06/17 28/07/2010 SP#43 completed
400104 SAES-DEPS ... Domain Name System Procedures for Evolved Packet System (DEPS) Rel-8 C4 06/03/2009


CP-080280 history 2006/07/19 28/07/2010 CP#43 completed
410007 SAES-MAP2Diam ... InterWorking Function (IWF) between MAP based and Diameter based interfaces Rel-8 C4 06/03/2009


CP-080644 history 2007/11/19 28/07/2010 CP#43 completed. Triggered by UID_380023 (FS_MAP2Diam)
390021 - ... CT6 aspects of SAE Rel-8 C6 03/06/2011


CP-080164 history 2008/03/12 28/07/2010 CP#44 completed core specification
390121 - ...... Core specification for CT6 aspects of SAE Rel-8 C6 29/05/2009


CP-080164 history 2008/03/12 28/07/2010 CP#44 completed (specified Network Measurement Results collection via USAT)
420018 SAES-USIM_LTE-Test ...... Test interworking of LTE Terminals with the USIM Rel-8 C6 10/12/2010


CP-100598 history 2008/12/03 28/11/2010 CP#50 completed. Steering of Roaming test cases have been introduced. Remaining issues CSG display testing (Provide Local Information, Call Control for EPS/PDN, Event Download (Access Technology Change - Multiple Access Technologies)
490015 SAES-ISIM_IMS_Test ...... Test interworking of IP Multimedia Services Identity Module (ISIM) terminals with IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) Rel-8 C6 03/06/2011


CP-100602 history 2010/09/06 18/05/2011 CP#52 completed. Linked to R5 UID_1273 Provisioning of IP-based multimedia services (24.229, 31.103), R8 UID_390021 CT6 aspects of SAE, UID_420018 Test interworking of LTE Terminals with the USIM, R UID_450018 Testing SMS over IMS in E-UTRAN (34.229).
390018 - ... Issues for CT1 TR 24.801 Rel-8 C1 05/12/2008


CP-080068 history 2006/07/19 28/07/2010 CP#43 completed
390019 - ... Issues for CT3 TR 29.804 Rel-8 C3 12/09/2008


CP-080068 history 2006/07/19 28/07/2010 CP#41 completed
390020 - ... Deleted - Issues for CT4 TR 29.803 Rel-8 C4 12/09/2008


CP-080068 history 2006/07/19 24/03/2009 CP#41 Work stopped and continued in Normative specifications CP-41
350029 SAES-SA-FP_LCS ... Deleted (covered by 380068): Functions and procedures for SAE to support LCS Rel-8 S2 03/03/2008


history 2007/03/29 24/03/2009 SP#37 stopped SP-37
350032 SAES-SA-EmCall ... Deleted (covered by 380064): SAE aspects of Emergency Calls Rel-8 S2 03/03/2008


history 2007/03/29 24/03/2009 SP#37 stopped SP-37
340019 SAES-St3 ... Deleted - CT aspects of SAES Rel-8 C4, C1, C3 14/03/2008


CP-060674 history 2006/07/19 24/03/2009 SP#37 stopped SP-37
350019 - ...... Deleted - CT1 aspects of SAES Rel-8 C1 04/09/2007


CP-060674 history 2006/07/19 24/03/2009 SP#37 stopped SP-37
340052 SAES-St3-interop ...... Deleted - Interoperability Rel-8 C1 14/03/2008


CP-060674 history 2006/07/19 24/03/2009 SP#37 stopped SP-37
350020 - ...... Deleted - CT3 aspects of SAES Rel-8 C3 04/09/2007


CP-060675 history 2006/07/19 24/03/2009 SP#37 stopped SP-37
350021 - ...... Deleted - CT4 aspects of SAES Rel-8 C4 04/09/2007


CP-060676 history 2006/07/19 24/03/2009 SP#37 stopped SP-37
340021 SAES-St3-sig ...... Deleted - UE to EPC NAS signalling (incl. MBMS and QoS aspects) Rel-8 C1 14/03/2008


CP-060674 history 2006/07/19 24/03/2009 SP#37 stopped SP-37
340027 SAES-St3-prot ...... Deleted - User and Control plane protocols Rel-8 C4 21/09/2007


CP-060676 history 2006/07/19 24/03/2009 SP#37 stopped SP-37
340037 SAES-non_3GPP ... Deleted - Architecture enhancements for non-3GPP accesses Rel-8 S2 04/09/2007


SP-060926 history 2006/06/23 24/03/2009 SP#34 stopped. Replaced by UID_350027 and its children SP-34
320030 SAES-St2 ... Deleted - Stage 2 of architecture for the 3GPP System Architecture Evolution Rel-8 S2 02/10/2007


SP-060926 history 2006/07/19 24/03/2009 SP#34 stopped. Replaced by UIDs 340018 and 340037. (SP#34 report discussion of SP-060917.) SP-34
350023 SAES-SA ... Deleted - SA aspects of System Architecture Evolution Rel-8 S2 01/10/2007


history 2007/03/29 24/03/2009 SP#34 stopped SP-34